How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 3: abyss

Wang Yu didn't pay attention to Shi Yuan's shock, and was serious about popularizing science.


It is the scariest thing in the world.

70 years ago, that is, in 2170, several abysses appeared out of thin air, within the polar circle, deep in the desert, in the middle of the rainforest... No one knows how they came into being, but they are bottomless and devour everything.

Creatures close to the abyss were alienated, birds grew five or six heads, insects and ants became gigantic, wild wolves could still run with only bones left, and the creatures attacked by them continued to mutate, and the situation was out of control.

The Alliance did its best to fend off the infection, however the pattern of mutations was beyond known science. More and more deadly creatures appeared one after another, human beings were infected, cities fell, and order collapsed. Now only a few cities exist, and a defense line that can be called an iron wall has been built.

All diseases come from the abyss, it is the source of infection, it leads to the end of the world.

People use many words to describe it: aberration, natural disaster, catastrophe... Some people say that we can finally find out by scientific means, some say that this is nature's revenge on human beings, and some say that this is the confirmation of the apocalypse.

No matter how much struggle and counterattack, no matter how much cursing and hatred, the abyss is still there.

Everyone is afraid and helpless.

"It's been a long time, it's been like this since I was born." Wang Yu said, "When I was young, my parents always told me what the world was like before the end of the world, showing me videos, movies, photos, etc., but I I still feel that the 'normal world' is far away." She smiled at Shi Yuan, "You can't even imagine it."

Lu Bafang interjected: "When my dad told me that deer had and should only have four legs, I didn't believe him, saying that he couldn't use his brain well, so he whipped him with a belt. Grandma, every deer I saw had four legs. It looks so random, from 10 legs to no legs, how can you blame me!"

Shi Yuan calmed down and listened silently.

Wang Yu continued: "Of course, the research on the abyss has never stopped. We know that each abyss is an independent individual with a unique infection method. For example, the feature of No. 7 abyss is 'giant', and the creatures infected by it The body size will be magnified by dozens or even hundreds of times. For example, the feature of No. 3 Abyss is "skeletalization", and the feature of No. 4 Abyss is "multiple limbs deformity"-the deer Lu Bafang met is likely to be this kind. We haven’t found out whether there is a connection between the abyss.”

Shi Yuan was unusually quiet.

After a while, he asked: "Then...will someone live beside the abyss?"

"Live?" Wang Yu was a little surprised, "It's unlikely, at least for ordinary people." She paused, "There are only troops stationed there, that is, 'Abyss Watchers'. As the name suggests, they are responsible for observing the abyss People. Ordinary people wish to be as far away from the abyss as possible."

She thought that Shi Yuan would not be interested in this topic, but Shi Yuan suddenly raised her head and asked, "Where can I find the watcher?"

"You want to find someone?" Wang Yu raised her eyebrows.

Shi Yuan hesitated for half a second, then nodded.

Wang Yu asked, "What's his name? Is he still serving?"

Shi Yuan whispered, "I don't know."

Wang Yu was confused: "I don't know? How can I not know. Who is he to you? You must have a general direction, is it a relative or a friend?"

neither. Shi Yuan thought, neither.

He's supposed to be my... watcher.

Afraid that he would not understand, Wang Yu described the horror of the abyss as much as possible.

Little did she know that the young man beside her came from decay, and he was the abyss.

There is a black mist under the abyss, impenetrable and gloomy, and Shi Yuan's consciousness is in that chaotic mist. The world is boring and meaningless, he is alone, he is blind and silent, he dreams long dreams.

I don't know which day it was, a gap cracked in the dark dream, and light seeped in to wake him up.

Shi Yuan saw the blue sky and white clouds, and saw his companion, watcher and watcher.

It was a young man, with handsome eyebrows and slender eyes, looking forward to flying.

The man lived in the observation tower next to the abyss that had been unoccupied for many years, recorded data every day, cleaned up the infected, and monitored the abyss.

The philosopher Nietzsche once said: "When fighting a monster, be careful not to become a monster yourself. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

Leaving aside the philosophy explained in this sentence, there is only one thing true about Shi Yuan: he likes the gaze of humans very much.

After the man came, the lonely abyss was stared at for the first time, and it was very satisfying.

If he's a cat, he'll stick up his tail; if he's a dog, he'll be romping.

But he is neither.

So he just rejoiced silently in the dark. No matter the sun rises and the moon sets, the seasons change, the man always stays by his side.

So ten years.

Until one day, the man disappeared.

Never appeared again.

At first Shi Yuan thought that he would come back soon, but he waited for days, weeks, and months, but he didn't see the man again.

Abyss became sad.

He was too sad, he was so sad that he was deformed, he was so sad that he decided to go back to his human being. So the abyss disappeared the next day, and the boy walked into the distance on the first morning light of the wilderness.

— This is the origin of Shi Yuan.

If there was no Wang Yu, he would not know that there were other abysses, and that it was the abyss that led to the end of the world.

In any case, at least now he understands that his humans are "Abyss Watchers".

The convoy moves on.

During the lunch break, Shi Yuan went to look for Lu Bafang with canned soybeans in tomato sauce. He's still a little scared of the rest of the team, but it's better than before.

Lu Bafang squatted beside the car, confronting a piece of beef jerky that was as hard as iron, gnashing his teeth with a ferocious face.

Shi Yuan squatted beside him and asked, "Has the abyss ever disappeared?"

he asked himself obliquely.

He thinks that humans are very smart, and they will definitely find that an abyss is missing, and he doesn't know his own number—it seems that every abyss has a number.

"Yes!" Sure enough, Lu Bafang slapped his thigh, "Coincidentally, it happened not long ago that the No. 0 abyss disappeared. Do you think it's strange? It's really eye-opening. The place where it was was turned back to flat ground! This incident has caused quite a stir, and everyone has not figured it out until now."

Shi Yuan: "Oh..."

Then he was thoughtful and silent.

Lu Bafang thought that the topic would stop there, and continued to eat beef jerky. Except for the person in charge of vigilance, everyone was eating and sleeping. He sneakily took out the beauty magazine he had hidden under the car mat to admire, and he hadn't read two pages when he suddenly heard Shi Yuan murmur: "I am 0."

"Cough cough cough! Cough cough!" Lu Bafang choked on a mouthful of beef jerky and almost choked to death. He coughed for a long time, and looked at Shi Yuan repeatedly, wondering: "Why, why did you say that suddenly!"

Shi Yuan:?

Lu Bafang: "But to be honest, you don't look like 1..."

Shi Yuan couldn't understand what Lu Bafang said again, and asked, "What 1?"

"Ah." Lu Bafang suddenly realized that his thoughts were dirty, and he probably misunderstood Shi Yuan, "It's nothing, nothing."

Shi Yuan: "Really?"

"Really, come on, come on, you continue to eat, ah, this beef jerky is really delicious."

"Tell me." Shi Yuan looked at Lu Bafang with wide eyes, his tail wagging slightly, "I want to learn."

Lu Bafang: "..."

Who can refuse to be looked at by such eyes!

Lu Bafang: "Ahem, that is, uh, how should I put it, it generally refers to a stronger or powerful person? Probably, I don't know very well." He was vague.

Shi Yuan curled up the tip of his tail in confusion, he didn't ask any further questions, and silently added a stroke to his human study notes.

Lu Bafang breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Yuan ate a few mouthfuls of soybeans, and asked again: "Is there a watcher in Abyss No. 0?"

"Yes." Lu Bafang wondered why the topic came back, "Isn't its watcher the land general?"


"Oh yes, you don't know him." Lu Bafang said, "I mean General Lu Tinghan. He is the only watcher of Abyss No. 0. He was transferred away later, and he is now in the city."

" the city?" Shi Yuan repeated.

"Yes, you will see him soon."

Lu Tinghan.

It turned out that his human name was Lu Tinghan.

And they'll be seeing each other soon!

The good news came too fast, Shi Yuan was so pleasantly surprised that he was still thinking about it until he got in the car. He didn't intend to tell others that Lu Tinghan was the person he was looking for - even he knew that the general was a very important official, and if he said it, it would scare others.

People came back to the car one after another.

The convoy continued on the journey. Wang Yu packed up the medical bottles and cans, and then remembered something: "By the way, Shi Yuan, aren't you looking for someone? I just went to ask a friend. He is in charge of communication. If you If you think of something, you can tell him, and he will find a way to help you find it—he knows a lot of information."

"No need." Shi Yuan said, "Thank you."

Wang Yu was taken aback: "Do you know who to look for? So soon?"

"I know." Shi Yuan thought that Lu Tinghan is so powerful, he must be the 1 in Lu Bafang's mouth, "I want to go to the city, I want to go to the city to find 1."

Wang Yu: "..."

Wang Yu: "..."

She was silent for two seconds: "Shi Yuan, I can't see that you are quite wild."

Lu Bafang wished he could shrink his head back.

Before he could figure out how to save it, he heard a voice from the channel: "There seems to be a survivor 800 meters northwest. The coordinates have been uploaded."

Everyone's communication terminals vibrated, and a location on the map was marked red.

Lu Bafang also looked in that direction and said, "It seems... there are two people."

Wang Yu said, "It's really rare, we were able to save so many people this time."

Three drones flew over, and in the pictures sent back, the earth was withered and yellow as far as the eye could see. A man and a woman stood in the middle of the wasteland and waved vigorously, shouting: "Here! Here! Help us!"

They are all wrapped up tightly, with dust masks, thick coats and hats, cut-resistant gloves, combat pants, and hiking shoes, without revealing any skin—this is a necessary protective measure for those who walk in the wilderness.

The convoy stopped.

A man's voice came from the command channel, and Shi Yuan recognized that it should be that "Captain Cai". The on-board equipment was operating at high speed, thermal imaging cameras, sonar, pollution detectors...all the data showed no abnormalities. Captain Cai gave an order, and the three off-road vehicles left the team and drove towards the survivors.

Shi Yuan also looked in that direction.

He thought to himself, these human beings are pretty good, willing to help their own kind, unlike monsters who often kill each other.

The survivors were still waving, and for some reason, there was a buzzing sound from the ground.

It's getting louder.

Shi Yuan looked at the people around him, Wang Yu, Lu Bafang and the driver didn't react at all, and no one said anything about it in the communication channel. Shi Yuan hesitated, could it be that this is another piece of common sense that he doesn't know?

It was too late when he realized that neither human ears nor instruments could catch the sound.

The ground cracked and the three cars near the survivors were overturned! Several giant tentacles broke through the ground, rolled up the vehicle and lifted it into the air. Everything happened in an instant, the earth shook, and more tentacle poisonous snakes approached from the ground. There was a loud noise as the earth and rock cracked inch by inch, and the channel was filled with the sound of electricity, and someone shouted hoarsely: "Enemy attack!"

The tentacles are bright and bright, like bird feathers, so bright that they look like works of art. They rolled lightly, and the half-ton off-road vehicle was twisted into twists.

Countless bullets penetrated them. They hang limply and shrivel, green blood bleeds from the wound, but new tentacles stick out. The convoy started quickly, the engine roared, and the accelerator was stepped on to the bottom—countless experience has proved that in the face of unfamiliar infected creatures, escaping from its attack range is the best choice.

This convoy has rich experience. The high-speed vehicles maintained their formation. The heavy firepower team was in charge of breaking the rear. The machine guns were set up, and the sky was full of green blood. In the chaos, two more cars overturned, and Shi Yuan staggered on the car, shaking so hard that he couldn't find his way.

The world was extremely noisy, amidst the explosion, Shi Yuan heard the humming sound from the ground again.

It is approaching rapidly.

Before he had time to say a word, the off-road vehicle he was in was overturned—the tentacles missed the body, and barely grazed the door on the right side. The car door flew out like mud, the driver swerved and the car rolled over, so Shi Yuan also flew out.

He thought in the air: I should have worn my seat belt.

The tail gave him a strong balance ability, he adjusted and stretched his body in mid-air, landed softly like a cat, rolled a few times, nothing happened except a pile of mud and dust on his body.

Before he had time to stand up, there was another "bang!"

He turned his head and saw that Lu Bafang was lying not far away with his teeth gritted, obviously the fall was not light.

There was a hail of bullets overhead, Shi Yuan didn't dare to stand up, crawled to Lu Bafang's side, and asked with concern, "Aren't you wearing a seat belt, too?"

Lu Bafang's head was injured, and he didn't understand what Shi Yuan was talking about, otherwise he would definitely complain about which normal person would care about traffic safety now!

When he woke up, he immediately drew his gun and dragged Shi Yuan to the bottom of the nearby slope.

The raised **** shaded them. The convoy had already driven away, and only the broken heavy fire team was far away, forming a loose half-moon formation.

They are singled out.

In this place where there are tentacles attacking at any time.

"Don't make a sound." Lu Bafang said in a breathy voice, with a smear of blood streaming down his forehead. He cautiously looked up—

The tentacles are still waving.

What's weird is that the two survivors also stood in place! They didn't mean to run away, they were even waving.

Shi Yuan also poked his head out.

Before they could see clearly, the survivors... flew up?

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