The old man was very happy.

"Sister, you are not still worried about Xiaotian, are you?" Su Ningxue stared at her in disbelief.

Su Shilan was embarrassed by her question, and finally shook her head and said weakly, "In this case, please ask Master Wuwei to perform another ritual."

Hearing this, Su Ningxue immediately stood up happily, "Okay, then I will go to the master now."

Looking at her back as she left happily, Su Shilan leaned on the bed, watching the clouds outside the window gradually dimming as night fell, and her thoughts gradually became ethereal...

Xiaotian, his disguise is a bit too perfect...

On the other side, Su Ningxue had asked Wuwei to perform the ritual again.

Su Shilan never had a nightmare about Xiaotian again, and Su Rong's health gradually recovered.

Although the industries that Su Shilan had acquired from the Bai family had all encountered accidents, the Su family was large and powerful, and with her day and night management, the stock price of the Su family began to slowly recover.

That night, she attended a charity gala at the International Center according to the schedule given by her assistant.

This gala is held every year by the largest auction house in the International Center, and all the money raised from the auction will be used for charity.

The wealthy nobles of the entire International Center will send people to attend this gala. Every year, Su Shilan, as the representative of the Su family, will bid a collection at a high price.

She entered the gala venue in gorgeous clothes. In the past, when she attended such a gala, as long as she entered the venue, she would be surrounded by the children of various wealthy families, and she would inevitably greet them attentively.

But tonight was very strange. She had been in the venue for half a day, but few people took the initiative to come and talk to her.

The few people who came sporadically were all Su's current partners, and they were not as enthusiastic as usual. They just left in a hurry after a few polite words with her.

She had long been accustomed to being the center of attention at such parties. Suddenly, no one paid attention to her, and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Will any big shots from other families come to the party today?" She turned her head and asked the assistant suspiciously.

Perhaps only the heads of the four major families came in person to make these people ignore her? But before she came, she had not heard that the heads of the four major families would appear tonight?

"Uh..." The assistant hesitated, "No."

Su Shilan was even more confused. Just when she couldn't understand why these people who liked to curry favor with the powerful suddenly changed their temper, she heard a commotion at the door of the party.

"It's Miss Bai!"

"Miss Bai is so beautiful today, like a pearl."

Everyone started talking excitedly. Su Shilan followed their gaze and saw Bai Fuya walking into the banquet hall in a red dress.

"Bai Fuya? Are these people crazy? They are chasing her?" Su Shilan was puzzled. In her opinion, the Bai family should be on the verge of bankruptcy under her pressure at this moment.

Unless these people wanted to take advantage of the Bai family's impending bankruptcy to marry Bai Fuya home, she really couldn't think of any other reason why she was so popular.

However, as soon as she had this idea, she saw her family's partners also approached Bai Fuya and tried to get close to her. They looked very flattering, as if they wanted something from Bai Fuya.

But before she could figure out what was going on, she saw Chen Wanqiu also walking into the banquet hall with Su Ming in her arms.

She and Bai Fuya stood together, talking and laughing, and more and more people gathered around them.

Su Shilan was far away, but she could still hear the whispers of the people around her.

"That must be Chen Wanqiu, right? It is said that she is very good at gambling on stones, and she is an expert among experts."

"More than an expert, she just came to the International Center half a month ago, and now her net worth is said to be close to 100 million thanks to gambling on stones."

"I heard that the eyes of such gambling stone masters are naturally spiritual, and they are completely different from ordinary people like us."

"That's for sure. Look, after Miss Bai and Chen Wanqiu became friends, which industry of the Bai family is not flourishing."

Hearing the discussions of the crowd, Su Shilan became more and more confused, and could only turn to look at the assistant and ask, "They said that the Bai family's business is flourishing, what does this mean?"

The assistant could only quietly tell Su Shilan about the various adventures and objections of the Bai family recently.

"Miss, you have been too busy recently, you should

I haven't noticed that the stock price of the Bai family has far exceeded that of the Su family. "

Su Shilan was shocked. She couldn't believe it and picked up her phone to search for various news about the Bai family. The revival of each of the Bai family's industries is an opportunity that is almost impossible to encounter in the business world.

A successful businessman may only be able to seize such an opportunity once in his life.

How could the Bai family suddenly hit the jackpot?

Could it be...

She raised her head and her eyes fell on Su Ming in Chen Wanqiu's arms.

Is it because the Bai family protected Su Ming, so they were infected with Su Ming's good luck?

It seems that Su Ming and Xiao Ming are really not the same person. Xiao Ming is a living dead star.

Su Shilan regretted it unspeakably. If she hadn't sold Su Ming and Su Lingmeng to the club so arbitrarily and drove Chen Wanqiu away, it would be the Su family that is prosperous now.

Looking at Bai Fuya surrounded by people, with a smug look on her face, she felt unhappy.

I don't know if she noticed her Bai Fuya suddenly turned her head and looked over.

Their eyes suddenly collided in mid-air, and Su Shilan's face froze, but Bai Fuya deliberately showed her a bright smile.


This was a naked mockery of her!

Su Shilan was angry. She had been in the business world for so many years, and she had never been humiliated like this!

At this moment, she forgot that she had acquired the land of the Bai family half a month ago, and her smile was much more arrogant than Bai Fuya's at this moment.

In terms of business ability, how could Bai Fuya, a fledgling little girl, be her opponent?

Just because she had a little bit of Su Ming's luck, she dared to be so arrogant!

If Su Ming was in the Su family...

Thinking of this, her thoughts suddenly paused.

Yes, Su Ming, shouldn't he be in the Su family?

She was happy in her heart, walked slowly to Chen Wanqiu, and said sincerely, "Aunt Chen, long time no see. "

Chen Wanqiu was chatting with someone around her. When she saw her, she immediately hugged Su Ming tightly and looked at her warily, "What do you want to do now?"

"You misunderstood. I came here specifically to ask you to bring Su Ming back to the Su family. Our whole family misses you very much." Su Shilan suppressed her dissatisfaction and tried to squeeze out a sincere smile.

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