The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Where are you going?" Bai Fuya hurriedly stopped them and asked unhappily.

The man who was originally ranked first turned around tremblingly, and even his voice was trembling, "Miss Bai, we are here to apply for bodyguards, not to risk our lives. Lin Yang just went in for a while and came out foaming at the mouth. Who knows what you did to him."

Bai Fuya was speechless for a while, "Being a bodyguard means that you should regard the employer's life as more important than your own life. If you are so afraid of death, you will not come to apply again. Get out!"

As soon as these words came out, a large group of men left without looking back, and only a few men with relatively average rankings stayed where they were.

"You are not leaving?" Chen Wanqiu asked curiously.

"A bunch of cowards, if we were afraid of death, we wouldn't have come to apply for the Bai family's bodyguards." A man said seriously.

The bodyguards of the four major families in the International Center are really likely to encounter life-threatening situations. They had already prepared themselves mentally before coming to the Bai family.

Chen Wanqiu was very satisfied with these people and immediately asked, "Are you all willing to be my bodyguards now?"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"Very good, you are all hired." Chen Wanqiu nodded and said loudly.

Hearing this, a man couldn't help but smile happily, "I thought that with my strength, I should have no chance to be selected, but I didn't expect that some people were so useless that they gave me a chance."

"Yes, the men who ranked high before also huddled together to exclude us and mocked us for our lack of strength. I think they are all paper tigers." Another man also said happily.

Chen Wanqiu then realized that these people had recently applied for bodyguards together, and they were all excluded by those who were strong.

This time, by chance, Lin Yang helped him test out a group of truly courageous bodyguards.

If they are not strong enough, they can be improved. If they do not have the courage to risk their lives, they are not worthy of protecting her and Xiao Ming's safety.

The group of men who left first were walking on the road and complaining to each other.

"This Chen Wanqiu is so scary. She doesn't choose people based on their strength, but looks."

"Look at that Lin Yang. I don't know how Chen Wanqiu tortured him. He actually foamed at the mouth."

"That's too scary. We want to find a good job, but we can't risk our lives."

"That's right. I guess Lin Yang won't survive. It's too pitiful. He is so young, and he is..."

The man was halfway through his speech when he saw several people coming towards him. He was suddenly stunned and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "Huh? Why does it seem to be Lin Yang?"

The few people who were originally laughing were stunned.

After a closer look, they found that the people walking towards them were indeed the bodyguards around Lin Yang and Bai Fuya.

And at this moment, Lin Yang looked very energetic and seemed to be fine.

"He, he, he, he is not..." Several people stuttered instantly.

Just now, Lin Yang, who was carried to the hospital, suddenly woke up, and the bodyguards who were going to take him to the hospital were shocked.

Lin Yang didn't know what happened at all. He only knew that after the doctor gave him an injection, he felt a sharp pain and fainted directly. When he woke up again, his leg injury had recovered, and he was carried by several friends.

Several friends were very happy to see that he was not only fine, but also had a healed leg injury.

They were walking back with laughter, ready to thank Chen Wanqiu, when they saw these men who came to apply for the job.

"Why are you like this? Is the application over?" Lin Yang didn't know what happened yet, and greeted them curiously.

"" The leading man looked him up and down, not knowing what to say.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yang was even more confused, "What's wrong with me? If you have anything to say, just say it openly."

The man wanted to cry but had no tears, "Didn't you just foam at the mouth? How come you are fine now?"

"Just now, that should be the normal reaction after Miss Chen asked someone to give me acupuncture. Not only am I fine now, but even my old injury has recovered. Miss Chen is really amazing." The leg injury that had plagued Lin Yang for many years was suddenly cured. He was in a good mood and told the man happily.

Hearing this, the men collapsed immediately.

I didn't expect that Chen Wanqiu was treating Lin Yang, and she really cured his leg injury. It seems that Chen Wanqiu's medical skills must be very good.

"You are fine

Why didn't you tell me earlier!" These people wailed in pain.

Lin Yang scratched his head, "Wasn't I still unconscious just now? What can I say?"

"Lin Yang, don't worry about them, let's go back first, Miss Chen is still waiting for us." Lin Yang's friend patted his shoulder and urged.

Looking at the backs of the people leaving, these men who left early really wanted to cry but had no place to cry, they could only stare at each other in silence.

Lin Yang and others had already rushed back quickly, and saw Chen Wanqiu talking about the precautions with the newly recruited bodyguards in the yard. He could no longer suppress his excitement, rushed up to Chen Wanqiu and knelt down directly, knocking his head heavily.

"Miss Chen, you cured my leg and gave me a second life. From now on, I will do my best for you until I die."

He was so big that he scared Chen Wanqiu.

"Get up first. "She helped Lin Yang up, "Since you are so determined, why don't you become the captain of the bodyguard team."

When the other bodyguards heard this, they were a little unconvinced, "Miss Chen, Lin Yang was ranked last in the competition just now, why can he be the captain?"

"Yes, we are not happy to let him be the captain."

Chen Wanqiu smiled knowingly, "Since you are not convinced, you can compete with Lin Yang. Only those who can beat Lin Yang can become the captain. Lin Yang, do you have any objection?"

"No objection." Lin Yang immediately smiled and rubbed his fists.

Immediately, a bodyguard stood up first, "Then I won't be polite."

The next second, he kicked Lin Yang to the ground, and he couldn't even get up.

"Who else is coming? "Lin Yang asked casually with a relaxed smile.

Another bodyguard was still unconvinced and stood up again, but was still kicked away by Lin Yang mercilessly.

The next few people had the same ending, and no one could even touch Lin Yang's body.

"Don't just stand there, come on together." Lin Yang gradually regained his confidence as the number one mercenary, and said cheerfully.

When he said this, everyone dared not come forward, and looked at him with awe.

The bodyguard who was first knocked away by him climbed up with difficulty and asked in confusion: "How did your strength suddenly improve so much?"

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