Chapter 29. Training


At that moment, Kim Dojin didn’t miss the exposure of the “King Thorn Magasari’s” core.

Kim Dojin signaled Ryuujin, aimed the rock spear, and ordered the shot at the right moment.


Ryuujin, who had been pulling back, suddenly sprung forward like an arrow released from a bowstring.

– Taeang!

Naturally, the rock spear that had been launched at tremendous speed hit the core of the “King Thorn Magasari” right in the center.

– Fwahak!

Shattering the weakened shield due to unleashing new baby Magasaris, the massive rock spear pierced straight through the core of the “King Thorn Magasari.”


With its core destroyed, the “King Thorn Magasari” let out a short scream and perished.

– Kuwoong!

In an instant, its body collapsed, signaling the end of the trial.

Once again, the result was nearly perfect.

* * *

“Wow! What was that just now?”

Hong Hyun-hwa exclaimed, turning to Ryu Jin.

Just moments ago, he had stretched his body like a bowstring to launch the stone spear.

Perhaps it looked somewhat ridiculous, as Ryu Jin himself might have thought.

Yet, thanks to that, he had delivered a powerful strike, and Kim Do-jin believed there was no need for embarrassment.

“Ah, um….”

Of course, that was Kim Do-jin’s thought, while Ryu Jin blushed, avoiding the question.

But then.

“That’s amazing! You have incredible abilities, don’t you!?”

Hong Hyun-hwa clapped her hands, showing an enthusiastic reaction.


Ryu Jin was taken aback by the unexpected response, but soon broke into a wide smile, scratching his head.

In truth, he had refrained from using his ‘rubber’ superpower during the previous obstacle course, fearing he might lose popularity with the girls.

Yet now, Hong Hyun-hwa was reacting with genuine admiration, not finding it silly at all, and he felt elated.

‘From now on, I’ll make better use of my rubber powers.’

As Kim Do-jin pondered this, he subtly turned his gaze to Yoon Yu-na.

And just then.


Coincidentally, Yoon Yu-na also turned her head to look at Kim Do-jin.


The coincidental eye contact ended swiftly as Kim Do-jin turned his head away first.

‘It seemed like Yoon Yu-na had been the one to look away first before…’

Kim Do-jin felt a twinge of concern about Yoon Yu-na’s changed demeanor, but his stance remained unchanged.

He intended to help Yoon Yu-na, the daughter of his benefactor, but since she disliked this possessed version of Kim Do-jin, he planned to keep his distance and support her from behind.

However, Yoon Yu-na’s position had shifted slightly.

It was due to the incident that had occurred just the night before.

‘Could she really be a different person?’

Yoon Yu-na stared at the awkwardly averted gaze of Kim Do-jin with a puzzled expression for a while.

* * *

That evening.

Kim Do-jin headed to the training ground after finishing his meal.

He sought to test the newly acquired powers in a broader space, examining them closely in the mirror.

‘Everyone’s so diligent.’

He passed by countless students who had come to the training ground for self-improvement even after school.

– Clunk.

At last, he opened the door to the private training room tucked away in the far corner of the facility.

‘Looks like it’s not crowded here.’

Fortunately, the room was empty, and Kim Do-jin quickly positioned himself in the center of the training area.

With one wall entirely made of mirrors, it was the perfect environment to test his ‘Mana Veil’ ability.

‘Let’s see…’

He cautiously stepped back, pressing his body against the wall, and soon unfurled the Mana Veil.

– Whoosh!

A thin spray of mana radiated outward, draping the front like a curtain.

Slowly, it began to tint the wall behind him in shades of gray.

As time passed.


Kim Do-jin’s figure was completely obscured by the gray mana veil, rendering him invisible.

‘This is quite a handy ability for camouflage.’

Though he could see through the veil as if looking through transparent glass, those on the other side could not catch a glimpse of him.

“Well, I’m not sure how often I’ll actually use it.”

He muttered to himself, preparing to retract the Mana Veil.

But just then.

– Clunk.

Suddenly, the training room door swung open, and someone trudged in.

‘Oh no! Did I forget to lock the door?’

Kim Do-jin panicked, glancing through the mirror to see who had intruded.

‘Yoon Yu-na!?’

Coincidentally, the figure was none other than Yoon Yu-na.

‘This is something…’

It would have been wise to lower the mana veil and reveal himself, but lost in thought, Kim Do-jin missed his chance.

– Pop!

Yoon Yu-na, checking if the door was properly locked, had suddenly used her teleportation ability.


Kim Do-jin nearly let out a gasp.

How could he not be startled when Yoon Yu-na’s naked form suddenly appeared before him?


It was a situation he had never even imagined.

In his flustered state, he held his breath, frozen in place, while Yoon Yu-na, oblivious to his presence, continued to practice her teleportation.

She would put on her clothes, attempt to teleport, and end up naked again.

Put on her clothes, attempt to teleport, and end up naked again.

How many times had she repeated this?

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“Haah… I’m making no progress at all…”

Yoon Yu-na plopped down, exhaling a sigh.

It was said that the better the ability, the harder it was to control, but the lack of progress was undeniably frustrating.

“No way. Let’s keep going!”

Suddenly, Yoon Yu-na, looking utterly defeated, slapped her cheeks and stood up, diving back into her training.

Meanwhile, hidden behind the mana veil, Kim Do-jin was deep in thought.

‘What should I do now?’

He was caught in a serious dilemma.

In truth, he had intended to pretend he wasn’t there until the end.

If he said nothing, it could be as if he hadn’t existed at all from Yoon Yu-na’s perspective.

Of course, he felt guilty for having seen her naked, but it hadn’t been intentional, and perhaps it was better for Yoon Yu-na to remain unaware.

But the problem was… Yoon Yu-na was training far too diligently.

‘Couldn’t she just finish up and go? How long is she planning to keep this up…?’

Maintaining the mana veil required magical energy.

Kim Do-jin felt a growing anxiety as he sensed the mana within him slowly dwindling.

‘…This is really bad, isn’t it?’

The lack of any sign of her stopping was no mere illusion.

Kim Do-jin stood pressed against the wall, praying for the training to end, but alas, that prayer went unanswered.

– Sizzle… sizzle…….

Eventually, the mana within him ran dry, and the mana veil that had obscured his vision flickered like a dying fluorescent light.

– Pop!

And then, it vanished entirely.

In the very next moment.


Yoon Yu-na froze, her movements halted as our eyes met through the mirror.

“Ha ha…….”

Kim Do-jin forced an awkward smile, attempting to walk out nonchalantly as a last resort.

“You, you……!”

Of course, it ended in failure.

Yoon Yu-na’s face flushed a deep red, as if it might burst from shock, and she began to unleash her fury upon Kim Do-jin.

“You perverted stalker! You followed me and watched me in secret!?”

Yoon Yu-na shouted, her body curled in a defensive posture.

In response, Kim Do-jin hurriedly waved his hands in a flustered attempt to explain.

“Ah, no! It’s true that I saw you, but I absolutely did not follow you on purpose!”

While he hadn’t followed her, the fact remained that he had indeed watched her.

Such a half-hearted explanation was hardly enough to quell Yoon Yu-na’s outrage.

“Don’t look at me!”

Yoon Yu-na had just finished teleporting, leaving her clad in nothing but the air around her.

Though Kim Do-jin had already closed his eyes, he raised a hand to cover them, scrambling to grab Yoon Yu-na’s clothes that lay nearby.

He tossed them to the spot he had memorized, and soon enough, Yoon Yu-na snatched them up, hastily dressing herself.


Time passed, a tense silence hanging in the air.

“So, it’s true that you watched me. Just when did this start…?”

Finally clothed, Yoon Yu-na spoke, her voice still trembling with a mix of shame and anger.


By now, tears glistened in her eyes, a blend of humiliation and fury, and Kim Do-jin’s embarrassment only deepened as he finally opened his eyes to see her.

“No, it’s not what you think….”

In such a case, the only answer was to confess without pretense.

Kim Do-jin had entered first, practicing his mana veil abilities, and by mistake, he hadn’t locked the door, allowing you to walk in.

He should have revealed himself then, but the sudden teleportation had caused him to miss his moment, and he explained the whole situation.


Even after laying bare all the facts, Yoon Yu-na’s anger, of course, did not dissipate.

“I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean to.”

Kim Do-jin’s final apology felt sincere, and it wasn’t entirely incomprehensible how things had come to this.

Yet, even so, it remained an undeniable truth that Kim Do-jin had seen her naked.


Once again, shame surged within Yoon Yu-na, and she shouted, forcefully shooing Kim Do-jin away.

“Enough! Just get out!”

In truth, she had been secretly waiting for this.

As soon as he heard her words, Kim Do-jin fled, almost as if in a panic.

Only the repeated apologies lingered in the air.

– Click!

At last, the door closed, leaving Yoon Yu-na alone in the training room.


Still unable to quell her anger, Yoon Yu-na covered her face with her hands.


Slowly, she lifted her gaze to the mirror.

It was an accident, yet for the first time in her life, she had shown her nakedness to a man—how was she to process that it was Kim Do-jin?

“Kim Do-jin….”

Perhaps, had it been a few weeks ago, she would have felt even more devastated, questioning why it had to be him.

But now, her thoughts had shifted slightly.

Yoon Yu-na had begun to wonder if she had misunderstood something about Kim Do-jin.

There was the incident not long ago when a few girls had spoken ill of him, and Im So-hee had defended him; the way his gaze and actions had subtly changed…

And above all, the nagging feeling that the masked hero who had saved her the other evening might be Kim Do-jin lingered in her mind.

‘If he were truly the person I had come to know, he would have flaunted his rescue, perhaps even made some unpleasant demands in return. Yet… instead, he hides his identity… Why is that? No, why did he conceal his true abilities and act like a slacker, a troublemaker, a delinquent in the first place…?’

With each passing moment, Yoon Yu-na found herself increasingly bewildered by Kim Do-jin’s contradictory behavior.


A person whose goodness or wickedness is utterly inscrutable.

– Thud!

Yun Yuna, feeling a surge of frustration, struck the innocent floor with her foot several times.

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