How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 503 Traitor

Yunshang is not a real child, and Bai Yancheng has never kept secrets from her about major family events in these years, which also makes Yunshang's vision and knowledge far exceed those of her peers.

After the old man said these words, Yun Chang could guess the old man's purpose after thinking about it for a while.

She didn't feel that the old man was partial to the eldest brother, and only thought about the eldest brother when something good happened. After all, her eldest brother is still a student. Even if the old man wanted to make plans for his eldest brother, he had to wait for him to graduate first.

After receiving the certificate and the long-awaited calligraphy, Yunshang was so excited that he couldn't sleep that night, and he was full of energy. He wished he could find out the Yu family immediately and eradicate this nest of cancer for the organization.

After staying up until one o'clock in the middle of the night, Yunshang used the space to quietly move outside the courtyard, moved out of the car in the space, and galloped all the way to the courtyard that he had visited during the day.

The alley at night was quieter than during the day, Yunshang avoided the street lights and got into the alley, stuck to the wall, and soon stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

The people in the room were already asleep. To ensure safety, Yun Shang still took out the ether spray and sprayed it several times on the room.

Ten seconds later, Yunshang tapped on the window lightly, hearing that the room was still quiet, Yunshang immediately took out the flashlight and used the space to enter the basement.

The basement is not big, and the walls are plastered with cement. There are two rows of shelves against the wall in the innermost part. The tops are at different heights. There are several jade statues of Bodhisattvas and several wooden boxes the size of basketballs. On the top few floors, more than a dozen jewelry boxes that look old have been placed side by side.

There were several wooden boxes on the ground in front of the shelf, which were not locked. Yun Chang opened the nearest box and saw that there were bronze wares wrapped in cotton wool and old newspapers. Then I opened the box next to it and saw that there were carefully packed porcelain, calligraphy and paintings inside.

Yunshang doesn't know much about cultural relics, let alone the origin of these things in the box, but seeing these precious cultural relics packed one by one and put them in the box, Yunshang also knows in her heart that these cultural relics are either collected by the Yu family, Either it has been packed and is ready to look for opportunities to sell.

These beasts!

Yun Shang was so angry that her hands were shaking.

In another world, in order to recover the national treasures scattered all over the world, the country has spent a lot of manpower, material resources and money in the past few decades before enduring the humiliation and inviting those treasures back to the country one by one.

During this period, both the state and the patriotic businessmen of the people have been making unremitting efforts for the return of national treasures for a long time.

But even so, there are still many treasures belonging to the country that are left outside and cannot be recovered.

For Chinese people, those lost outside are not only treasures, but also the face and dignity of the country.

But now people from the Yu family dare to sell treasures belonging to the country for profit. How is this behavior different from treason?

Calling a traitor is light, and this kind of behavior cannot be described as a sinner through the ages.

Yun Chang held back her anger, and opened the boxes next to her one by one. Looking at the packed precious cultural relics in several boxes, her heart was numb with anger.

Throwing the flashlight into the space, he took five or six desk lamps from the space in one breath, and placed them in every corner of the basement, illuminating the entire space as bright as day.

Yun Shang took out the camera again, pointed at the box, and took pictures one by one carefully.

After taking pictures of the cultural relics on the ground, Yunshang went to the shelf again, opened the small boxes on the shelf one by one, and the camera went over again to take pictures of them all.

Among the small boxes on the shelf, there are four boxes full of gold. Yunshang estimated the weight. The gold adds up to a hundred catties. In the jewelry boxes above, each box is filled with jewelry and jade. The value is immeasurable.

Yun Shang still found what she was looking for in the bottom box - the ledger!

There are several thick stacks of accounts, including the account books that record the number of times the Yu family sold cultural relics, the stolen money, and the distribution of the stolen goods, and the account books of the Yu family's usury, which clearly recorded the lender's information, the amount of loans, and The information of the borrower, and some IOUs printed when borrowing money.

Yun Chang glanced around, and there were more than 300 people involved through Yu's family, and the scope was centered on the capital city and penetrated into three or four surrounding provinces and cities.

This also means that in several surrounding provinces and cities, people from the Yu family are also engaged in usury and selling cultural relics.

Yunshang took pictures of all the contents on the ledger, put the ledger back, restored the basement to its original state, and finally took out the miniature camera that had been prepared earlier, and hid it in the corner of the shelf.

Even if the basement is as bright as daylight under the illumination of the desk lamp, if you don't pay attention to it, it is difficult to see that there is something extra in the corner of the shelf.

The boxes on the ground are full of packed cultural relics. If there is no accident, the Yu family will definitely transport these things out in the near future. As long as the camera can capture the images of the Yu family entering and leaving the basement, it can prove that the things in the basement are all from the Yu family. It's not that someone is framing the Yu family.

At that time, this gang of traitors will be waiting in line to be shot!

After leaving the basement, Yunshang looked around the dark courtyard, thought for a while, then took out a video camera and secretly placed it under the eaves of the main house, so that no matter who entered or exited the courtyard, the video camera could record it.

Back in the courtyard, Yun Chang didn't care about taking a break, and went into the space to print out the photos overnight.

Worried that people would see his flaws, he also washed all the photos into black and white photos.


For the next few days, Yunshang would sneak to the courtyard to take a look every night, for fear of missing the evidence of Yu's family committing crimes.

It's like a hunter who is dormant secretly, waiting for the prey to take the bait with extreme patience and tolerance.

A week later, when Yun Shang suspected that her guess was wrong, the Yu family finally dispatched.

The camera under the eaves clearly captured Yu Min, the eldest son of the Yu family, the father and son, and the eldest son of the second family entering the courtyard, and these people came here in the name of visiting relatives.

With a gift in his hand, before entering the door, he deliberately chatted with the man who lived in the courtyard for a long time at the door, and came in only after he had done enough of the scene of visiting relatives.

After entering the courtyard, Yu Min and the boss of the Yu family were chatting with the man in the yard. Several grandchildren quickly opened the gift, revealing the tightly wrapped cultural relics inside. Under the cover of the voices of the people in the courtyard, they opened the entrance to the basement. , Hid the cultural relics in it.

During the period, Yu Min and the boss of the Yu family also went into the basement to look around. They also opened the ledger and took away a few IOUs.

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