How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 143: night attack

On the hill opposite the city gate of Surdun, a temporary camp occupies a flat high place, and Sanur's army has been stationed here for three days.

As a nomadic group living in the highland grasslands, it is their daily life mode to pursue the prey and the most abundant aquatic plants to migrate and set up camps everywhere on the route.

Staying on the hillsides of Solanchia did not make these alien soldiers feel unaccustomed, rather it made them more comfortable.

"It's more comfortable than staying in Stone Town, winding around the streets and alleys, and my horses have nowhere to run."

A Sanur soldier in charge of vigilance said, nibbled on the dry food cake brought from the city of Tigbia, and said with disgust: "The food is also dry and has no meat taste. Didn't the Lan people raise a lot of old guys and women? They just feel wronged to eat this stuff."

His companion rolled his eyes: "It's good to have something to eat, but the meat should be eaten sparingly, what are you complaining about?"

Another soldier laughed: "I think he is greedy!"

"Are you greedy for women? Hahaha."

These guard soldiers have the same characteristics, tall and unkempt, they laughed loudly and continued to eat the tasteless dry food cake.

After a while, one of them suddenly put his hand in front of his eyes, squinted and looked at Seton City, wondering: "What are those Solan people doing?"

Several other people followed the direction of his fingers and saw a group of ant-like figures appear under the wall of Seton, spreading out by the wall, not knowing what they were doing.

"Ditching trenches, erecting low walls? Anyway, they are all tricks to defend in the city."

"Would you like to report the adults?"

"Of course, you wait, I'll go."

The first soldier to be found stood up and ran quickly to the center of the camp. The tents here are all the same, making it difficult to tell which one belongs to the army leader.

The soldier can't be identified either, but he doesn't need to find the leader, he just needs to tell Shangfeng who handles the intelligence.

The superior in charge of the intelligence confirmed that it was true, and he went to the camp to take a look before rushing back to the central tent and reporting what he saw and heard to the people sitting in the tent.

"It seems that I'm really in a hurry to build temporary fortifications at this time. I'll focus on defense during this time."

This man turned around, but it was not King Sanur who had been leading the main army, but a burly young man, his appearance was somewhat similar to King Sanur, Just not that bushy beard.

The general bowed his head: "I think so too, Your Highness."

"Imagine their panic and fear, and I feel happy." The young man who was called His Highness regretted, "It's a pity that there are not enough people now, and I will lose in the past. I don't want to lose."

"We can wait for the king's order, I believe it won't be long."

"I also believe that my father will not let me wait." The young man said arrogantly, "Go down."

In fact, it was this young man who had the highest status in this camp at this time, and King Sanur, who was supposed to be in the camp and was always ready to attack Seton City, had already brought a large number of troops Quietly leave and go to the other side.

And those cowardly Solans, who were so frightened that the city gates closed, secretly sent people out to fiddle with simple obstacles.

Young is the youngest of King Sanur's sons.

He fiddled with the machete boredly, snickering and complacent for his own brain; at the same time, he regretted not being able to attack the city immediately, so that more Sorans would fall under his sword.

As for the situation where the Solans took the initiative to call, the youngest son of King Sanur never even thought about it.

Prince Sanur slept soundly in the tent that night.

There are soldiers guarding it.

When the night is darkest and thickest, the moonlight is also hidden behind the clouds.

Some of the soldiers guarding a trail yawned, like contagious, yawning sound one after another.

They are not worried about the alertness of themselves and their companions. As a tribe growing in the highlands and wandering in the wilderness, every Sanur warrior has been riding a horse and playing with a knife since he can walk. Living a peaceful life, they are as alert as sentinels in a pack of wolves.

However, in the darkness, arrows shot down like meteors, and the thin sound of arrows breaking through the air connected into one piece, pierced into their flesh, and penetrated their throats and chests.

Someone was not shot, and could barely stand, shivering to pick up the whistle hanging on his chest, and it was about to blow.

The next moment, a sharp knife flashed by and cut his throat.

The last sentinel fell.

Under the darkness, Eleuil in light armor stood up from the lush grass, and there were also several archers hiding nearby.

The stalker who killed the last Sentinel began to fill up one by one, and after confirming that no one survived, Eleuil gestured not far away.

An elite cavalry team emerged from the woods behind. Their hooves were wrapped in soft cloth. The speed was not fast, but the movement was very small.

Eleuil whispered: "Very good."

The princess turned on her horse and led the light cavalry to march in a silent and orderly manner, heading straight for the Sanur camp.

There is no doubt that this was a planned night raid.

Passively waiting for the enemy to attack the city when there are other options is almost impossible for Eleuil.

What's more, Sanur has just attacked a city, and if he doesn't retaliate, he really thinks Solancia is easy to bully.

During the day, Eleuil also thought about the possibility of leading the enemy to war, but the conclusion was unrealistic.

Sanur was stationed in the north-northwest direction, facing the wind against his side, and the camp was on a high terrain. In comparison, the Seton City army was at a natural disadvantage.

A combination of various factors, only the night attack is the most feasible.

Eleuil has never been a sloppy character. After observing the basic confirmation situation for a day, he led the team to raid that night.

I originally planned to burn food and armaments, but...

Looking at the edge of the camp, which was obviously a perfunctory, almost just a tent, the princess narrowed her eyes.


The strength of the Sanur military camp may not be as many as it seems.

"...Is that so?" Eleuil whispered, a few short words, even if the cavalry behind him heard it, they would only think it was meaningless talking to himself .

But another inaudible answer followed.

"Yes, there is no one inside. There are many tents like this." Luo Tusi's cool voice paused, "To be precise, there are all around here."

Eleuil: "I see."

Her mind turned sharply, and the corners of her lips raised a faint smile: "Then let's see."

The stalker carried a cowhide bag full of oil with him, and walked carefully between the tents. The night and the shadow of the tent were the best cover. She touched the place where the food and grass were stored.

The flint brushed, sparks splashed, grease splashed.

The wind helped the fire, and the grain and grass piles were instantly ignited.

Soldiers patrolling nearby rushed over immediately and hurriedly tried to put out the flames.

But it's not over yet, the cavalry who raided no longer concealed the movement, they galloped through the camp, and at the same time poured oil bags on the camp tents along the way and set them on fire.

The cloth used to hide people's eyes and ears was used to build a shelf. At this time, it became the fastest burning thing, and the flames rose to brighten the camp.

According to the plan, you can kill them at this time, and kill as many Sanur soldiers as you can along the way. Every time you kill one more, you will earn money.

However, Eleuil looked at the center of the camp, and was reflected in the eyes of the fire that was blown by the wind. She seemed to be in a trance, and she seemed to be evaluating the measure.

Lerna was also a member of the night attack. She cut down the enemy who had just emerged from the tent, and turned back and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty?"

"They didn't prepare much, and people didn't expect as many people." Eleuil spoke very quickly, "It would be a waste of opportunity to evacuate like this."

After speaking, the princess increased her volume and said in a deep and stern tone: "This way!"

A group of men and horses turned their direction, not only did not flee, but went deeper into the hinterland of the enemy camp.

Luodus floated in mid-air, lowered his eyes, and he could have a panoramic view of the situation on the ground.

The Sanur army obviously did not expect—or did not expect such a surprise attack at all. They woke up passively and rushed to attack, and even half of their abilities on the battlefield could not be exerted.

Some of them were killed by the cavalry's machetes and spears before they could even let out a scream, and the smell of blood and burning burst out in the air.

The news of the attack arrived at the center of the camp one step faster than the cavalry.

As long as the generals who stay in the camp are basically here, their reaction speed seems to be faster than that of the soldiers under them.

"Useless stuff! No one can stop it!"

Reach out and pull the cavalry onto his horse.

The general laughed proudly and turned to see the princess.

Probably Eleuil's features are too obvious, and the golden eyes in the night fire are too dazzling, the general recognizes her identity almost instantly, and immediately ignores other people, her expression is grim and distorted Raise the blade this way,

Eleuil tugged at the reins lightly, and the horse raised its front hooves, avoiding the light of the sword that slashed at the legs.

With goosebumps terrifying muffled sound.

The blade is flesh and blood, and it breaks the bones.

Eleuil raised his eyes, his eyes were like electricity, looking for the figure of the main general among the many Sanur people.

Luodus was one step ahead of her and found Prince Sanur who was being led by several generals behind him.

On the day the Sanur sacrificed their captives, this young man stood behind his father.

"It's him." Luodus hinted softly.

At this time, under the cover of soldiers, Prince Sanur fled to the other side.

It is almost impossible for Eleuil to get rid of the obstacles of the surrounding soldiers and pursue the opponent alone.

The other party probably thought so too. Prince Sanur retreated to the back while still having time to look back, gnashing his teeth in hatred.


The devil who led the defenders of Tigbia to defeat the tribal warriors a few years ago is also the despicable one who led the night attack now!

You wait! wait for my father-

The thought was interrupted, and in the eyes of Prince Sanur suddenly widened, Eleuil took the longbow from behind.

The princess swept half a circle with her bow, forcing the surrounding soldiers to retreat, leaving a small gap, and then she drew the bow and arrows, moving smoothly and unbelievably fast.

Maybe only half a second, maybe a second…

Feather arrows leave the string.

The arrow roared away, piercing the target's chest.

The figure swayed and fell slowly.

Eleuil held a bow in one hand and made a gesture of retreat. The rest of the light cavalry turned their horses around and ran out of the camp behind the princess.

Several generals surrounded the prince, shouting loudly, and some generals mounted their horses to try to chase, but they could only watch the cavalry pass through the city gate, and the gate slammed down.

As soon as I entered the camp, I heard a voice: "The prince was killed—"

The general's eyes are dark.

In this raid, the Solanchia side lost a warhorse, several people were slightly injured, and no one died.

The author has something to say:

Appeared and died within a chapter, congratulations to the little prince Sanur for achieving the fastest lunch achievement (?)

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