How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 90: so-called fragile

Lotus came to the area where the temple complex of Akhet is located.

Although female officials and guards from commoner backgrounds are also allowed to enter the temple, they generally follow the master and come here at the master's order, and few people will wander here alone.

From this point of view, it seems more reasonable to go as a spirit.

Korodos doesn't care if it makes sense.

She hopes that the forces that have been observing secretly during this period of time can act early, the opportunity is here, whether they will bite the bait... It is up to them.

Lotus walks along the road with beast statues on both sides to the center area, underfoot is the sandy-yellow paving stone, the afternoon light falls softly, and the ground reflects like gravel Glittering effect in the sun.

I walked slowly for a while before reaching the gate of the River Temple.

The last time Luodus came here was on Creation Day. She and the princess watched the whole process of sacrifice, not even entering the door of the temple.

Eliuil came here a few times after that, but not with her. I don't know if it was to talk to the priests or just to stroll around.

The relief stone pillars supported the gate, and Luo Das only stopped at the gate and continued to walk in.

When the figure in the white robe disappeared behind the door, a gaze was quietly withdrawn from not far away.

He left too hastily to notice—

Luodus tilted his head slightly and glanced at him indifferently.


There are countless temples in Solancia.

Not only towns, but also some villages with affluent residents will build sacrificial rooms to enshrine clay sculptures and wood statues.


…Except for the priest of the sun god, Naimar, who is named after the goddess.

In contrast, the center of worship of the sun **** is also in Surinya, not the royal city.

Luodas crossed the avenue, and the sound of gurgling water echoed in his ears. The sound came from the nearby man-made canal, which led to the quiet lake to the right of the sacrificial room.

The lake water is calm, and a series of snow tea grows on the water surface.

In less than a month, the flowering period of the snow tea will come, and the scenery nearby will be even better.

Luo Das did not go to the library, nor did he plan to go to the sacrificial room to stare at his statue, so he just sat down by the lake.

The school of fish immediately gathered around, poking their tail fins out of the water, so enthusiastic may be because of the goddess of the river, or because they are used to being fed. Luo Das thought about it and thought it was more likely the latter.

She slowly took out a book and put it on her lap to read, as if she really planned to stay by the lake and spend the afternoon.

The sun wheel moved slowly in the sky, and before it moved far, two young girls chatted nearby.

"I haven't seen the High Priest for the past two days. I heard that I am sick again."

"Should be all right?"

"I don't know, I saw the court doctor entering and leaving the temple yesterday. I don't know if it has anything to do with the high priest's illness? If so, it doesn't feel like a minor illness."

"This...may the merciful Goddess Rhodes protect him."

The voice gradually approached, Luo Das looked up and saw two girls in lower priest uniforms.

The other party also discovered the existence of Luodus and was shocked.

After all, he was discussing the condition of the high priest, even if he didn't show any disrespect, it would not be good for others to hear.

The taller girl calmed down first, looked at the female officer uniform on Luotas, and relaxed a little: "May I ask who you are?"

Luodus nodded: "I am the female official of His Highness Eleuil."

The young priests had long heard of Eleuil's return to Acht, and that the princess was the patron of the goddess of the Ilu.

They looked at each other and reminded: "That's it, but if there is nothing else, it's better not to stay in the temple."

Luodus blinked and said gently, "I have a mission."

"What task?"

Lotus pointed to the lake: "Feed the fish."

Priest girl: ""

When they looked at the lake, they really saw the fish that usually swim around lazily gathered on the shore, very active.

Although people like female officials and guards are usually not supported to stay in the temple, as long as it is explained that there is something to do, the priest generally does not care.

So one of the girls twitched twice and approached curiously: "I haven't seen these fish so close, what are you feeding them?"

Luodus paused for a while, and untied a small bag from his waist, which contained the ground shreds of Socgar's special dessert.

After a while, the priest girls squatted on the bank to feed the fish.

Some of the fish were facing a big enemy, and reluctantly turned twice and swam far away, while the other part became more and more happy, competing with their companions for biscuits.

Luodus sat on the side, closed the book, and asked casually, "I heard from you just now that the High Priest seems to be ill?"

Young priests can't be called defensive, after all, it's no secret.

The high priest of the river goddess is named Seg. He has always been in poor health. It is common to get sick, but this time, the court physician has been alerted. .

Luodus turned the bracelet, but did not answer immediately.

She doesn't feel anything about this high priest who has never met, but is it necessary to visit?

The priest girl finished talking about the current situation of her immediate boss, and asked Eleuil with great interest, her eyes flashing with gossip.

Being able to discuss the condition of the high priest, and of course the deeds of the princess, is to take Luodus as the object of sharing interesting gossip.

Anyway, the female officer who can be sent to feed the fish is definitely not the confidant of the princess.

Lotus: "…"

She pushed the question back lightly, not only did not let the two girls realize that something was wrong, but in turn brought out a lot of anecdotes about the Acht nobles.

Don't say, they know a lot.

Not long after, the priests looked at the time, jumped up, and said goodbye to Luodus.

"I almost forgot to do things while chatting and feeding the fish here. Fortunately, it's not too late."

The priest girl was very annoyed, and was about to pull her companion to turn and leave, when she saw a golden eagle flying far away, flapping its wings and landing in front of Luodus, and tied the paper around her legs The tube is displayed to the gods.

Luodus took off the note: "Thank you."

The Golden Eagle responded with a pleasant tweet.

One of the priests suddenly remembered that according to the rumors, the princess seems to have kept two birds of prey.

Her voice trembled: "Is this bird..."

—So what stupid thing did they do just now, to discuss gossip with the princess' cronies, and try to get the princess' anecdotes from her?

Luodus: "Is there anything else."

The priest shook his head quickly.

Luodus looked at the expressions of the two of them, and said indifferently: "Then, goodbye."

The two priest girls ran away like frightened hares.

Luodus looked down and looked down at the note.

It was Eleuil who asked her where she was and if she would be back before dinner.

"Go back later today, don't worry."

Lotus wrote, then put the note back into the letterbox and watched the golden eagle flutter away.

Now, two hours until evening.

Luodus threw the last bit of biscuit crumbs into the water, and here was a new batch of fish, and the previous batch was declared incapacitated and turned a blind eye to the food.

The figures of the two girls were completely invisible, and the speed was fast like a rabbit. From this, Luodus thought of Adia's messenger and avatar.

The Goddess of Eros has not sent any letters recently.

I don’t know if I’m tired of pranks and gossip, or I’m falling into a deep sleep like the other main gods before.

Recently, the white rabbit messenger pulled his long ears and said with great interest: "Speaking of which, do you want to know the love line of your little princess?"

Luodus blurted out, "No."

The white rabbit was stunned for a moment, the claws loosened, and the ears bounced back to the rabbit's head.

"Why not, she is a human being raised by you. Since you can raise her, aren't you curious?"

Luodus pursed her lips, not intending to explain more, but simply said: "That's Aileu's own business."

She stopped for a while, and felt uneasy again, and asked cautiously: "It's not Romul."

White Rabbit: "Who is this?"

"And not to be deceived and hurt, not to suffer, not to be tragic?"

"I asked so clearly, and said I didn't want to know!"

The white rabbit smoothed its own hair, then kicked the ground with its hind legs, and finally gave up: "No. Who knows the last two questions, I can't see it."

Lotus: "…"

—Eros, no.

The messenger of Adia has disappeared since then.

Luodus opened the book, but didn't read it.

The acacia branches by the lake swayed gently with the wind, the sound was rustling, her eyes followed the swimming fish, and she was distracted for a long time.

The sky is fading.

Luodus got up just then, as if she had woken up from a long thought, she adjusted her external state, and Shi Shiran walked out of the temple.

There are not many people wandering outside after nightfall, but from the moment Luotas walked out of the pillar gate, there were eyes staring at her secretly.

Mixed among the few pedestrians, decorated not far or near, waiting for the opportunity to do it.

Lotus seemed to be unaware, and was still walking on the fixed route from the temple back to the Queen's mansion.

She walks with graceful and square gait, and the hem of her gown sways very little, like a noble girl who has received strict etiquette education - but it is not surprising that she is a female official .

From the back, the neck, arms, and the waist tied by the sash all look fragile and slender, with a soft outline, as if there is no aggression at all, which is completely different from the princess's exposed sense of innocence.

Assessing the danger of the target, the stalker squeezed the unsheathed knife, which can be used as a hammer when necessary.

He remembers his mission.

The woman must be brought back alive.

The author has something to say:

Lotus: Oh, the kidnapper.


Thanks again for the landmines of the big wolf dog, hum!

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