HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 423 The Contribution of Black Magic

There is no evidence for the words, and at the invitation of Jon, Seshali still helped Jon make an overall assessment.

It's a bit wasteful to use the wisdom of a god like Seshatli on this kind of thing, but she has nothing else to do now, and the magic she just started has not started yet, and she has to wait for Grindelwald to finish her cooking Things outside came to teach her.

This is also a very normal thing. Anyway, Grindelwald also wants to teach Jon magic. One sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded. For Grindelwald, there is no difference.

"By the way, have you read the introductory book on magic that the teacher gave you when you came?"

"Basically it's not a big problem."

Seshali shrugged her shoulders, not taking this perverted learning speed as anything abnormal: "He gave me the book for half a day, and I have been studying and researching on my own since then. Lay a solid foundation and try not to make any shortcomings."

For this terrifying learning speed, Jon could only sigh silently.

People are more popular than people, this kind of thing is not better.

"Actually, the two of us are in the same situation, it's just that you started earlier. If I want to reach your height now, I have to catch up for a while, and I guess I will be similar to you by then, and the learning route will definitely be messy. .”


Although Jon knew that he had learned a lot, it was the first time he heard others say that he had learned a lot.

The magic system taught by Helga was originally developed in an all-round way. In Helga's vision, it should be a comprehensive ancient type of model, rather than just specializing in a certain area like the current wizards.

"However, I feel that many of the courses in the school are the same now. Compared with what I have learned, there seems to be nothing special."

"Of course there is a difference."

Seshari patted Jon's arm to signal him to turn around.

"Magic school is nothing more than presenting various subjects in front of students, but in essence, it only majors in one direction. Take your Hogwarts as an example, why does the school have such things as branches?

In fact, for each student, what he majors in is more of what his own college teaches.

For example, Gryffindor prefers combat magic, Slytherin prefers dark magic, Ravenclaw prefers research, and Hufflepuff prefers life magic.

Although it is true that the school has not made any restrictions, when learning magic, everyone will always have a vague behavior of favoring their own academy.

What you see is nothing more than the product obtained after countless years of inheritance, some characteristics of the four colleges have been integrated and combined with each other, but only the external characteristics have changed, and the essence has not changed. "

Although she had never been in contact with a school in the magical world before, Seshali still talked about these things clearly, as if she had been immersed in these things for many years.

Naturally, she has her own merits in saying this.

Even though she has never been in contact with the magic world, the wisdom of the gods' blood has brought her a status that ordinary people cannot match. Under such a status, it is very simple to want to know something.

Not to mention that Jon already knew through Grindelwald that there was a wizard butler beside Seshari.

After all, the regions are different, so it is difficult for Jon to say whether elves are better or wizards are better.

Of course, he himself likes elves like Kalaidi more, and it seems that Seshali doesn't particularly like the wizard butler.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss this issue. What needs to be discussed now is the issue of Jon's magical realm.

"Actually, the schools of the entire wizarding world are like this now, whether it's Hogwarts or other wizarding schools in the western world, they are roughly the same.

Take me personally as an example. Although I am just beginning to learn magic, the whole body still comes from the blood of the gods. You should also be clear about the characteristics of the god of wisdom, that is this. "

Seshali waved the ring around her neck.

This is the sacred object inherited from the god Thoth, the full moon disc. After the god fell, this thing was also dusty, but it still had extraordinary power.

"The magic power I have now is all supplied to this full moon disc, and the moonlight I mobilized from it is what you call attack magic.

Under such conditions, my current limit is to be able to mobilize ten to twelve moonlight attacks, and each attack can destroy a Hogwarts castle.

In other words, if there is no obstruction, I can blow up the whole school by myself. "


Jon's eyes lit up, showing an expression of admiration.

"Sounds amazing."

"Not bad, thank you for the compliment."

Seshali's expression was relatively cold, and she was not happy at all about Jon's praise, because she knew very well that this was the average level.

Jon just lives in the UK, and rarely sees wizards causing any havoc, but in Austria, it is the home of dark wizards.

Besides, even in the UK, isn't there a wizard who accidentally blows up a house?

She continued: "Among the current mainstream schools of thought, apart from black magic, the most popular are Hogwarts' four school schools, potions, war, and evolution."


Jon swears that he has never heard of Hogwarts and this kind of assignment. Could it be that he went to a fake Hogwarts?

"Actually, what this little girl said is correct. A long, long time ago, Hogwarts was indeed divided like this."

Peeves dragged his phantom figure out of the ground, and took a good look at Seshali.

Originally, he planned to see Seshali last night, but it was a pity that Seshali came too late. Jon was willing to wait, but it didn't mean that Peeves could wait.

So today was the first time the two of them met.

The only one who didn't understand the status quo was Jon, who was still thinking about why Hogwarts had such a strange assignment.

"It's not difficult to understand, you have to know that the time of the war was relatively severe, and in many cases, black magic was very useful and very lethal in war.

Although wizards were criticized at the time, a large part of it was due to the overly lethal black magic, but no one can deny that during the war, black magic made a lot of contributions to the independence of wizards. "

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