HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 426 [Blessing of the Legendary Witch]

Jon had a dream.

This time, of course, it was not an illusion, but a pure dream.

When human beings dream, they often have very important things in their hearts.

Jon is no exception.

He looked at the vast world and ocean in front of him, and remained silent.

After so many years of training by Helga, he has long been able to do it. To stay awake in the dream, of course, he is not very sober, but he can maintain his consciousness a little bit in the dream.

And what reverberates in his mind now is what Grindelwald told him not long ago.

His problem is not that he is not capable enough, but in his perspective.

Grindelwald taught him to look at the problems of the world from the perspective of gods.

As the so-called tall buildings rise from the ground, if you want to go to a high place, you must at least have a standard to express your distance from that height.

Compared to the almost endless magical elements stored in the majestic and endless blue deep sea, the magic power in a wizard's body is really pitifully small.

What gods pursue is eternal life, what wizards pursue is more powerful power, and the problem Jon is facing now is to improve his own strength.

You can't be in a hurry when it comes to advancing, but if you can advance smoothly without rushing, Jon would have already advanced.

He fell into confusion and contradiction.

Then she was pulled out by Seshali again.

He just thinks too much, but the more he thinks, the more confused he becomes and the more he can't find the answer.

Helga knows too well what kind of person he is, so he will leave him such a reminder, but the truth in this world is often easier said than done, and Jon himself can't tell what he should do , to be able to make a decision.

Now he suddenly knew.

It can't be said suddenly, just after this period of continuous grinding, he may have found the answer a long time ago, but today, when Seshali woke up, the answer appeared in his dream.

so lucky.

"So, it should be given up, right?"

Looking at his illusory palm, Jon muttered to himself.

The word "willingness" must be willing to gain. For a wizard with lofty goals, what he wants to give up is definitely not a single thing.

Like Voldemort, he gave up his conscience in exchange for strength, and his body in exchange for the "immortality" of his soul - he has done a lot.

Jon would not choose the same path as Voldemort, and this answer made him feel extremely tricky.

The students at Hogwarts basically don't have such rapid breakthroughs as him. They usually advance to the rank of [professor] according to the established order of the school. It takes too long for them to have A relatively stable balance naturally wouldn't have so many problems with Jon.

For wizards, after this year's study, they have reached a sufficient level of research and accumulation of their own magic to break through this difficult problem. In this kind of place, everyone encounters different problems. It's just that the firmer the usual foundation is, the easier it is to break through.

Although Jon's foundation cannot be said to be weak, but after all, he has suffered from short time, and it is more difficult. In addition, he has a pair of gloves to hinder it... Oh, he forgot, this is a dream, and his gloves are not here.

And not long ago, he just figured out the most important joint among them. The so-called giving up does not necessarily need to give up as much as Voldemort. Find a way to get rid of this layer of shackles, and break free from the shackles imposed by the outside world, then you can get a glimpse of what the next state is like.

This point is easier said than done.

It's just breaking the shackles. Isn't Jon doing this all the time?

As long as you concentrate, find your position in the magical environment of this world, aim at this position, and shake it hard, you can easily pull yourself out of the shackles.

As long as he confirms his position in this world, the wizard can connect himself with the surrounding environment, use the ubiquitous magic elements to enhance his magical power, and become powerful. Simple.

But fortunately, Jon has found the right way, he can give up his advantages and break through from weak places.

The next step is to practice constantly, how to throw yourself out.


At dawn, Jon woke up from his sleep.

There is a difference in the speed of time between the dream and the reality. Staying in the dream for a period of time is actually just one night, like a long year, and this time difference means that people cannot smoothly connect the two environments of.

So Jon lay in bed for a long time.

But lying down, he realized a problem.

It seems like he... broke through?

It's really as easy as Seshali and Grindelwald said.

Easy and speechless.

He took out his glasses and put them on his eyes as usual, ready to start working but suddenly found something unusual.

Has something changed?

Jon looked at its side. On a small side of the lens, except for the name left by the original creator, Ms. Ravenclaw, there is now a line of meaningful text: "——Sometimes, too clever , is not a good thing.”

What does it mean?

It seems that it is because of the changes brought about by his breakthrough, and Jon is not sure. After all, this pair of glasses has been the same as before since it was in his hands. This is the first time that such a change has occurred.

This sentence seems to have something to do with Ravenclaw's school motto, but in the records, Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw's educational philosophy is written like this: the students we teach, their Wisdom must be superior to others.

Some contradictions.

Jon lowered his head, poked his consciousness out and entered the glasses.

Then, the information flow contained in the glasses made him feel a great surprise.

From the very beginning when he got Ravenclaw's glasses, Jon knew that this thing was very different from the auxiliary alchemy equipment made by other alchemists.

This difference is not only reflected in the permanent solidification of real magic in her glasses, which can break the effects of most illusions, but also greatly increases the viewing range of wizards. This part of the effect is only produced by the way. It wasn't the part that was really precious, but to Jon, the really precious part was the part that was only revealed after the advanced stage.

Blessing of the legendary witch.

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