HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 202: 191. Seven Harrys and All

"We already agreed, didn't we? We can't have one of the three."

"So you still decided to let me stay?"

The Saturday when Harry was transferred came quickly. Perhaps the endless slaughter of Muggles by the Death Eaters was giving the Aurors so much work that Sylvia felt the time was passing by so quickly.

But this transfer is really not easy, "Seven Harry" is almost finalized before the time will come.

"We've discussed, and so far this arrangement is the best." Sirius said irrefutably, "I don't understand what you can't accept about it."

"What's unacceptable?" Sylvia said incredulously, "Although I am young, you have to admit that my abilities are among the best in the Order of the Phoenix, let me participate in Harry Isn't it justifiable to transfer?"

"Listen, I understand you're worried about Fred." Sirius glanced at the group of people who were making final preparations and pulled Sylvia aside, "You also need to know that if You are in the queue, and it is very likely that the 'fake Harry' will be mistaken for the 'real Harry'. Anyway, neither you nor I are allowed to participate in this operation. "

"We need someone to stay in the Burrow." Remus knew from a distance what kind of quarrel their uncle and nephew were having, and hurried over, "Sill, you understand that this is also very important. important."

"There is already Sirius here, isn't it? And these two." Sylvia said reluctantly, pointing to the pair of good-looking cousins ​​in front.

"Without you, we can't do it." Hoddle said cooperatively.

"Non-negotiable! Girl!" Moody came over and gave the final order, "Sinkness has gone to great lengths and made a bunch of moves that have caused too much trouble to move Harry. We've done this. I've changed my plan too many times."

"And you were not willing to let you pretend to be one of Harry's members." Sirius snorted, "Otherwise you and Norman can form a team."

Isn't that because I want to save people! So it can't be the protected one!

Sylvia knows very well that Sirius also thinks the same way, and he must be the one who protects people if he wants to go out.

"Mad-Eye said that the seven teams are almost the same, and it's better to have someone to guard the family." Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "I'll mention a little." She took a step back. .

"No negotiation!" cried Sirius, "You think I'm not worried?"

"I want to say, let Norman follow you, Mad-Eye." Sylvia looked at Moody, "You are very powerful, so the Death Eaters will easily target you, plus It was Mundungus with you."

"You think I can't protect myself?" Moody looked disapproving.

"I don't think he can be trusted." Sylvia pursed her lips and gestured to Mundungus, "I know if you and Norman follow a 'Harry #039;, that is undoubtedly a living target. But if the two of you join forces, I think it is more foolproof."

"I'm fine anyway." Norman shrugged, "We can delay a little longer."

"It makes sense." Moody's accepted, "That's it. Time to go, folks!"

Sylvia followed them to the crowd, watching Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fleur, Dora, Arthur, Hagrid, Kingsley, and Mundungus, Said "good luck". Finally, he faced the twins and patted them on the back.

"Don't worry about me, honey." Fred took Sylvia skilfully into his arms as he approached her. "Relax, don't be nervous."

"I want to say I'm not worried about you, do you believe it?" Sylvia said, facing Fred's aggrieved face, "Okay, you know me What are you thinking about?"

"I promise I'll be fine, okay?" Fred said flatteringly.

"You'd better be." Sylvia said and turned her head to see George's profile. She looked at the left ear and couldn't help reaching out and grabbing it hard.

"Hey hey hey hey! What are you doing! You're crazy! Searle! Let go!" George obviously did not expect such a sudden attack.

"What about you? George?" Sylvia let go of her hand, "Do you have to promise?"

"Why do you two have anything to do with me?" George covered his ears. "What can I do? You believe Fred and don't believe me?"

"Does it hurt?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course it hurts! Are you going to screw my ears off?" George wailed, staring.

"Trust me, Bunny. Mom can't do anything like you." Fred slammed his ears over his head, afraid that he would experience this too.

"Remember the pain." Sylvia looked away, "If you two come back intact, see how I treat you."

"Okay, it's time for us to go out too." Fred smiled and hugged his girl and gave her a kiss, "Don't worry."

"Don't worry." George waved his hand repeatedly.

"I know it's always bad to be left behind." Ginny patted Sylvia's shoulder understandingly, her eyes pointing to the anxious mother on the side.

"Be careful." Sirius also said goodbye to everyone one by one, especially giving Fred a big hug.

Norman clicked his tongue: "You should change Mundungus." Obviously he was not worried about that guy.

"If you hadn't insisted on following the twins during the meeting, they might have let you go." Hoddle sat down.

"Speak less." Sylvia whispered, mainly to care for Molly's unease. Norman slowly swayed over again, pressed Sylvia's shoulder, and quickly established his magic of telepathic communication.

"You won't be obedient, will you?"

Sylvia glanced at Norman.

You are so smart.

Norman apparently received the message.

"What are you doing?" Hoddle was still watching the anxious mother and daughter, and quickly looked at him keenly, "What are you two plotting?"

"That's not it." Norman raised his hands as if he could prove his innocence.

Sylvia smiled and pushed Norman, waved her hand, and saw everyone off.

Sirius also looked at them, without saying a word, as if thinking about something. And Molly went to the window, staring at the unsatisfactory night.

"I'm going home." Sylvia said, coming to Molly and Ginny, "Harry will land at our house, and I'll take care of my parents."

She made an almost perfect excuse.

"Okay." Molly nodded and patted Sylvia's shoulder.

"Really?" Hoddle stood up and stopped in front of Sylvia, "Are you sure you're going home?"

"Don't worry, do you want to come with me?" Sylvia's calm surface couldn't be maintained any longer.

Sirius looked sharply.

"What?" Ginny immediately looked over when she heard the sound, "Sir, you can't..."

"Sorry." Sylvia Apparated away before she could finish.


I have to go.

Since you don't arrange for me to go, then I have to go by myself.

Norman probably also noticed that Sylvia left a tracking spell on them when she came into contact with the twins.

Sylvia returned to her familiar room, grabbed the dusty Comet 260, and climbed to the roof through the skylight. She was moving fast in case Sirius caught up to her.

"Brother Bird!" she whispered, and the wise owl quickly came to her from the other side of the roof, "We will be near Privet Drive, what you have to do is Find the right time to open Hedwig's cage and bring the girl back to our house. Understand?"

Brother Bird nodded and landed on her shoulder.


An Apparition, Sylvia came to Privet Drive. She wrapped her robe tightly and put on her hood, then pulled out her wand and cast the Disillusionment Charm on both her and Birdie.


She hid in an alley, waving her wand and casting a magic-detecting spell.

There are more Death Eaters around here than she imagined.

Brother Bird suddenly raised his head, Sylvia also looked at it, and several figures flew into the air. As soon as she raised her arm, Brother Bird rushed into the sky.

Okay, next—

Sylvia suddenly stopped breathing.


Why can't you detect Fred's movements?

She was in a cold sweat.

No? Wouldn't it be a mistake this time?

When she mobilized her magic power to find George, a red trail that only she could see appeared in the air.

Before thinking about it, she stepped on the broom.

I didn't expect that we would have a chance to fight side by side, right?

Sylvia clenched her little comet.

Voldemort would attack Moody's side first, because he would think the best old Auror would protect Harry. And after Mundungus made a useless escape, the Death Curse would hit Moody. But as long as Norman is around, he will protect Moody, right?

Sylvia doesn't dare to think about it anymore.

As long as Mundungus reveals his stuff, Voldemort will leave immediately, and dealing with the other Death Eaters is a piece of cake for them both.

Bellatrix will go after Dora and she will have a tough fight there. But don't know that little Barty-

Sylvia tutted irritably.

But she hardly gave her much time to think about these messes, and the trajectory of the red line has reached the end. She saw several black figures chasing something, and raised her wand without hesitation.

One, two.

Her Stunning Charm took down two Death Eaters on their brooms, and the others were clearly on their guard.

"There is an ambush!"

She heard someone shout.

Remus and George also seemed to be a little stunned at this time.

Suddenly, a magic spell struck. Sylvia cast the armor spell but found it to no avail, she immediately understood that her disillusionment spell had been broken.

While she was distracting the Death Eaters, George struck another Death Eater with a spell.

Good job.

Sylvia accelerated the speed of her flight and the speed of casting spells, and launched a fierce tug of war with the Death Eaters. But it seemed that her appearance had brought more Death Eaters together.

Sylvia doesn't know if she should be thankful, there is no little Barty here.

Between the lightning and flint, the three of them have joined forces to solve most of the Death Eaters, not to mention one of their own, Snape.


I don't know if it's a coincidence or a trick of fate. The moment she thought of this, Sylvia happened to see Snape's wand was deflected towards a Death Eater, and she almost immediately reacted to driving The broom dashed over.

The moment the hood was lifted by the wind, Sylvia and Snape met. She came behind Remus and George as fast as she could, turned around to face the Death Eaters generously, and took over the no-shadow.

Comet 260 shattered on the spot.

The young Miss Auror fell in the night sky.

She gritted her teeth and gripped her wand tightly, for fear that it would come out of her hand because of the pain.

Sylvia felt dark in front of her eyes and hurriedly mobilized her attention to keep herself awake. She saw Snape deflect the spell in front of her and hit the last two Death Eaters , and also saw that Remus and George's brooms had long since disappeared into the night sky.

"Wingadim..." Sylvia waved her wand diligently, "Wingadim Leviosa!"

She could feel a force holding her back, but soon she fell down again.

It's over.

In less than a second, a stronger force dragged her until she slowly and steadily fell behind the bushes in the forest.

"Cough cough cough." Sylvia wiped the wound on her chest, blood stained her palms.

"I think you're crazy." Snape quickly fell in front of her, pulled her hand away, pointed his wand to the wound, and chanted a spell.

"Am I crazy? Or did you miss?" Sylvia asked sharply, and couldn't help but get excited, "Tell me, if I don't show up, cough cough cough Who are you going to hit?"

"Shut up," Snape yelled viciously, "if you don't want the wound to open again."

"I..." Sylvia wanted to shout something, but the lack of blood supply to her brain made her eyes dark again.

"I told you to shut up." Snape's tone was somewhat helpless.

It hurts.

She adjusted her breathing, but she was sweating uncontrollably, her hands were not strong, and the wand slowly came out of her hands.

Is the process of wound healing so difficult?

The shocking scene just now played in a loop in her mind.

Sylvia frowned and closed her eyes in pain.

Snape is amazing. This spell can be created as a student, and an anti-mantra is also created.

She started thinking about unimportant things for no reason.

Draco was not light when he was in the bathroom?

Sylvia doesn't know why she can always sympathize with that little master? Maybe it's blood connection?

I don't know if it's really in a dying state, and countless faces flash through my mind. Those familiar, unfamiliar, deeply loved, hated, all appeared one by one.

This is not a revolving light, is it?

"I'm not going to die, right?" She didn't know if she said it, or if she just wanted to keep it in her heart.

In short, she didn't know how long it took, and she slowly opened her eyes after Snape said "Okay".

"Thank you," Sylvia whispered.

"Aren't you very brave? Aren't you afraid of dying?" Snape frowned.

"I tried to destroy your wand, but it didn't work." Sylvia said embarrassedly, "You are amazing."

She was a heartfelt compliment, but the professor should have heard great irony.

It doesn't matter.

Sylvia never dared to imagine that her relationship with the Potions Professor would improve in any way.

Snape waved his wand again, seemingly helping Sylvia check his body. It took a long time to withdraw.

Sylvia never imagined that she would one day be alone with Snape for so long, so quiet and so eerie.

"You know what to say when you go back." The annoyed professor stood up, as if to check if anyone was following them, while the annoyed student slowly closed his eyes.

Neither of them thought they would have such a harmonious moment. No one said anything superfluous, one was at ease to recover his body, and one was responsible for taking care of the patients with no negative point.

"I feel better," Sylvia said after a long time. She was surprised that Snape hadn't left, and she was just a little embarrassed.

"You should know you need rest," Snape said, standing up. "I'm leaving, you—" His lips twisted in an unsightly way, "Attention."

"Professor." Sylvia stopped him, "Give me a ride to the Burrow."


Sylvia threw herself on the front door of the Burrow, knowing that Snape was gone without turning around.

If she hadn't slammed into the door like this, she'd already made a move, I guess it would take a while before she dared to knock on the door? Thinking of this, she tried her best to stand up, waiting for someone to open the door.

It didn't take long.

Someone opened the door for her almost immediately, as if she didn't want to give her time to think about how to quibble.

But as soon as the door opened, the girl didn't want to think about sophistry, and her attention was completely on everyone's faces. Filtering out everyone's terrified look, she was making sure everyone was-

It's all there.

She sighed in relief.

Harry was there too.

His face was full of worry and panic, but it seemed to be caused by seeing Sylvia.

George's ears too.

She almost laughed.

"Siel..." It was Remus who opened the door. He seemed to put down something heavy in an instant, but immediately returned to a serious look.

Sylvia saw that almost everyone took a step forward subconsciously, but when Moody reached out, everyone dared not move.

"Sylvia Tonks." Moody came over, whimpering, "Say, what did Sylvia Tonks call me when she first met me? "

"Moody..." Sylvia didn't react for a while, and was immersed in the joy of being spared, but she also quickly realized this necessary temptation, "Mr. Moody. "

"You're not supposed to act on your own!" Moody said, pulling her into the room, and Remus closed the door.

"I..." Before Sylvia had time to quibble, she was pulled over by another person, and she was slapped in the next second.

She slowly turned her face back and saw Dora with tears all over her face.

This loud slap made the whole Burrow quiet again. This made Sylvia seem to be able to see that everyone was silent and anxious before she came back.

Norman and Hoddle looked at her, one calm, the other pretending to be calm. Ron and Harry stood there in shock, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix were in the same state. It was not difficult to imagine what the young savior had just made out of self-blame. Ginny and Hermione leaned on each other and stood aside, looking more like a tearful smile. Mundungus was not there, and the wretched villain escaped again. But it seems that thanks to Norman's help, Moody stood in front of Sylvia intact.

By the way, there is another Sirius who looks extremely ugly.

"You idiot! You worry about me!" Dora's tears were still pouring out, and when she raised her hand, Remus pulled away, but she was still shouting hysterically, "Do you know how worried I was when they said you didn't know where you were when I just got back! Do you know how Remus said it looked like you were shot trying to save them? You fell from that high!"

"Okay! Don't talk about it!" Fred quickly came over and hugged his girl. He seemed to want to say something, but he just pursed his lips. How could Sylvia not understand that there was blame and anger in his emotions?

"It's good to be back." Aunt Molly slammed into the armchair and took her husband's hand.

"I clearly saw you fall off your broom." Remus asked worriedly, "You've been hit by Snape's magic blade."

"Shen Feng Wuying?" Harry exclaimed, "You have been hit by Shen Feng Wuying!"

"I'm fine." Sylvia gritted her teeth, "I brought Wulflin's potion with me, and I came back late after dealing with a little wound."

She didn't dare to look at Hoddle, for fear that this guy would immediately expose her.

"It's all right? You planned it from the beginning, didn't you?" Sirius said angrily, "You also used the Tracking Charm on George?"

"You lifted the tracking spell on Fred?" Sylvia suddenly realized. That's why he suddenly hugged Fred! Of course, Sirius, who can make a Marauder's map, is also very good at using such spells. She wondered if she should be thankful that Sirius only thought of Fred.

"What?" The twins said in unison, the same low sigh, the same unacceptable.

And others understood in this instant.

"You shouldn't stand in front of us no matter what!" Remus raised his voice, as if trying to frighten her, "You don't understand how amazing Snape is lethality.”

"But that's you." Sylvia met his gaze, "I know I violated the order. But I can't...I can't just wait."

"Sylvia, I hope you understand the consequences of acting against your plan." Moody's eyes were cold, and his crutches slammed on the ground, "You are an Auror, and more Members of the Order of the Phoenix!"

"I promise there will be no next time." Sylvia lowered her head.

At this moment, she heard a cry, and Hedwig flapped her wings and flew downstairs.

"Where's Brother Bird?" Sylvia was surprised, her voice trembled.

"He's looking for you." Fred said dryly, "Harry brought Hedwig and Brother Bird back together, and Brother Bird couldn't find you and went out."

"Don't worry." Hoddle said, "Norman used the Tracking Charm before he flew away."

"The piglet has been asked to find it." Ron nodded.

Hedwig flew to Sylvia and rubbed her cheek before returning to her master.

"Okay, in short, it's good for people to come back safely." Moody said solemnly, "Someone exposed the date of our transfer, and it's a near miss today."

Dora was still crying and sulking, she turned her back and didn't want to look at Sylvia.

Fred hugged his girl closer.

"You shouldn't have to bear this." Remus blamed himself.

"Are you supposed to bear it?" Sylvia frowned, "No one deserves it! Anyone else would risk their lives!"

"Yes." Harry said suddenly, "No one should be hurt for me."

"I didn't mean that, Harry." Sylvia hurriedly looked at him.

"I have to go," said Harry.

"Going what?" Remus turned his head sharply.

A dozen pairs of amazed eyes stared at Harry, and they ushered in a new crit before they even recovered from Sylvia's disappearance.

"Don't be silly, Harry," said Mrs. Molly, "what are you talking about?"

"I can't stay here." Harry rubbed his forehead, "I'm here, you're all in danger, I don't want to—"

"Don't say such nonsense!" Molly said, "The most important thing tonight is to transfer you safely here, thank goodness we succeeded. Fleur agreed to marry here, not in France. , we have everything arranged, and everyone can stay and take care of you—"

"If Voldemort finds me here—"

"But how did he find out?" Molly asked.

"You could be in a dozen places now, Harry," said Mr. Arthur. "He can't possibly know which safe house you're hiding in."

"I'm not worried about myself!" Harry said firmly, "Okay, listen to me! I really thought about it!" He took a deep breath, "I'm from Voldemort narrowly escaped."

"You need to rest, Harry." Sylvia said softly.

"Yes." Sirius agreed, "Everyone is tired today, so I'll talk about it tomorrow."

The crowd dispersed, and Sylvia and her sister finally embraced. But there was still someone in the living room who was reluctant to leave. It was George, who had always been quiet. Sylvia glanced at Fred, he nodded understandingly and left.

The fire in the fireplace was still burning vigorously, and both the bright light and the comfortable temperature reminded Sylvia of the time when they were sitting together when they were young.

"Are you mad at me?" Sylvia said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa where George was sitting.

George did not speak, his chest kept heaving.


It's a good way to fly."

"You remember." Sylvia was moved.

"We've been playing Quidditch together for so long, how could I not recognize it?" George said sullenly, "Maybe you've only been paying attention to Fred, and forget that I'm also a fighter. Golfer. I have to keep an eye on you on the court too."

"How could I forget? You are my good buddy." Sylvia knew that George was full of anger now. But here's where he's different from Fred. He's always a little more reserved, a little bit more delicate, with anyone and everything.

"Have you ever thought about how I would face Fred if you never came back to save me..."

George finally said the reason why he was so remorseful that he wanted to cast a curse on himself immediately, he looked at Sylvia, his beautiful eyes were full of wounds.

"Then have you ever thought that if I didn't save you and you couldn't come back, what would Fred do?" Sylvia said softly, and went to take his hand Only then did he realize that his hands were covered in cold sweat.

"That's different."

"How is it different?"

"You can't get hurt for me!"


Sylvia cursed softly because she really had no energy. "Georgie, you're Fred's brother, my family, and my best friend."

George's mouth pursed stubbornly, and his whole face wrinkled ugly.

"Hey, buddy." Sylvia tried to break the silence at the moment with a cheerful tone, "We knew it a long time ago. All three will stand in front of each other."

"I was convincing myself that it wasn't Syr." George pulled out a wry smile, "and then I told Remus we gotta go see her! She fell! That's Syr !" He wiped his face in pain, "You almost drove me crazy!"

Sylvia was too heavy to speak.

"I went back to the Burrow and found you weren't there." George sighed and sniffed, "You should have seen Fred come back so eager to see you Smiley, he's probably ready to show you how brave he just was."

Sylvia looked away, not daring to look him in the eyes. At that moment, she saw Fred in a trance, and the Fred described by George seemed to be right in front of her.

"I dare not say...I dare not say that Sill seems to have fallen off the broom to save me." George suddenly clenched Sylvia's hand, "Me and Remus Facing Fred and Dora, we didn't dare to say a word."

"I'm sorry..." She choked uncontrollably.

"Fred said like crazy that he was going to find you, but he was pulled by Sirius. Moody also said that even if you want to find it, plan ahead. We can't have any more losses... George's other hand covered his face. "Harry said that if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't...Merlin...Sill, I was so scared, what would I do if you really died..."

"Forgive me? George?" Sylvia hugged him, "It's my fault."

It's time to die."

"Bullshit." Sylvia let go of her hand uncomfortably.

But George immediately hugged her. The two didn't say anything more, relying on each other to digest this thrilling reunion after the catastrophe.

When Sylvia and George went back to the Trick's little suite together, they both found some cardboard boxes in the living room that were obviously cursed to vent.

George said good night and went back to his room, while Sylvia gently opened Fred's door.

Fred was sitting on the bed and extended his hand when he saw Sylvia.

"I'm sorry, Fred." Sylvia took Fred's hand and sat down beside him.

"What are you sorry for? You saved my brother." Fred lowered his head, "My Bunny is still so brave and strong."

"I'm sorry for worrying you," Sylvia said.

"That's it, Bunny." Fred looked out the window at the starless night sky, "The moment they said you seemed to save George and they dropped the broom, I -I don't feel like I've ever had such a hard time in my life!" He swears sternly, "My first reaction was why does my girl have to suffer this? But it's like thinking that I want George to suffer more? But I didn't! I didn't think like that, Bunny! I didn't think I was lucky to have you or George wouldn't have survived! Neither did I!"

"Fred, look at me, Fred." Sylvia put her voice to the softest and stroked Fred's face to wipe the uncontrollable tears for him , "I know, I understand, I understand what I mean to you, and I understand what George means to you."

"I feel so miserable." Fred cupped her face and brought their foreheads together, "These messes have been tormenting me! George dare not look at me because He thinks he's doing you this! I want to tell him not to think that! Don't blame yourself! But I can't say it! You're still alive and dead. How can I say that? And I don't know what to say to make it so He feels so good...I can't even convince myself..."

"I understand, I understand." Sylvia could no longer hold back her tears, letting them flow, "I know you are all worried about me, I know you are all Blaming yourself. Don't do it, Fred. Don't think about this mess!"

"Fortunately, it's all right..." He seemed to comfort himself, "Just come back."

"Everyone is fine." Sylvia agreed, "Fortunately, everyone is fine."

"Are you really okay?" Fred looked at her.

"I never disguise myself in front of you." Sylvia rubbed her eyes, "Really, I can only say I'm a little tired."

Fred put out the lights and took Sylvia into his arms.

The author has something to say:

There are comments about whether Mundungus can be omitted, I have considered this, but the original setting of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not without other people, but they still let him participate. I think one of the reasons is that the Seven Harrys project had an element of Snape asking him to give his opinion.

Moody was saved, Hedwig was saved, George's Ear was saved.

I really liked this chapter, Searle has never had such a deep conversation with George. They are really good friends. The relationship between them is also very deep. So I think they must have a conversation like this.

Harry they will leave, everyone is working hard for victory. This chapter should be very exciting, hahahaha! There will be more exciting ones to come!

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