HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1252:

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"I knew you would say this for a long time, Fanlin, you are always very creative, otherwise Dumbledore would not let you, instead of Harry, take over the Order of the Phoenix." Lupin said, looking disappointed.

"In that case, Remus, I am very happy to see you here, but none of us need to repeat any more words, right? What's more, you don't know what you are going to face, no matter it is You and me or Dumbledore."

"That's why I have a reason to come, Fanlin!" Lupin frowned, "It cannot be denied, I may still be helpful to you, you know who I am and what I do, I can follow You, for you, or to provide you with protection, there is no need for you to tell me exactly what you are going to do."

"Oh, no, Remus, it doesn't make sense!" Fanlin quickly shook his head, "We don't have to entangle here at all."

"This is not entanglement, this is a good proposal in itself, isn't it, it's like if you have any questions, you will definitely find Sirius..."

"You are different!"

"I can!" Lupin said, "Well, I want to hear Harry's opinion. It's not the time to veto it."

Harry hesitated, thinking to himself, this was a very tempting proposal, especially in the future when Fanlin lost his combat effectiveness, it would be difficult for high-intensity magic to attack Harry. If Lupin followed them all the time, even if they could keep the secret, it would be unimaginable.

However, Hermione looked confused.

"But, what about Tonks?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"What about her?" Lupin said.

"Oh," Hermione frowned. "You are already married! How would she feel if you left her and walked with us?"

"Tonks will be very safe," Lupin said. "She will stay at her parents' house."

Lupin's tone was a little strange, almost cold, as if he had thoughts about Tonks's hiding in her parents' house. She, after all, was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and as far as Harry knew, she seemed to want to participate in this battle.

"Well, Remus," Hermione asked tentatively, taking a deep breath, "Is everything alright...you know what I mean...between you and her..."

"Everything is fine, thank you for your concern." Lupin said sharply.

Hermione was embarrassed, overwhelmed for a while, feeling clumsy and embarrassed.

Then Lupin spoke, with a tone of admitting something unpleasant: "Tonks is about to have a child."

"Oh, what a joy this is!" Hermione screamed.

"Great!" Ron said feverishly.

"Congratulations." Harry said.

"Really, Remus, I think we may soon have a younger brother or godson, I think I can do it." Fanlin said happily, this kind of thinking doesn't exist in Gabriel's Show it, but Tonks’s child...

For a while, the atmosphere seemed to be relieved.

Lupin tried to pretend to smile, but it was more like an expression of pain, "So... can you accept my help? Make the group of four become five? I don't think Dumbledore will object, after all , He also appointed me to be your Defence Against the Dark Arts class teacher. And I must tell you that we will face unimaginable magic that we have never encountered before."

These words were like a basin of cold water pouring from the tops of Fanlin's heads.

"So, to be clear, do you want to leave Tonks's parents' house and join us?" Fanlin asked loudly again.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron all stared at Lupin intently.

"She will be safe there, and they will take care of her." Lupin said, his voice mixed with fearlessness and carelessness. "Alright, come on, Harry, give your decision, I am sure James will want me to fight alongside you."

"Really," Harry said unhurriedly, "I don't think so. I'm sure my father wants to know why you don't want to be with your own children."

Lupin’s face changed color, the temperature in the kitchen seemed to drop ten degrees, Ron’s eyes moved around the room as if he was forced to remember all this, and Hermione’s eyes were on Harry, Lupin and Fanlin kept moving between the three.

"I think so too, Remus, I rejected you before, and now..."

"You don't understand." Lupin finally said.

"Then please explain." Harry said.

Lupin suddenly choked up.

"I think it was a serious mistake that I married Tonks. I made a mistake in my judgment, and I have been regretting it since then.

"I understand, so you want to abandon her and the child and run away with us?" Harry asked in a loud voice, "Answer me, Remus Lupin! Don't tell me you plan to do this."

Lupin leaped up sharply, his stool knocked over to the ground, and Harry saw that his eyes were very excited, and the shadow of a wolf appeared on the humanoid face.

"Do you know what I did to my wife and my unborn child? I should never have married her. I made her a person who was expelled and ostracized!" Lupin kicked him hard. The chair that just knocked over. "You only see me in the Order of the Phoenix, or at Hogwarts, under Dumbledore's protection! You don't know how most people in the wizarding world think of creatures like me! When they When I knew my pain, I almost stopped talking to me. Didn’t you see what I did? Even her family was spurned by others because of our marriage. What kind of parents would let Their only daughter married a werewolf? And that child... child..."

Lupin gripped his chair tightly, he looked like he had lost his mind...

"My species should not normally breed. He will be like me. How can I forgive myself when I realize that I will pass on my situation to an innocent child? If there is a miracle, He is not like me, which is of course a good situation, but he will definitely be ashamed of having such a father!"

"Shame, so you deprive a race of the meaning of existence?" Fanlin asked loudly, "Be sober, Remus, this is not your fault, or the species that has been passed down from ancient times to the present is a shame. ?"

"Yes, so my child will be a werewolf!"

"So, are you ashamed of him, your child, and Tonks, you all think so, this child will be a huge failure, and then his father will personally put a shame in his heart The label will stay with him throughout his life? This is unfair to Remus, just like you were attacked."

"Not to mention, Remus," Hermione said softly, tears rolling around her eyes, don't say that, how could the child be ashamed of you? "

"Oh, I don't know, Hermione," Harry said, "but I will be very ashamed of you!"

Harry didn't know where his anger came from, but it flooded his body. Lupin looked as if Harry punched him.

"If the new policy considers Muggle-born people to be bad," Harry said, "then how would they treat a half-werewolf whose father was in the Order of the Phoenix? My father was still trying to protect me and my mother before he died. , Do you think he will let you abandon your child and go on an adventure with us?"

"You... how dare you...?" Lupin said. "This is not about... the desire for adventure or personal honor... how can you say that..."

"I think you're a little taken risky," Harry said. "You even want to follow in the footsteps of Professor Moody..."

"Harry, no!" Hermione begged him, but he continued to glare at Lupin's purple face.

"I never thought it would happen," Harry said. "The man who taught me how to defeat Dementors... is a coward!"

Lupin drew his wand so quickly that Harry didn't have time to reach out for his own. There was a sudden loud noise and he felt as if he was flying backwards, as if being slammed, before he slammed into the kitchen wall and slipped When he reached the floor, he saw a corner of Lupin's cloak disappearing by the door.

"Remus, Remus, come back!" Hermione yelled, but Lupin didn't respond, and after a while they heard the front door slammed shut.

"Harry," Hermione groaned, "how can you say this?"

"It's easy," Harry said, and he stood up, feeling the swelling where his head hit the wall, but the anger still filled his whole body and he was shaking.

"Don't look at me with that look!" he said sharply to Hermione.

"Calm down, Harry, you are indeed overstimulating!" Fanlin said loudly, stepping forward to block Hermione behind him.

"So, what do you want to say, promise Remus to join?"

"I don't have that idea at all, and it doesn't require explanation, does it!"

"But, what do you think of him now? A coward, a..."

Ha used his finger to point to Fanlin, as if he was treating Fanlin as Remus...

"No... no, we can't fight when we stop." She walked between them.

"You shouldn't have said those things to Lupin." Ron stopped Harry by the shoulder and said to Harry.

"He asked for it." Harry said, and fragmented images quickly passed through his mind: James Potter fell at the entrance of the stairs; Dumbledore stayed in the air for a second, then slowly Falling down on his back; a green light flashed, and his mother's pleading voice...

"Any pair of parents," Harry said, "Never abandon their children unless...unless they have already..."

"Harry," Hermione said, and she held out a comforting hand to him, but he shrugged and ignored her and turned away.

His gaze stayed on the flames lit by Hermione's magic. He once talked to Lupin through this fireplace, seeking reassurance for James, and Lupin comforted him. Lupin's painful and pale face seemed to be surging in the air in front of him now. He was disgusted, but a trace of sympathy emerged.

The surroundings became quiet again in an instant, as if the noisy broke with time at this moment.

Fanlin frowned, he gently combed Hermione's hair, while his eyes were cast on the magic flame.

Harry's heart was chaotic, even if he didn't need to take his mind, Fanlin could clearly feel Harry's chaotic heart.

The connection is re-established!


"I know I shouldn't call him a coward."

"Yes, you shouldn't." Ron said immediately.

"But he is playing such a role." Harry responded immediately.

"That shouldn't be..." Hermione said.

"I know," Harry said, "but if it can get him back to Tonks, it's worth it, isn't it?" He couldn't remove the excuse from his voice, and Hermione revealed A look of sympathy, but Ron still couldn't agree.

Harry looked down at his feet, thinking of his father. Would James know what he said to Lupin, or would he be angry because his son treated his old friend this way?

"Okay, let us calm down for the time being!" Fanlin said, "Remus has left. This is a good thing, but leaving in this way will inevitably cause some trouble..."

"I'll watch the night!" Harry said angrily, then cast his eyes on the newspaper on the table.

It was brought by Remus when he came. Dumbledore's name appeared conspicuously in front of him. It took him a few minutes to realize the meaning of the photo. It showed a family.

Below the photo is a line of words: Dumbledore's family, from left to right: Albus; Percival, holding the newborn Ariana; Kendra and Aberforth.

His attention was drawn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Harry looked at the photo more seriously. Dumbledore’s father, Percival, was a handsome man with a pair even in such old faded photos Bright eyes still shining.

Baby Ariana, not much longer than a loaf of bread, looks nothing special.

Mother Kendra, her black hair in a round bun, her face was carved out, Harry saw her dark eyes, high cheekbones and straight nose, tight-fitting royal lawyer silk clothes, with a formal When he was composure, he remembered the pictures of native Americans he had seen.

Albus and Aberfors wore matching round-necked jackets with lace and the same shoulder-length hairstyle. Albus looked a few years older, but on the other hand, the two boys looked very good. It's similar because Albus hasn't worn glasses yet, and his nose hasn't deformed.

The family looked so happy and ordinary, smiling peacefully in the newspaper, baby Ariana's arms were waving wildly outside her scarf, Harry's eyes moved to the top of the photo, and he saw the headline: Rejection The upcoming biography of Albus Dumbledore-Rita Skeeter!

A worthy collection of m. reading network

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