HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1264:

   For the staff of the Ministry of Magic, today is definitely a very bad day. I was attacked somehow? On the way to work?

   Thinking of the attacker, this is probably the most extraordinary thing the Hogwarts have done in half a century.

  Different from the past, Fanlin was lying on the fence, watching Hermione hiding behind the box condescendingly.

   It should be said that Ms. Mafalda stood on the side near the box and watched the colleague who came next.

   A few seconds later there was another faint blast, and a small wizard who looked like a ferret appeared in front of them.

   "Oh, hello, Mafalda."

   "Hello!" Hermione said in a vibrato voice, "How are you today?"

   "Not very good in fact," the little wizard replied, looking very depressed. As Hermione and the wizard walked towards the main road, Harry and Ron followed, and Fanlin stretched and followed.

   "I'm sorry to hear your answer," Hermione answered calmly when the little wizard explained his question. He must be stopped before they go into the street.

   "Come on, eat a candy."

   "Huh? Oh no, thank you..."

   "I insist!" Hermione said forcefully, shaking a bag of medicine in front of him. The little wizard looked scared, so he took out one and ate it. The effect was immediately apparent. As soon as the pill was placed in his mouth, the little wizard began to vomit so violently that she didn't even notice that Hermione pulled a handful of his hair.

   "Oh, **** it!" Hermione said, watching him splash the vomit in the alley. "Maybe you should take a day off!"

   "No...no!" He was about to suffocate when he vomited, and he insisted on continuing to walk, even if he could no longer walk straight. "I must...today...must go..."

   "Don't be stupid!" Hermione warned him, "You can't work like this... I think you should go to St. Mungo's Hospital and let them see you."

   The wizard fell to the ground and tried to stand up on all fours, still trying to crawl into the street.

"You can't work like this at all!" Hermione yelled, and finally he finally accepted what she had said. He reached out a hand to hold Hermione so he could stand up. He gradually disappeared at the end of the road, leaving nothing but The leather bag Ron grabbed from his hand, and some vomit still splashing.

   "Well," Hermione said, picking up the skirt of her robe to avoid getting vomit. "So, why don't we faint him?"

"Who knows..." Fanlin jumped down from a height. "It's just to find a new customer for Fred... And, don't you think that if someone finds a bunch of unconscious people, this will cause Pay more attention. He is quite passionate about work, isn't he? Throw your hair in the potion quickly!"

   Two minutes later, Ron became the sick little ferret-like wizard standing in front of them, taking out the folded navy blue robe from his bag and putting it on. "It's strange why he didn't wear it today, did he? I watched him for several days, and I really don't know how much he has to do? Anyway, according to the label behind, I am Ray Katemore... "

   "Wait here first," Hermione said to Harry, who was still under the invisibility cloak. "We will bring you two back with some hairs. The image of you two is so conspicuous."

   "This is probably the price of fame." Fanlin said sadly, his eyes still looking forward.

   He and Harry waited for ten minutes, but hiding in this alley full of vomit, there was still a comatose Mafalda behind the door. The bad feeling made Fanlin feel that the time was even longer.

   Maybe a minute or two, or ten minutes, and finally Ron and Hermione showed up again.

"We don't know who they are," Hermione said, and handed Harry and Varyn a few curly black hair. "But the black hair had a nosebleed too much and went home. He is very tall. You need a bigger one. Robe..."

   She took out a robe that Kreacher had ironed for them. Harry changed it, drank the soup and deformed.

  As soon as the painful transformation was over, he was more than six feet tall and had muscular arms. He still has a beard. Putting the invisibility cloak and eyes in the new robe, he was with the two outsiders.

   "Oh, it's terrible," Ron said, looking at Harry who was much taller than him.

   "Not bad, it reminds me of Carat." Fanlin touched his chin, "So, what about mine?"

   "Here!" Hermione said, putting a piece of blond hair into the compound soup, and the compound soup suddenly turned into a beautiful golden color.

   "This shouldn't be a girl." Fanling asked after a while. Few compound decoctions made from boys' hair have such dazzling colors.

   "No, I got it on the way to work." Ron said, "He greets us, poor fellow, we don't know him, but I'm sure he has a fever now."

   Fanlin nodded and drank the compound decoction. In fact, the change of color does not determine the taste. This thing is awful to death.

   Fanlin felt that his clothes had shrunk slightly, and they were tight when he wore them, but there was not much change. Perhaps it was Fanlin's illusion, but this person really felt like a lady.

   Fanlin touched the position of his chest.

   "Are you sure this is a man?" Fanlin asked here, "Anyway, I think I need to change some neutral clothes."

   "No, it's not necessary," Hermione said, shaking her head, "I think he is wearing a cloak, so you are."

   "It may be a bit contradictory to speak, but you may have met a gentleman with personality and dreamed of becoming the opposite of yourself."

   "Oh, well, I said why he looks so delicate." Ron said, "Anyway, you won the prize..."

   "Don't worry about that much," Fanlin shook his head, "There is no time. It's almost nine o'clock. Make sure that each of you gold coins are intact. Send me a message and try?"

   The four people communicated quickly. After ensuring that the gold coins are working properly, the exploration of the Ministry of Magic can be regarded as the real beginning.

   Together, they walked quickly out of the alley and walked fifty yards along the crowded sidewalk. There were two rows of stairs with black handrails decorated with flower spikes. One side said men and the other side women.

   "See you later," Hermione said nervously, and she staggered down the stairs on the lady's side.

   And Fanlin, Harry, and Ron walked down this strange-looking underground public toilet built with black and white bricks with a group of eccentrically dressed men.

   "Good morning, Ray!" Another wizard in a navy blue robe greeted him as he walked into a small room that he opened with a golden token inserted into the gap in the door. "Those stray criminals are really a headache. We have to use this way to work. Who do they want to find? Harry Potter? Or Fanlin El? The black market is crazy, but no one can do it. "

   The wizard laughed loudly for his cleverness, Fanlin gently touched Ron with his elbow, and then Ron smiled in agreement.

   "Yes," he said, "How stupid, isn't it?"

   Then they also entered this small room.

   Harry felt the sound of flushing around him.

   Harry bent over and peered out of the small room, just in time to see a pair of boots in boots approaching the toilet next door, he turned to the left and saw Ron staring at him in astonishment.

   "So, do we have to rush ourselves in?" Fanlin said in a low voice, but the high tone couldn't conceal his unrest.

   "It looks like this," Harry said quietly; his voice was low and thick.

   They both stood up, which made Fanlin feel extra stupid. Fanlin tried to put both feet in the toilet bowl.

   But immediately, they realized that they were doing the right thing; although they seemed to be standing in the water, their shoes, feet and robes were dry.

   "I bet there is a fireplace underneath this." Fanlin said, "I wish Hermione would accept this approach."

   "Maybe you won't be able to go to bed in the next few days, and that's not necessarily." Harry said jokingly.

"Haha... See you below" Fanlin sneered, he lifted his hand and pulled the rope. It felt like he was coming down a small waterfall, the feeling of flying fans, but maybe the feeling of centrifugation is worse, no In two seconds, the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic appeared in front of them.

   Fanlin stood up a little awkwardly. So far, Fanlin is not very used to his current body.

   The hall seems darker than Fanlin's impression. There used to be a golden fountain filled the whole hall, making the wooden floors and walls shimmer. Now a huge black stone occupies the entire scene. This is really scary. Many statues of wizards and witches sit on the ornately carved throne, watching the Ministry of Magic staff enter and exit from the fireplace.

   On the bottom of the sculpture, it is written in a foot-high word: Magic is power.

   There is no doubt that this comes from the handwriting of the Death Eaters, who never hide their ideas.

   But before he could figure it out, Harry felt a cool breeze behind him, and another wizard rushed out of the fireplace behind him.

   "Get out of the way, you can't..."

   "Oh, sorry, Recona..."

   He ran into Harry. It seemed that the bald wizard was really frightened, and he ran away immediately. Obviously the wizard Harry became, Recona, was very domineering.

   "Hush!" Fanlin quickly looked around and saw a little witch and a ferret-like wizard waving at the Magic Maintenance Division on the other side of the statue.

   "Are you okay?" Hermione whispered to Fanlin.

   "Not very good, at least the way I don't like it, and what should I be called now?" Fanlin was a little confused.

   "I don't know." Hermione shook her head and looked at Harry.

   "Oh, it's funny...it's scary, isn't it?" she said to Harry who was still staring at the statue.

"Can you see what they are sitting on?" Harry took a closer look and realized that what he thought was an ornately carved throne was actually a bunch of human sculptures: thousands of bodies, men, women There are children, all looking ugly and stupid, twisted and pressed together to support the weight of the chic robe wizard above.

   "Muggles," Hermione whispered, "Come on where they call fair. Let's go."

Together with a group of wizards, they walked to the golden gate at the end of the hall, looking around as carefully as possible, but they didn't find something as distinctive as Umbridge. As for the Alex that Fanlin wanted to find, I didn't even see it.

   They entered a smaller hall through the gate, and the crowd began to line up in front of the elevator in the twelve golden grids. They almost entered the nearest one, and it was a voice rang out: "Kate More!"

  They looked around, and Harry felt his stomach tumbling. One of the Death Eaters who witnessed Dumbledore's death was striding towards them. The Ministry of Magic staff behind them calmed down, and they looked depressed. Harry could feel their fear. The man's gloomy, slightly rugged face did not match his large, gorgeous gown embroidered with gold thread.

   Someone in the crowd around the elevator said flatly: "Good morning, Alex!" But Alex ignored him.

   "I asked the people in the Department of Magic Maintenance to repair my office, Katemore, but it is still leaking there." Ron looked around and hoped that someone would interrupt him, but no one spoke.

   "Leaking rain...your office? This—it's not great, is it?" Ron smiled nervously, and Alex stared.

   "Do you think this is funny? Katemore?" The two witches left the line waiting for the elevator and rushed out.

   "No," Ron said, "Of course it's not funny"

"You know I'm going downstairs to interrogate your wife, Katemore? In fact, I'm very surprised that you didn't wait for me hand in hand with her. You are already tired by her, are you? Smart words, next time Marry a pureblood."

   "I—I—" Ron stammered.

"If my wife is accused of being a mudblood," Alex said, "-Of course I won't make this dirty mistake to marry such a woman... The head of the Law Enforcement Department has done something, I will do it myself Do this job, Katemore, do you know what I mean?"

   "Yes," Ron whispered.

   "Then get to work, Katemore, if my office doesn't dry out within an hour, your wife's pedigree problem will be worse than it is now."

The fence in front of them creaked open and smiled at Harry listlessly and nodded unpleasantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Harry obviously realized that he would be treated like Katemore, Alex. Go to another elevator.

   And Fanlin, Hermione, Harry, and Ron also entered their seat, but no one followed them, as if they had an infectious disease.

   The fence door slammed shut, and the elevator began to climb upward.

   "What am I going to do?" Ron asked the other two immediately, and he looked shocked. "If I didn't show up, my wife... I mean, Katemore's wife..."

"Perhaps you can go to Alex's office to clean up..." Fanlin said, "This is a good opportunity...Oh, forget it, I think I should go with you and finish him in an hour. "

   "Okay, but don't get their attention." Ron said, "What then?"

   "I think you need to go to the courtroom to visit your wife, Ron." Hermione said, "It's hard for you to forget, Alex is going to do this."

   "Oh, I remember..." Ron patted his forehead. "So I have a wife now?"

   "If possible, there is a child Ron!" Harry's voice was deep and sexy...

   "I think I need to spend some time to get to know again..."


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