HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 372: London street

Fan Lin felt like he was about to vomit.

Facts have proved that Dumbledore's Phantom Shifting technique is not something ordinary little wizards can bear.

Fanlin had also been apparated by others, but it was his grandmother. When the apparition, Fanlin was enveloped by a layer of magic. And Dumbledore obviously had no such idea.

Strictly speaking, this is Fanlin's first experience of Apparition.

In fact, Fanlin is completely able to master this magic, but for this risk, the Phantom Shifting spell is more painful when practicing than magicalizing.

For example, Mr. Weasley.

He is the minister of the Muggle Prohibition Division.

Ron once told them about his father's work experience, his familiarity with the Imperius Curse, the magical Muggle items, and the handling of strange things caused by wizards.

Fanlin remembered that a wizard tore his body in two when the apparition was shifting. One half stayed in place, while the other half was apparated. These things were handled by Mr. Arthur Weasley. .

It can be said that Mr. Arthur Weasley's work is the busiest in the entire Ministry of Magic, and it is also the most tiring.

In fact, Apparition is a magic that a wizard must master.

Ordinary wizards are used to hurry, while powerful wizards apply this advanced magic to combat, allowing Apparition to become an instinct of the body.

After all, whether it is from the arrangement matrix of magic or in the sense of combat, the existence of Apparition and the magicalization of wizards belong to the same position.

"It looks like you haven't mastered this magic yet." Dumbledore said slowly.

"Yes, this magical practice requires some care, and Harry and the others are not capable of it." Fanlin replied.

"I believe Miss Granger can do it," Dumbledore said. "It only requires some freshness and skilled healing magic. I remember that I broke my finger once because of Apparition."

"This is terrible, isn't it?" Fan Lin looked a little better.

He had a feeling of vomiting after the apparition, but luckily he got up in the morning without eating anything.

However, the scene before him made him feel very familiar, the gray-white stone road, with the addition of Gothic buildings and high-rise buildings.

Hell, why did the Ministry of Magic have such a modern high-level? Fanlin remembered that the Ministry of Magic was underground in London.

"Where is this?" Fanlin asked. He just saw a man in a suit and a briefcase walking past him.

"England, London." Dumbledore said. 【】

Fanlin raised his head, and they stood on the edge of the road. A crossroad, the worst, it is now a red light.

"Aren't we going to the Ministry of Magic for filing?" Fanlin asked, and he always felt strange.

Dumbledore took him to the streets of London through Apparition? Fortunately, it's only seven o'clock in the morning to get up, and most civilian workers have to wait until 8 o'clock in the morning before going to work.

However, even so, Fanlin nagged about the school bus belonging to the Muggle school. Through the window, Fanlin noticed that several boys and girls were pointing at him.

Perhaps the British "Daily Mail" will report such a news the next day.

At seven o'clock in the morning, on the streets of London, England. Two patients, one old and one young, disregarded their family's dissuasion from taking risks to the streets, and they dressed strangely, suspecting to imitate the costume of a medieval wizard.

Okay, he has to admit, these are all he thought, but this feeling is still weird, isn't it.

Although Fanlin thinks his status as a wizard is cool, but to put it back into a normal life, such a thing is simply a shame.

"It looks like you are a little uncomfortable," Dumbledore said. "Perhaps without my invitation, you should be sitting there now."

"Fortunately." Fanlin said, he still thinks magic is cooler.

"Oh, it looks like we can pass." The indicator flashed with green peers, and Dumbledore walked straight across.

"Where are we going?" Fanlin asked, he hurried to follow, the wizard's cloak rose slightly, in fact, wearing this suit is still a bit hot for Fanlin, he had to use magic to regulate himself Body temperature.

"Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore said, "We didn't go out of the furnace net. The fireplace at Hogwarts is not so clean. Then the Ministry forbids wizards to use transformations. We must follow the rules. "

"Okay." Fanlin curled his lips secretly. Hogwarts also prohibited Apparition, but Dumbledore never cared. Fanlin didn't think Dumbledore would care about these small rules.

Maybe it’s a common problem among the elderly. After all, Dumbledore showed the appearance of an old madman in front of many people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have to say, this looks a lot like a bunch of fools. That's it.

"How are we going, the guest channel?" Fanlin asked. He knew that the guest channel was the little phone booth, which was transformed into a guest channel by the Ministry of Magic.

Phone booths have completely lost their useful role in the popularization of technology products. After all, no one will remember the numbers of all their friends.

In short, as long as it is not a staff passage, Fanlin doesn't want to stand on the toilet with his feet and flush himself down. This feels terrible. Fanlin really admires the brains of the Ministry of Magic and queues to go to the toilet.

Fortunately, Dumbledore's evil tastes didn't seem to happen, and he took Van Lin into a phone booth on the corner of the street.

But this small phone booth was really slow and crowded when two people were squeezed in at once. It felt awful. Dumbledore had a smell of cabbage, a new perfume in the magic world?

"It's the first time I walked the guest aisle. It looks like it's a bit crowded." Dumbledore said, and he reached out and pushed on the side of the phone booth, and then Van Lin felt that the entire space had not been enlarged. How many times.

"Very superb Unmarked Extension Charm, Professor Dumbledore." Fanlin said, it made him feel much better.

"Let's go down!" Dumbledore said. He looked at London outside the window. It is no longer what it used to be in the industrial era. The streets of London that were infested by coal have also restored the original color of the stone walls.

"I think wizards should learn more about Muggles, such as some convenient technology, which is much more convenient and fast. I really want to drive a Muggle car."

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