HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Goblet of Fire and Giant in Love

The next day is Saturday. Normally, most students eat breakfast later. However, it wasn't just Harry and Ron who got up earlier than the usual weekend.

When the four of them entered the entrance hall, they found that there were dozens of people walking around in the hall, some eating toast, but all of them were carefully observing the burning goblet.

It is on the stool in the middle of the hall where the sorting hat is usually placed.

A thin gold thread was fished on the floor around it, forming a circle with it as the center and a radius of 10 feet.

"Did anyone put the name in?" Ron asked a 13-year-old girl.

"The people from Durmstrand are released," she replied, "but I haven't seen any Hogwarts put their names in."

"I bet some of them threw their names in after we left last night." Harry said.

"If it was me, I would do that too. I don't want everyone to see it. What if the cup spit out your name right away?"

Someone laughed behind them.

Fanlin turned around and saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan rushing downstairs, they looked very excited.

"It's done." Fred triumphantly, whispered to Harry, Ron, Fanlin and Hermione, "I just took it."

"Serve what?" Ron asked.

"Ageing agent, dead brain," Fred said.

"One drop per person." George rubbed his hands in excitement. "We only need to be a few months old."

"If any one of the three of us wins, we will evenly divide the thousand dollars." Jordan grinned.

"It's hard to guarantee that it will work, you know." Hermione warned, "That's Dumbledore, do you think..."

"Maybe Dumbledore is old and confused, or he doesn't bother with such simple things..." Fred said.

Fanlin walked over without saying anything. He patted Fred on the shoulder in respect.

"Do you think so too?" Fred's eyes lit up.

Fanlin didn't speak, he wanted to see something more interesting.

"I don't think you will succeed." Hermione said

Fred, George and Lee ignored her.

"Are you ready?" Fred asked the other two, shaking excitedly, "Come on then, I'll go first."

Harry watched, extremely curious, Fred pulled out a piece of parchment from his pocket, wrote "Fred Weasley-Hogwarts" and walked straight to the edge of the line and stood there. Move your ankles like a diver preparing to jump down from a height of 50 feet.

After the exercise, under the gaze of everyone, he took a deep breath and stepped in.

At that moment, Harry thought he had succeeded...

George must think so too, because he let out a cry of victory and jumped in with Fred...

The two of them clapped and celebrated, standing in the age circle and swaggering.

"Wait, there is a good show to watch." Fanlin said secretly.

"What's the matter, how is the ghost?"

"Fred, why don't you put your name in." Fanlin shouted suddenly.

"I'm about to do this." Fred said, and the two looked at each other, and then they threw their names into the goblet of fire.

The flame of the cup swelled fiercely, and the blue flame was very coquettish.

"Perfect," the two said, and they looked extremely proud.

Li was also a little moved, and he was also ready to enter.

It's just that the reaction of the Goblet of Fire is a bit too... well, too strange.

In an instant, a sizzle sounded, blue sparks from the goblet of fire hit Fred and George, and the two twins were thrown out of the gold coil, as if by an invisible shot throw. The person threw it out, and fell heavily on the cold and hard stone floor ten feet away from the circle. There were two loud bangs. What's more unfortunate was that both of them grew long white beards at the same time.

The whole hall laughed, and after they got up and looked at each other, they also laughed.

"I have warned you." A low, uncontrollable voice sounded, and everyone turned and saw Professor Dumbledore coming in from outside. He looked at Fred and George, smiling. "I suggest you two go to Mrs. Pomfrey. She is already looking after Miss Feykoff from Ravenclaw and Mr. Himasi from Hefpaff. Those two have also decided to get older, but I have to say , Their beards are not as good as yours."

Lee Jordan laughed terribly. He accompanied Fred and George to the hospital, while Harry, Ron, Fanlin and Hermione also chuckled and went for breakfast.

The decoration in the lobby in the morning has been changed. Since it was Halloween, a large group of bats flapped their wings and flew around the charming canopy, and hundreds of carved pumpkins peeped at everyone from every corner. Harry walked towards Dean and Finnigan. The two of them are discussing those students who may participate in the Hogwarts school.

"It is rumored that Wallington got up early in the morning and threw his name in," Dith told Harry. "It's the big guy, from Slytherin, who looks like a sloth."

Harry had fought Quidditch with Warrington, and he shook his head in disgust. "People can't ask for one from Slytherin."

"All Hefpaff are discussing Diggory," Finnigan said contemptuously. "But I don't think he has the guts to risk his little white face."

"Listen!" Hermione said suddenly.

The people in the entrance hall were cheering. They were all spinning around the chairs. Angelina walked into the hall and grinned awkwardly.

Angelina, the chaser of Gryffindor's Quidditch team, was quite tall and dark-looking, she walked over to them and sat down.

"Okay, I'm done, I just put the name in!"

"You're kidding!" Ron was surprised.

"Then you are 17 years old?" Harry asked.

"That nonsense, she didn't grow a beard, did she?" Ron said.

"I just celebrated my birthday last week." Angelina said.

"Well, I'm glad that someone at Gryffindor has finally signed up," Hermione said. "I wish you were selected, Angelina."

"Thank you, Hermione." Angelina smiled at her.

"Yes, you are better than the golden fly Diggory." Finnigan's words caused several Hefpaff students who passed by their table to frown at him.

Ron asked Harry, Fanlin and Hermione, "Then we leave the hall after breakfast. What are we doing today?"

"We haven't visited Hagrid yet." Harry said.

"Okay," Ron said. "As long as he doesn't ask me to contribute a few fingers to those fried snails."

"I just want to take a look at Noble. As for the fried snails..." Fanlin murmured, "That thing is too bad."

Hermione's face suddenly became excited.

"I just found out that I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W.!" She said happily, "Wait for me, okay? I will go upstairs to get the badge box."

When Hermione ran up the marble steps, Ron said angrily, "What is she like?"

"Hey, Ron," Fanlin said suddenly, "that's your friend..."

Those Busbarton students walked through the front door from outside.

The Veeva girl was among them.

The people around the burning goblet gave them a way out, and everyone watched eagerly.

Mrs. Maxim followed her students into the hall. She arranged the students in a column. Then they stepped into the age circle one by one, throwing the parchment into the blue and white flames. As soon as each name entered the forest, the fire in the cup turned red and sparks spattered.

Wait, the red spark...


Gabriel did not come, she was not old enough.

Furong raised her head confidently, Bussbaton would only be her, and the rest were foils.

Furong took a provocative look at Fanlin's direction, and...then there was no more. So far, Bussbaton's people have been group activities.

"What will happen to those who are not selected?" Ron whispered to Harry when the Veeva girl threw her name into the fire, "Are they going back to school or staying to watch the game? ?"

Fortunately, Ron didn't notice Furong's gaze.

It is undoubtedly very embarrassing to look like a nympho, these are my friends, and Furong will definitely tease him.

Fanlin thought so, and then, it was not too far from the truth.

"I don't know." Harry said. "I guess he will stay... Mrs. Maxim is going to stay and be the referee?"

"You should have noticed that they are going to stay here for a whole school year, and the exchange meeting hasn't started. These people can't leave so quickly." Fan Lin said helplessly.

"Communication meeting?" Ron asked differently.

"According to the regulations, these are all necessary things." Fanlin said.

After all the Busbarton students signed up, Mrs. Maxim led them out of the hall and into the venue.

Ron moved toward the front door and stared at them. "Where do they sleep?" he asked.

The rattle behind them indicated that Hermione had taken the box containing the S.P.E.W badge and came out.

"Oh, all right, hurry up." Ron said as he jumped off the stone steps. He was still staring at the back of the Veeva girl, and Fleur was now walking with Mrs. Maxim on the road across the lawn.

They are close to the hut in Shanghai by the Forbidden Forest.

The secrets of Boothbarton’s camp are unlocked. The huge pink-blue carriage that carried them stopped 200 yards from the front door of Hagrid's hut. The students are getting on the bus. The giant flying horse pulling the cart grazes in the temporarily set up paddock nearby.

Harry knocked on Hagrid's door, and Hagrid responded. He opened the door to see who was knocking on the door and said, "I thought you guys forgot where I lived!"

"Hagrid, we are really busy." Hermione just said and stopped immediately. She looked up at Hagrid, unable to say a word.

Hagrid wore his best (and terrible) brown furry coat and a yellow and orange check tie. This is not too bad. What's bad is that he obviously wiped his head with a lot of things like wheel lubricant in an attempt to trim his hair. Maybe he had tried Zabir's ponytail, but unfortunately there were too many hairs, and he tied his hair into two strands and hanged straight. Come down. This dress is not suitable for Hagrid at all.

To be honest, Fanlin wanted to complain very much, and everyone should have the same mood.

Maybe they haven't realized what Hagrid wants to do, but...

Well, the giant's spring is here.

Remember Hagrid changed Mrs. Maxim's name, Mrs. Maxim?

Fanlin felt that if Mrs. Maxim was not so tall, then the suitor would be more than just Hagrid.

No one robbed him, at least, in Britain.

Hermione giggled at him for a while. Then, resisting any comment on this, he asked, "Hey, where is the fried snail?"

"Going near the pumpkin patch," Hagrid said happily. "They are getting bigger and bigger. They are about six feet long now. The only trouble is that they start killing each other."

"Oh, my god, really?" Hermione said, losing eyes to several people, telling them not to speak about it.

"Yeah," Hagrid said sadly, "but it doesn't matter, now I open them in separate boxes. There are probably 20."

"Oh, very lucky." Ron said. Hagrid didn't hear the overtones of his words.

Hagrid’s cabin had only one room, and there was a large bed in the corner of the room, and the bed was covered with rags.

In front of the stove, there was a big table and a few chairs, and a large number of prosciutto and dead birds hung from the ceiling to hang above the table.

They sat at the table and Hagrid began to make tea. They were quickly immersed in the discussion of the Three Witches Tournament. It seemed that Hagrid was as excited about it as they were. "You wait and see." He said with a smile, "Just wait and you will see something you've never seen before. The first task...ah, I can't say."

"Go ahead, Hagrid." Harry, Ron, and Hermione urged him, but he just shook his head aloud.

"I don't want to break the rules because of you?" Hagrid said, "but I can tell you that the scene will be spectacular. I never thought I would live to watch the Three Witches match again."

"Yes..." Fanlin wanted to say something, but to break the rules, with Ron's big mouth...

"When will we meet Noble?" Fanlin asked.

"Almost, he will be back." Hagrid said without hesitation.

Regrettably, no one heard what Fanlin meant, thinking that Fanlin was just caring about Noble.

They ended up having breakfast with Hagrid, not much. Hagrid made what he called a beef casserole, and then Hermione found a big claw in the dish, and all four of them had no appetite.

They like to ask Hagrid to tell them what tasks will be in the game, and they like to guess which of the applicants might be selected. They also wondered if Fred and George had their beards removed.

This can be regarded as the most leisure time. There is no study and no magic. This should be the most relaxing time. For Fanlin, only under the leadership of Hogwarts and three people can he enjoy the pleasure.

The sky started to rain at about three o'clock in the afternoon. Fanlin was sitting by the fire, his fingertips beating with some blue light spots, listening to the gentle tapping sound of raindrops hitting the window, and then watching Hagrid mend his socks while working together After Min argued about the servant elves, after showing him the badge, he categorically refused to join SPEW. It was very pleasant.

"It's cruel to them, Hermione," he looked serious, and pierced the giant spicule with the coarse yellow sand thread. "It's their nature to take care of human beings. It's what they like to do. If you pay them, it would be a great insult to them."

"But Harry and Fanlin gave Dobby freedom, and Dobby is happy," Hermione said. "And Dobby received his salary under Fanlin's hands for a month..."

"Three Jin Jialongs." Fan Lin said quickly, after being reprimanded by Hermione for enslavement, Fan Lin forcibly added two Jin Jialongs to Dobby.

...It is conceivable that Dobby looked like he was dying and alive at the beginning.

"Yes, yes, you can find exceptions in every category. I am not saying that there are no weird elves who want to be free, but you can never persuade most of them to do that. No, impossible. Yes, Hermione."

Hermione looked angry, and put her badge back into her cloak, a little sulking, she picked up the book, seemingly not planning to continue talking.

When it got dark after 5:30, Ron, Harry, Fanlin and Hermione thought it was time to go back to the castle.

It’s not just for the Halloween dinner, the main thing is that the contestants from the schools will be announced at that time.

"I'll go with you," Hagrid said, putting his needlework aside. "Please wait a moment."

He stood up, walked over to the bed, and fumbled for something in the cabinet with drawers.

At first they didn't care much, then they smelled an unpleasant smell.

Ron asked as he coughed, "Hagrid, what?" "Huh?" Hagrid turned around and held a big bottle. "You don't like it?"

"Is it cologne?" Hermione was a little bored. "Uh... it's cologne," Hagrid murmured, blushing, "maybe a bit more," he said vaguely, "I'll wash it off, wait..."

He thumped out of the hut. They saw him washing vigorously in the bucket outside the window.

"Cologne?" Hermione was very surprised. "Rubber Hagrid?"

"What's on that hair and clothes?" Harry whispered.

"Look!" Ron said suddenly, pointing outside the window.

Hagrid just got up and turned around. If you want to blush, that is nothing compared to what he is doing now. To prevent Hagrid from spotting them, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood up carefully and looked out the window. Mrs. Maxim and the group of Bill Berton students had just got out of the carriage, and apparently they were also preparing to start a dinner party.

Hagrid was talking to Mrs. Massim. They couldn't hear what he said, but they could see his obsessive and dreamy expressions. Harry had only seen that look once, the same look he had when he saw the young dragon Noble.

"He intends to go to the castle with her!" Hermione was a little angry. "I thought he was waiting for us."

Hagrid walked with Mrs. Massim without looking back, and they struggling up along the field. The students of Busbarton followed in their footsteps, trotting to keep up with their strides.

"He likes her!" Ron felt incredible. "Then, if they develop to have children, they will set a world record-I bet their children each weigh a ton."

"This is too exaggerated. They are not really giants." Fanlin said, "There may be a normal human baby."

"The premise is that Mrs. Maxim wants to see the Shanghai grid." Hermione was speechless. "Mrs. Maxim is very beautiful and very temperamental."

"It might be possible," Harry said. "It's rare to see such a tall person."

Fanlin shrugged his shoulders. He remembered that Hagrid had nothing to do with Mrs. Maxim. Even if it did, it would take a long time.

"Perhaps we should do him well." Fanlin said.

"Help him?" Hermione asked differently. "You?"

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Hermione blushed. "Forget it, I think it's a girl. If you leave it to you..."

"Have you been in love?" Ron asked suddenly.

"How is it possible," Hermione yelled, "However, girls know girls best, you shouldn't..."

The next words are just gibberish...

They walked out of the hut and closed the door. It was dark outside, wrapped in cloaks, and they walked up the sloping grass.

"Oh, look, it's them!" Hermione whispered.

The group of Durmstrangs rose from the lake to the castle.

Victor Krum and Karkaroff walked side by side, and the other students followed randomly.

Ron looked at Krum excitedly, but Krum didn't look around. He arrived at the front door earlier than the four, and entered before them.

The four people arrived at the giant hall, the hall was swaying by candlelight, and the hall was overcrowded. The burning goblet had been moved to the teachers' desk and placed in front of Dumbledore's chair.

Fred and George... well, their beards are gone... seem to have calmly accepted the frustration.

"I hope it's Angelina."

Four people sat down, Fred said.

"Me too." Hermione panted.

"I'll know soon."

The Halloween dinner seemed to last longer than usual, probably because it was their second feast within two days, and everyone did not like these carefully prepared foods as much as usual. All of them craned their necks and looked around, showing an expression of impatience, standing up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.

Like them, Harry just wanted to finish eating quickly and hear who was selected.

The gold discs were finally cleaned up and restored to nothing.

The noise in the hall kept increasing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But as soon as Dumbledore got up, all the noise disappeared. Professor Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim stood beside him, and they followed The others were just as nervous and hopeful.

Lulu Bagmon smiled and blinked at many students, but Mr. Crouch looked cold, even annoying.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready and a decision can be made," Dumbledore said. "It's estimated that it will take another minute. Those students who call their names please go to the head of the hall and walk along the staff desk through this door. Go to the next room."

He pointed to the door behind the staff, "They will receive the first order there."

He took out the wand and waved it vigorously, all the candles were extinguished except the candle in the carved pumpkin.

Everything is in the dark.

In the entire hall, only the burning goblet glowed brightly, and the dazzling blue and white fire pierced his eyes. Everyone is watching and waiting, some people are watching their watches.

"Time is up!" Lee Jordanton whispered as he sat two places away from Fanlin.

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