
"You're pecking me?....... Hmph, ignore you!" Lin

Ruoli pretended to be angry, glanced back at the crumpled note, and sighed.

Forget it, just peck it, if it weren't for Sijiao, she probably wouldn't have seen Vera alive.

Lin Ruoli's heart softened, and out of conscience, he asked if he wanted water, but the owl on the opposite side nodded unexpectedly.

Lin Ruoli, who had just reached out and touched the gift box, was stunned by his fingertips.

"I'm just being polite to you, and you're really not polite to me.

The movement of her hand was not slow, and she took an unknown container shaped like a cup and quickly took a glass of tap water and put it in front of Vera.

The cute owl stared at the unknown bug that was struggling violently on the surface of the water, and fell into silence .......

After a while, it closed its eyes and turned its head away.

After making the bed, Lin Ruoli's attention was attracted by a place on the table again.

"It's ........ What kind of pot is that potion brewing?" She muttered as she approached, opened the lid and sniffed it, the smell of which made her grin.

"Ahem....... This taste........ It's kind of charming ha.

Lin Ruoli quickly closed the lid of the pot.

That's it, smelling it for a second more is disrespectful to the pot and pot OK?

Oh yes, the gift box that Delia gave her!

After so long, Lin Ruoli hadn't opened the gift box that she had planned to open as soon as she entered the door.

But it doesn't matter, now she can finally disassemble this delicate little guy!

At this time, a fluorescent pink paper crane flew weakly in front of her, and Lin Ruoli's attention was quickly attracted by this magical paper crane.

"Vera, look, it can fly!" The

cute owl stretched with his eyes closed, turned around unhurriedly, and accurately pointed his butt at Lin Ruoli.

After receiving such an enthusiastic response from Vera, Lin Ruoli turned her head silently.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, it flies too.

The magical thousand paper cranes were suspended in mid-air, staying in front of Lin Ruoli.

She tentatively reached out to touch it.

- "Smack. The

thousand paper cranes fell on the table.

Lin Ruoli's hand stopped in mid-air.

She was paused for three seconds, then slowly lowered her head.

"What's that....... It's a little chic, it's a pretty thing.

She picked up the paper crane on the table and put it on the shelf.

"One thing to say, it's pretty good-looking.

After twists and turns, Lin Ruoli finally opened the gift box as she wished.

It was full of small cakes, candies and other small snacks, and it was a big box full of them, which looked like it should be enough for her to eat for a day.

Lin Ruoli was so happy that the corners of her mouth almost rose to the sky.

Delia, it has to be her.

Well........ Which one should be eaten first? Lin Ruoli carefully selected for a while, and finally picked out a small note from the snack pile.

- 'Eat a snack at night and be careful of gaining weight!'

" Ah........ All right. Lin Ruoli reluctantly sorted out the snacks in the gift box as they were and closed the lid.

Delia's words still have to be heard.

Quietly staring at the gift box for a while, Lin Ruoli turned her gaze to Vera.

"Are you OK? If it's OK, I'll wash up and go to sleep. The

owl opened one eye and looked behind him, and the man who had spoken was gone, leaving only a heavy closing of the door.

Its gaze swept across the bookshelf without a trace, turned back to a comfortable position, and closed its eyes again.

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