Huanxi Boy: I Am Fang Yuan, And My Appearance Fascinates Song Qian

Chapter 100 First Blood, Wang Yidi's Mother (2)

"A complete gift package?"

Fang Yuan was a little surprised.

"System, open the gift bag."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for a Rolls-Royce Curry South (global limited classic edition), a one-time prop, used by pretend, can be used ten times in total......"

Fang Yuan: "11

When I first saw Curry Nan, everyone was dumbfounded and almost moved, but at the end, I couldn't help spraying the phrase "dog system", and then softened again.

Fang Yuan continued to look down.

"Gain charm value increase (permanent), get a comfort fund of 100 million, and get a company initialization framework (you can choose the company type arbitrarily)."

Is this the so-called perfect package?

Fang Yuan sighed, something is better than nothing.

With Rolls-Royce Curry South, it is more convenient to implement some plans. He successfully found a restaurant with a high rating on the Internet, Summer Palace.

The high society and the places where the rich often come and go, this wave makes Happy Sanmei collectively exaggerate its charm.

With the money offensive and personality charm, I don't believe they can bear it.

After finding the address of Summer Palace on the Internet, Fang Yuan drove a Rolls-Royce Curry south to check on it.

As a result, needless to say, he was warmly welcomed by the boss. Before leaving, he got a card with 10 million recharges.

Fang Yuan returned home and sent a message to Fan Shengmei Guan Juer, agreeing to invite them to the Summer Palace for dinner on Saturday.

Saturday morning.

Ode to Joy Community, 2022

"Four Four Three" "Sister Fan, Yingying, are you alright? We just met for a meal. Why are you all...dressed like a blind date?

Guan Ju'er adjusted his glasses, his face full of helplessness.

"You little idiot, what do you know, let's not care what the new landlord looks like, just say that the place to eat is the Summer Palace, so we have to dress up and not lose our momentum, understand?

While looking in the mirror, Fan Shengmei taught by precepts and deeds.

"Yes, yes, it would be even better if the new landlord is a handsome guy. Oh, I'm so looking forward to it!" Qiu Yingying clutched her heart, her eyes full of longing.

Guan Ju'er raised his hand and looked at his watch, but it was already ten past four, if he was late, wouldn't it be too bad. "

Is it so late?" Fan Shengmei exclaimed, turned her head and brushed her hair in front of the mirror, "Let's go, it would be rude to be late.

Let's go, Sister Fan, Guan Guan, let me tell you, I've searched on the Internet, and the most famous thing in Yiyuan Garden is crab, which is said to be very delicious on the Internet, do you think the new landlord will invite us to eat crab?"

"It will definitely. After all, the Summer Palace is already in, so do you still care about those crabs?"

"I think so, Yingying, you will definitely be able to eat crabs from Yiyuan."

Sanmei took her bag, chatted while walking, and went out of the community to take a taxi and went straight to Jiangnan County.

Along the way, Qiu Yingying excitedly asked three questions and four questions. The seasoned Fan Shengmei and the well-educated Guan Juer joined the battle, and finally stabilized Qiu Yingying's emotions.

Fang Yuan was on his way here, but suddenly remembered that he hadn't prepared a rental contract. Moreover, when meeting for the first time, the first impression is the most important, and he did not prepare a gift.

"What a mistake." Fang Yuan was annoyed.

"Jiang Nan, now go help me print three rental contracts and buy three gifts.

Within, a piece of chocolate fruit donut, a piece of Dvořák’s genuine CD, and a piece of branded lady’s silk scarf, after buying, send it to Yiyuan to report my name

"be quick!"

Jiang Nan, who was in the hospital, saw Fang Yuan's message, and quickly typed back: "Okay, boss!"

The time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

A taxi stopped at the entrance of the Summer Palace, and Sanmei got off one by one.

Sister Fan, is this the Summer Palace? It's so quiet!" Qiu Yingying looked around curiously.

Fan Shengmei spread the knowledge to Qiu Yingying in an experienced manner, "Those big bosses like such a quiet place, and quietness and privacy are the requirements of those big bosses!"

"Oh!" Qiu Yingying nodded half-understanding.

Guan Juer looked around, "Sister Fan, shall we go in?"

Her family's conditions are good, but they are only petty bourgeoisie. She has never been to such a high-end place, and she feels a little nervous unconsciously.

Fan Shengmei looked at her watch, "Wait a little longer, a few minutes after five o'clock, if we can't wait, let's go in."


Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying all agreed, and accompanied Fan Shengmei to stand at the door and wait.

On the other side, Fang Yuan contacted Jiang Nan who had bought a gift, and used Curry Nan to pick her up.

When Jiang Nan saw Curry Nan, she was very surprised. She didn't expect her boss to hide so deeply. It didn't take long, about four fifty-five. A dark tungsten Curry approached south, and the flying goddess on the front of the car was shining brightly.

Fan Shengmei's gaze seemed to be glued to Curry Nanshang, and she followed closely, unwilling to move away at all.

Fang Yuan was sitting in the car, so he naturally saw Sanmei Ode to Joy, "Jiang Nan, that's them, stop there." Okay. "Jiang Nan agreed, and asked the driver to slow down and stop in front of Sanmei in Ode to Joy.

Ode to Joy Sanmei stared blankly at Curry Nan who stopped in front of them.


Is the new landlord so rich?!

At the entrance of the Summer Palace, the waiter saw that Curry Nan stopped early, one ran to inform the boss, and the other ran up to help open the door.

The car door opened, and the waiter saw Fang Yuan's face, and immediately remembered Fang Yuan's identity.

The main impression is too deep, super young! Super handsome! And super rich!

"Mr. Fang, welcome!

Fang Yuan nodded, and when he was about to get out of the car, he turned to Jiang Nan and said, "You come down too, and give the car to the people from Yiyuan to park."

"Ah? Oh!" Jiang Nan glanced at Fang Yuan who got out of the car, opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing Fang Yuan who got out of the car, Ode to Joy Sanmei was even more stunned, her head was dangling: "Oh my God! So handsome! So young!

Jiang Nan walked behind Fang Yuan and stood still, looking at the maddened Joy Song Sanmei, curling her lips secretly.

"Hi, I'm Fang Yuan, nice to meet you!

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand in front of Ode to Joy Sanmei, because Jiang Nan was behind him, Fang Yuan still didn't smile. From now on, he will be the cold and cold president outside, and he will be a pure and sunny boy only in front of familiar people.

Like my sister!

"Ah, hello, I'm Fan Shengmei! Fan Shengmei reached out to shake Fang Yuan's hand with a smile on her face." Hello, Ms. Fan is much more beautiful than the photos. "Fang Yuan boasted blankly.

"Thank you!" Fan Shengmei smiled slightly.

Fang Yuan let go of his hand and looked at Qiu Yingying. Seeing Qiu Yingying's cheeks blushing and looking at her in a daze, Fang Yuan was secretly complacent, but there was still no expression on her face.

"Miss Qiu, hello!"

"Hello, hello, hello!" Qiu Yingying was at a loss, holding Fang Yuan's hand with both hands, shaking it non-stop.

Fang Yuan is helpless, Qiu Yingying in the play is just so dumb and stupid.

Letting go, Fang Yuan turned to his favorite little Guan Guan, "Miss Guan, hello!"

Hello! Guan Juer is much quieter, and he reached out to shake Fang Yuan lightly.


"Mr. Fang, welcome!"

Just as Fang Yuan was about to speak, he was interrupted by the owner of Yiyuan. The owner walked up to Fang Yuan enthusiastically. Mr. Fang, your banquet is ready. The crabs and dishes are all selected by me. You are welcome. satisfy!"

Fang Yuan nodded and said: "Boss, these three are my guests, Miss Fan, Miss Qiu and Miss Guan."

"Three beautiful ladies, welcome to our store, please take care of me in the future."

Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer stood beside Fan Shengmei, looking at Fan Shengmei.

Fan Shengmei smiled generously at the boss: "Boss is polite!"

"Okay, let's go in." Fang Yuan glanced at Guan Ju'er again.

With a serious appearance, I really want to be bullied in my arms.

Hey, yes, yes, Mr. Fang, please, Miss Fan, Miss Guan and Miss Qiu, please!" The boss heard the words, stepped aside quickly, and invited Fang Yuan and others into the private room.

Entering the private room and sitting down one by one, Jiang Nan stood silently behind Fang Yuan, not showing any intention of sitting) "Stop standing, sit down." Fang Yuan tilted his head and said flatly.

Jiang Nan glanced at Fang Yuan, saw that he was still squinting at her, and secretly complained, "Isp!" and sat next to Fang Yuan.

Afterwards, the boss served the dishes himself, attentive and thoughtful.

"Come on, Ms. Fan, Ms. Guan, Ms. Qiu, I would like to offer you a toast. If there is anything going on at the house in the future, feel free to contact me, and what happened last time. I'm really sorry. I didn't use WeChat before, so I forgot to check it. Yes, sorry."

There are still people who don't use WeChat!

The women sitting here all looked at Bai Yu, with some surprise in their eyes, and even a little bit of surprise!

Yes! It's a surprise!

Such a handsome man has never used WeChat, so how clean is his circle of friends?!

Rich and beautiful, without a messy circle of friends, such a man is really too rare!

What Fang Yuan wants is this kind of effect, such a clean, handsome and rich man will ask you if you want it!

"I'm not used to looking for reasons, I just forgot to read it, Tian Fen hugs me to do it first!"

Fang Yuan raised his glass to Ode to Joy and Sanmei, raised his head and drained the red wine in the glass, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and the woman sitting there swallowed subconsciously.

It has been scientifically proven that men are greedy for women's bodies, and women are actually more greedy than men. Otherwise, how can we say that they are like wolf and tiger?

Just like now, all the women here are more or less thinking about that.

The most serious ones belonged to Qiu Yingying and Fan Shengmei, they stared at Fang Yuan so closely that they were almost drooling.

"Guan Guan, little earthworm, Mr. Fang respected us, we have to continue, come on, let's do it. Fan Shengmei picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.

"Good! Done!

Qiu Yingying also toasted, Guan Juer naturally wouldn't let go, and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, two red clouds immediately appeared on his fair face.

Afterwards it was eating, drinking and chatting, drinking too much when she was happy, Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were all confused, only Fan Shengmei was okay, these red wines were nothing to her.

After all, Fang Yuan didn't want to feed them either.

Jiang Nan didn't drink, she wanted to stay awake and stay to deal with the aftermath.

Because it was their first appointment, Fang Yuan didn't think about getting them all at once.

In the end, Fang Yuan asked Jiang Nan to drive, sent the girls back, and finally sent him.

When it was still some distance away from Shuxiang Yayuan, Fang Yuan asked Jiang Nan to stop the car 4.1, and then sent her back.

After all, this thing is too eye-catching, and Fang Yuan doesn't want to attract attention. After Jiang Nan left, Fang Yuan put the car into his backpack through the system's one-key recovery function. This is a blind spot for monitoring, so don't worry.

He is very familiar with Shuxiang Yayuan. After all, he often goes on dates with Qiao Yingzi. He knows exactly where the surveillance cannot see.

After taking the car back, with the cool breeze blowing in the night, the spirit of alcohol immediately picked up.

His head began to gradually become dizzy, and he began to walk unsteadily.

On the other side, a well-dressed woman hurriedly walked home in high heels, only to bump into drunk Fang Yuan head-on.

The woman fell to the ground with an "ouch", clutched her ankles, and cursed, "What's wrong with you? Do you have eyes?"


The woman stood up, walked over and found Fang Yuan lying on the ground, without saying a word, stepped forward and kicked her with her high heels, and said, "Hey, don't pretend to be here with me, Pengci, you hit me? "

After talking for a long time, there was still no movement, the woman panicked, squatted down and approached, and the smell of alcohol hit her, and she realized that the other party was drunk.

"Hey, alcoholic... hey, this guy looks familiar. Isn't this Tong Wenjie's husband, Fang Yuan?"

Wang Yidi's mother finally saw clearly, isn't it Fang Yuan who is drunk?

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