Huanxi Boy: I Am Fang Yuan, And My Appearance Fascinates Song Qian

Chapter 34 Before You Start, You Need To Analyze And Thank The Giants For Their Support

ps: Recommend a friend a book "Emperor Chat Group: Uploading Scenes of Nuclear Explosions at the Beginning"

The absent-minded Qiao Yingzi didn't notice that the man-faced and animal-hearted uncle was peeping at him in the dark.

I thought Fang Yuan was a good person, and even had some dependence on him in my heart.

After all, Qiao Yingzi lives in a single-parent family and has lacked paternal love since she was first born.

Qiao Weidong is that kind of libertine again, and he still remembers Qiao Yingzi's sentence "Dad, why do you care so much about my studies all of a sudden?" It is enough to see that Qiao Weidong rarely cares about Qiao Yingzi.

Not a qualified father, certainly not a qualified husband.

So remarriage, whether it is for Qiao Yingzi or Song Qian, is a wrong choice.

He loves the house and loves Wu, he doesn't mind taking care of a few more people.

After all, Song Qian is Tong Wenjie's best friend, and Qiao Yingzi is the daughter of his wife's best friend.

Feelings must be cultivated from now on.

Fang Yuan sent Qiao Yingzi back to Shuxiang Yayuan, and naturally he was sincerely thanked by Song Qian.

They are orphans and widows, and Fang Yuan didn't stay too long. After all, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he simmered slowly for delicate work.

After Fang Yuan returned home, it was another calm day because Tong Wenjie was not feeling well.

There are always a few days a month when Fang Yuan is lying on the bed, recalling every detail of playing with Qiao Yingzi in his mind, the more he thinks about it, the harder it is to fall asleep.

Song Qian, Qiao Yingzi.

How to get started?

Before you start, you must analyze it. This is a good habit. Take a notebook and write it down.

The relationship between Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi has actually gone through three stages. The first stage is "mother kindness and daughter filial piety". Song Qian fully takes care of Qiao Yingzi's college entrance examination and arranges her study and life. It can be said that she is meticulous care. Qiao Yingzi is also very competitive. Not only does she rank among the best in grades, but she also takes care of her mother's feelings and cares for the sensitive Song Qian in reverse.

But with Song Qian's high-pressure education, Qiao Yingzi gradually began to want to avoid Song Qian, and the relationship between the two appeared cracks. Compared with Song Qian's suffocating concern, Qiao Weidong's father's intentions are obviously more suitable for Qiao Yingzi. She wants toys and model airplanes. Qiao Weidong, who is rich and powerful, doesn't even bat an eye, and directly buys them for his daughter. "Yingzi, open the door daddy", this scene happened on the way to deliver Lego.

As Qiao Yingzi's depression worsened, she started playing truant, her grades plummeted, and she often quarreled with Song Qian. Although their mother and daughter are both thinking about each other, they are not on the same channel. The communication is completely ineffective, and it directly turns into a quarrel of screaming and venting anger. In the end, Qiao Yingzi couldn't bear it anymore, missed the winter camp of Nanjing University, left alone without saying goodbye, and ran from Beijing to Shenzhen. The relationship between her and Song Qian dropped to a freezing point.

From the beginning, Song Qian's love for Qiao Yingzi was unilateral. Whether it was resigning to take care of her daughter at home, or preparing nourishing soup, Song Qian thought it was "love". In Qiao Yingzi's view, everything Song Qian did was to restrain and imprison her.

Qiao Yingzi wanted to go to Nanjing University Astronomy at first, but this idea was opposed by Song Qian. She didn't want her daughter to be so far away from her, which would make Song Qian's sensitive mind feel extremely insecure. But Song Qian also knew that Qiao Yingzi had grown up and should have her own life, and could not stay by her mother's side all the time.

Under such ambivalence, Song Qian came up with a compromise, that is, Qiao Yingzi could apply for the "Department of Astronomy", but he had to choose Qingbei's astronomy instead of Nanjing University's. In Song Qian's view, this is already a big concession, and Qiao Yingzi should also understand her painstaking efforts, not to mention being grateful, at least she should accept it happily.

As everyone knows, what Qiao Yingzi cares about is not only learning astronomy, but more importantly, wanting to escape from her mother, because Song Qian's love is so meticulous that it is like a glass cover. Although there is no wind and rain, it is overwhelming. angry. Song Qian's thinking, to Qiao Yingzi, is like "I want to eat apples, but you don't allow them. In order to show enlightenment, you are allowed to eat radishes."

Song Qian's unilateral love not only failed to ease the relationship between mother and daughter, but also made Qiao Yingzi feel that Song Qian had never understood her and forced herself to accept her mother's ideas. Maybe at the beginning, Qiao Yingzi didn't have that strong idea of ​​wanting to learn astronomy, but Song Qian's way of obstructing in every possible way accelerated the crack in the relationship between Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian.

Why can't Song Qian leave her daughter? Because she is a hurt divorced woman, a single mother with children alone, Qiao Yingzi is her everything. If her daughter leaves Song Qian, she will feel like she has lost her sense of security, which is absolutely unacceptable. Especially the appearance of Qiao Weidong. The reason for their divorce before was that Qiao Weidong cheated. Although Qiao Weidong said it was a misunderstanding, Song Qian thought it was true.

Before Qiao Yingzi's third year of high school, Qiao Weidong rarely appeared, but during the most critical stage of the college entrance examination, Qiao Weidong and Qiao Yingzi's frequent contact made Song Qian feel that Qiao Weidong wanted to take her daughter away. And Qiao Weidong also has a girlfriend "Mr. Xiaomeng", who is younger and more beautiful than himself, and even Qiao Yingzi is very happy to accept her.

As for Song Qian, she is like an abandoned person. Qiao Yingzi, Qiao Weidong and Xiaomeng will form a new family. This scene is lingering in Song Qian's mind. More care made Qiao Yingzi understand that only her mother is good for her.

But this way of love is too heavy, and finally Qiao Yingzi completely collapsed, trying to escape from Song Qian desperately. In Qiao Yingzi's heart, she also knew Song Qian's sensitivity, and was trying her best to take care of her mother's feelings. Including Song Qian wanting to watch a movie with Qiao Yingzi. Although Qiao Yingzi watched it once with her classmates, in order not to make her mother sad, she still kept it from her mother. The result is Qiao Yingzi's collapse. She wants to learn astronomy and leave her mother. If she can only satisfy one of them, she is still struggling in her heart.

Song Qian knew that her love for her daughter was too heavy. She understood all of this. As a teacher of Chunfeng Middle School, it was impossible for her to understand these basic educational psychology, but she dared not let go. Qiao Yingzi was her only spiritual sustenance after her divorce. She dared not let her daughter fly. She would rather Qiao Yingzi not fly high, but stay in her sight.

This is very selfish, but also a very sympathetic thought. In the end, after Qiao Yingzi was found, it was not Qiao Yingzi who received treatment, but Song Qian and Qiao Weidong. The relationship between their husband and wife was the root cause of Qiao Yingzi's mental illness.

Song Qian knew it in her heart before, but she was unwilling to make changes, but now she has to. For the sake of Qiao Yingzi's growth, the divorced couple came together again, which can be regarded as the reconciliation of the previous suspicions and reconciliation.

PS: Let me say one more thing, thank you for the five rewards from the reader boss at the beginning of 13518, I kneel down to the boss

Thank you and the big guy libo124 for the reward, and the monthly pass for the big guy Zuixue.

I wish my book friends a happy New Year's Day and all wishes come true

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