Huanxi Boy: I Am Fang Yuan, And My Appearance Fascinates Song Qian

Chapter 46 Tong Wenjie Wants To Divorce, Fang Yuan Wants To Drive The Horse

Fang Yuan is a little speechless now, did he expect to be exposed at the last moment?

At this point, he knows that there is no way to hide it anymore. If this situation continues, Tong Wenjie will definitely call the police, and he will find out when the time comes.

Simply confessing this can save a lot of trouble.

He bite the bullet and said: "Wen Jie, don't worry, I transferred the money in the card and used it, but I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be worried."

On the other end, Tong Wenjie was stunned when she heard this sentence.

Seeing this, Song Qian hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What did Fang Yuan say?"

Tong Wenjie said: "He said that he transferred the money and used it."

Song Qian said: "Isn't this a good thing? At least it proves that the money is not lost."

"No, why did he transfer so much money? What did he use it for?"

After Tong Wenjie came back to her senses, she hit Fang Yuan with a single blow.

"Do you know that I was scared to death? What do you want to do when you transfer so much money? Where did you get the money? Fang Yuan, I'm warning you. I'll give you a minute to return the money to me." return."

The money is all Tong Wenjie's painstaking efforts. In the future, Fang Yifan will go to college and marry a wife.

If the money was lost, she would have suicidal thoughts.

Fang Yuan said embarrassingly: "I used the money for investment, and I may not be able to withdraw it temporarily, but don't worry, it will be the day after tomorrow at most, and the day after tomorrow I can withdraw it with interest."

"What? You used the money to invest? Fang Yuan, if you don't make it clear today, I will divorce you."

Tong Wenjie was really furious. What happened today really touched her bottom line. In her opinion, she prepared all the money for her son.

As a result, Fang Yuan invested it without saying a word, but didn't tell her. Although he didn't know what Fang Yuan invested in, the investment would definitely make a profit and lose money. The hard work was ruined like this?

In addition, what makes it even more difficult for her to accept is Fang Yuan's opportunism, which is the same as being addicted to gambling and silently buying lottery tickets, fantasizing about getting rich overnight.

It is irresponsible to the family. Of course, Tong Wenjie didn't know that Fang Yuan had cheating, so he was very worried.

"Where are you now?"

Fang Yuan lied: "The company."

"I'll give you ten minutes to explain clearly when you get home. If you don't explain clearly, then the marriage is divorced today."

Tong Wenjie couldn't accept being with an irresponsible person, Fang Yuan could only say: "Okay, I'll go home right now."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan took out his mobile phone and looked at the profit of pork futures. It is currently more than two million yuan, and he can withdraw it the day after tomorrow.

From the principal of hundreds of thousands of yuan, it took half a month to increase to more than two million yuan. After excluding the cost, there are still more than one million yuan, which is enough for the next investment.

More than one million is just an appetizer, which is still far from his goal.

Although he has earned more than one million yuan, Fang Yuan's heart is still very calm, but he is very interested in Tong Wenjie's divorce. After the divorce, he will be free and can ride the horse and whip the whip, unlike now Same, hands tied.

This marriage must be divorced, otherwise if Ruan Zhenzhen finds out, it will probably turn over.

The second is that after divorce, the difficulty of attacking Song Qian and the others may be reduced. After all, being single and married are two completely different identities.

It would be best to take advantage of this opportunity and divorce Tong Wenjie, so that there will be no worries at all.

You can surf anytime, anywhere, put down your phone, and Fang Yuan drove the car straight to the house.

On the other side, Song Qian said, "Wen Jie, let me see you off."

Tong Wenjie said: "No need, I won't waste your time, you should go to work."

Song Qian said: "It's okay, I don't have many students this afternoon, it's difficult for you to walk like this, so I'll take you there."

I don't know why, but just now when she heard that Tong Wenjie was going to divorce Fang Yuan, Song Qian's heart burst into secret joy for no reason, and she jumped for joy.

She couldn't wait to be a witness. Facing Song Qian's enthusiasm, Tong Wenjie was too embarrassed to refuse, and said, "Then I will trouble you, Song Qian."

"It's okay, we are all girlfriends."

Song Qian smiled, but Tong Wenjie didn't understand the principles of fire prevention, theft and girlfriends.

Soon, the two went downstairs, and Song Qian drove Tong Wenjie back in her silver BMW.

Coming downstairs to Tong Wenjie's house, Song Qian said, "Here we are, go up."

"Song Qian, come up with me and see what kind of medicine is sold in Fang Yuan's gourd?"

"I won't get involved in the matter of you two."

"Just do me a favor, you know a lot, and give me a reference."

Hearing this, Song Qian went down the donkey along the slope, begrudgingly: "Okay, I'll go up with you, and I'll check for you."

In fact, Song Qian really wanted to see if the two could get divorced, and inexplicably thought of the bracelet on her wrist, and a strange emotion grew in her heart.

If Wen Jie and Fang Yuan really can't live on anymore, then it seems that she can...

"Ah, no, Song Qian, what are you thinking? Fang Yuan is your best friend's husband, how can you steal your best friend's husband?"

But soon, another voice hinted at her.

"What are you afraid of? As long as two people divorce, they are free. Since they are free, anything can happen."

"No, no, no..."

In Song Qian's mind, heaven and man are at war.

Fang Yuan came back before the two of them had to wait too long. As soon as she saw Fang Yuan, Tong Wenjie immediately asked, "Fang Yuan, what did you do to hide the money from me?"

Fang Yuan said: "I used it to buy futures, pork, family money and my own private money. The total was nearly X hundred thousand, and I bought them all."


Even though she had already heard about it on the phone, Tong Wenjie was still dizzy for a while, and said, "You bought it all? Not a cent left?"


Song Qian on the side also asked: "Then can I take it out now?"


Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "It's been more than ten days since I bought it, and the funds have been tied up."

Hearing this, Tong Wenjie completely collapsed, her body went limp, she slumped on the sofa, and said, "Fang Yuan, I thought you were a down-to-earth man. Although your salary is not high, you usually like to play with flowers and plants and raise turtles." , I don’t care about family affairs, I am the only one who is worried about it, my son is already so old, I can bear it, but you secretly used money to invest without telling me, this has already touched my heart Bottom line, let me tell you, I can't live with you anymore, and I want to divorce you. "

Hearing this sentence again, Song Qian was secretly happy, and Fang Yuan was moved.

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