Huanxi Boy: I Am Fang Yuan, And My Appearance Fascinates Song Qian

Chapter 80 Qiao Yingzi: If The Relationship Lasts For A Long Time, How Can It Be Day And Night

Seeing Song Qian's panic-stricken look, Fang Yuan smiled triumphantly. Hearing the noise outside the door, Qiao Yingzi walked out of the room. When she saw Fang Yuan, she was very happy.

I finally saw my lover again. As the saying goes, if you don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns.

At this moment, Qiao Yingzi really wanted to throw herself into Fang Yuan's arms, but luckily reason prevailed.

I have already figured out what's going on between me and Fang Yuan, it's not a momentary hothead, but a long-term companionship.

Qiao Yingzi even took a poem as his motto, and came out to motivate himself to study hard, get into a good university, and strive to choose some from his mother Song Qian.

If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening?

The meaning of this poem directly represents her state of mind.

If two people are in love and will never change until death, why bother to seek the joys of the morning and evening "four two three".

The poet's philosophical discussion summarizes the true meaning of love: love must withstand the test of long-term separation, as long as you can love each other sincerely, even if you are separated all year round, it is much more valuable than the vulgar love of being together day and night, showing a noble spirit Realm has become a famous sentence of love through the ages.

At the same time, Qiao Yingzi also believes that he will usher in "the golden wind and the jade dew meet, and they will win but there are countless people in the world."

As long as two people can meet in college, then everything is worth it.

Fang Yuan showed a bright smile at Qiao Yingzi.

"Hello, Yingzi"

"Uncle Fang, hello."

The girl's face was blushing, and Tong Wenjie beside her joked, "Yingzi, you know how shy you are."

Song Qian just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Of course, even if they were killed, they wouldn't know that Fang Yuan was such a beast that he had already attacked Yingzi, and he had already succeeded.

The current Yingzi can be described in a song.

the rest of my life

I only want you

the rest of my life

Blizzard is you

plain is you

Poverty is also you

Ronghua is you

You are the tender heart

Wherever you look

also you

In short, all eyes are on you.

However, Fang Yuan simply greeted Qiao Yingzi, but such a move was enough to make the girl in Huaichun happy.

In order to prevent Song Qian from seeing anything, Fang Yuan did not interact with Qiao Yingzi more. At this stage, they mainly hibernate and cannot be exposed.

Song Qian called a few people to the living room to sit down, and asked, "Have you all eaten yet?"

Tong Wenjie put the bag on the sofa, and responded, "You don't need to work, we've eaten."

He opened the mouth and said, "Then let the two of them rest for a while, and I will print out my test papers and send them to do it later, and then we will enter the room to analyze the results."

"This is your home, listen to you."

Song Qian smiled and got up to get busy.

Tong Wenjie was sitting on the sofa, Fang Yuan pretended to be unable to sit still and wandered around, and walked to Song Qian's room without knowing it. At this time, Song Qian was bending over and busy printing papers. Fang Yuan walked over and said: "Every week Thank you for letting you print papers for them."

Song Qian smiled and said, "It's okay."

Song Qian didn't want to be alone with Fang Yuan, she was afraid that he would do something to her, when the time came, would she resist or enjoy it?

This is a question worth thinking about. If you resist, Tong Wenjie will know if you make a fuss. If you enjoy it...

Bah, how could I enjoy that feeling? If he did something to himself, he would definitely resist it.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan didn't do anything to her, so Song Qian felt a little disappointed in her heart.

This thought surprised Song Qian even more. What happened to her? How could she have such a terrible and shameful thought?

She actually had the feeling that she wanted to be touched by Fang Yuan, Song Qian quickly shook her head to get this shameful thought out of her mind.

She's not a pervert, no.

It's all Fang Yuan's fault, I used to be quite pure, but this dog man polluted me.

As a result, she always thought about these weird things all day long. Thinking about it this way, Song Qian didn't want to see Fang Yuan.

After printing the test paper, he glared at Fang Yuan and left.

"Bah, a guy with a heart and no guts is nothing!"

Seeing Song Qian's white eyes, Fang Yuan felt baffled.

She stared at what she was doing, but she obviously didn't do anything.

At most, he just stood behind her and stared at her buttocks for a while.

It's nothing, is it?

Besides, Song Qian didn't have her back to her, and she couldn't know what she was doing, unless she had eyes on the back of her head.

Fang Yuan was puzzled and felt depressed.

Doing the questions is a kind of torment, at least for Fang Yifan.

He can't do 80% of the questions on the above paper, even if he racks his brains, he can't figure out which method to use.

On the other hand, Qiao Yingzi and Lei'er seemed to be able to solve the problems with ease, especially Lei'er, who was able to solve the problems at a very fast speed.

Compared with these two people, Fang Yifan is simply a fighter among the scumbags, the scumbag to the extreme.

Tong Wenjie looked at Fang Yifan's foolishness and didn't take the questions seriously, raised his hand angrily and gave him a slap on the back of the head, and scolded: "Don't look around, you can only rely on yourself now, do the questions for me.

Fang Yifan: "..."

He is really too difficult, destroy it.

Tong Wenjie looked at Fang Yifan and her nephew Lin Lei'er with complicated emotions, they were all in the same class, why was there such a big learning gap?

Can't figure it out.

For Fang Yifan's grades, Tong Wenjie didn't know how many remedial classes he had contacted, and it was useless, but his grades kept dropping.

Soon he fell from the top ten in the class to the second last in the class.

In this way, he still looks heartless and laughing every day.

Sometimes Tong Wenjie thought, if Fang Yifan should be remade, it would be too tortured.

The three of them have been working on 2.5 questions all morning. Lin Leier and Qiao Yingzi are getting more and more courageous in their work. The two seem to be competing with each other. It depends on who can do it faster and who can do it more accurately.

Song Qian was very relieved to watch this scene, watching the two people overtake each other, she did not stop it, this is a healthy competition.

Seeing that their learning atmosphere is so good, Song Qian didn't stay idle and started cooking.

After all, doing a question is a job that consumes a lot of mental and physical energy, especially brain power. Thinking about a question does not know how many brain cells will be consumed.

Fang Yuan originally wanted to go to the kitchen to help Song Qian, and by the way, he might be able to take advantage of something.

But Song Qian seemed to have predicted his thoughts, and said directly to Tong Wenjie, "Wen Jie, come to the kitchen and help me, let Fang Yuan watch the three of them do the questions."

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