Huanxi: The Villain Becomes Stronger, Xiaomeng Gets Drunk At The Beginning

Chapter 61 Shengxuan Shares, Street Selection (510)

While the Jingyan Group has acted, on the other hand, the Shengxuan Group has also acted.

The purpose is the same as Jingyan Group.

But the result is the same.

"I didn't expect such a genius to exist in the world."

Looking at the investigation report handed over by the secretary, Tan Zongming couldn't help but take a deep breath: "I started my business as a freshman, and now I have so much wealth in less than ten years.

"Mr. Tan, aren't you the same.

The staff said flatteringly: "At Jiang Chen's age, you earn much more than him."

"That's because I have the Tan family as my backer!"

Tan Zongming glanced at his subordinates, and said expressionlessly: "What kind of education did I receive from childhood, and what kind of education did he receive from childhood. When I started my business, my family helped me, what did he have?"

"Uh... this..." The "790" employee didn't expect that he would be flattered on the horse's leg, and immediately smiled awkwardly.

"Huh... don't flatter me in the future, I, Tan Zongming, am not someone who can't afford to lose. There are many geniuses in the world, and there are many people who are better than me. If I didn't even have this kind of tolerance, I wouldn't be where I am today , I’ve already died of anger.”

Tan Zongming snorted coldly.

"Understood, Mr. Tan."

The employees nodded repeatedly without any hesitation.

"Go out and keep watching Lao Pan. If he goes to Kyoto this time and the deal is really successful, then tell me right away, and I want to have a good chat with this Jiang Chen."

As Tan Zongming spoke, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Genius? Well, my Shengxuan Group lacks this kind of young blood. Now those directors are too old, and they usually shy away from making a decision. If it weren't for them, they couldn't do this, that wouldn't work, I Shengxuan Group is definitely stronger than it is now!"

Speaking of this, Tan Zongming was full of anger.

Because of these old directors, many of his wise decisions were rejected.

Over the years, no less than tens of billions have been lost!

Seeing that Jiang Chen has such achievements at such a young age, he is definitely not a quiet master, and he will definitely choose to move forward bravely.

If they can be pulled over, then they can deal with those old directors together.

But Jiang Chen didn't know that he was in the capital, but he had already affected the two business giants in the capital.

At this time, Jiang Chen was accompanying his little wife.

"What's wrong? Are you still angry?"

On the street outside Shuxiang Yayuan, Jiang Chen looked at Tao Zi who was eating ice cream while walking, and said with a helpless smile, "I'm walking with you."

"Hmph... What about the other day?"

Tao Zi snorted softly and turned his head away, not wanting to just let Jiang Chen go.

These days, she has been left out in the cold.

"That doesn't seem to be my reason, it seems that you are late after school every day."

Jiang Chen teased and said: "And you have an uncle at home, do you dare to tell Teacher Pan to come down for a walk so late? Will Teacher Pan let you come down?"

"I...huh...hate it.

When Tao Zi heard this, he suddenly became sullen.

I don't know if that annoying sound was referring to Jiang Chen or my uncle Fan Shi.

Of course, it is more likely to be talking about the school's evening self-study.

If it wasn't for this evening self-study, she would have been able to go home after school. After dinner, you can go for a walk with Jiang Chen.

You know, it hasn't been long since she and Jiang Chen confirmed their boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

It's time for sweetness!

It turned out to be fine, and we haven't seen each other for a few days.

Although she has contact with Weixin, she is afraid of being heard by Pan Shuai at home, so she dare not even make a video call.

In my heart, I wanted to kill Jiang Chen a long time ago.

"By the way, where did Teacher Pan go today?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

You know, although Pan Shuai is a teacher at Chunfeng Middle School, he is very busy on weekdays.

But in order to take care of his sister's children, he went home on time every day, and then cooked for Tao Zi.

Guard Tao Zi.

I suddenly have to go home late today, and I don't know what happened.

"I don't know, uncle didn't say."

Tao Zi shook his head and said, "How can it be that there is a teacher's meeting in the school?"

Jiang Chen nodded and didn't care too much.

But at this moment, Tao Zi stopped suddenly, as if he had seen something interesting, his eyes sparkled.

Jiang Chen noticed Tao Zi's actions and turned his head to look over.

When I saw colorful lights flickering in the distance, and a mass of black human heads, I was also a little curious.

"Jiang Chen, let's go and have a look, it must be very interesting...

Tao Zi ate the ice cream in one bite, held Jiang Chen's hand, and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes shining.


Jiang Chen was already interested in it, but seeing what Tao Zi said, he naturally wouldn't refuse.

Immediately, the two walked towards the crowd together.

As they got closer, the two realized that a stage had been set up here.

But when he saw the host on the stage, Jiang Chen was surprised.

Isn't this an employee of your own company?

If I remember correctly,

It seems to be an employee of the propaganda team, Xiao Zhao?

Isn't it here...

"Star draft?"

Tao Zi looked at the big characters hanging on the stage, and was a little surprised: "Is this the entertainment company's audition for artist students?"


Jiang Chen touched his nose, a little speechless.

That's embarrassing!

My own company has organized such an activity, and as the president myself, I don't know it at all.

And the location of the event is so close to where I live.

At this time, there was already a boy on the stage.

He is about eighteen or nineteen years old, and he looks good, but his body looks a bit fat.

"Okay, please introduce yourself to this contestant, and then tell me what show you are going to perform next?"

The host Xiao Zhao came to the boy with a microphone in his hand.

"Hi everyone, my name is Li Lei 5.7, and I am..."

After the boy made a brief self-introduction, he began to perform.

He performed a street dance.

Although Jiang Chen doesn't know hip-hop, he can tell that boys don't dance well.

There were fatal mistakes in many places, and there was another time when I fell so hard that it took more than ten seconds to get up.

But it's normal, this kind of star selection on the street is signed up by random passers-by.

It is basically impossible to pick good seedlings.

This is just a fish-fishing work made by many small entertainment companies.

That said, try your luck and see if you can catch a big fish among passers-by.

Anyway, it doesn't take a lot of money to hold this kind of event. As for the stage, the company has it, and the host is also ready-made.

At most, it's just a prize money.

Of course, there is a venue fee. .

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