Huashan Gate

Vol 3 Chapter 4981: The terrifying attack of the ancestor of the fairy world and his forcibly break

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Seeing other people's escape, Yu Yu felt that this matter was different from what he had just thought. The huge figure is clearly aimed at himself.

People can fly away, but can't fly away by themselves... the result can be imagined.

Bang bang bang

Three loud noises came. Yu Yu hadn't reacted yet, and felt that someone had exploded and died.

"It's useless to think about this." Yu Yu felt that his skin was about to burst. The pressure from above was not what he expected.

It is not the kind of situation that seems to crush people to death. Once the white light comes down and when they are not very far away, Yu Yubian feels that the true energy in his body is good, regardless of his cultivation level, he becomes violent. a feeling of.

He could no longer hold back this violent agitation. But I don't know why, Yu Yu feels that he seems to be under less pressure than them, and I don't know if it is because of the white light in the world.

Yu Yu still can't move freely. The most important thing is that he still can't use his own cultivation base. Not only him, but in fact, many people here are unable to use his own cultivation base.

"I can't really die here" Yu Yu felt as if he had lost consciousness again. He held his breath and concentrated all his attention, thinking about the light in the sea.

His only hope is that all his hopes are pinned on this ray of light. He actually doesn’t know why he did it. He just feels that this is the last straw. If this straw is no longer good, he might really die. Here it is.

The two primordial spirits are close to losing consciousness. Only Yu Yu's ontological consciousness, that is, the consciousness of the physical body, can remain slightly awake.

Yu Yu understands that this is because his physical body is actually closer to this world, that is, compared to the soul, the physical body is closer to the most basic things in this world, and his talent, that is, the talent of Tianchangyuan, is actually not It comes from the soul, but something from the flesh.

Perhaps because of this, although his soul has lost consciousness, his ontological consciousness can still remain sober. Yu Yu couldn't understand what he had experienced.

He seemed completely resigned to his fate, and there was no way.

In Shihainei, the white light moved slightly, followed by Yu Yu's Shihainei and released a huge white light.

Yu Yu screamed, and he couldn't help but shout out.

An equally white radiance flew out from Yu Yu's Tianling Gai, a light as thick as the mouth of a bowl, straight into the sky, and flew directly to the huge figure above.


The sound of thunder-blasting sounded in the sky, cold and merciless. Although this voice came from a high altitude, it sounded no different from being from hell.

Yu Yu was a little dazed. In his dimness, he seemed to feel that someone was within the range of his spiritual radiation, that is, within the range that he could sense, and he gave himself a hey.

Although the voice was actually very loud, everyone in the node world heard it, but what Yu Yu heard was not what they heard.

"You are also afraid of heaven." In the dimness, Yu Yu seemed to understand something. He actually didn't know what happened, but in his mind or consciousness, such an idea arose.


A crisp sound, a very light and crisp sound came from high above. The voice is not very loud, but everyone hears it clearly and clearly, as if it rang in their ears.

"All right……"

Yu Yu suddenly felt aroused, and found that all the restraints on his body were gone, completely waking up from the coma-like feeling just now.

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