Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 109 Mimi is choked by the box office

The phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot turns light, and fish and dragons dance all night long!

The next morning, Gu Zhongyu, who was leaning on the bow of the boat, received a call from Guo Fan.

“The first day’s box office is out!”

Gu Zhongyu was not surprised to hear that Guo Fan's tone was a little frustrated. After all, it was the first domestically produced science fiction film, so we couldn't have high hopes. I would be grateful if I got 10 million on the first day. I'd better pay a small amount!

"How many? It should be okay, right?"

"Not ideal."

No way? With such overwhelming propaganda, we can’t even get 10 million? Wouldn’t it be difficult for the total box office to exceed 100 million? This time the compensation went to grandma’s house!

Noticing Gu Zhongyu's emotional changes, Yang Mi stopped moving.

"It has just reached 35.58 million, and is still a little short of 36 million. It is a pity that it cannot break the first-day record of "Tangshan Earthquake"!"

Gu Zhongyu:......

Labor and management really want to give you a slap in the face!

The box office on the first day was 34.58 million, which means that the reputation has not collapsed, and it is at least 5 to 6 billion. Last year's box office champion "The Thirteen Beauties" only had more than 20 million on the first day!

If the downward trend can be reversed in the future, it is entirely possible to exceed the 630 million of "Tangshan Earthquake".

This has exceeded Gu Zhongyu's expectations. According to his assumption, the film's first day sales would be less than 20 million at best, and it would be worth 300 to 400 million in the end, no profit or loss.

In his excitement, he didn't even notice that Yang Mi rolled his eyes.

"Increase publicity efforts, especially on Tieba, Weibo, AcFun, Bilibili and other websites commonly used by young people. If our movie wants to hit 1 billion, we must rely on these people!"

"That will cost a lot of money! We have already spent nearly 100 million on publicity expenses, which is almost catching up with the cost of film production." Guo Fan feels sick talking about this, please save this money and leave it to me How great it is to make a movie!

"I don't care about this. I'm a bastard. If you lose it, make it again! As long as we can sell out the movies in this wave and popularize the concept of domestic science fiction, then it will all be worth it!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi coughed a few times and burst into tears: "You are going to die! How many box office hits have you been so excited?"

"35.58 million!"

"Really or not?" Yang Mi suspected that he heard wrongly. The box office on the first day was one-third of that of his original "Far Cry". Is it so powerful?

"How can it be fake? Now that the 600 million yuan is gone, I want to increase publicity and see if it can hit 1 billion yuan."

At present, the highest domestic movie box office is "Avatar" with a box office of 1.3 billion. This record will last until 2015, when "Monster Hunt" was released with a box office of 2.4 billion, and was finally broken.

Although Gu Zhongyu does not think that "Ball Lightning" can break Avatar's record, there is still hope to hit the billion level ahead of schedule.

The happiest person is Yang Mi. This is a turning point in her acting career, and she may also become the first domestic heroine with a box office of one billion!

She was so happy that she immediately gave Gu Zhongyu a nice pop to express her gratitude.

"Don't make trouble! A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds, so brush your teeth first."

"Hmph! You stinky man, you still dislike me." Yang Mi went to brush his teeth obediently and was leaving in the afternoon. He wanted to spend more time with this scumbag.


Huayi Company Headquarters.

"Mr. Wang, according to the current trend, "Ball Lightning" made more than 35 million on the first day. It will definitely be no problem to get back the original capital. How much it can earn depends on the next trend."

The Wang brothers were sitting in the office, looking more and more serious as their secretary reported yesterday's box office situation.

"How about our "Reverse War"?" Wang Zhongjun has high hopes for this movie, and hopes to win the box office championship during the Spring Festival.

"It's currently less than 8 million, and the estimated total box less than 200 million."

" is it possible?"

In the opinion of the Wang brothers, the action scenes in "Reverse War" directed by Lin Chaoxian are hot enough and should be the biggest battle scenes seen in Chinese-language police and gangster films this year! The fight started in Jordan at the beginning, with escorts, escorts, biological and chemical weapons, modern prisons, car chases, missiles, and finally it went straight to the sky.

We also invited Zhou Tianwang and Xie Biwang to join us and traveled to Jordan, the Middle East, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and other places for filming. The production cost was as high as 200 million!

Even compared with movies such as "Sherlock Holmes 2" and "The Magician", it's not necessarily bad. Why is the box office performance so low now?

The cost is 200 million, and the box office needs to be at least 600 million to make a profit. The Wang brothers really suffered a heavy loss this time.

"It seems that the Gu boy is going to win this time. Damn it! Making money watching his movies is more uncomfortable than losing money for me!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Wang Zhonglei thought about how to disgust Gu Zhongyu, completely forgetting the previous lesson.


Yinghuang Film Company.

Yang Shoucheng frowned and watched the real-time box office changes on his computer. It had been five days since the release of "The Magician" produced by his company, and the box office had barely exceeded 100 million. This was quite different from his psychological expectations.

"In other words, this Spring Festival, will Zongheng Film and Television's "Ball Lightning" dominate?"

"Judging from the current box office trends, yes, in the end, our total box office and Huayi's total box office combined may not be as much as theirs." Producer Li Jinwen said his estimate.

"Xiaobao! Have you seen that "Ball Lightning"? Do you know where it was successful?" Yang Shoucheng asked Er Dongsheng, the director of "The Magician", with a somewhat dissatisfied tone.

In his opinion, "The Magician" has two great actors, Liang Chaowei and Liu Qingyun, plus the actress Zhou Xun, and its lineup is unmatched. The leading actors of "Ball Lightning", Gu Zhongyu and Yang Mi, are just He is a TV star, how can he have such strong box office appeal?

He could tell that the boss's tone was blaming himself, but Er Dongsheng knew that losing money was a loss, so he could only give his own analysis honestly.

"This has nothing to do with box office appeal. It is a true science fiction film. The script, shooting and editing are impeccable, and the special effects are wonderful. However, it is not at the level of Industrial Light and Magic, and it is a replicable success. ”

"Then can you make it?" Yang Shoucheng was fascinated when he heard that success could be copied. Xiangjiang movies have always been good at "learning from".

Er Dongsheng shook his head: "I can't take a picture. In Xiangjiang, I guess only Old Monster Xu can do it. Boss, if you want to take a picture, you can ask him, but I think Old Monster Xu may not be interested, and next time there will be something like this A science fiction film may not be a big hit.”

Yang Shoucheng just asked casually and was not interested when he heard that it might not be a big hit every time. After all, he heard that "Ball Lightning" cost 100 million in post-production costs alone, which was too expensive.

During the Spring Festival of 2012, "Ball Lightning" defeated many rivals at the box office on its first day, stepping on the corpses of "Backlash" and "The Magician" and began to surge forward. And this is just the beginning!

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