Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 127 Ambition Engraved on the Face

However, what Gu Zhongyu didn't expect was that after he helped support Yang Mi to side with Zhao Wenzhui, a large number of celebrity artists would end up. At first, they were people from Zongheng Entertainment Company, such as Fan Binbin, Liu Shishi, Zhang Ruoyun, etc. Liked Yang Mi’s Weibo, and then Jiang Wen, Liu Yufei, Qi Wei, Gao Yuanyuan, Yang Zi and other insiders also started to follow suit. Even Zhou Xingxing Studio also liked Yang Mi’s Weibo.

Because it was Feng Pants who introduced Zhou Xingxing to the Wang brothers to film Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons in Journey to the West, and now the two parties are in court. In addition, Feng Pants had previously accused Zhou Xingxing of being unkind and of poor character, and would not cooperate in the future, so he naturally hated him. Feng pants.

Now Feng Tongtong is supporting Shu Qi, and Shu Qi is siding with Zhen Zidan. Although Zhou Xingxing is from Xiangjiang, he has fallen out with that side a long time ago, so he simply left the game to support Zhao Wenzhuo's side.

The support of so many people was unexpected by Da MiMi. This undoubtedly escalated the scope and intensity of Zhao Zhen's battle, but this time Zhao Wenzuo had the upper hand.

Now the pressure is on Donnie Yen, or rather the Hong Kong circle.

On the Shenzhen filming set of "Special Identity", director Huo Yaoliang frowned while looking at the information on Weibo about Gu Zhongyu and others' support for Zhao Wenzhui, and asked Xiang Zhen Zidan: "Brother, when did you offend me?" Gu Zhongyu?”

"How do I know? Taking away your mother's family property! Why can't this Gu Zhongyu get along with me?" Zhen Zidan was also confused about this. He was usually arrogant and offended many people, but he was convinced that this There is no Gu Zhongyu among them.

That's strange. Do Gu Zhongyu and Zhao Wenzhuo have a good relationship? Never heard of it!

"This is a big problem. Gu Zhongyu has a lot of backers. If we offend him, it will be bad news for our future movies." said Zheng Zhongju, one of the leading actors. His father is an entertainment tycoon. Zheng Donghan, who was born in the second generation of wealth, had some understanding of Gu Zhongyu's family background.

"So what? Do you want me to apologize to Zhao Wenzhuo? Then just stop messing around from now on. It's none of my business who Gu Zhongyu supports!"

Huo Yaoliang felt that it was better to dissolve enemies than to end them. In the future, he would still have to earn a living in the mainland, and he could not have a bad relationship with the artists and bosses here: "I heard that Wang Jin and Gu Zhongyu have a good relationship, so I might as well ask him to find out what's going on." What's going on?"

He felt that if the two sides continued to fight like this and dug up dirt on each other, the end result would only be losses for both sides. Nowadays, there are not many actors in Xiangjiang who can compete with the box office. If Zhen Zishan loses in this battle, or even loses his reputation, then it may not only be him who is damaged, but the entire entertainment industry in Xiangjiang!


Not long after Gu Zhongyu finished liking and commenting on Yang Mi's Weibo, Zhao Wenzhuo's manager called him to express his gratitude. He exchanged a few words and then found a bunch of friends sending him messages on his phone. News, asked what happened, did Zhen offend him?

It seems that Gu Zhongyu has indeed underestimated his influence. His platform this time has caused many domestic entertainment artists to follow suit. The matter has not calmed down, but has only added fuel to the fire!

This is what people in the entertainment industry are like. Without his likes, how would there be so many people supporting Zhao Wenzuo. As long as you have money, power and status, you will have friends everywhere, and there will be people to help you with everything you do.

The emotion in his heart did not last long, as his attention was quickly attracted by Fan Binbin who had changed his clothes.

This combination of a bright red floor-length robe and a palace skirt. The long skirt is dotted with red prints, which makes the skin tone fairer. The flowing sleeves definitely stir the heartstrings and bring Fan Binbin's beauty to a new level. Not only can it highlight the character of the character, but also the innocent eyes of Mr. Fan are so charming and full of protective impulses. Any man who sees Yang Guifei like this will be afraid that he will not be able to hold on!

The biggest casting failure of the original version of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" was the casting of Xu Lu as Yang Yuhuan. His immature facial features, shriveled figure and Xiaojiabiyu's temperament were unconvincing. However, Fan Binbin himself was able to play the role even if he left the country without makeup. It gives people a luxurious and charming beauty.

This sister really loves the Tang Dynasty. In her previous life, Fan Binbin played Wu Zetian once and Yang Guifei twice. Although her works have received mixed reviews, her appearance and temperament are basically unanimously praised.

Thank you Mr. Fan, my brothers are all tough.

This is proven by the saliva gushing from the throats of the on-site staff.

"How's it going? Doesn't it look good? It's been a long time since I've filmed a costume drama. It seems that my attraction to someone has not diminished!"

After exchanging words with Li Yuan, Fan Binbin was still a little depressed, but he didn't expect this woman to be so stubborn and unable to control her at all. But now, as soon as I come out after putting on makeup, I feel a lot more relaxed when I see Gu Zhongyu's hungry wolf-like eyes. Anyway, in terms of beauty, I am invincible. No matter how much these little fairies stir up trouble, what kind of trouble can they cause?

Gu Zhongyu leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Wear these clothes tonight, don't change them."

Hearing this, Fan Binbin glared at him charmingly, and then nodded slightly to express her agreement. This was the effect she wanted. Men are such creatures, sometimes they have such vulgar taste, and some tricks like cosplay or uniforms can do it. Hooked their souls.

Many people only remember Fan Binbin's beauty, but ignore that this sister's acting skills are also very good. When the director shouted "start", she, who was originally charming and extroverted, suddenly looked stern, immediately entered the role state, calmly sat next to Tang Guoxiang, and began her performance.

The character setting of Yang Yuhuan in "The Longest Day in Chang'an" is more sentimental, so this time Fan Binbin also frowned between her eyebrows, restrained her natural charm, and reminded everyone that she was just a poor woman who was used as a transaction by her ex-husband and forcibly occupied by her father-in-law.

Gu Zhongyu believed that if Fan Binbin's ambition and desire were a little smaller, in fact, the artistic achievements she could achieve in the end would definitely be higher.

But if there was no ambition engraved on her face, the charm of the beautiful Fan would be discounted, right?

Just when Gu Zhongyu was admiring the performances of Tang Guoxiang, Fan Binbin and others, Bai Lu ran over and told him that someone was calling him.

When the filming officially started, no one was allowed to bring a cell phone or answer the phone on the set, and Gu Zhongyu himself was no exception, because it would interfere with the on-site sound recording and the actors' performances, so he had to go out to make the call.

Clicking on the call record, it turned out to be a call from the fat guy Wang Jin. What did he want to talk to me about?

Chapter 125 was swallowed again, depressed

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