Gu Zhongyu had a good time these days. Apart from handling work at the company, he spent most of his time at home with Chen Jing.

This little goblin was so wild in his home that he enjoyed all the tenderness, and then reluctantly returned to Hong Kong. He only waited for the termination of the contract to go north to the mainland to develop.

After sending Chen Jing away in the morning, Gu Zhongyu turned around and went on a date with Zhang Zilin again.

After such a long time of separation from filming, he had not had a few good dates with this real girlfriend. If it weren't for her mother calling to remind her, Gu Zhongyu almost forgot about his blind date.

So this time Gu Zhongyu booked a giant screen hall in a movie theater. After lunch, the two of them came here to watch a movie, and they didn't have to worry about being disturbed.

Now is relatively the off-season for movies, and there are not many options. The movies currently being shown include Guo Degang's "Lost on the Road", Huang Shengyi's "Overnight Fame", the literary film "Snow in Taipei" and the 3D remake of "Titanic".

He originally wanted to watch "Overnight", but Sister Zhang insisted on watching "Titanic 3D" which had been replayed countless times, so he had to accompany his girlfriend to watch the ship sink again.

I have to say, "Titanic" is really amazing.

In 1997, "Titanic" set a miracle box office of 360 million in China; 15 years later, the re-installed "Titanic 3D" is still strong and continues to create various records.

The re-released version of "Titanic" won a box office of 420 million in the first 6 days, which is higher than the US box office of 44 million US dollars (about 270 million RMB) in the United States. This is also the first Hollywood film whose box office in China exceeds that of the United States.

Zhang Zilin was holding popcorn, watching the young Leo in the movie with relish, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Leonardo was so handsome back then!"

"Is he as handsome as me?"

"He must be much more handsome than you, he is a world-class famous handsome guy."

Oh no, my girlfriend is rebellious!

Gu Zhongyu was so angry that he snatched her popcorn and Coke, and asked in an unhappy tone: "I'll give you another chance to reorganize your words, who is handsome?"

"Okay, okay, you are handsome, right? You are more handsome than the current Leonardo, I want to drink Coke, give it back to me." Zhang Zilin was amused by the serious look of this man.

What kind of words are these? The little Leo playing with water guns now is old and greasy, what sense of accomplishment is there in being more handsome than him?

"Okay, you want to drink Coke, right? Then I'll feed you." Gu Zhongyu took a sip of Coke from the straw, and then kissed the stunned Zhang Zilin...

Zhang Zilin, who drank imported Coke for the first time, quickly hugged Gu Zhongyu's neck and responded, and the fat house happy water kept flowing back and forth in the mouths of the two.

Until the gas of the Coke was gone, Zhang Zilin reluctantly drank the rest into her mouth, and smacked her lips with satisfaction. This imported Coke tasted really good.

Seeing Zhang Zilin like this, when Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but repeat the trick, she suddenly pushed her shoulder and motioned Gu Zhongyu to look at the big screen.

Oh, it turned out that the movie played the classic scene in "Titanic" where Jack drew a human body sketch for Rose.

Gu Zhongyu vaguely remembered that "Titanic" released in 1997 was uncut at that time, and audiences across the country could see it.

Back then, this nude scene was a big temptation for many young people to watch "Titanic" in the theater. In the current remake, the whole scene of Jack painting for Rose is still retained.

Sure enough, after watching the whole scene, there was no shot he wanted to see. Gu Zhongyu couldn't help sighing: "What a pity, boring, really boring."

"Why is it boring? I think this scene is quite romantic!" Zhang Zilin asked curiously. She last watched "Titanic" when she was a student, so she didn't notice that those large-scale shots were deleted.

So Gu Zhongyu told Zhang Zilin that the old version of "Titanic" had never been cut.

Zhang Zilin couldn't help laughing: "I thought you were talking about boring! It's just a one or two second shot, just delete it! You are not a child anymore, don't you watch too many movies? If you don't have resources, I'll send you a few websites."

Who are you looking down on?

We rich young men still need you to send me resources, we are all pursuing practical experience, okay!

Gu Zhongyu shook his head: "You're wrong. I don't regret the one or two seconds of missing footage. I regret the loss of the environment."


"Yes! Think about it, when it was released nationwide in 1997, the complete version without any cuts could be shown. Now, more than ten years have passed, and it has to be cut. Are we conservative now, or were our thoughts too open back then?"

"Titanic" is actually just a microcosm. The deleted footage in its remake reflects the increasingly strict and conservative censorship system in the mainland.

The scale of domestic film and television dramas used to be outrageous. As long as the audience liked it, they dared to broadcast anything.

At that time, the entire cultural and artistic circles were in a period of high creative enthusiasm after a long period of prohibition and recovery. During this period, people's enthusiasm for scale far exceeded their attachment to conservatism.

So inevitably, some completely unorthodox works appeared.

For example, the shadow of a generation, which was one year earlier than the 1990 version of the Investiture of the Gods, was starred by Liang Li. It was once broadcast on CCTV, but was removed after only five episodes because of excessive pornographic violence!

In the eerie opening theme alone, there was a shot of an actress exposing half of her body. The subsequent content of the film was filled with countless horror scenes, such as the minister being burned with fire, Queen Jiang being blinded, and even the test of whether the baby in the pregnant woman's belly was a boy or a girl. These scenes were very bloody!

Not to mention the Celestial Empire, even in Europe and the United States, this scale of drama is rare, not to mention that it was broadcast directly during the prime time of the TV station, which a bunch of little kids can see!

Later, there were more and more such images, and the relevant departments continued to improve the censorship system, and this outrageous film and television work disappeared.

But now it seems to be a bit too tight. Apart from other things, the TV series "Young Justice Bao" which is also a childhood shadow for many people also has many horror scenes such as female ghosts and mummies. It was broadcast nationwide back then. If it were put in the present, it is still unknown how it would be edited, and it might even be impossible to pass the review.

Our cultural works always fall into such a vicious circle: if the control is too loose, all kinds of monsters and demons will start to emerge; if the control is too strict, they will become stereotyped and self-contained, and there is always no way to achieve a balance.

Although Zhang Zilin is not a practitioner in the film and television industry, she also understood what Gu Zhongyu meant, and smiled and said: "Is strict control a good thing? The effect cannot be seen in a short time. You just need to make your own movies well. There is no point in worrying about these things."

"Yes, we have finished watching the movies. Let's go shopping and go to the newly opened private restaurant later!"


In the evening, when Gu Zhongyu sent Zhang Zilin downstairs to her house and was about to leave, she was suddenly stopped by her.

"Do you... want to come up for a cup of coffee?"

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