Gu Zhongyu led Bao Lei to his room, poured her a glass of water and asked her to sit down, then rummaged through his bag, but couldn't find any photos.

He was not a narcissist like Yang Yang, and usually didn't carry his own photos or posters with him.

"Forget it if there are no photos, just find a book to sign." Bao Lei was a little uneasy on the sofa. It would be terrible if she was found in a man's room so late at night.

"If it's a signed photo, it must be a photo to show sincerity."

Suddenly, he thought of something, and trotted to the bedroom, and found a Fuji Polaroid camera in the suitcase.

He came to Bao Lei with a camera and said, "Come on, the scenery is better on the window sill, let's take a photo together."

Bao Lei hesitated for a moment, but still chose to follow him to the window sill of the bedroom, and the two found a good position and stood side by side.

As a result, before Gu Zhongyu asked her to get closer, Bao Lei took Gu Zhongyu's hand and put it on her shoulder, making an intimate gesture.

Then Gu Zhongyu raised the Polaroid camera high above his head, pointed it at the two people and pressed the shutter.

The photo was composited and spit out. Gu Zhongyu picked up a pen and signed his name on it, then handed it to Bao Lei.

Looking at the two people in the photo, Bao Lei sighed: "Finally, a small wish has been fulfilled. It's better to be a star! Wherever you go, people ask for autographs. Unlike me, no audience can recognize me when I walk on the street now."

"What? From your tone, do you regret being a full-time wife?"

"Sometimes I am bored and idle at home, and I do have a little regret, but I just complain, and it will pass after thinking about it." As she said that, Bao Lei sat directly on the edge of Gu Zhongyu's bed, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

"Housewives are like this. Even if there are waves in their hearts, they will eventually return to ordinary life."

Gu Zhongyu nodded and slowly approached Bao Lei: "Indeed, but... sometimes, we can also find some of our own little happiness outside of ordinary family life."

"What little happiness... um!" In just a moment, she could no longer speak.


At this time, Liu Yufei was in her room. She was watching TV with the latest iPad in one hand and stroking Dunzi with the other. Her mouth was full of snacks like a hamster, but she was still eating non-stop.

Why didn't this scumbag continue to knock on the door or send her messages?

She didn't believe that this scumbag could sleep without a woman or a kitten at night.

Pinching Dundun's big face, Liu Yufei asked: "Dundun, do you think your father will beg me to open the door later?"


Dundun: It's useless for you to tell me these things. I'm just a kitten. Feed me cat food!

She was thinking, if she could forgive Gu Zhongyu when he sent a message again, she would forgive him.

But after waiting for a long time, no new message popped up in the mobile chat box. Liu Yufei was anxious and couldn't help but send a message to Gu Zhongyu: Dundun is here, but I don't have cat food to feed it. Can you send some over!

This is one of the reasons why she took Dun Dun away. This little cat was the bridge for her to communicate with Gu Zhongyu after the quarrel. She could use this tool cat as an excuse for everything.

Then she waited and waited. Soon, ten minutes passed...

Half an hour passed...

An hour passed, and there was still no movement from Gu Zhongyu. Liu Yufei was puzzled. This night owl couldn't possibly go to bed so early?

Unless... there was an affair!

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Yufei picked up the confused Dun Dun, put on her clothes, and rushed to Gu Zhongyu's room.

Damn, I actually forgot about this!

This is in Yanjing, Gu Zhongyu's base camp. Who knows how many lovers he has living here? It is estimated that he can call a little goblin to serve him with just a phone call.

She came to the door of Gu Zhongyu's room and pressed the doorbell a few times. No one answered. Then she called again. She called several times in a row before finally getting through.

"What are you doing? You disturb my sweet dreams every day, right? You always call me in the middle of the night. Can't I sleep?" Gu Zhongyu on the other end of the phone was choking, and his tone was very impatient.

"Open the door quickly, Dun Dun is meowing because of hunger. There is no cat food in my room. I'll get some from you." As she said that, Liu Yufei began to tickle Dun Dun's belly, causing it to meow twice in cooperation.

"Not even cat food? Trash! Dun Dun is so fat, it's okay to eat less, I'm going to sleep."

Liu Yufei insisted: "No, Dun Dun will meow when he has nothing to eat, and I can't sleep if he meows. If I don't sleep well, how can I shoot tomorrow? Open the door for me!"

"I'm afraid of you, wait."

After hanging up the phone, the door of the room was opened quickly. Gu Zhongyu, who was wearing pajamas, rubbed his eyes and stretched out his hand: "Give me Dun Dun, you go back to sleep!"

"Humph!" Liu Yufei would certainly not give up, and stuffed the cat into Gu Zhongyu's hand, and directly pushed him away and walked inside.

She searched the living room, bedroom, and bathroom one by one, but did not find the figure of other women.

Was she too sensitive?

Could someone be hiding under the bed or in the cabinet?

Just when Liu Yufei was about to check other furniture, Gu Zhongyu came over with the cat in his arms, and tilted his head to look at her.

"You are jumping around here, are you looking for cat food? Is Dun Dun hungry or are you hungry? If you want to check on me, I'll help you find it."

Liu Yufei glared at him, without saying anything, picked up a bucket of cat food in the corner, and was about to take Dun Dun away again, but this time Gu Zhongyu grabbed her.

"Let go! I want to go back to sleep." She said so, but she didn't choose to shake off Gu Zhongyu's hand, just looked at him with a little anger.

Gu Zhongyu took advantage of the situation and hugged Xixi into his arms: "Are you still angry? I'm here to help you get into the play during the day! In a few days, the male and female protagonists in the play will also start to fall in love. How can you keep getting angry with me like this?"

"Then don't shoot! If you mention other women in front of me again in the future, then I... I will take Dun Dun away and let you never see us again!"

Dundun:? ? ?

You guys are having a conflict, please don't bring me with you, OK?

This threat had no deterrent effect, but Gu Zhongyu still cooperated and hugged Liu Yufei's waist: "No, Xixi, if you are gone, how can I live? Please don't abandon me!"

"Well~, as long as you understand, I won't abandon you for the time being as long as you are good." Then she stroked Gu Zhongyu's hair, just like stroking her own golden retriever.

Holding Xixi's waist, Gu Zhongyu's movements soon became dishonest.

He drove Dundun out, carried Xixi horizontally into the bedroom, and then closed the door casually...

I don't know why there are two 143 chapters, but it is actually 144 chapters, don't get me wrong

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