Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 149: Warm-hearted Zhu Yawen

"Sister, are you okay?" Yang Caiyu was frightened and thought she was drunk and crazy.

However, Senior Sister Liu is really good at it. She can still perform such a standard carp thrust when she is drunk. It seems that she has some skills.

"Hey! Did I just pretend to look like you?"

Liu Yufei, who turned over, still looked like the drunk bear she had just been. Except her face was still red, her eyes and tone were normal, and she didn't feel confused at all.

Yang Caiyu's eyes widened: "You were just pretending, senior sister, why?"

Liu Yufei put her hands on her hips and said, "This guy always makes me angry. I just pretended to be drunk to embarrass him. I guess I didn't know I was fooling around with that goblin last night. Today I dare to laugh at me for being fat. I won't come back in revenge." How are you going to hang out in the world in the future?”

Teacher Gu fooling around with women?

Did I hear something I shouldn’t have?

"Sister, why are you telling me this? Do you need my help?"

Yang Caiyu was puzzled. Liu Yufei could obviously keep pretending, but couldn't she return to her original state after she left?

Liu Yufei looked the school girl up and down and found that Yang Caiyu was not only good at seeing, but also very clever in mind. His intelligence was not much worse than hers.

"I believe you won't tell anyone. By the way, you are also a student at Nortel, and you haven't signed with an agency yet, right? Gu Zhongyu said that he had invited you before, why didn't you agree?"

She didn't expect that the senior sister would ask herself the question first, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Because there is no future."

"Ah! Do you think your teacher Gu's Zongheng Entertainment has no future?"

Liu Yufei lowered her rating for this school girl in her heart. Why is she so blind? Zongheng Entertainment is now developing well. It just broke the record for the highest box office of domestic movies not long ago, and it has a faint tendency to become the leader of domestic entertainment.

And even if you really think that Teacher Gu's company has no future, you shouldn't say it directly.

Otherwise, if you go back and tell Gu Zhongyu yourself, you will get some good results from you?

"Of course not! Of course Teacher Gu's company has great potential, but if I join, there will be no future."

When Gu Zhongyu invited her to join Zongheng Entertainment in the dormitory, Yang Caiyu was tempted, but after thinking for a long time, she chose to give up.

The main reason is that Zongheng Entertainment has a lot of yin and yang. There are too many actresses. Fan Binbin, Liu Shishi and other female artists are competing in it. I am a newcomer. Apart from the teacher-student relationship with Gu Zhongyu, there is nothing special. place.

And he could also see that Gu Zhongyu just invited her casually, and his intention was not very high. If he really invited her sincerely, she would agree.

Of course, if she could be as favored by Teacher Gu as her dormitory classmate Naza, she would join Zongheng even if she had to fight hard.

After listening to Yang Caiyu's explanation, Liu Yufei nodded. She understood the school girl's thoughts very well. She was unwilling to join Zongheng. It was also for this reason that she really didn't want to fight with those fairies every day.

When he was free and free, Gu Zhongyu would talk about her and take the initiative to find her. And if she becomes a Zongheng artist, she, as an employee, will go to her boss every day to beg for help!

It seems that this Yang Caiyu not only looks good, but also has a temperament that suits me, so I decided it was you!

"Then you come and join me, senior sister will protect you!"

"Ah? Senior sister, are you going to open a company too?"

Liu Yufei explained to her: "It is a studio for the time being, and it will gradually become a limited company in the future. My mother has registered it for me. This year we will launch the first TV series. If you come, you will be my first A female artist and a veteran figure.”

"I have fame and money, plus my mother's brains and a new talent in the entertainment industry like you to join us and recruit more people. I can definitely make it bigger and stronger and create greater glory."

Yang Caiyu never expected that the senior sister who looked lazy and delicious would have such ambitions.

But because the boss Liu Yufei didn't look very smart, she was still a little worried. Would the ship hit an iceberg and sink as soon as she got on it?

Seeing Yang Caiyu's worries, Liu Yufei also imitated Teacher Gu and began to draw a pie: "Don't worry, first of all, we are not alone. You also know that I have a relationship with Teacher Gu. He protected us in the early days of starting a business. of."

"And you, Teacher Gu, have also promised to give me scripts and other behind-the-scenes support. There will definitely be no shortage of resources. This year we will film a costume drama to test the waters. I will play the first female lead and you will be the second female lead. We will start a business together, and we will also I will give you equity dividends.”

Listening to Liu Yufei talking endlessly about the future business plan, Yang Caiyu also listened with interest. If Gu Zhongyu were here, he would definitely be amazed!

It turns out that knowledge can be spread through X.

If you don’t believe it, even Miss Sissi, who has always been dull, has now become enlightened. She even learned Gu’s cake-painting skills. No one has taught her specifically. This trick was successfully spread by Gu Daguan. of!

"Okay! Senior sister, then I will make a living with you from now on."

After listening to this, Yang Caiyu felt that Liu Yufei's plan was very feasible, and there was Gu Zhongyu's support behind it. She joined as a veteran, so even if she couldn't be a fairy sister, she could still be a fairy sister!

Liu Yufei was very happy. She didn't expect that she could win Yang Caiyu to join her team just by talking. It seemed that she still had the potential to be a boss!

"Ding dong!" At this time, someone suddenly rang the doorbell.

Liu Yufei asked Yang Caiyu to help her open the door and take a look, while she went to bed and continued to pretend to be drunk.

She opened the door and saw that it was her senior brother Zhu Yawen, who was holding a cloth bag in his arms and was soaked all over, as if he had been fished out of the water.

"Senior brother, what are you doing?"

"Is Xixi still feeling uncomfortable? It just rained heavily. I ran a few streets and finally found a herbal medicine restaurant that was still open. I bought a portion of sugarcane pork ribs soup. You can take it and feed it to Xixi later!"

After saying that, he handed the cloth bag to Yang Caiyu, which contained a brand new thermos bucket. You can still feel the heat when you touch it with your hand.

"I'm leaving first. If you need any help, just call me directly."

Looking at the back of Senior Brother Zhu leaving, Yang Caiyu couldn't help but sigh, what a warm man!

"Would you like to drink the hangover soup that my senior bought for you?"

"Let me try it!" Liu Yufei didn't have much appetite now, but this was Zhu Yawen's intention anyway, so she should have a taste!

After opening the thermos, the aroma of the soup came out, and Liu Yufei took a small sip with an iron spoon.

The taste felt a little too sweet, and she didn't like it very much, so she gave it to Yang Caiyu and asked her to try whether she liked it or not.

Yang Caiyu tasted it and didn't think it tasted good either. When she was about to pour the soup away, she was stopped by Liu Yufei.

"Give the soup to your teacher Gu! He likes sweet food, and he doesn't eat much at night. He may be hungry now. It's just right to leave it for him as a midnight snack!"

Yang Caiyu nodded, closed the lid again, and went out with the thermos to Gu Zhongyu's room.

It must be said that the soup was delivered in a timely manner. At this time, Gu Zhongyu had just finished a hearty exercise and needed such a nutritious product to replenish himself!

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