Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 172 Cheng Long's Request

Another big girl with legs longer than her life. Among the women Gu Zhongyu knows, she is probably the tallest after Zhang Zilin. This is Zhang Lanxin, the second female lead in "Zodiac".

Zhang Lanxin attended Cannes to promote a new movie with Cheng Long this time. As a newcomer to the film industry, she was also very humble and greeted Gu Zhongyu enthusiastically: "Hello, Teacher Gu."

"Let me introduce, this is Zhang Lanxin, my apprentice, one of the female leads in the new movie. I may not be familiar with her yet, but Mr. Gu will get to know her when the movie comes out."

"If you can act in Brother Cheng Long's movie, you must have a bright future. Once it is released, another new star in the film industry will definitely rise."

"Hahahaha! That's an award. My movies are no longer as popular as before!" Cheng Long enjoyed Gu Zhongyu's compliment. Among the younger generations in the entertainment industry, there were not many people he liked, and Gu Zhongyu was one of them. One.

Seeing that Yang Mi and others were still sleeping, Cheng Long whispered: "Mr. Gu, are you sleepy? If you are bored, let's go to the bar over there and chat!"

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask for my ear."

So the three of them went to the water bar at the back. Cheng Long opened a bottle of Perrier water, took a big sip and said with emotion: "Hey! I'm really old. Now I can get hurt even if I hit it twice."

"Injured again? Is it serious?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just two broken bones."

In "Zodiac", there is a scene where Jackie Chan jumps off a tall building and lands on one hand downstairs. This shot looks very thrilling, but in fact Jackie Chan was really injured while filming this scene. He lost his balance while jumping down the stairs and fell hard to the ground, causing injuries to his chest and legs. However, he did not let this accident affect the filming of the movie, but insisted on completing all shooting tasks.

This is already thrilling enough for a 60-year-old man, but it is so understated in Cheng Long's mouth. Even Gu Zhongyu has to admire him. He really sacrificed his life to get his position today. Others are really not jealous. qualifications.

Although there are many criticisms of Cheng Long's character from the outside world, Gu Zhongyu believes that no one is perfect, as long as he does not suffer any loss in major matters, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, so there is no need to hold on to private life.

"I can't do it anymore. Now that I'm getting older, it's getting more and more difficult to film action scenes. I may have to use a wheelchair in a few years. I really can't do it anymore."

Gu Zhongyu consoled him: "Uncle Long, you don't look old. You are the only action actor at the same time who is still active. We are waiting to see your new movie every year to celebrate the New Year!"

Cheng Long definitely didn't show off his scars to show off his qualifications when he called him to chat. He probably wanted to discuss something serious with him. Gu Zhongyu listened patiently to see what the other party's purpose was.

While the two were chatting, Zhang Lanxin just sat quietly on the side without interrupting. She would add more to see whose glass was empty, treating herself as a waiter.

"Ha! As long as I can shoot, I will definitely not retire. Don't worry, I am just worried now. What if I really lay down that day?"

Here we are, Tu Qiongdagger has met.

"I watched Mr. Gu's "Ball Lightning" and it was really good. I never thought that we Chinese could also produce such excellent science fiction films. Zongheng Pictures really has a bright future!"

"No, it's just good luck. I'm just thankful that I didn't lose money."

"Mr. Gu doesn't need to be too modest. I've seen the Hollywood film industry before. Making a movie like this is never just a matter of enthusiasm. This shows that Mr. Gu has a lot of ambition!"

A layman can only watch the excitement, but an expert can tell the truth. The movie "Ball Lightning" was produced by a national team, not a foreigner. Therefore, Cheng Long, who has been in Hollywood, already has a certain understanding of the film production capabilities of Zongheng Pictures. I am also very optimistic about their future.

"I have a son, you know him too, hey! At first I wanted this boy to take over my class, but he had no talent, and the market for action movies was declining, so I arranged for him to make literary films, romance films, and comedies. But it didn’t work, so I wondered if I should let him try something else.”

Ah this?

I co-authored it to pave the way for your son. I really feel sorry for the parents in the world, but my small temple cannot accommodate your son, a giant Buddha. After all, he is a talented person who has been in prison!

Calculating the time, there are almost three years left before your son has to go to further study.

"I think the development idea of ​​Zongheng Pictures is right. It's not like us, who are just like a grassroots team. So I just want to ask Mr. Gu if he can help take care of my useless son, or my subordinates. brothers?"

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's hesitant expression, Cheng Long added: "We don't need a leading role, just find a movie for him to show his face. If you ask him to take the leading role, I won't agree!"

Gu Zhongyu actually wanted to decline politely. After all, this guy really couldn't help the mud on the wall, but it seemed a bit unhuman. The person carrying the sedan chair had to give him the face he deserved.

"Yeah! If there are any new opportunities in the company, I will contact Fang Zuming. As long as Jackie Chan doesn't think we are too trivial when the time comes."

Of course, he doesn't really want to help others take care of his son. He's just trying to make a fool of himself and let a small character take care of it when the time comes. If he doesn't come, it's none of my business.

"Okay, thank you."

Cheng Long was overjoyed. Now he only regretted that he did not support his son enough in the past and wasted all this time.

Especially when he saw how much support Will Smith gave his son, he felt that it was only natural for his father to bring his son to debut. Now while he can still fight, he should give him more opportunities.

After finishing the main topic, Cheng Long talked about some trivial matters with Gu Zhongyu, but he found that Gu Zhongyu seemed to have little interest in his topic, but instead frequently glanced at Zhang Lanxin behind him.

As an old driver, Cheng Long immediately understood, so he used the excuse of being a little sleepy to go back to sleep, leaving Zhang Lanxin to talk to him.

Zhang Lanxin's hearty voice fits her female appearance very well, but she is already 26 years old and is still a little shy when talking to Gu Zhongyu.

The two talked about some topics about movies, and then talked about her honor of being the world champion of Taekwondo.

"I have never chatted with such a good fighter. Let's have a fight if we have a chance?"

"Has Mr. Gu also learned Taekwondo?"

"No, I have been practicing military boxing with my elders since I was a child, and then I learned some Sanda, but they are just the basics. I can't compare with you, who is a professional in our national team."

Zhang Lanxin covered her mouth and smiled: "Mr. Gu thinks highly of me. Competition and fighting are two different things. If we really fight, I am not your opponent."

"Anyway, it's harmless to have a fight. I will teach you after returning to Yanjing. Maybe I will have to worship you as my teacher!"

So the two exchanged contact information, and then Zhang Lanxin returned to her seat.

"Are you back? What did Cheng Long talk to you about?" At this time, Yang Mi also woke up. Seeing that Gu Zhongyu was not there, he realized that he was pulled away by Cheng Long to chat.

"Nothing much, just giving me a chance to take care of Prince Long."

"Fang Zuming? A dandy, hopeless. This is not the first time Cheng Long has asked someone for help. After all these years, if he could be famous, he would have been famous long ago!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled. Anyway, he didn't promise anything. It was impossible for him, Gu, to get something for free. On the contrary, he was planning to get something for free from Uncle Long!

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