Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 177 If nothing unexpected happens, then something unexpected should happen

On the path at night, Gu Zhongyu followed Gao Yuanyuan step by step, somewhat unsure of what this girl really thought.

Suddenly, Gao Yuanyuan stopped and said lightly: "Zhao Youting is chasing me."


"I said, Zhao Youting is chasing me, didn't you hear clearly?"

Gu Zhongyu shrugged: "Just chase him! I'm not your father. You don't need my permission to find a partner."

Angry at Gu Zhongyu's indifferent attitude, Gao Yuanyuan suppressed her anger and said, "But I checked that Zhao Youting and he has a girlfriend."

Wouldn't that be better? Who knows your senior sister’s reputation? If you don’t have a partner, you might not like her!

"When you were with me, I also had a girlfriend."

"That's different."

"What's different?"

"Zhao Youting...he, he said he wanted to date me in advance of getting married."

Gu Zhongyu was shocked: "Then you can't agree. This shows that his motives are not pure!"


"The purpose of falling in love is to get married. This is very utilitarian! Think about it, when I was with you, did I ever have any requirements for you? I just loved you purely at that time!"

"He is marrying you, not because he loves you! This man's purpose in falling in love is not simple, he is too scheming."

Gao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment by what he said, and actually started to think seriously.

But she quickly came to her senses: "You're messing with me again! His purpose is not pure, you are a good guy? You are on a blind date, right? What is the relationship between that Yang Mi and you? He was there a few days ago Filming with Liu Yufei is almost too busy for you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You are quite concerned about me! Now that we have broken up and agreed not to contact you, why do you care about my private life? You even know that I am on a blind date, who revealed it to you?"

Gu Zhongyu always felt that he was being watched. Very few people knew about Zhang Zilin's existence. Most of them were his family members or close friends. Unexpectedly, Gao Yuanyuan, who had always only used 2G Internet, actually knew about it too!

He wanted to hire a private detective to find out who was poking his tires repeatedly.

"Okay, then I will agree to his pursuit. Think about Zhao Youting, he is quite handsome, has a good family background, and has a good personality. The most important thing is that he is not like some people who are the reincarnation of Teddy and want to go to any mother they meet. Arch twice!"

"You're blaming someone's innocence out of thin air again! How do you know that if I meet a male, I won't want to go up to him?"

"Pfft! You're so perverted!"

Gao Yuanyuan was amused by Gu Zhongyu. This scumbag was quite good at making people laugh. He was much more humorous than Zhao Youting's boring gourd. It would be great if he wasn't so carefree!

She felt that her previous standards for choosing a mate were too high, so she could never meet the right person. Gu Zhongyu was the one with the best conditions, so she kept thinking that if she hadn't gone to this man, she might have been with Zhao Youting now. .

Soon, when they arrived at the hotel where they were staying, Gao Yuanyuan said: "Okay, I'm here."

"I'll take you upstairs and watch you come in before I go back!"

So, Gu Zhongyu escorted Gao Yuanyuan to the door of the room. He felt that he was about to become a hotel waiter, leading guests to their rooms every day, and there was no tip left.

"Okay, I'm here."

Just when Gao Yuanyuan was about to close the door, Gu Zhongyu stretched out his left foot in time to block the door frame that was about to close, and then rushed in!

"What are you doing? I'm going to fight the demon spirit!" Gao Yuanyuan didn't panic at all and picked up the phone as if to dial.

"If you can summon Yao Yao Ling in Cannes, then I would be happy to step in and use the sewing machine."

"Then I'll call 911."

"That's the US imperialism's emergency call. It's so far away. I think it might be faster if you call the US military directly. Just say that oil has been discovered here."

Seeing that the text was not enough, Gao Yuanyuan was ready to use force. She picked up the mop next to her and said, "You have to think clearly. If you don't go out, my mop will not recognize anyone."

"Haha! It doesn't matter, I just need to recognize you. Let's see what happens!"

Gu Zhongyu jumped up like a vicious dog. At this time, the mop in Gao Yuanyuan's hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. He didn't lift it at all and was immediately thrown to the ground by him.

He came up and nibbled on her for two minutes. He waited until he was almost out of breath and then stopped.

Looking at the beautiful face of the person in front of him, Gu Zhongyu smacked his lips. He said with unfinished meaning: "I particularly like what you just said. I hope you can say it more times later."

Gao Yuanyuan was too lazy to resist at this time and asked feebly: "That sentence?"

"Okay, I'm here."


Yang Mi watched the time displayed on the phone passing by. It had been more than two hours since Gu Zhongyu gave it away. If nothing else happened, there would have been an accident!

hateful! She knew she should follow them together, but she really didn't expect that the two people who had been separated for so long could actually get together?

Is the senior sister in high school too enchanting or is she too caring?

"Suck...suck! Sister Mimi, are you waiting for the boss to come back?"

Bai Lu asked while eating instant noodles. Since pulling out her teeth, she felt that her appetite had become worse. She had just eaten two steaks and a plate of macaroni for dinner, and now her stomach was growling with hunger.

"I'll wait for his grandma's legs! This bastard will die on a woman's boat sooner or later!"

Facing Gu Zhongyu's assistant, Yang Mi didn't have to hide much. The relationship between the two girls was very good when they were filming "Ball Lightning". She quite likes this silly girl.

"By the way, is it really okay for you to eat so much at night? I heard from Gu De that you also want to be an actor in the future. This way of eating can easily put your body out of shape. Do you plan to be a comedian?"

Bai Lu ate a whole ham sausage again, and said helplessly: "I also want to control it, but I'm just hungry! I may be still growing at my age! It should be fine after a while."

You are already eighteen and still growing?

Hearing this, Yang Mi moved her perspective downwards, took a few glances into Bai Lu's pajamas, and then nodded. This child is indeed still growing. Although it may not be as good as himself, he should not be hungry in the future. Lord of children.

"By the way, Xiao Bailu, you have been with Gu Zhongyu for such a long time. You should know some of your boss's recent romantic affairs, right? Share it with me!"

Damn Gu Zhongyu, ever since he was deceived by him during the filming of "Ball Lightning", the relationship between the two has become impure, and he no longer wants to share interesting stories about picking up girls with him.

So Yang Mi knew nothing about the women he had chased in recent times.

"Is this allowed to be said? The boss will kill me." Not only do you know that I also have a special notebook to write it down! It's just that Secretary Jiang gave the order long ago that only three people can know about the small book, and no one else can tell.

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell. Who will know? Let me share it! I will take you flying from now on." Yang Mi is a better person. She is not as coercive as Liu Yufei, but more of a inducement and emotional card.

"Uh..." Bai Lu also learned the lesson. She revealed appropriately and was able to please Sister Mi.

She lowered her voice and said to Yang Mi: "Don't tell the boss what I said! Just last time at his house, there was an actress from Xiangjiang who was not as good-looking as you. That one... that one was big. You know, in I’ve been staying at the boss’s house for several days!”

"What is your name?"

"Chen Jing is not famous. She is a young actress. She is not on the same level as Sister Mi."

Yang Mi had no interest in this kind of 18th-tier stars. It was estimated that hundreds of such people were lurked in the entertainment industry every day. She was only interested in Gu Zhongyu and those well-known actresses.

"Is there anyone famous? From what I've heard, the bigger the name, the better!"

"Um... yes, does sister Zhiling count?"

"I know this. The two of them hooked up in "Red Cliff". Is there anything more exciting?"

Bai Lu could only spread her hands to express her helplessness. The three people she saw in the villa last time were very exciting, but it was a pity that even if she was beaten to death, she would not dare to tell outsiders!

Chapter 168 is released for viewing. Thanks to Flying Black Killer for the reward. Thank you, boss!

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