Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 181 Award Ceremony in Progress (asking for monthly votes)

On the second day of the premiere, the Cannes Film Festival's program gave this evaluation of "Ball Lightning": a film from the East, with a strong suspenseful color, returning to the essence of the spirit of science fiction, which is eye-catching.

The program gave a score of 2.5 out of a total of 4 points. Although the score is not very high, it has been affirmed by film critics and program directors. Next, it depends on whether it can win at the awards ceremony.

In the following days, compared with the deserted audiences of some movies, the screening room of "Ball Lightning" seemed very lively. Maybe "Ball Lightning" is not the best film in the eyes of film festival judges and media critics, but for ordinary audiences, this film is still more enjoyable than those art films that moan without illness.


The Festival Palace was built in 1982 and is an important meeting place for the Cannes Film Festival. The most anticipated Golden Palm Award and major awards of the film festival are awarded here.

After nightfall, most of the people who were scattered in every corner of Cannes during the day came here. The long red carpet stretched from the Festival Palace to the avenue. On both sides of the red carpet were reporters from all over the world. The cameras in their hands never stopped flashing, capturing every move of the stars on the red carpet.

Since this year is the year of the French general election, even the French president who just won the election came here to promote, which made the awards ceremony tonight more lively.

This is the biggest red carpet show of the entire Cannes Film Festival. All the participating stars will gather here tonight. There are countless fans on the periphery. Whenever a favorite star walks by, there will be a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Guo Fan walked in front, and Gu Zhongyu was accompanied by Yang Mi on the left and Fan Binbin on the right. They walked the red carpet one by one.

After "Ball Lightning" was screened during the film festival, the film was still very famous in Cannes. Unfortunately, Guo Fan and Gu Zhongyu were just fellow travelers to these foreigners, and fans only paid attention to other international superstars.

Although Fan Binbin has no film nominated, she is a frequent visitor to Cannes. Reporters are familiar with her, especially those strange looks.

But today she is relatively low-key, wearing this custom dress called "CHINA Porcelain", with the pattern of the four ancient beauties painted on the hem, walking on the red carpet to show the beauty of the East.

Yang Mi's look today is the Audrey Hepburn makeup that Gu Zhongyu made for her that day. Although beautiful and cute, the main attention of reporters is still not on her, which makes her a little discouraged.

"Hey! I spent so much effort in vain. These foreign reporters don't look at me straight in the eye. They look down on me!"

Fan Binbin said: "It's normal. Asian stars walk on the red carpet like this. You can come to the red carpet every year. Maybe after more times, everyone will be familiar with you!"

Yang Mi complained in his heart: Do you think I am you? Don't be a bitch. You obviously don't have any movies to participate in the competition, but you still have to come to participate in the red carpet. You come every year. It's not wrong to call you the queen of the carpet!

Gu Zhongyu wanted to walk the red carpet quickly to the award ceremony hall, but Yang Mi and Fan Binbin didn't think so. It was a rare opportunity, so even if there were few people paying attention, they had to pose for themselves, especially Yang Mi, who was here for the first time, and vowed to outdo Fan Binbin.

Fan Binbin was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and the two women began to compete with each other on the red carpet. They would stop and pose for the reporters after walking two steps. Gu Zhongyu shook his head and could only stop and wait for the two women to take pictures.

It should have taken two minutes to walk, but it took more than ten minutes for them to enter the Festival Palace and find their seats and sit down.

"Teacher Yang Mi, how did you feel walking on the red carpet just now?" Guo Fan asked with a smile. Mr. Gu was good in every way, but he had too many romantic debts, and he had to bring one second and two kings with him when walking on the red carpet.

"It's OK, I'll come again next time, Gu Delai, you have to accompany me in the future!"

"You wish, if I hadn't been nominated, I wouldn't bother to join in the fun."

After several people sat down, the award ceremony was about to begin. Yang Mi asked nervously: "Do you think we can win the award this time?"

Gu Zhongyu and Guo Fan both shook their heads and said: "There is not much hope.

Yang Mi asked unwillingly: "Why? Our movie was very popular when it was shown during the film festival. Those foreigners praised our movie for its novelty."

Fan Binbin explained to her: "Being popular and being able to win awards are two different things. If popular works can win awards, what are these judges for? In order to show that they have different tastes, the judges are unwilling to give the award to "Ball Lightning", especially at film festivals in Europe. It is common to have upsets at award ceremonies, and it is abnormal to give it to a popular movie. "

As a winner of the Tokyo International Film Festival, Fan Binbin has a thorough understanding of the selection preferences and unspoken rules of these international film festivals.

Yang Mi's heart sank: "Then we made a wasted trip this time?"

Gu Zhongyu said: "Not necessarily. In order to maintain its influence around the world, Cannes sometimes gives special care to films outside Europe and the United States and awards them regularly. In this main competition unit, we are the only Asian film shortlisted, and we may get some consolation prizes or something like that."

"Consolation prizes are not bad, it's better than going home empty-handed."

The award ceremony officially began soon. After an opening performance, an unnamed female host came on stage and began the award ceremony.

The awards ceremony at the Cannes Film Festival is different from the Oscars in the United States. Each award at the Oscars is clearly divided, and each award has several nominations before the official award ceremony, which can increase people's expectations for the award ceremony.

The Cannes Film Festival is much more vague. It will only announce the list of shortlisted films in advance. As for what awards these films will win in the end, and whether they can win awards, there is no way to guess.

Judging from the current situation of "Ball Lightning", the final award may be the Grand Jury Prize, because the Grand Jury Prize is selected by the jury every year. This award is usually given to well-made films with both artistic value and innovation. There is no specific standard. Non-drama films and art films also have the opportunity to win.

The winner of the Cannes Best Actor this time is Mads Mikkelsen, who played the cannibal doctor Hannibal, and the one who presented him the award was Sister Gong Li.

Or maybe she is a big sister, not only has a strong aura, but also has a broad mind!

The Best Actress Award was a double yolk egg, and the winners were two Romanian actresses, the kind that is so ugly that you can't bear to look at it, but you can see that their acting skills are very superb.

The award presenter opened the envelope and announced with a smile: "The grand jury prize for the main competition unit of this year's Cannes Film Festival will be awarded next!"

Here it comes!

Tomorrow is a new January. Please give me some support and monthly tickets! Please, readers!

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