Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 213, Please let me go, Mr. Gu (ask for monthly votes)

(The time in today’s book also happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day in 2012. I wish you all a happy double festival again!)

"We invite all the heroes and beauties from the TV series "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" to appear. The first person to appear is Gu Zhongyu, who plays the lone hero and nine-year-old delinquent Zhang Xiaojing!"

In the middle of the square of Datang Film and Television City, the site for the launch press conference of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" has been set up. With host Li Sisi's announcement, all the leading actors also began to appear.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gu Zhongyu, and I play the role of bad handsome Zhang Xiaojing in the TV series."

"Big guy, I'm Zhu Yilong, and I play the famous official Li Mi of the Tang Dynasty."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wan Qian, and I play the role of the maid Tan Qi in the play."

Then Fan Binbin, Li Yuan, Nazha, Zhou Wei, Tang Yixin and others began to introduce themselves. After Li Sisi and others finished speaking, they entered today's question-and-answer session.

Li Sisi picked up the question card: "I heard that after the crew arrived in Chang'an, all the crew turned into foodies, especially the male protagonist Gu Zhongyu, who ate non-stop whenever he had free time. Is this true?"

Gu Zhongyu picked up the microphone: "This is indeed true, because it is the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties! There are so many traditional delicacies, even the protagonist Zhang Xiaojing is eating when he appears. Everyone is working very hard during the filming, and they spend all their rest time taking supplements. Here I I highly recommend that travelers who come here must try the water basin mutton and soybean noodles, which are particularly delicious. ”

Because "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" was filmed in cooperation with the local government, the crew is also obliged to promote Xi'an's local specialties and scenic spots. At least one-third of the questions asked today are related to this.

"Here I would like to ask the male Zhang Xiaojing, what is the difference between catching thieves in ancient times and in modern times?" It's still an old question. Fortunately, this is a reporter from Yangma who is doing the interview. He is more polite and won't ask questions about Yali. Sandra's scandal.

"Actually, one uses a knife and the other uses a gun. In addition, Zhang Xiaojing basically fights alone in the play. No one understands and supports me. Unlike me, such a beautiful host can interview me today. I am better than Zhang Xiaojing. Much luckier."

Li Sisi smiled shyly, let Gu Zhongyu go, and asked about the other leading actors. However, this time she was not asking the second female lead Wan Qian, nor the second male lead Zhu Yilong, but Fan Binbin, whose reputation was second only to Gu Zhongyu.

Although it was a guest appearance, the role was here. Li Sisi asked Fan Binbin how it felt to play Yang Guifei for the second time.

"I don't feel anything, because I had to hang myself in both dramas. In the end, I lost my life because of the grudges between men. Yang Yuhuan is so pitiful, so in my next drama, I will play Wu Zetian and take revenge. return."

"Oh, Teacher Fan Binbin is still playing Wu Zetian, right? When can you see the new drama?"

"We are currently filming intensively, also in our Datang Film and Television City, and it will be broadcast as soon as next year."

Zhou Yiwei interjected at this time: "Binbin invited Teacher Gu to make a guest appearance this time. They want to take revenge on each other."

"Revenge? Can you elaborate?"

"This... everyone will know after the show is aired. Let's keep it a secret for now!" After all, this is the launch of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", and she can't dominate the show.

Li Sisi didn't ask again. One of her tasks today was to show the faces of the leading actors, not to promote other TV series.

She scanned the actors again, and then said in a pretense of surprise: "I didn't notice it just now, but now I noticed that as a passionate costume action drama, we not only have many actresses, but they are also beautiful. I would like to ask , which of the characters you played can be regarded as Zhang Xiaojing’s confidante?”

As soon as she finished asking, Nazha couldn't wait to raise her hand, faster than the heroine Wan Qian.

"Come on, Nazha, who raises her hand first, what is the relationship between your character in the play and Zhang Xiaojing?"

Nazha replied proudly: "My character Wen Ran in the play is the daughter of Zhang Xiaojing's comrade. She admires and loves Zhang Xiaojing very much. In the end, she sacrificed herself to save Zhang Xiaojing. She is a very infatuated woman."

"Nazha, you are wrong. You have unrequited love and secret love. Zhang Xiaojing never really liked you in the play."

Li Yuan couldn't see Nazha's demeanor and immediately exposed her, even Fan Binbin and Tang Yixin next to him were snickering.

There were so many people now that it was difficult for Nazha to get angry. She just turned around and glanced at Li Yuan with a smile, already scolding her in her heart: You man woman, Teacher Gu doesn't like me, why does he still like you?

After that, the real heroine Wan Qian began to speak: "The character Tan Qi I played is Li Mi's maid and right-hand man. She developed a secret love for Zhang Xiaojing while working together to investigate the case."

"It seems that while our hero Zhang Xiaojing is investigating the case, he also has a rich love life. Then I would like to ask Teacher Gu, which female character in the play do you personally...favorite? Or if you want to choose to be together in the end? , who do you choose?”

When asked this question, all the actresses looked at Gu Zhongyu, looking forward to his answer.

I just thought that all the reporters from your mother’s office were serious! Why do you turn around and start asking such boring questions?

Choosing all day long, only children make choices, and only adults know that they can't afford any of them.

"Well, Tan Qi is wise and courageous, Yu Chang is brave and heroic, Wen Ran is infatuated, Yang Guifei is alluring, Li Xiangxiang is charming, Wang Yunxiu dares to love and hate, so... I love them all!" I accidentally added the role of Tang Yixin Also added.

Li Sisi was stunned. Your answer is too carefree. Do you think I am the same?

This is a live broadcast, not a recording, and there is no way to edit it. After this episode is broadcast, Gu Zhongyu's character of a romantic and talented man will become even more stable!

Finally, after asking a few more questions, the host asked the actors to send blessings to the audience in front of the TV.

"I wish all the people in the country a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. May the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day coincide with each other, and may I wish you good luck and blessings. May the motherland always be prosperous, and the family be reunited and happy!"

The launch conference of "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" has been successfully concluded. In ten minutes, the TV series will be officially broadcast on the prime time of Yangma's set.


The day after the live broadcast conference, Gu Zhongyu turned on his phone and started browsing data about TV series.

The response to the premiere of the TV series lived up to expectations. In 2012, when bad dramas are frequently appearing, it is rare to see a costume drama that restores the costumes, has exquisite picture quality, has all the actors online, has martial arts and suspense, and has a tight rhythm. It catches people's attention right from the start.

Coupled with the popularity of Gu Zhongyu's killing of robbers in the American Empire during this period, a lot of people also paid attention to this drama, even some aunts and uncles who prefer soap operas came to watch it.

The ratings of last night's premiere have been calculated, and have exceeded the 2.15% ratings of the popular TV series "Wenzhou Family" some time ago, reaching an astonishing 2.63%!

As long as the follow-up does not collapse, according to institutional pre-orders, it is absolutely fine for the ratings to exceed 3%. By the time of the finale, there is hope that the ratings will exceed 3.5.

Generally speaking, the ratings of Yangma's TV series are relatively vague, far from being comparable to that of Mango Channel. Now that it has achieved this result, he is naturally overjoyed. Even his eldest brother called to express his congratulations and hoped that he could continue his efforts.

After reading the reviews and data of the TV series, Gu Zhongyu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling stable now. Then he opened Weibo again and looked at the reactions of his fans.

His own fish were all cheering for joy. After all, Gu Delai had not produced a TV series for three years, and they had long been looking forward to the new work like rain.

Fans spontaneously organized activities to launch the Amway TV series online and offline, so that everyone could watch the premiere.

Among them, Gu Zhongyu's fan, the girl nicknamed "Save the Drowning Fish", actually bought several billboards in the commercial plaza at her own expense to help advertise the TV series.

The cost is not low, and the little girl doesn't know whether it's because her family has money or because she's trying to be fat. I hope it's the former. It seems like she'll have to hold a fan meeting later to ask.

The comments from fans below are also very interesting.

"When the host asked me which one to choose, I was still struggling in my heart. I didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu would choose me all. As expected, I am still too small."

"Our family is so honest that we accidentally let out our innermost thoughts."

"That girl named Nazha is so shameless! She is obviously not the heroine, but she is the first to raise her hand. Is she trying to promote herself? Is there any sister who can check where this girl comes from and whether she is related to her?"

"It seems that he is also from Nortel and is a student of Gu Zhongyu. Does this count as seduction?"

"Don't worry! People who don't care about her are all tricks. Liu Tianxian didn't get the position, so how could she get her turn? It's just a scandal that was deliberately stirred up to cooperate with the crew. Let it go!"

Nazha, who was lying in Gu Zhongyu's arms, wearing Chunli's same clothes and wearing two buns, also saw these comments and felt like she was going to explode!

"Are these people sick? I just want to stir up the atmosphere. What's wrong with that!"

Gu Zhongyu shook his head: "I told you a long time ago, don't jump too much. You see, Fan Binbin is much more famous than you. He was keeping his distance from me during the press conference just now. You have to make yourself angry." , asking for trouble."

This is the negative effect of fans. Of course, their support and pursuit can increase your popularity and value, and bring more opportunities and income to celebrities.

But also because of their presence, it is very difficult for you to fall in love and get married normally. As long as it is officially announced or confirmed, you will definitely lose fans. Hu Ge’s former girlfriend is because he and his assistant did not report the secret marriage. Fans lost countless fans overnight.

Even appearing close to a certain female star will lead to criticism. Gu Zhongyu's fans are relatively rational, because he does not rely on the traffic brought by fans to make a living, and he does not usually lose followers, so he just stays with Naza At the level of complaints, it does not rise to the level of online violence.

When the era of traffic stars comes in the future, the fans of those people will be more and more crazy, because their relationship is contractual.

I support you wholeheartedly and provide you with data and rankings, so you must stay single and satisfy my fantasies!

Otherwise, not only will they lose their followers, but they will even step on them in retaliation.

Naza pouted and said disdainfully: "Huh! If they know that their idol is lying here with me now, they don't know what will happen."

Before and after the live broadcast conference, the girls finally didn't get into trouble, they just shook each other's faces, which made him relieved.

Li Yuan and Fan Binbin didn't deal with it, and after it was over, they rushed back to other places to film the movie overnight~

Wan Qian has not left, she will also make a cameo in "The Legend of Wu Zetian", playing the role of Empress Wei, the wife of Wu Zetian's unlucky son Li Xian~

Tang Yixin was originally an important supporting role, playing the talented woman of Emperor Taizong of Tang and the niece of Concubine Wei. She was a woman with a shrewd and hot temper. It felt like Dayunzi's girlfriend was about to become a professional villain. After playing Concubine Qi and Wang Yunxiu, she now plays Concubine Xiao.

Wait, why did I include Tang Yixin in this?

Nazha said weakly: "Teacher Gu, I'm so tired! I want to sleep and don't want to change clothes anymore!"

From last night to now, she has changed into a bunch of cosplay costumes such as Snow White, Chunli, Audrey Hepburn, Diao Chan, etc., and she also has to put on makeup for the corresponding characters. It's too troublesome.

And every time she put on her clothes and put on makeup, within a few minutes, her clothes would be thrown on the ground and her makeup would be smudged!

After repeating this several times, she was so tired that she didn't want to move her fingers anymore, and finally began to beg for mercy.

"This is your punishment. Who told you not to take good care of Dun Dun? If you want me to let you go, go ask Dun Dun if he agrees."

Dun Dun, who had eaten and drunk enough, was dozing off under the boat. After hearing what Gu Zhongyu said, Nazha picked Dun Dun up and held him in her arms, rubbing Dun Dun's cheeks with her oval face.

"Oh! My dear Dun Dun, I didn't dress you up as a girl on purpose! You are a big cat, so please forgive me this time, okay?"

It seems that this girl's brain is not very smart. Even if Dun Dun really forgives you, how can she, a little pig, express forgiveness?

After the launch conference, Gu Zhongyu avoided everyone and took Nazha to find a theme hotel. You know what, this hotel is really high-end, with all kinds of cosplay costumes, and makeup props can be delivered to you with just one phone call.

The day that Nazha had been waiting for for a long time finally came. Although it was not quite the same as she had imagined and she was exhausted, she was still very happy in her heart, with a sense of satisfaction that a temporary worker had finally become a regular worker.

"Okay, don't waste Dun Dun. I have to go to the film and television city to film today. Do you want to follow me for two days?"

"Um, I'll go wherever Teacher Gu goes."

There was nothing to do in the hotel. It was not easy to get out of school for a walk. Nazha didn't want to go back so soon, even though she knew that she would see Gu Zhongyu flirting with other little bitches after going to the film and television city.

Hey! Where did the flirting come from? Gu Zhongyu was her son today!

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