"As for Yang Guifei, there aren't many scenes, so let Fan Binbin do it!" In fact, Fan Binbin has played Yang Yuhuan once before, in the 2007 TV series "The Tang Paradise", and I believe this gimmick can also bring some topics to the TV series.

Yang Guifei in the original work is just a supporting role, and the scenes that can be filmed in a few days are just right for Fan Binbin to play. The version of Yang Yuhuan played by Xu Lu is really unconvincing. The skinny figure and the delicate features of the little girl are also seen by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Li Longji. How could he risk the world's disapproval and openly cheat for such a beautiful woman?

"Haha! She is quite suitable for this role." When Jiang Shuying heard that Fan Binbin was chosen as the role of Yang Guifei, although she didn't like this goblin, she had to admit that this sister's appearance and temperament are indeed suitable for playing such a beauty who brings disaster to the country and the people.

"Tan Qi is the female lead. I'll ask Shishi if she's interested. For Wen Ran, I'll find Mao Xiaotong, who played Concubine Ying in Legend of Zhen Huan. For Wang Yunxiu, I'll contact Tang Yixin. As for Yuchang, the female killer, I'll think about it first." The role of Wen Ran is tragic and strong, Mao Xiaotong's temperament is quite suitable. Wang Yunxiu's role is a bit bitchy, so I'll find Tang Yixin. After all, she's Dayunzi's girlfriend, so I'll take care of her!

The role of the female killer Yuchang in "The Longest Day in Chang'an" is quite outstanding. The actor Li Yuan in the previous life also played it very well. It's rare for a girl to be so beautiful with a flat head.

"Help me find a female artist named Li Yuan, who has been in the industry for a few years but is not famous. Let her play Yuchang, and ask her if she is interested in joining our company."

Jiang Shuying always felt it was strange that when Gu Zhongyu was deciding on a role, he would always suddenly think of a failed actor, and then name someone to play a certain role. And it turned out that he always chose the right person. I don't know if it was a blessing or a premeditated plan.

"By the way, the design drawings of the characters in the play have been drawn, and I forgot to show them to you." Jiang Shuying suddenly remembered and took out a bunch of drawings from behind his buttocks and gave them to Gu Zhongyu.

The previous life's "The Twelve Hours in Chang'an" was widely praised by history enthusiasts and the Hanfu circle because the costumes and props of this drama were very well restored to the Tang Dynasty, and the lines and titles were also rigorously studied.

Even the armor worn by the imperial guards in the play was restored with reference to the Dunhuang murals, and it used real iron armor, not the kind of studio-style plastic armor that is everywhere on the street.

In fact, whether the costumes of film and television dramas should be 100% restored to history has always been a major problem in the filming of costume dramas. In the early years, the historical dramas in the mainland were all based on real history, and they were very attentive and realistic. Costume dramas such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Tang Minghuang" basically restored the history to its fullest extent if they could be done.

But when Hong Kong and Taiwan capital began to enter the mainland film and television drama market, the taste changed. All kinds of weird and shocking lines, Japanese pirate-style costumes and makeup, and ancient people with dishevelled hair became popular from this time.

Gu Zhongyu naturally would not learn from those old people to make shoddy products. His attitude towards the drama "The Twelve Hours in Chang'an" was the same as that of his predecessors, and he wanted to restore the style of the Tang Dynasty as much as possible.

Of course, it also accommodates the aesthetics of modern people.

After all, you have to take care of the emotions of the audience. The makeup and costumes of many ancient ethnic groups do not conform to the aesthetics of modern people. Just like the common Qing palace dramas today, the hairstyles of people in the early and middle Qing Dynasty in real history were all "money rat tail braids", which were extremely ugly! So in order to reduce the degree of disgust, all of them changed to the yin-yang hairstyle that only appeared in the late Qing Dynasty.

This is not something that is specifically intended to beautify the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty dramas in Hong Kong and Taiwan, even the hair is not shaved. In fact, any costume drama will definitely make some beautification changes, and the same is true for TV dramas of other dynasties.

For example, the foot binding of women that became popular in the Song Dynasty rarely appears in costume dramas. The female characters are all jumping around, and none of them will bind their feet. Occasionally, there are women with bound feet, and they will definitely not take off their shoes and socks to show the audience, because they are afraid that you can't eat!

For example, in costume dramas set in the Sui and Tang dynasties, there is a popular facial makeup, which will draw eyebrows short and thick or draw them upwards, and paint half of the face with colors. The colors are still very bright, and a small pouty mouth and dimples will be painted, and decorative patterns will be added. If an actress really puts on this makeup, not only will it not make people look more beautiful, it will even feel a little funny and scary!

A similar look also appeared in the previous life's "The Longest Day in Chang'an". For these details, Gu Zhongyu thinks it is better to make the audience feel comfortable!

Another more common one is the hair bun style commonly seen by Han men. In costume dramas, everyone wears a wig. If you really use your own hair to tie your hair, it actually doesn't look that handsome, because many people have insufficient hair or a high hairline. The result of tying up your hair is like a bald spot on the forehead (refer to some Taoist priests you see in daily life)! And the hair near the temples is also easy to spread out, which looks a bit dirty.

Gu Zhongyu has a deep understanding of this. When he first debuted and filmed "Han Wudi", he played the champion Hou Huo Qubing. Because he disliked the trouble of wearing a wig, he had to toss for more than half an hour every time, so he simply grew his hair long before joining the crew. As a result, he had to clean the hair on his temples before each performance, and real hair was easy to get tangled and frizzy, so the time required for processing became even longer!

Since then, he has never been smart in filming costume dramas and has honestly worn a wig.

So when filming this drama, Gu Zhongyu and other creative staff discussed repeatedly, and finally decided that in terms of the appearance and styling of the actors, they would not pursue a 100% restoration of history, as long as the overall style was in line with the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The costumes and props of the previous drama "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" were not restored, and even had some studio style, but it did not affect its becoming the first monument of historical dramas.

"Well! There's nothing wrong with these costumes. Let's wait until the actors try on their makeup!" Gu Zhongyu was relieved after reading the drawings. They basically matched the character designs he had in mind. The designs of Yuchang and Longbo in the original drama in the previous life were too modern, so this time they were changed to normal Tang Dynasty styles.

"There's still a character who hasn't been decided who will play Zhang Xiaojing's old lover Li Xiangxiang!" After a look, this role didn't have many scenes, so Gu Zhongyu glanced at the secretary beside him.

"How about letting you play Li Xiangxiang?" The female artists in the company were basically arranged, and he didn't want to use extras. It was not cost-effective to invite artists from outside, so he thought about letting Jiang Shuying come. Anyway, she has some acting experience and not many scenes, so she should be able to do it.

Even without paying the film fee, she can save a lot of money, hehe!

"I'll act?"

"Yes! Isn't being an actor your dream?"

Jiang Shuying didn't expect this bastard to suddenly let her act, although her original goal was indeed to be a big star. But after more than a year in Zongheng Entertainment, although she is still a secretary, she has a lot of power. Not only can she intervene in all the business of the company, but she can also directly handle problems on behalf of Gu Zhongyu.

Many people regard Jiang Shuying as Gu Zhongyu's shadow in the company. Whether it is department managers or artists and stars, they all respect her very much and dare not offend her at all.

Jiang Shuying looks at the respectful appearance of those big stars who are glamorous on the screen on weekdays, and it also satisfies her vanity. So the idea of ​​being an actor has faded a lot, and she thinks it's good now.

"Okay! I'll agree to you reluctantly!" Jiang Shuying responded arrogantly, but in fact, she was already very happy in her heart.

I didn't expect that this dog man still remembered his original ideal of being an actor. He is not a scumbag to the bones!

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