Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 245: Too many women is really troublesome

In Yanjing, in the banquet hall of the Regent Hotel, the laughter and joy of the crowd intertwined, and the air was filled with the aroma of wine and perfume. This was the wrap-up banquet of the TV series "The Legend of Wu Zetian", and the main creative team and staff of the show gathered on the scene.

The original crew of thousands of people, excluding those who left the group early, was full of more than 20 large tables. Of course, not all of them were together. More than a dozen tables of staff and young actors were in the lobby outside, and there were only three tables in this private room.

Director Li Muge sat in his seat, holding a wine glass with a smile on his face, looking around. His eyes revealed a kind of satisfaction and pride, and he was obviously very satisfied with the smooth wrap-up of his play.

It's really not easy! The first time to shoot such a big heroine drama, facing a big sister like Fan Binbin, these days have been walking on thin ice, for fear of offending her and ruining his future in the film and television industry.

Now that he is relieved, he can finally be more casual, so he picked up the wine glass and started to greet each table.

"Sister Bingbing, I toast you a glass. You've worked hard for half a year. Everything is in the wine. I won't say much." Li Muge said while holding up the glass. Half a glass of red wine reflected a hazy aura under the light. He had a normal alcohol tolerance and had a little reaction after drinking a glass.

"Okay, okay, okay, this cooperation is really pleasant. To be honest, this is the happiest time I've been shooting a TV series in such a long time. The whole crew is very professional, not to mention there are such a group of excellent sisters. Now that the filming is finished, I am very reluctant to leave. I hope we will have the opportunity to continue to cooperate in the future."

Fan Binbin said, clinking glasses with Li Muge and drinking it all.

She had a good impression of Li Muge, the new director. Not only was he professional, but he was also very good at being a person. And as Gu Zhongyu said, he was very good at shooting the beauty of women. In the lens he directed, the beauty of the actresses in the crew reached a new level.

"Sister Bingbing, I'll toast you too. It was a pleasure to work with you this time. I learned a lot from you. I hope we'll have the opportunity to continue filming together in the future."

Tang Yixin said with a smile that it was a pleasure to work with her this time. The first movie she joined Zongheng Film and Television was such a big production. It seemed that she wouldn't have to worry about filming in the future.

Besides, her boyfriend Zhang Ruoyun was now sent by Gu Zhongyu to act in a movie, directed by Wang Jin, and acted opposite Fa Ge. This made Tang Yixin envious. She didn't know when such a good thing would come to her.

Zhang Ruoyun had Gu Zhongyu as her childhood friend, so she could only find another way to hug the thigh of Fan Binbin, the first sister of Zongheng.

"Haha, no problem!"

Fan Binbin also had a good impression of the humble Tang Yixin. The most important thing was that she had a stable boyfriend and had no relationship with Gu Zhongyu. She was not threatening, so they could naturally treat each other as real sisters.

"By the way, Sister Bingbing, why didn't Mr. Gu come?"

Zhang Junning waited for a long time, but didn't see Gu Zhongyu. Logically, the boss of his company should be present when the drama was finished.

"Don't worry about him! I don't know what he is busy with all day long. Maybe he is having fun with that little goblin again! Maybe..."

"Ahem! Sister Bingbing, you haven't toasted with me yet!"

Wan Qian reminded her in time. There are so many people here, many of whom are still artists. You have to give face to the boss Gu Zhongyu!

Fan Binbin also realized that he had said something wrong. It was strange. He was so out of control after drinking two glasses of red wine. Could it be that he has less social activities now and his alcohol tolerance has also become worse?

The other artists at the table had different expressions. In fact, everyone knew a little about the romantic life of the great talent Gu, but no one would talk about it openly. Only Fan Binbin had a high enough status in the company and had a close relationship with someone, so he dared to complain publicly in front of everyone.

However, Ma Sichun, Jiao Junyan and others who have just entered the industry not long ago still don't know much. They look at Fan Binbin expectantly, hoping that Sister Bingbing will say more to satisfy their gossip.

"Haha, Senior Brother is a busy man, maybe he is talking about business." Peng Guanying said with a smile.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the person involved, Gu Zhongyu, slowly pushed the door and walked in. His appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone stood up and greeted him.

When Fan Binbin saw this enemy, her ugly face finally showed a smile. She walked up with a glass of wine and said sweetly: "Mr. Gu, we are looking forward to seeing you, a busy man. We are all waiting for you."

Gu Zhongyu smiled and replied: "Sorry, sorry, I'm late and kept everyone waiting."

Just when Fan Binbin was about to say a few words to Gu Zhongyu, she suddenly found that there was a woman following Gu Zhongyu.

The woman was tall and slender, wearing a tight skirt that showed off her perfect figure to the fullest, especially her long legs that were exposed outside, almost touching the ceiling!

Fan Binbin's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little unhappy.

Gu Zhongyu seemed to have noticed Fan Binbin's mood, and he turned his head and said to the woman, "Don't be restrained, go sit next to me first, I'll chat with Bingbing for a while."

The woman nodded and turned to her seat. Her back made Fan Binbin's eyes widen, and she felt even more unhappy.

"Gu Dacaizi, who is this woman?" Fan Binbin asked, suppressing his anger.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and replied, "She is a new friend and sparring partner of mine, named Zhang Lanxin."

"Zhang Lanxin?" Fan Binbin searched in her mind, but she really didn't remember such a person in the circle. After all, she hadn't watched "The Chinese Zodiac" yet.

"Looking at her figure, she should be a model. Is she practicing on the boat? Have you changed your taste now?"

Gu Zhongyu smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he pulled Fan Binbin back to the main seat and introduced her to everyone.

Everyone recognized that this tall woman was the new heroine of Cheng Long's movie, the beautiful and moving martial arts actress Zhang Lanxin in "The Chinese Zodiac"!

The atmosphere at the scene became a little subtle, and everyone's eyes were all cast on Zhang Lanxin, especially Wen Zhengrong and Zhang Junning. Although they knew that they had no right to be jealous because of their position, the instinct of women still made them start to be hostile to this new face.

Unconsciously, Gu Zhongyu's lovers began to form factions. Wan Qian and Zhang Junning, as newcomers, and Wen Zhengrong, an old man, had a good relationship with Fan Binbin because of filming, and now they even wanted to follow her lead.

Moreover, Fan Binbin was the company's top sister and shareholder. The company's female artists had to look at her face. Nazha, Chen Jing, Bai Bin and others could not compete with her. As long as Fan Binbin was willing to spend some time, the rest of the people would sooner or later be in her group.

Zhang Zilin, Jiang Shuying and Bai Lu were considered direct descendants. They knew a lot about Gu Zhongyu, but they never participated in the fight. They worked for him, flirted with him and covered for him wholeheartedly.

Liu Yufei and Du Yuchen also wanted to form a sisterhood. The fact that Xixi didn't resist much last night was proof of this.

The United States has the least people, and there is the Pacific Ocean between them. Shariz and Alexandra don't have to worry for the time being.

There are some people who are not on the payroll, such as Gao Yuanyuan and Lin Zhilin, or those who are not in the spotlight and have never had the chance to meet. They are all fighting on their own and cannot make a difference.

Alas! Too many women is really a TM trouble. Fortunately, these people are running around everywhere and don't have many opportunities to meet. If they were all under the same roof, they would drive Gu Zhongyu crazy just by quarreling every day!

Having a harem... is really not a job for humans!


Zhang Lanxin seemed to have noticed the atmosphere on the scene. She held the wine glass elegantly, smiled and nodded to everyone. She looked calm on the surface, but she was actually panicking in her heart.

Why did Gu Zhongyu drag her over to attend the wrap-up banquet that had nothing to do with him?

Fan Binbin took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She looked at Gu Zhongyu again and said sweetly, "Mr. Gu, you really know how to take care of your friends. Miss Zhang Lanxin is beautiful and has a good figure. She must be an excellent actress to be able to act in Brother Cheng Long's movie."

Gu Zhongyu smiled and replied, "You are too kind. Miss Zhang's acting skills can only be said to need to be improved, but she is indeed an actress with great potential."

Hearing Gu Zhongyu's answer, Fan Binbin was even more unhappy. She felt that Gu Zhongyu was hinting that her acting skills were not good enough, which made her very angry. However, at this wrap-up banquet, she couldn't lose her temper and make trouble, so she could only try to control her emotions.

The reason why Gu Zhongyu brought Zhang Lanxin here today was, first of all, to suppress Fan Binbin's arrogance.

When he was a guest star in the crew, he found that Fan Binbin was getting more and more like "Wu Zetian", as if she really got into the play and couldn't get out. Even director Li Muge was a little afraid of her.

And there has been no change. Although this sister's acting skills are impeccable, her attitude towards work makes Gu Zhongyu feel a little dissatisfied. He thought Fan Binbin was a little too self-righteous recently, so in order to change her attitude, he deliberately brought Zhang Lanxin to annoy her.

Second, he hoped that through the existence of Fan Binbin, Zhang Lanxin would understand that since Fan Binbin, who has been famous for a long time, needs to shoot TV series to maintain popularity, let alone you, Zhang Lanxin, how can you think that you can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry by acting in movies?

Yes, before the two of them practiced martial arts, Gu Zhongyu wanted to invite Zhang Lanxin to play the company's new drama next year, and the choice for her was the last of the special forces series "Special Forces Fire Phoenix"

No matter Zhang Lanxin's appearance, temperament or personal conditions, it is more suitable to play such a female soldier, including the subsequent "Wolf Warrior" series, she can be considered to replace Long Xiaoyun's role.

But after the olive branch was thrown out, Zhang Lanxin hesitated, neither agreed nor refused. Gu Zhongyu thought about it for a while and knew where the problem was.

It was still the same problem as Liu Yufei before. After acting in a movie, she had no interest in acting in a TV series again, and she thought she was the next Gong Li. Especially since her debut work was Cheng Long's "Chinese Zodiac", which also won 800 million box office, if she is asked to act in a TV series with lower standards at this time, she will feel disappointed!

Gu Zhongyu did not intend to persuade her, so he simply took her to see the wrap-up party of "The Legend of Wu Zetian" and let her feel it for herself, whether acting in a TV series is low-level or not. As long as she is a role, everyone will be the star of the show, regardless of the type.

Zhang Lanxin in the original time and space did not have any outstanding works after "Chinese Zodiac". Except for a cameo in "Railroad Tigers", the rest of her either acted in some small-scale bad movies or participated in variety shows everywhere. After ten years, she was basically spinning in the same place, wasting her good figure and Taekwondo skills.

During the rest of the banquet, except for Gu Zhongyu who occasionally chatted with Zhang Lanxin, everyone else basically ignored her and tried to get close to Gu Zhongyu, Fan Binbin and others, which made Zhang Lanxin, who had just finished acting in Brother Long's movie and felt good about herself, quite depressed.


After the wrap-up banquet, everyone went home. Fan Binbin had planned to spend a good night with Gu Zhongyu before, but now seeing Zhang Lanxin with him, she was so angry that she wanted to leave directly.

"Bingbing! Come here!"

Just when Fan Binbin arrived at the parking lot and was about to leave, Gu Zhongyu rolled down the window of a black RV and shouted at her.


Fan Binbin didn't want to pay attention to this scumbag and walked straight ahead, but Gu Zhongyu got out of the car and dragged her into the car, and sent her assistant away.

In the RV, there were only Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Lanxin, as well as the big fat cat that Gu Zhongyu always brought with him. The driver in front was Bai Lu, a young assistant who had just passed the C1 level driver's license.

"Why did you call me here? Isn't there already a beauty to accompany you?"

In an environment where there were no outsiders, Fan Binbin stopped pretending. She was acting like a spoiled brat and didn't look like the queen she usually was.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Fan Binbin's face and knew that she was a little unhappy. He hugged her and put her on his lap. He patted her hands gently and said with a smile, "My dear Bingbing, don't be angry. I was just joking with you."

"Are you joking? Do you think you can make me angry by finding a new love? One is too few. You have to bring ten or eight people next time!"

"Okay! Then I will bring Liu Yufei, Yang Mi, and Li Yuan who made you lose face last time. Is that enough?"

"You dare? If I see that tomboy Li Yuan again, I will tear her apart!"

Fan Binbin kept chattering. In order to block her mouth, Gu Zhongyu had to cover her mouth with his own, so that she couldn't continue to speak.

Looking at the two people opposite who were acting as if no one was around, Zhang Lanxin felt like sitting on pins and needles. Good guy, you don't even back off when doing this kind of thing. Am I also part of your play?

After a long kiss, Fan Binbin finally calmed down. Looking at Zhang Lanxin who looked embarrassed, he asked, "What do you mean by bringing her here today?"

Gu Zhongyu then explained the reason to the two of them. Of course, the part about suppressing Fan Binbin's arrogance was omitted.

"You are quite attentive. You can think of such a way of persuading people!"

Zhang Lanxin then knew the intention of Gu Zhongyu bringing her here. She was very grateful after being taught a lesson and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Gu. I was too self-righteous and didn't understand your intention."

"Then are you willing to take the TV series?"

Zhang Lanxin answered firmly, "Of course, Mr. Gu is a good person and will definitely not harm me. I agree to everything. I will go and talk to Uncle Long about this tomorrow."

Gu Zhongyu, who got the good guy card inexplicably, was very satisfied with Zhang Lanxin's statement. Many times, changing the fate of a star who was about to fail is much more interesting than simply getting on board.

"Mr. Gu is really a good teacher! Since Mr. Gu has taught you a lesson, I, as your sister, must also teach you something."

"Sister Bingbing, you talk, I'm listening!"

Fan Binbin smiled mysteriously. Some things are useless just to listen, you have to do them.

She asked Bai Lu in front to prepare to drive on the highway, and she pulled down the curtains and tied up her hair.

There is still a long time in the evening, don't rush, just teach slowly...

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