"You guy! It's been two days and you're still here? Apart from the things on the ship, is there nothing else in your mind?"

At Gu Zhongyu's house, Yu Feihong, who was huddled on the boat and covering her body with a quilt, glared angrily at Gu Zhongyu, as if her eyes were about to shoot out flames and melt the scumbag in front of her!

"Confucius said that food and sex are good things. Besides, I haven't seen you, Teacher Yu, for a long time. I was afraid that you would be empty, lonely and cold, so I rushed to fulfill my filial piety as a student!"

"If I knew you called me here, you would beat me to death and you wouldn't come just for this stupid thing!"

Yu Feihong, who is already over 40 years old, still looks gorgeous and dignified. She deserves to be known as the "frozen beauty". She is still the same as the Jinghong Fairy in "Little Li Fei Dao", just like when Gu Zhongyu first met her.

When he was at Nortel, Gu Zhongyu often got close to Yu Feihong in the name of studying. At first, Teacher Yu was not alert and admired the student very much, so the two quickly became both teachers and friends. Relationship.

However, as they got along with each other for a long time, Gu Zhongyu soon fell in love with each other. At this time, he was already famous and romantic, so naturally he could not be accepted by Teacher Yu. Putting aside the troubles, the main reason was the seniority difference. If the age difference of 10 years was known to outsiders, she would not be scolded to death.

So during that time, she kept avoiding Gu Zhongyu and didn't answer his calls. The two of them worked together until 2007, when Yu Feihong wanted to become a director herself.

This year, Yu Feihong devoted all her energy and accumulated her many years of savings to remake the romance film "Love Has an Afterlife" adapted from the novel "Ginkgo, Ginkgo".

This film, known as the Chinese version of "The Love Between Ghosts", is a work that Yu Feihong spent ten years and spent 40 million to direct and film. In order to transform into a producer, Yu Feihong did not hesitate to spend tens of millions of dollars to invest in the filming. movie,

When the movie was about to be released after filming, Yu Feihong thought over and over again and asked Gu Zhongyu for help.

Because "Love Is Afterlife" involves ghosts, which is unacceptable to the review department, even though the description in the movie is very obscure, it was still blocked by the relevant departments for review.

Therefore, after the filming was completed, it was not released for a long time.

Yu Feihong knew Gu Zhongyu's background and strength, but she was stubborn by nature and didn't even think about going to him at first. Even though she was short of funds when preparing the movie, she would rather sell her assets than talk to him.

But this time there was really nothing she could do. The review department was not something she could influence. In order to prevent her ten years of hard work from going to waste, she finally bit the bullet and went to find this student who had been indifferent to her for a long time.

After Gu Zhongyu knew her purpose, he started helping her work without saying a word, without mentioning any conditions. A month later, "Love Has an Afterlife" finally won the Dragon Award.

But although Gu Zhongyu didn't mention anything, Yu Feihong was in a state of confusion. She felt that she owed the student a huge favor and didn't know how to repay it.

And because of the existence of this favor, she would not be embarrassed to be turned away when Gu Zhongyu came to see her again. This feeling of being out of her control made her feel very unhappy.

Favor debts are the most difficult to repay, and she was so troubled and distressed that she finally chose the simplest and most direct way for a woman to repay a man...

On a dark and windy night, she was so forceful that she put Gu Zhongyu to sleep directly, and walked away after the incident, without even leaving a hundred yuan for Gu Zhongyu!

She thought that after this time, Gu Zhongyu would let her go after he got what he wanted. After all, she felt that what men wanted was freshness, and Gu Zhongyu most likely kept pestering her because he couldn't get it.

But the subsequent development was not like this. Gu Zhongyu got even more aggressive and harassed her persistently. He sent her gifts and greeting cards during the holidays, and the words written on the cards were all disgusting things.

Of course, she herself was not firm in her Taoism, and she let this guy succeed many times later. The martyr girl was still afraid of pestering him! What's more, she, Yu Feihong, has a character that dares to love and hate, so it's pretty good that she can persist for so long.

She was so annoyed that after Gu Zhongyu left, she returned to teach at Beidian, mainly to avoid his entanglement. Unexpectedly, after the premiere, the little girl assistant came to her and said that Gu Zhongyu had something important to discuss with her.

She believed it to be true, so she went along, and then she was once again deceived by this rebellious student...

Gu Zhongyu happily sat on the edge of the boat and tried to put Yu Feihong into his arms, but the other party moved away and ignored him.

Who says that only boys can pull out those ruthless things? It’s the same with women. After fasting, you won’t be a monk anymore. That’s not what you were like when you scratched my shoulder with your nails just now!

Yu Feihong was afraid that this guy was going to torment her again, so she quickly found a topic: "The movie is still being released, so why don't you just ignore it?"

"What's there to worry about? The box office continues to triumph, and the Spring Festival box office champion has been booked!"

"How much is it now?"

"It's already over 100 million."

"More than 100 million in less than three days? The world has really changed!" Yu Feihong lamented the uncertainty of the film market, and then thought of his own film.

At first, she thought that her efforts would be favored by God, but as luck would have it, the work "Love Has an Afterlife" received a mediocre response and did not create much of a splash. It took ten years of preparation and an investment of 40 million, but in the end it only cost 200. Wan ended badly at the box office.

This movie can be said to have cost her all her savings over the years, and it also ended her career as a director.

Gu Zhongyu knew what she was thinking and consoled her: "You shot "Love Has a Next Life" very well, but the domestic market has never been very friendly to movies of this type. I advised you at the time not to be so desperate and put all your family assets on the line."

"It has always been my dream to bring "Ginkgo, Ginkgo" to the big screen. I have never felt bad about the money, but I just think it is a bit sad that no one appreciates it."

What a female intellectual!

She doesn't feel bad about the tens of millions of dollars going down the drain, but instead feels sad that no one appreciates it.

"So you are so discouraged that you hide in the school to teach, and plan to spend the rest of your life like this?"

Yu Feihong sighed: "Of course not, I have been approached by a script recently, to play a person whose husband cheats on her and causes family divorce, and whose emotional journey is full of twists and turns. What a cliché plot."

Gu Zhongyu knew what she was talking about. It must be Wang Zhiwen's "Real Man", which later fully developed the "sister-brother love" subplot in the play and filmed a spin-off drama "Little Husband". In the drama, Yu Feihong fell in love with Yang Jue, who is a dozen years younger than her.

Really, she is willing to fall in love with a young and handsome guy in a TV series, but she is unwilling to fall in love with an old and handsome guy like me in real life!

"If you think it's cliché, don't take it! Aren't you a female intellectual? How can you play these meaningless soap operas?"

Teacher Yu glared at him: "When did I become a female intellectual? Since I started working, haven't most of the works I've played been commercial works? I don't know when a bunch of netizens started calling me a literary goddess, and I'm still wondering!"

"Besides, I have to eat! If I don't take these plays, where can I find money to spend?"

That's right, Yu Feihong's most famous "The Flying Dagger of Xiao Li", "The Sword of the Third Young Master" and "Princess Wuyou" are all costume martial arts romance dramas, which are as commercial as they can be, but her temperament and behavior are indeed very similar to the stereotype of female intellectuals in everyone's impression.

"If you still want to be a director, I can help you. If you are discouraged and just want to act, that's OK. You can choose any role here."

"No! Now I have been deceived by you to come home. If I still rely on you to make a living, I will be beaten to death!"

Hearing this, although Yu Feihong did not appreciate it, she was still very happy in her heart. It means that Gu Zhongyu's desire for her is not just pure physical desire, but also has feelings, otherwise he would not consider her career.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Yu Feihong's face close to him at this time, but what he thought in his heart was: Teacher Yu and Senior Sister Wen look so similar. He must put these two people together in the future to compare and see what else is similar except for their faces!

In fact, although Yu Feihong's appearance and temperament are good, her acting career is also restricted. It is definitely not suitable for her to play the heroine in costume dramas. It is not suitable for urban dramas about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It is not suitable for spy wars and palace fighting. It is a waste of her appearance to play the mother of the protagonists.

"Teacher Yu, do you still want to be a director?"

"Of course I want to. What's the matter? You really have to invest in me to make a movie! If I lose all the money, I won't have any money to give you!"

Gu Zhongyu suddenly remembered a TV series imagined by netizens in his previous life, called "The Character of a Lady", which tells the life stories of four unmarried older women in their forties.

The reason why it is imagined is that this is the brain hole of a netizen. He YY a drama called "The Character of a Lady", which is a female theme, and is played by Zeng Li as the "Royal Sister Doctor", Yu Feihong as the designer, Chen Shu as the popular teacher, and Yuan Quan as the "domineering president". It tells the stories of four modern women.

Later, it was edited into a short video by a B-station master and spread among the Internet.

The video says "2018 Special Project" and "Stay tuned", but unfortunately, although this "female drama" does not exist at all, it is purely the wishful thinking of the up master.

But this pseudo-concept still became popular, because the setting of four beautiful and decent older young women not falling in love and only doing business is really too touching, which is in sharp contrast with the love-brained female protagonists in previous domestic dramas.

Baidu search "Lady's Character" has 4 million+ (4880000) results. The Weibo super topic "Lady's Character" ranks second on the fashion and beauty list, with 190 million clicks. The huge traffic has brought the four actresses to the hot search.

Starting from Weibo, to self-media such as WeChat public accounts, and even traditional media, they are all spreading this hot spot. The topic itself has also developed from a few words of imagination to posters and trailers...

Even Chen Shu and Zeng Li themselves responded.

Chen Shu said on Weibo: I am a little looking forward to it.

Zeng Li said: CEO? You can try.

Various promotions eventually made "The Lady's Dignity" a national topic, so this fake trailer went through continuous re-creation and re-creation, and in the end even the plot and character settings became fuller.

Yu Feihong: A serious graduate designer, her works are both beautiful and practical. She is coquettish and coquettish, and when she raises her eyes, others are half dead, but when she talks about business with customers, she is cold and quiet. In fact, she is a drinking maniac in private.

Chen Shu: Teacher, smart, humorous and witty in class, gentle and patient with children, male and female students use various tricks and skills to attract the attention of this fairy teacher, but in fact she is poisonous and indifferent, and complains about these children to her girlfriends on her mobile phone after class, and she is disgusted.

Zeng Li: CEO of the company, has nothing but money, the happiest thing is to spend money on three girlfriends, respect men and beat them in the workplace, favorite things: lollipops and three girlfriends.

Yuan Quan: Chief physician, loves cleanliness to death but is willing to live in the same house with those three people. She will never say a word to outsiders, but she is a nagging old mother among her girlfriends. The four of them live their own lives together. Forty years old, beautiful, rich, free, love whoever you want.

Because there is a lack of high-quality female dramas in current film and television themes, female characters are either saved in idol dramas or make jokes in life dramas. Now there is a so-called work that describes the life of elite women. Even if it looks a bit shoddy, it is better than nothing for the "thirsty" audience.

Now that we have the conditions, why not put this idea from the previous life into practice?

So Gu Zhongyu roughly explained this idea and the plot setting to Yu Feihong.

"Did you just come up with this?" Yu Feihong was very shocked. Obviously, this guy had been teasing her just now, but he could still do two things at the same time and come up with an idea.

"It's just a general idea. I don't have a script. You need to write it yourself, and then I will perfect it for you. But I think it's worth a try. How about you direct this TV series?"

Yu Feihong was silent for a long time before she said, "I lost tens of millions on my first movie. If you want to maintain a long-term relationship with me, you don't have to spend so much money. I am also a woman and have normal needs. At most, you can call me when you miss me in the future, and I will come to you when I am free."

Why else does Gu Zhongyu love to deal with these older sisters! It's not just because they know so many tricks and are so superficial (of course this is also very important), but more importantly, older people will care about you and really think about you most of the time.

If it were a young woman, she would at most say a few polite words to you when she heard about this good thing, and then she would accept it with peace of mind, because they take everything they get from men as natural.

But Yu Feihong is different. Gu Zhongyu can hear that this is the truth, not pretentiousness.

"Why do you think that I spent tens of millions to shoot a drama just to tie you to my side? You think you are too worthless and too casual. I think this drama has a future from a business perspective."

"Besides, aren't you short of money now? Then I will take advantage of you. This drama requires you to direct and act by yourself, but I will only give you the director's salary, and I will not give you the actor's money. In other words, you get one salary, but you have to work two jobs for me!"


Yu Feihong was amused by him, Knowing that he was asking her to take the job in disguise, she nodded and said, "Let me make it clear first, I have never directed a TV series. You have to help me check not only the script, but also the actors."

"I have chosen the actors. I will tell you later. Teacher Yu, I feel that the negative energy in my body is accumulating more and more. I hope you can help me get rid of it."

Yu Feihong wanted to say MMP, but seeing that this guy asked her to be the director, she tied her hair up. When she was about to move, she was stopped by Gu Zhongyu.

These traditional projects are boring. He wants to play something more thrilling with Teacher Yu!

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