Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 26 Do you want me to call you mom?

After resting for a while, Gu Zhongyu finally recovered. Seeing Fan Binbin's slightly apologetic face, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Please, just do it if you want to kill me in the future. There is no need to use such a cruel method!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'm a little excited!" I don't know why, but this big girl Fan Binbin has always had a fierce personality, but when facing Gu Zhongyu, she always seemed a little humble, even a little bit licky!

"Then you can't press the whole person over! Don't you know your weight? I called you Fan Xiaopang. It's really the right thing to call you. As expected, it's just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!"

In fact, Gu Zhongyu really didn't have much idea about Fan Binbin at first, because before he met this girl, he was already full of love affairs and overflowing fish ponds! It can't even take care of the existing fish in the pond, and people are no longer as horny as they were when they first debuted.

Coupled with Gu Zhongyu's preconceived impression of Fan Binbin in his previous life, he always felt that this girl was not simple, and it was best not to provoke her if he could, so apart from friendly discussions, he was determined not to deepen the relationship between the two.

However, after Gu Zhongyu recruited this eldest sister to his company, it exploded!

Fan Binbin, a monster, always comes to him whenever he has something to do. He either makes dinner dates or asks for help, or gives him gifts. He even gives him chicken soup to warm his stomach while he is still filming in the middle of the night, and even feeds him with his own hands. This is a direct indication that I am chasing you. out.

As the saying goes, men chase women across mountains, and women chase men across layers of veil. Gu Zhongyu is not Liu Xiahui. How could he withstand the enemy's sugar-coated bullets as a young and innocent man, and they really got along as boyfriend and girlfriend for a period of time.

Then this sister felt that she could do it. She always thought of herself as Gu Zhongyu's girlfriend, and often fried fish in his pond. During that time, Gu Zhongyu was fighting fires everywhere and was in a state of embarrassment, and almost capsized several times.

(Gu Zhongyu: If you have two boats, you will capsize sooner or later. If you have ten thousand boats, you will never be able to capsize!)

Since then, Gu Zhongyu has distanced himself slightly from her to prevent her from being arrogant again, but Fan Binbin was not very angry and was still very attached to him. Moreover, after Gu Zhongyu fell silent due to the paparazzi incident, this sister took a special vacation to stay with him for a long time, giving him a lot of comfort, and the relationship between the two began to become confused again.

So Gu Zhongyu felt that he had a bad fate with this woman!

"In the drama "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", I want you to make a guest appearance as Concubine Yang." After a long time, still on the sofa, the two disheveled people were lying on each other hugging each other. Gu Zhongyu, who was in the sage time, said.

"Ah? I'm going to guest star as Concubine Yang?" Fan Binbin, who was still thinking about it, said indifferently when he heard this.

"What? You don't like the guest role in my play, and you still don't like the role of Concubine Yang."

"How could I not like your play? You also know that I have played Yang Guifei once before. I am very familiar with the experience of this hard-working woman. I just don't like this role."

Fan Binbin felt that Concubine Yang in history was a great injustice! She was given to her father-in-law Li Longji like a plaything by her husband, King Shou, and was ridiculed by the whole world. In the end, she ended up dead in Maweipo. Now she is no longer interested in this kind of plaything type of female characters. .

"You guys! You always ask me to play these women who bring disaster to the country and the people, either Daji or Yang Yuhuan. You think I'm easy to bully, right? Why doesn't anyone ask me to play Wu Zetian?" At this point, Fan Binbin became interested. She has always been interested in playing famous female figures in history. She has long been tired of playing empresses and concubines. Now she feels that only playing the role of Empress Wu Zetian can satisfy her acting pursuits.

"Okay! That's what I meant. After the play is over, how about I let you play Wu Zetian for fun?"

I have to say that although sister Fan Binbin is beautiful, she is by no means a beauty among actors. Not only is her professional ability in acting clear, but she is also really willing to learn and figure out the role, and she also has certain artistic pursuits, so she went to act in "Apple" and "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", which are destined to be commercially impossible. successful movie.

But because there are too many distractions in reality, and the temptation of money is greater, I still choose to embrace capital, which is bad money. This is also the path chosen by many actors in the domestic entertainment industry who might have achieved greater success.

Of course, legal tax payment is still the obligation of every citizen!

In order to prevent his artists from becoming "Fan Bayi", Gu Zhongyu specially arranged for someone to be responsible for all the financial work of the company's artists, and also set up a financial company for this purpose. Fan Binbin was the focus of attention, and it was illegal anyway. Tax evasion is absolutely not allowed here in Gu Zhongyu!

"Playing Wu Zetian? Really?" Fan Binbin's eyes lit up when she heard this. Since she was a child, she especially liked to play the role of the empress when playing games, bossing around children of the same age. When I was in school, I watched "Wu Zetian" starring Liu Xiaoqin, and I was so fascinated. I dreamed of becoming an actor in the future, and I also wanted to play the role of the female emperor for fun!

"Yes! Haven't you always had this dream? It just so happens that I also want to remake "Wu Zetian" again, so who else could I choose to play the role of Wu Meiniang instead of you!"

I know that none of you girls can resist becoming Wu Zetian, just like no boy can resist becoming Ultraman!

"When will the filming start? Who will you play? Li Shimin or Li Zhi?" Fan Binbin hugged Gu Zhongyu's neck and got excited. It was worth it that he was so good to this dog man. He still had his little dream in his heart.

"Not so soon. The company's current focus is to finish filming "The Longest Day in Chang'an." Gu Zhongyu will not lose sight of the big picture because of the small investment in this drama. If the two dramas start filming at the same time, it will be too strenuous. At least we have to wait until "The Longest Day in Chang'an" is almost in the final stage, so "Empress Wu Zetian" will not be launched soon.

"I won't act in this drama. "Empress Wu Zetian" is an epic of a woman. Neither Li Shimin nor Li Zhi are the protagonists in this drama. If I act in it, it may be a bit of a steal." If it is a historical drama with Li Shimin as the protagonist, Gu Zhongyu will definitely be happy, but it's fine to act as Li Shimin or Li Zhi in his later years in "Empress Wu Zetian".

Because no matter whether it is Li Shimin or Li Zhi, they are all emperors who are destined to be cuckolded in the drama "Empress Wu Zetian", and Gu Zhongyu has always declined to play this type of role.

"Then you can also make a cameo appearance?" Fan Binbin is really too attached to Gu Zhongyu. No matter what he filmed before, he always wanted to get Gu Zhongyu to star or make a cameo appearance.

"Guest appearance? This is not a big problem, but who do you want me to make a cameo appearance? Xue Huaiyi? Zhang Yizhi?" Gu Zhongyu felt that Fan Binbin must want him to make a cameo appearance as the famous male favorites of Wu Zetian in history, and then let him serve her in the play. Can this little trick be hidden from me?

"None of them." Fan Binbin smiled evilly.

"Who is it?"

"Actually it's Li Xian!" Fan Binbin's little mouth approached Gu Zhongyu's ear and whispered the name.

Hiss! You actually want me to call you mom?

Woman, you are so perverted!

No, I must teach you a lesson today. You want me to call you mom? I'll let you call me dad today!

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