Gu Zhongyu moved his eyelids and woke up from his deep sleep, slowly opening his eyes. The first thing that caught his eyelids was the simple ceiling of the wooden house's living room. The morning sun was shining from outside, and it seemed that he could still hear a few birds singing.

Gu Zhongyu let out a long breath and looked at the girl in his arms. Alexandra, who was lying on his chest, was still sleeping soundly, with her mouth slightly raised as if she was dreaming, but her hands were so tightly held that it was difficult for him to move.

Shaking his head with a smile, Gu Zhongyu pulled open a corner of the quilt wrapped around him, moved his body that was a little stiff because of sleeping on the floor, gently moved the girl's arm, and then got up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Standing in front of the stove, Shariz was making sandwiches, frying fragrant bacon in the pan. Seeing Gu Zhongyu get up, she asked, "Wouldn't you sleep a little longer, dear?"

"Almost, although it's Saturday, I dare not develop the habit of sleeping in." Gu Zhongyu smiled and kissed her tender face.

The United States is so insidious. Even the Hollywood crew strictly follows the two-day weekend system. Isn't this harming the Chinese people who love to work!

So Gu Zhongyu must spur himself on and must not develop the bad habit of taking two days off while filming in Hollywood. What if he can't change it when he returns to China in the future? How can he integrate into the happy atmosphere of 996/007 in China!

"What a self-disciplined oriental man!"

After a while, Alexandra also got up and greeted the two of them with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, baby, come and have a bite!"

Although everyone has had the most intimate contact, the young Alexandra's face is still stained with a layer of blush. Thinking of the passion last night, she sat in the middle of the two people a little embarrassedly.

It seems that she was also in this position last night?

It has been almost a month since the filming of "The Invisible Guest" started. After this period of running-in, the actors have become more familiar with each other, especially Alexandra, who was originally one of Sharize's fans. So when the two took the initiative to pull her upstairs last night, she finally chose to follow after a long struggle.

Now, has she been with her idol?

"How do you feel, Daddario?" Gu Zhongyu asked Alexandra while eating breakfast.

Alexandra's face turned redder when she heard it, and she replied hesitantly: "It's okay... But, can you not always focus on me next time? Although I know..."

"What? Baby, I asked you how you feel about filming recently, what are you thinking about?"

Alexandra realized that she had misunderstood, and she was a little annoyed and lightly hit Gu Zhongyu: "You bastard, you don't explain it clearly!"

At this time, Sharize was moved: "I love this movie to death. Since I started working, I have never encountered such a wonderful movie. The script is a suspense theme. My dear, you really surprised me! "

"Salize, you have never made a suspense film? No way? "

"Haha! In my early years, I shot some B-level films with eroticism as the selling point. No one has ever asked me to make this type of film. Oh, no, there was a fat executive director in his fifties who tried to give me this opportunity, but I chose to kick him in the lower body!"

She was invited to audition at the home of a famous director. However, as soon as she entered the door, she noticed the weird atmosphere.

The director's home was empty, and he was completely different from his usual image of a suit and tie. As soon as they met, he took Charlize's hand and took her to the bedroom.

At this time, Salize didn't think too much, but just thought that the director was more enthusiastic, but what happened later made her dumbfounded.

After entering the bedroom, the director actually took off his pajamas and asked Salize to lie on the bed. Now, she finally understood the director's intention of inviting her to audition at home.

If she were an ordinary actress, she might choose to give in or pretend to be submissive, but she is Charlize Theron, a woman who witnessed her mother killing her father when she was a few years old, and dared to chase hooligans with a bottle when she was a model. How could she fall for his tricks?

She clearly expressed her disgust for the unspoken rules, but the director did not mean to let her go, and even touched her very forcefully.

In the end, the hot-tempered Charlize kicked him and ran away.

As a result, Charlize naturally lost the opportunity to perform that time. Later, she first called the police, but the police did not file a case for her because of insufficient evidence.

After that, she told the local media in Los Angeles the whole story, but the media are tools of these Hollywood tycoons, how could they report negative news about the sponsors?

So, even though Charlize made many efforts, she still failed to expose the incident.

For a young person who broke into the entertainment industry, such an experience was really terrible, and she even fell into entanglement for a time. If she insists on being herself, she will miss a lot of opportunities. If she adapts to the environment, she will be guilty of her own conscience.

Such contradictory thoughts brought serious psychological burden to Shariz. She was even diagnosed with mild depression and had to take medicine for a long time.

It was not until 1997 that the crew of "The Devil's Advocate" took a fancy to her and invited her to play the leading role that Shariz came out of this low period of her life.

Alexandra listened to Shariz talking about the past, with both heartache and admiration on her face. She had never suffered from any hardship since she was a child, and with her father's status, even in Hollywood, where tycoons gather, no one dared to do anything to her.

Just as Shariz was immersed in her thoughts, an arm stretched out in front of her, and then the finger tapped on her face. The sharp sound immediately brought Shariz back to her senses. After a moment of hesitation, she saw Gu Zhongyu laughing: "The past is over, we have to live in the present. The weather is good this weekend, let's go out and have fun!"

"Okay! The three of us will go together."

Shariz smiled and took the hands of the two people and was about to leave. Gu Zhongyu would leave the United States after filming, and it was unknown when they would meet again. It was more important to cherish the person in front of her.

In the blink of an eye, the filming of "The Invisible Guest" has entered its final stage. It must be said that apart from his greasy narcissism, Chen Sicheng can also be regarded as a talented person. It is obviously the first time for him to direct such a suspense film, and he also has to coordinate actors from both China and the United States at the same time. Being in a foreign country, he can still do it almost flawlessly, which makes most of the staff satisfied.

To be honest, among the young directors of the same age, except Guo Fan, there is really no one who can say that he is definitely better than him.

He uses his actions to tell others that talent is a filter, which can make people ignore personal morality and greasy behavior to a certain extent.

Netizens once hated Chen Sicheng because he married the goddess Tong Liya and was frequently reported to have cheated; because he spoke arrogantly and was pretentious. But after one movie after another was shot, everyone suddenly realized.

As a director, Chen Sicheng has two brushes.

Chen Sicheng has filmed the "Detective Chinatown" trilogy and a high-quality "Detective Chinatown" web drama, creating a Tang Detective universe, which is very rare among domestic directors.

The audience not only likes a certain film, but is fascinated by the world of detective cases and is willing to follow the footsteps of Tang Ren, Qin Feng and other characters to see what will happen next.

There are very few movies in China that can be serialized into three parts, and the box office of each part is amazing, and "Detective Chinatown" is already planning the fourth part.

And when the Tang Detective pattern was first formed, Chen Sicheng had gradually let go and let new directors participate, and he retreated to the position of producer. For example, "The Manslaughter" produced by him, including the latest "The Lost Girl", has earned more than 3 billion box office.

This shows that he understands long-term planning and is not the kind of short-sighted person who only cares about immediate interests. He is much better than Kaizi and other people.

No wonder netizens often say: If Chen Sicheng grows up more handsome and has not divorced, he will be a perfect template for the male lead of Huayu Director Wen.

"The last scene of the ninth act of "The Invisible Guest" begins!"

Chen Sicheng stared at the screen on the monitor, watching the neatly dressed Gu Zhongyu slowly walk into the camera. Adrian, played by him, looked at the back of Virginia who opened the door and was about to leave the room, and called her.

"Ms. Virginia... Thank you!"

Virginia, played by Shariz, nodded and left.

At this time, Adrian's phone rang, and his assistant called to tell him that he had bribed the driver who caused the accident and could prove that he was not on that road, and then asked him what he thought of Virginia's lawyer.

Adrian smiled and said that he was very satisfied with this middle-aged female lawyer and that she would definitely help him escape the blame.

Suddenly, there was a burst of interference from the mobile phone, and the pen he put in his shirt pocket burst into ink. Adrian hurriedly took out the pen to check, and then found that this thing was a bug!

Adrian had confessed all the truth in the past three hours. She was the murderer of Danny and his mistress Laura!

At this time, the real Virginia lawyer rushed to his room. Looking at the face of the strange middle-aged woman, Adrian realized that something was wrong.

Adrian slowly walked to the window and looked at the room opposite the hotel. That room was where Danny's father Thomas lived. At this time, there was one more person, the "Virginia" lawyer he had just thanked.

"Virginia" lawyer stood with Thomas. She took off her beauty contact lenses and wig, tore off the imitation leather on her face, and put on reading glasses. Adrian recognized who this person was.

It turned out that the Virginia who had just chatted with him for a long time was someone else's fake, and the fake person was the mother of Danny, the boy he killed!

He actually told the truth about his crime to the victim's mother. It was designed from beginning to end. He fell into the trap of the old couple step by step.

Thomas and his wife stood in the house with cold eyes, looking at the murderer who killed his son as if he were looking at a dead person. Then Thomas picked up the phone and dialed the police number: "I am Thomas, the father of the deceased Danny. I have found out the truth about my son's death!"

After the last scene was filmed, Chen Sicheng shouted excitedly: "It's finished!"

The crew was shocked. After more than a month of filming, it was finally declared over and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Sicheng deserves the title of a quick shooter. Before the filming started, Gu Zhongyu said he would give him a month, but he actually expected to finish the filming within three months. Unexpectedly, this guy was so crazy that he dragged the Chinese staff to help complete the editing on the same day after the filming. His hard work stunned his American counterparts. Are these Chinese really workaholics?

At the same time, Gu Zhongyu's tense nerves relaxed all of a sudden, and he became very uncomfortable. He felt that the pressure of filming this movie was much greater than that of other movies.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for you, otherwise, this movie would never be completed in such a short time!"

After the filming was completed, Chen Sicheng came to Gu Zhongyu to thank him immediately, not only for giving him such a great opportunity, but also for his guidance on the film in the past month.

Although he obviously felt that he was just a tool director, how many people wanted to be a tool director!

Gu Zhongyu knew every frame of the movie "The Invisible Guest" by heart. As the producer, he had to participate in the editing of Chen Sicheng, so he had to stay up late every day with Chen Sicheng to edit the movie to ensure that the rhythm and texture of the movie could match his memory.

In order to help Chen Sicheng, Gu Zhongyu ignored Shariz and Alexandra for several nights. What a damn grave!

Gu Zhongyu planned to go back in two days, and Chen Sicheng would stay in the United States for a while. In addition to handling post-production work, he was also responsible for applying for film subsidies.

Yes, there are subsidies for making movies in the United States. Most states in the United States have introduced preferential policies for movies, but the specific preferential strength is different. Most of the incentives are cash subsidies and tax refunds.

In order to attract people to shoot movies in Los Angeles, the local area has formulated a "film production tax rebate plan" with a maximum subsidy of 30%.

In addition, in China, there are several million subsidies for filming movies, especially co-productions. The subsidies from the two countries add up to several million US dollars. Although it is not much, every little bit counts!

Many bad movies were actually designed to cheat for subsidies, such as those anti-Japanese dramas or copycat cartoons.

He gave all these trivial tasks to Chen Sicheng. After all, he will shoot the "Detective Chinatown" series overseas in the future, so it is better for him to get familiar with these tasks first.

After the filming of the movie, Gu Zhongyu generously invited all the staff to enjoy a luxurious buffet party and a two-day trip. Of course, he did not go with them this time.

Because after the filming, Shariz and Alexandre took Gu Zhongyu home, and for several days in a row, they did not even let him go out. It was really a pity!

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