At the entrance of the cave, under the bright moonlight, Zeng Li's figure was looming. She was leaning on the stone wall, wearing a sexy swimsuit that highlighted her perfect figure. Her hair was gently blown and floating in the air, as if she were a living natural picture.

He swam hard to the shore and climbed up. The water droplets on his body splashed on the ground, making a crisp sound. Zeng Li realized that someone was coming. He turned around and saw Gu Zhongyu, with a surprised expression on his face.

"How did you know I was here?" Zeng Li asked.

"I saw you secretly brought a swimsuit with you during the day, so I knew you were going to go to the sea."

Gu Zhongyu had been paying attention to her movements. He saw that after she had finished helping him during the day, she secretly stuffed her swimsuit in her bag. She disappeared just after the filming. She must have changed clothes elsewhere and swam here.

"The grown man is quite attentive, so why are you here?" Zeng Li asked.

"I'm here to thank you for your help during the day." Gu Zhongyu answered honestly.

When Zeng Li heard this, a blush immediately appeared on his face. She seemed a little at a loss, and quickly waved her hand and said: "Don't think too much, I am several years older than you, and I am helping you purely out of loyalty."

"Jianghu loyalty?" Gu Zhongyu was a little confused.

"It's like female ballet partners, you should have heard of it," Zeng Li explained. "They are afraid that the male partner will have a physical reaction when performing, so they will help him before going on stage."

Gu Zhongyu has heard of this statement, and ballet seems to have been used by ancient European dignitaries to choose lovers from the beginning. It can only be said that people who are interested in art are different. Outsiders think it is immoral, but people in the industry only think it is a mere favor.

Gu Zhongyu was amused by Zeng Li's words, and he knew in his heart that Zeng Li said this on purpose. He looked into Zeng Li's eyes and said, "No matter what, I still want to thank you. Not only did you help me solve the problem, but you also gave me a new experience."

He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "experience".

Zeng Li was a little embarrassed, but he still smiled and shook his head, "You really don't need to thank me. We all have our own lives and choices. I don't regret helping you, but... please don't think too much about me."

It’s interesting, it’s so fun to talk to these older ladies. Sure enough, women are like red wine, they still have to be aged to be more flavorful!

"Do you know? I have never swum in a cave like this." Gu Zhongyu said, "The water in the cave is crystal clear. I want to go down and give it a try."

"Okay, I can accompany you." Zeng Li replied without hesitation.

The two of them jumped into the water of the cave together. The water was rippling and the temperature was slightly cool. They swam around and admired the strange scenery in the cave. Stalactites sparkle in the water and come in different shapes. The water splashed on the stone wall, making a crisp sound.

The mysterious cave gave them a wonderful feeling, as if they were in a dream world.

Thanks to Greece's current debt crisis, the number of tourists has dropped significantly. It was already dark in Shipwreck Bay, and there were no other tourists to disturb them at this time.

While swimming, Gu Zhongyu and Zeng Li exchanged experiences and hobbies about filming these days. This was also the first time the two had an open heart chat since filming.

As they swam deeper into the cave, the light began to gradually dim, and in the pitch-black environment, they could barely see each other close at hand.

Gu Zhongyu suddenly stopped, looked at Zeng Li and said, "Do you know? Before filming "Descendants of the Sun", I always thought you were the kind of conservative artist with a stoic heart, but these days of contact has completely subverted my view. Old impression."

Zeng Li smiled after hearing this and laughed at himself: "It's not because I'm not famous. You just heard about it."

Gu Zhongyu nodded: "Indeed, I was surprised that you came to eavesdrop on us, especially that night."

When he got up that morning, Gu Zhongyu immediately spotted Li Yao's bitter tea seeds that had fallen on the sofa. When he heard Chen Duling said that Zeng Li had sent Dundun back that night, he had already made a guess.

At this time, Zeng Li's young face turned red. He didn't expect to be discovered, so he had to say stiffly: "I just heard it accidentally."

At this time, Gu Zhongyu slowly approached her. Seeing him leaning towards her, Zeng Li instinctively pushed his shoulders with his hands and said, "I am a woman 7 years older than you. What can happen between us, but Let’s not be responsible for each other, okay?”

Is there such a good thing?

Gu Zhongyu couldn't ask for more!

He took a deep breath and nodded: "Actually, you don't have to say it so clearly. It's fine if you understand it tacitly."

"I'm used to saying ugly things first. Maybe it's because of the previous failed relationships that made me more cautious!" Zeng Li looked at Gu Zhongyu, filled with anticipation and nervousness. She didn't know what would happen next. But she knew what she needed now.

Finally, the two began to kiss for the first time outside of filming. Their lips touched each other, rubbing gently, as if testing each other's reaction and acceptance. Gu Zhongyu's arms hugged Zeng Li tightly, keeping her body close to his chest.

Zeng Li felt his heart beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. She felt her body trembling, and the strength in her hands seemed to be taken away. She wanted to push Gu Zhongyu away, but her arms refused to obey her.

After a long time, Gu Zhongyu looked at Zeng Li, who was already very emotional, and said, "Let's go ashore and find a place!"


At this time, Zeng Li was as passive as a girl in her twenties who met her boyfriend. She listened to whatever Gu Zhongyu said, and after this battle, she was sure of one thing.

It turned out that she also had feelings for handsome guys!


At the final shooting scene, Li Muge took the loudspeaker to announce after confirming that the recorded footage was fine.

"Filming is finished!"


Everyone basically felt relieved. After more than half a month of hard shooting, the scenery of Shipwreck Bay was beautiful, but they were tired of it. After a simple high time, they packed up and started packing various equipment.

Gu Zhongyu also sighed. It was finally over... He would never play this kind of idol drama again in the future. He always had to lower his voice, and it was very tiring to dress handsomely and act cool. It made him have no place to display his superb acting skills!

At the wrap-up banquet, several tables were filled with dishes carefully prepared by local chefs, and most people drank a lot.

Zeng Li also drank a lot, because Li Qin had finished filming and returned to China a few days ago. She no longer cared and sat directly on Gu Zhongyu's thigh. When other people saw this scene, some booed, some smiled knowingly, and some were not surprised.

This kind of relationship is not new in the crew. In fact, when they were in Changzhou, many people speculated that Zeng Li and Gu Zhongyu had something.

Handsome men and beautiful women have been in the same crew for a long time, and they are acting out love and separation every day. How can they not accidentally get into trouble!

For example, the assistant who lives next door to Zeng Li often hears some strange noises. There is obviously an extra person in Sister Li's room. As for who it is, is there any need to guess?

It's quite normal. There is nothing to be surprised about. No one will spread it. Some things are better kept in mind.

"Look, that Zeng Li is so shameless that she hooked up with the boss. The relationships in the entertainment industry are really messy!" Chen Duling, who was peeling lobsters on the side, complained to Bai Lu.

She began to question whether her decision to enter the entertainment industry was right or wrong. At the age of 20, she still had beautiful aspirations for relationships between men and women, but what she saw and heard was impacting her fragile worldview every day.

Bai Lu said disapprovingly: "It's expected. When you stay with the boss for a long time, you will naturally get used to it."

In fact, when Gu Zhongyu left them alone to go swimming that day, Bai Lu had already noticed something. Normally, the boss should flirt with the new assistant Dudu or her. If he ignored either of them, it meant that he must have a new love.

"Then when we shoot a movie in the future, we also... have to throw ourselves into the arms of men like these women every time we shoot a movie?"

Glancing at Chen Duling, Bai Lu felt that academic qualifications really cannot be equated with emotional intelligence. You have been with me for so long, didn't you notice that I had already thrown myself into the arms of the boss?

"Student Dudu! First of all, no one is forcing you to do anything. Look at Zeng Li, she was always tepid before, but now she takes the initiative to sit on the boss's lap, but it doesn't mean she will do this every time. If she really did that, the boss would not look down on her, and she wouldn't have been acting in soap operas for the past two years."

"Also, please look at our boss Gu's conditions. If you find a boyfriend in the future, do you have the confidence to find one who is better than him in all aspects? Even if you really find one, can you guarantee that he will be honest and not go out to cheat?"

Bai Lu, like an old senior in the entertainment industry, began to teach Dudu, who is one year older than her.

"You should be more open-minded. Let me ask you, if the boss really wants to hit on you now, what are you going to do? Turn your face and leave or obey obediently?" Bai Lu picked up a piece of lamb chop and put it in her mouth, looking forward to Chen Duling's answer.

She must train Chen Duling, the little fool, before she leaves her job, and must not leave trouble for the boss. If possible, it is best to promote her and the boss under her guidance.

Chen Duling thought about it. If she really encountered that time, would she obey? Or resist and then obey?

Or resist firmly and then obey reluctantly?

This question is so difficult!

"Boss Gu, after our drama is finished, does the company have any new plans?" Li Muge asked him when he toasted, and Zeng Li, who was sitting on his lap, was selectively blind.

With the previous experience of Fan Binbin, Li Muge was still very resistant to filming these big bosses' dramas, but after more than a month of getting along, he found that Gu Zhongyu didn't really interfere with his work as a director. He just gave some suggestions and respected him in most cases, which was completely different from Sister Bingbing's domineering attitude.

After filming a drama, Li Muge was also full of confidence in the final quality of "Descendants of the Sun". He believed that this idol drama should have a good ratings, so he, like Chen Kexin before, has a stronger interest in Gu Zhongyu's new film.

"I don't have any plans to shoot TV series in the short term. I'll take a break first. The next one should be a movie."

If it weren't for the company's performance, Gu Zhongyu would not bother to shoot these TV series. For him, shooting TV series is not meaningful anymore. There is no improvement. He still has to focus on movies in the future.

As for what kind of movie to make, he has not decided yet. His good brother Jiang Wen has been sending messages to harass him recently, asking him to act in his new movie. If he has nothing to do, he can just go and have fun.

Li Muge sighed with regret, and said that if Gu Zhongyu has a new script in the future, he will come to guide without money.

Gu Zhongyu nodded: "Okay, I still have more than a dozen or twenty scripts here, please shoot all of them!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Gu, I'm kidding!"

"No, no, I'm serious!"


The wrap-up banquet ended almost at midnight. Gu Zhongyu didn't drink much. After all, few people dared to force him to drink, and he found that his alcohol tolerance seemed to be better.

Except for a slight redness on his face, he didn't even feel dizzy for a while, but he had an extra pendant on his body.

"Come on, let's go back and exercise!" Zeng Li hooked his neck and hummed in his mouth.

Zeng Li's assistant was embarrassed and wanted to help her boss go back to rest, but the other party ignored her and seemed to be clinging to Gu Zhongyu.

After Zeng Li reached a consensus with Gu Zhongyu, she completely lost the reserve that a woman should have. In addition, she was not too worried about being photographed in a foreign country. During this period, she almost took the initiative to find him. They were inseparable and loved each other as if every day was the end of the world.

He guessed that the reason why Zeng Li was so enthusiastic was probably that she wanted to forget each other after returning to China.

"Well, I'll help you take her back." Gu Zhongyu said sympathetically.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!"

The little assistant was grateful. Her female boss was so drunk that she probably couldn't come alone. Fortunately, this wrap-up banquet was eaten at the hotel where the crew members were staying. It was also convenient to go back without having to worry about being photographed by reporters.

After Gu Zhongyu helped Zeng Li back to the room, he looked at the assistant and said, "Okay, go back and have a rest."

"Yeah." After answering, the assistant looked at Gu Zhongyu, as if to say: It's time for you to go too.

This assistant doesn't have much insight!

"You go back first, I'll chat with Teacher Gu." At this time, Zeng Li squinted his eyes and raised his head, with a slightly dizzy smile on his face, and said to the assistant, he didn't look drunk at all!

Assistant: Okay, I'm redundant, the happiness is all yours, I deserve to be nosy!

After the assistant left, Zeng Li casually pulled down the suspenders of her dress: "Do you want something exciting?"

"How are you? Are you not drunk?"

"No, I'm pretending. If I get drunk so easily, I don't know how much I will suffer. In this circle, you have to keep a hand?"

That's right. No matter how bad Zeng Li is, she has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. If she didn't have this little bit of vigilance, she would have been eaten up by others.

But she was pretending to be real. Just now, she rubbed against him like a loach.

"After tonight, we will return to China. Don't you want to say something to me?" Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to bring up this topic.

Hearing this, Zeng Li's excitement faded a little, and she whispered: "What do you want to hear? Can we still do this after returning to China? You don't care about gossip, but I am still worried about rumors!"

"Why, are you planning to get married or find a boyfriend now?"

"Of course not, I don't want to get married in my life!"

The broken marriage of his parents when he was a child had left him with a lot of psychological trauma. Coupled with several failed relationships after adulthood, Zeng Li had already lost her yearning for men and marriage, and made up her mind to stay single.

This time with Gu Zhongyu can only be said to be a small episode, and it will not shake her previous thoughts.

"Since you are not getting married, why are you still thinking about drawing a line with me after returning to China? Not getting married doesn't mean you won't find a man forever, right? Anyway, there must be a lich...ah, there must be someone who can help you solve that need at any time, so why can't it be me?"

This sentence reminded Zeng Li, yes, not getting married doesn't mean being a nun for life, isn't it?

At least Gu Zhongyu makes her feel comfortable, and he is talented and rich, which can help her career. Why is she so anxious to break up with him?

After a mental struggle, Zeng Li looked at Gu Zhongyu with a serious face and said solemnly: "Then you have to promise me that if I miss you, I can find you, but you can't take the initiative to find me. If I am annoyed, you are not allowed to contact me. Most importantly, you are not allowed to entangle me!"

This is really an unequal treaty!

Basically, Gu Zhongyu is used as a tool that can be taken at any time. However, the conditions are not beyond his expectations. He can abide by them for a while, and then slowly seek a breakthrough after falling in love with each other.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu nodded, Zeng Li was relieved. In fact, she was reluctant to part with this brother in her heart. Now that an agreement has been reached, let's try it together first.

Don't you know that an agreement is meant to be violated? It seems that Zeng Li's knowledge is still not as good as her age.

"By the way, what is the excitement you just promised me?"

Love grows with time, love grows with time... The most important premise is that "time" is the most important. The experience that Zeng Li, who is over 30 years old, brings him in this aspect is unparalleled. Perhaps only Fan Xiaopang and Da Mi Mi can fight with her.

After talking about business, Gu Zhongyu began to lose his composure.

Zeng Li smiled at him, got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. After coming out, she winked at Gu Zhongyu, turned off the lights, and then came to the large French window in the room and opened it.

He propped his hands on the glass!

Gu Zhongyu then understood what she meant by "something exciting".

Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, gentlemen, because these chapters of Shitou are all 5,000 words!

In addition, thank you book friend longx147 for the 1,500-point reward!

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