After the tea party, Gu Zhongyu, who was whistling, ushered in his favorite time to get off work. Although as the boss of the company, he did not need to clock in and out, he would still try his best to work eight hours every time he came to the company. , get off work with the employees.

Um! It's definitely not to see if someone is lazy and taking advantage of others. Gu Zhongyu, who has a red heart, has drawn a clear line between himself and the evil capitalists since he was a child.

Before leaving the office, Gu Zhongyu, who was in a good mood, slapped the secretary Jiang Shuying hard on the buttocks as if she wanted to die, and then escaped to the parking lot in time before she was about to kill him with a knife.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he picked up his mobile phone and found the name "Big Fox" in the address book. Gu Zhongyu made a call.

Within a few seconds of the beeping sound, the owner on the other end of the phone picked up the call.

"Hey, Yang Stinky Foot, are you there? Have you eaten?"

"Originally I planned to eat, but now when I hear your voice, I feel so sick that I have completely lost my appetite." Originally, Yang Mi was quite happy when she saw the call from Gu Zhongyu on the screen, but she didn't expect to open her mouth. This guy actually called him the nickname he hated the most, and his joy suddenly disappeared. All he wanted to do was pull him out of the phone, hang him up and beat him!

It was also an unforeseen disaster. In February this year, she went to participate in the recording of the "Happy Camp" program. It turned out that the program team did not know where the wrong connection was made. They actually designed a segment where the host led a sheep on stage. What happened at that time? The teacher joked, "This sheep likes to smell strong smells." As a result, right after he said this, the sheep kept burrowing under her feet and trying to lick her feet and shoes...

The scene was a bit embarrassing now, and the program team didn't know what they had in mind, so they didn't cut this section out, but let it be broadcast normally.

After the show was aired, it was a matter of course that it became a hot search on the Internet. The nickname "Yang Stinky Feet" was flying all over the place. Although she often used this title to criticize herself later, people around her would not use this nickname randomly. Just kidding, of course, Gu Zhongyu is definitely not included in this.

In fact, after this title became popular, Gu Zhongyu was the first to come to her in person and laugh at her!

Although he knew that Yang Mi's feet didn't actually stink, Gu Zhongyu dared to vouch for this. After all, he had been kicked in the head by these feet more than once, and he had even been stepped on directly!

Of course, this truth did not prevent Gu from often using this nickname to laugh at her.

"I didn't expect my voice to have such an effect! It can effectively reduce appetite. It seems that it is necessary to open a weight loss center. If anyone wants to lose weight, I will call her. They will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Then I wish you to get rich soon, have a son soon, and be happy! If there is nothing else, I will die, Gu Delai!" Yang Mi also called Gu Zhongyu's previous nickname, mocking him for being criticized for his crazy drama in the past. experience.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I have serious business. I want to see you for a movie. Let's talk in person! It just so happens that I haven't eaten either, so let's eat together!"

"Hmph! Old Gongti East Road Hotpot, you know where the private room is, don't wait when it's late!" Yang Mi arrogantly designated a place to eat. This restaurant is near her home, which is more convenient, just in case this thing happens She's so horny, she might as well run away immediately and call the police!

"Hi! Long time no see. You've been back to Yanjing for so long and you didn't know how to contact me. You actually ate it in advance!" Gu Zhongyu came to the old hotpot restaurant, opened the door to the private room, and saw Yang Mi just put a stack of I put the belly in the pot and started eating.

"How do I know if you are really asking me out or just hanging out? Last time you asked me to go to dinner, but when it was almost ten o'clock, no one from you came. The last thing you said was that you had already eaten somewhere else. I didn't at that time I'll kill you, that's what my tutor is!" Thinking of this, Yang Mi became angry.

"I almost forgot about this! Sorry, sorry, hey? Why didn't you order the mandarin duck pot? You know I can't eat anything too spicy." Gu Zhong sat on the chair and glanced at the table. Not only was it a pure spicy pot, but also All she ordered were dishes that Gu Zhongyu didn't like. It was obvious that this girl was messing with him on purpose.

"Oh! I forgot too. We haven't seen each other for so long. I don't even remember whether you are still breathing, let alone the taste!" It seems that Miss Yang Mi has a lot of resentment against Gu!

"By the way, I heard that when you were teaching at Nortel, you often used me as a negative teaching material? Did you say that my acting skills were poor? You also said that my "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was a bad movie before? Is this true? "

"Nonsense! Who started the rumor? How could I do something like that! As your good friend, I have always maintained your beautiful image in front of outsiders."

TMD! It must have been leaked by a classmate in the class. If you check back and see who among the students is more familiar with Yang Mi, you will know who said it. When the time comes, the whistleblower will be prepared to face the wrath of Teacher Gu!

Naturally, Yang Mi didn't believe his lies. It would be okay if he didn't admit it. The accounts would be settled later.

After the two people chatted angrily for a while, they sat down and started eating hot pot.

Gu Zhongyu knew Yang Mi when she was a child star. Since they were both from Yanjing, they often played together. However, Yang Mi's personality has been very boyish since he was a child, and his relationship with Gu Zhongyu is exactly that of a buddy. Even when they grew up later, the two of them still laughed, played and hugged each other.

Of course, Gu's mind was not so pure at the beginning. In fact, he came with the "Genji Plan", but the plan could not keep up with the changes. As they got along, the taste changed. Later, when the time was right and he could make a move, he found that the two were too familiar with each other! When Gu Zhongyu looked at Yang Mi, he no longer had the feeling of a normal man looking at a beautiful woman!

It's like a brother and sister who grew up in the same family. Even if the sister is as beautiful as a flower, the brother is a tofu dregs in his eyes! Because the sister farted and burped, and did not wash her hands when she pooped since she was a child, all of which were reflected in his mind. This made the two opposite sexes completely lack of freshness and imagination, and the rest was only disgust!

Brothers are brothers! Fortunately, there are always many beautiful women around Gu Zhongyu, so he has not thought about "homosexuality" for the time being, so he is not in a hurry to kill his good buddy.

After entering the entertainment industry, Gu Zhongyu also took good care of Yang Mi and helped her many times. The relationship between the two is really like brothers. Moreover, Gu Zhongyu often shared some of his love history with Yang Mi. This girl was one of the few people he could confide in.

Although Yang Mi often despised Gu Zhongyu as a scumbag, every time Gu Zhongyu told her about his love history, she couldn't help but say: Come on! Come on! I love to hear this!

However, this pure brotherly relationship seemed to have a hint of other flavor since last year.

The reason was that Gu Zhongyu once asked Yang Mi to drive to pick him up after drinking. Everything was normal, but when he was in the car, it might be the alcohol or just because you are too beautiful. Gu Zhongyu treated Yang Mi as a girlfriend. First, he used his hands, and then he directly hugged her and bit her!

It was just like biting a pig's hoof, so fierce! Yang Mi's mouth was swollen!

After a brief loss of consciousness, Yang Mi immediately gave him two authentic Peking slaps, which quickly sobered Gu Zhongyu up.

Then he saw Da Mimi opened the car door and ran away as if escaping for her life. She disappeared for several days and didn't even answer his phone calls.

This incident added a hint of ambiguity to their pure friendship. Although the two of them tacitly didn't mention it again, Gu Zhongyu knew that this girl was actually still brooding over it.

Could it be that she was addicted to being bitten by him?

Yes! Definitely!

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