Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 300: Gu Jian Qi Tan and Reba

Chen Sicheng was a little nervous, but he had good adaptability and he quickly thought of the words: "Thank you Toronto Film Festival, thank you everyone in the crew of "The Invisible Guest". It means a lot to me to win the People's Choice Award. I would like to thank my mentor Mr. Gu Zhongyu here. Without him, I can't stand here..."

At this time, the camera gave the lens to Gu Zhongyu, and he also raised his hand to salute the stage from a distance.

Won the Midnight Madness Unit Award, and finally it was worth the trip. Although it is destined to miss the Oscar, Gu Zhongyu didn't have this extravagant hope. Let's take it slowly in the future!

His ambition is not only to win one or two awards, but to make a name for himself abroad first, and then bring all the future films of Zongheng to the stage one by one, so that these foreigners will gradually get used to oriental faces, and then slowly accept their movies and culture.

With "12 Years a Slave" winning the People's Choice Award as expected, mainstream media in North America have used various flattering words to describe the most important award of this Toronto Film Festival.

The Invisible Guest, which won the Midnight Madness Unit, also received rave reviews, and several media outlets analyzed the reasons for the film's award, implying that 12 Years a Slave was actually unworthy of its position and won the award by coercing the public with political correctness.

As a result, the discussion and controversy of The Invisible Guest was rampant. When the news spread back to China, netizens were also excited and spoke up for Gu Zhongyu and others, which fueled another wave of popularity.

No matter what, this time it was considered a great benefit, paving the way for the official release later.

On the day after the Toronto Film Festival closed, Gu Zhongyu had already returned to China to plan for the new film, and he would go to the United States to attend the premiere after the release.

"The Invisible Guest" now has both awards and popularity, creating a huge momentum. Film producers in many countries and regions have come to Touchstone to introduce this film.

There are still about two months before "The Invisible Guest" is released in North America.

Zongheng and Lionsgate have already started negotiations with distributors in many countries. In just over a week, distribution companies in more than 30 countries and regions have signed formal import contracts with them.

Although Lionsgate's film production capabilities are not strong, its overseas distribution capabilities are still very strong. Except for East Asia, all other cooperation businesses in other places are negotiated by them.

This film is estimated to appear in the theater market of at least more than 80 countries and regions, which is enough to ensure that the film will have a world-class influence.

This is the advantage of English films. It is easy to enter the market of other countries. Chinese films are extremely difficult in this regard. They are not as popular as Hong Kong films in the 1980s and 1990s.

In this case, even if your film quality is good, what's the use if others can't see it?

Of course, first of all, it must be ensured that "The Invisible Guest" can attract strong attention in the North American market.

At present, most Hollywood films must first explode in the North American market before they can cause a sensation in overseas markets, or at least ignite the film market in the Western world.

The lead actor Gu Zhongyu is currently a popular Chinese actor, and he is also the boss of Zongheng, which can guarantee the popularity of the film in the Chinese market. As long as the reputation of the film is not bad, the two companies will make a lot of money!

At the shooting site of "Gu Jian Qi Tan", Yang Mi held a small fan and kept fanning herself.

It's too hot, I can't stand it!

The temperature in Xiandu, Zhejiang Province in August has almost soared to 35 degrees. It is really a torture to shoot a fairy tale drama in such weather wearing thick clothes.

If I had known earlier, I would have started shooting a little later.

It was all Gu Delai's fault. He persuaded her to buy the adaptation rights of "Gu Jian Qi Tan". Now that the filming started for a few days, it was a done deal. It was all his fault. He made her suffer here in such a hot day.

"Come on! The ice cream is here! Everyone gets a share, and everyone will get one~"

At this time, a girl who looked slightly fat and had a deathly Barbie pink lip gloss began to distribute ice cream to everyone. This was Jiaxing's female artist, Reba, who played the male protagonist Tu Su's apprentice Fuqiu.

Last year, Yang Mi, who was gaining momentum, served as a producer for the first time, and then sent assistants to various universities to select casts for the movie "Micro Times". Reba, who was tying her shoelaces downstairs in the dormitory, was discovered by Yang Mi's scout.

Yang Mi liked Reba very much when she saw her, and she also felt that this girl was very similar to herself, and had the tenacity to fight for her career, so she immediately decided to support this girl.

After taking the ice cream handed over by Reba, Yang Mi took the opportunity to let her sit next to her and chat with her.

"Mi Mi, it's so hard to shoot a costume drama. Have you always been like this before?"

"What kind of hardship is this? It's said that Hengdian is hotter than Xiandu now. We've already been lucky."

Seeing Reba sweating while eating ice cream, Yang Mi touched her face and her fingers were full of powder. The liquid foundation had fallen off. Why is this child so afraid of heat?

"Why are you so afraid of heat? I remember that the temperature in Xijiang was also very high. How did you get through it in your hometown?"

"Usually in my hometown, I would wear a skirt at this temperature, but we are not shooting a costume drama, and I can't take off my coat. It's all stuffy."

As she said this, Reba lifted the hem of her clothes, revealing the white pants she was wearing, which were almost soaked with sweat.

Da Mi Mi touched her forehead speechlessly, then lifted her hem, revealing a pair of blue leggings, revealing her round and plump thighs, without any other clothes, even her socks were taken off.

Reba was shocked: "Ah! Sister Mi, why are you naked down there? Wouldn't it be a mistake if the camera caught you?"

"Is there a possibility that the camera won't shoot you down there, and even if it does, it will cut the picture, so it's fine if it's cool down there!"

"Can't you just ask? I was wondering why you were sweating so much, after filming for most of the day, you were the only one wearing such thick pants down there!"

"I thought it was for professionalism, everyone had to wear this, and they were all seniors in the entertainment industry, so I didn't dare to ask..."

Reba is still a young actress, she doesn't have a separate makeup artist, and her assistant is shared with others, so no one reminded her to do this when she was putting on makeup and changing clothes.

Yang Mi was so upset by her stupidity that she asked, "Why are you embarrassed to speak up? The teachers in our crew are all very easy to talk to!"

Reba lowered her head and said aggrievedly, "I think the teacher who plays Ouyang Shaogong is a little difficult to get along with..."

Yang Mi did not refute after hearing this. In fact, her patience with someone was almost at its limit.

Just then, screenwriter Shao Sihan ran over angrily. Seeing Yang Mi here, he threw the book in his hand directly: "Boss Yang, I can't stand it anymore. This Jia Nailiang is too much. He wants to add more scenes. If he adds more, just let him play the male lead!"

"He's here again?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi frowned and sighed. He first comforted Shao Sihan a few words, and then took him to find Jia Nailiang to solve the problem.

Since Li Xiaolu and Yang Mi have a good relationship, she brought someone to guest star in the filming of "Gu Jian Qi Tan". After learning about the show in detail, Li Xiaolu felt that the cast and plot of "Gu Jian Qi Tan" were good and it should have the potential to be a hit, so she brought her husband Jia Nailiang over.

The joining of this couple is also a major attraction of the TV series and a "gimmick" for publicity, so Yang Mi certainly agreed and let Jia Nailiang play the behind-the-scenes boss Ouyang Shaogong.

Jia Nailiang not only changed his social platform avatar to Ouyang Shaogong, but also repeatedly stated that he is also a "Gu fan" and will treat this role well.

And Jia Nailiang himself also invested a sum of money and became one of the producers.

Originally, everything was moving in a good direction, but I didn't expect Jia Nailiang to start making trouble after joining the group!

Because Jia Nailiang is an investor in "Gu Jian Qi Tan". So while paying for the TV series, he also asked the director to add more scenes for Ouyang Shaogong. Director Liang Shengquan could only agree one by one when he was at a loss. However, once he agreed, things got worse and worse, and Jia Nailiang kept asking for changes to the script.

Soon, producer Zhong Junyan was dissatisfied with Jia Nailiang's extra scenes. First, his role would soon surpass that of the male lead Chen Xiao, and second, such extra scenes were inconsistent with Ouyang Shaogong's character setting, which was not conducive to the filming of the TV series. The two sides had quarreled twice over this, and each time Yang Mi came to act as a peacemaker and persuaded everyone to take a step back.

"Although the role of Ouyang Shaogong is a villain, he is absolutely outstanding in the play. I don't think it can be so careless..."

"If you keep adding scenes like this, you will soon catch up with Baili Tu Su. What's the matter? Do you think Chen Xiao has no status and you are bullying him?"

When Yang Mi came to the office, she saw Jia Nailiang arguing with the female producer Zhong Junyan. Li Xiaolu helped her husband speak, and the male lead Chen Xiaomo stood aside silently. None of the other young actors dared to speak.

"What's going on again?"

When Jia Nailiang saw Yang Mi coming, he shouted excitedly: "Mi Mi, you came at the right time. There are big problems with our script. I communicated with the producer and screenwriter, but I didn't expect them to insist on their own way and didn't listen to me at all!"

"Don't confuse right and wrong here. How long have you been here? How many times have you changed the script? Chen Xiao has a good temper and has tolerated your behavior of stealing his role again and again. I didn't expect you to be dissatisfied. I can't stand it this time!"

Li Xiaolu came over and pulled Yang Mi's arm: "Mi Mi, there must be an explanation for this matter today. You can't be muddy anymore. You are the boss and you have to be decisive."

Looking at Li Xiaolu, who is also a member of the "Teddy Sisters Group" with her, Yang Mi already had some disgust in her heart at this time. You don't care about your husband's excessive behavior, but you add fuel to the fire for me?

"Boss Yang, today it's either him or me!" Zhong Junyan was also anxious and asked Yang Mi to make a choice between the two, otherwise she couldn't do the job of producer.

"Forget it, Producer Lin, we just follow Teacher Jia's advice." Seeing Zhong Junyan stand up for him, Chen Xiao, who has always been withdrawn and passive, could no longer sit still and held their hands to try to reconcile.

At this time, Yang Mi was in a dilemma. Jia Nailiang was the investor and the leading actor, and Zhong Junyan was the backbone of his company. If he supported either of them, he would offend the other. What should he do?

"Who is this? He can be so arrogant in the crew and doesn't take our boss Yang seriously!"

A familiar voice sounded at the door. Everyone looked and saw that it was Gu Zhongyu who had just returned from Canada. He was wearing sunglasses and followed by a pure and lovely girl.

Seeing that it was Gu Zhongyu, the actors who were sitting and watching the excitement also stood up and greeted him one by one.

"Boss Gu, why are you here?" Seeing that the person was Gu Zhongyu, Jia Nailiang was a little flustered.

Last year, he and his wife were among the people who stabbed Yin Xiaotian, but they didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to stand up for Yin Xiaotian. Although they were more powerful than others, none of them could compare to this person. As a result, Wen Zhang and others chose to confront Gu Zhongyu directly online. They didn't know whether Gu Zhongyu would hate them for this.

After the truth of the matter came to light, netizens did not scold the couple. Now Jia Nailiang has learned his lesson and does not easily express his position online. He also asked someone to inquire about Gu Zhongyu's attitude towards the matter, but he got nothing.

Although they were in the same class of Beijing Film Academy, Gu Zhongyu and him had no intersection at all. The relationship between the two was very weak. Jia Nailiang felt that this classmate seemed to look down on him a little.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Yang Mi felt relieved and asked happily, "Aren't you in Canada?"

"I just came back yesterday. I heard that your TV series started filming, so I came to see it. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I came in."

Gu Zhongyu had learned the details from other people. He didn't expect that Yang Mi would still bring Jia Nailiang and his wife into this life of "Gu Jian Qi Tan".

Many netizens think that Jia Nailiang is a so-called honest man because of Li Xiaolu's hairdressing, but in fact, he is very different from Wang Baoxiang. People in the circle have known him for a long time. He is just a person who pursues fame and fortune, is good at acting in life, and is mean-spirited!

This guy is addicted to adding scenes. In "The Best Time" starring Zhong Hanliang, because of his "request", the screenwriter had no choice but to design three endings. As the second male lead, Jia Nailiang also changed the ending. Under the "addition of scenes", he was promoted from the second male lead. He competed with the first male lead in the scenes, and even the finale had a lot of his scenes.

In fact, "adding scenes" often happens in the crew. This reflects the professionalism of the actors. If you think the character setting is not three-dimensional enough and there is a problem with the script, you should discuss it with the director or screenwriter before filming.

If you can change it, take it, and if you can't change it, consider whether you can act it.

Instead of waiting until the filming starts, and then throwing a tantrum in the crew to add scenes, or even to the point of not acting if you don't add it, this is too unprofessional.

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