Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 31: Starting Your Own Business

"You are really the amoeba in my stomach. You can actually guess that I want to start my own business." Yang Mi was very happy that Gu Zhongyu understood her. After "Palace Lock Heart Jade" became popular, she had the idea of ​​going out on her own.

"We are old acquaintances of the cannibal tribe BBQ. How can I not know what you are thinking?" This woman never bets on a person or a company. Now that "Palace Lock Heart Jade" has brought her such great fame and benefits, the heart that wants to fly alone must have already checked out!

Yang Mi's life trajectory in this life is similar to that in the previous life. She debuted as a child star and joined Rong Xinda Film and Television, which was in its heyday at the time. Rong Xinda is considered a relatively old entertainment company in the industry. Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, and Yang Yang were all made famous by this company. It has produced excellent works such as "Da Ming Palace Ci", "Orange is Red", and "April in the World". But later, due to its backward business model, a large number of agents left, and the fact that the company's president Li Xiaowan favored his son Lin Yusheng and tilted a large amount of resources to him, many artists were dissatisfied and finally fled. Yang Mi also left Rong Xinda during that period.

After leaving, Yang Mi joined Meiya Entertainment, a Hong Kong entertainment company. She originally thought that she could have a worry-free future with the support of Hong Kong and Taiwan capital. Who would have thought that Meiya Entertainment, which was already declining, could not provide Yang Mi with very good resources, such as "A Chinese Odyssey 2011", "Eight Stars Holding Happiness", and "New Born to Be a Couple". These movies were all flops and could not make any splashes at all.

Fortunately, Yang Mi and Meiya signed a short-term contract, which will expire next year. She has grown up and has indeed had the idea of ​​independence.

"Is it that Zeng Jia again?" Gu Zhongyu asked. Zeng Jia was Rong Xinda's gold medal agent before and had been friends with Yang Mi for many years. In the previous life, it was this woman who founded Jiahang Film and Television with Yang Mi and Zhao Ruoyao.

"Well! Maybe I haven't told you before, actually in 2007, she and I founded a company called Jiahang Film and Television Media in Chang'an, but because I was still in Rongxinda at that time, I didn't have much fame, I just wanted to pave the way for future development, and the company was just an empty shell." Yang Mi opened a can of beer, drank it down, and then began to talk.

"Although Zeng Jia is still the director of Meiya Artist Management, she doesn't want to stay in that broken company anymore, so she came to me to discuss whether to leave with her. We two sisters can be bosses together, which is better than working for others now."

"Think about it, she has connections and brains, and I have fame and strength. If we join forces, we may be the next Huayi and Zongheng!"

Thinking of this, Yang Mi's slightly drunk red face began to show an excited expression. She seemed to have seen the day when she became a tycoon in the entertainment industry and made Gu Zhongyu kneel on the ground and sing Conquer.

"Haha! The idea is good, but I have also met Zeng Jia before. She is very smart. I know that you have a good relationship, but you must be careful not to be sold out!" Gu Zhongyu's words were actually a bit too much. Zeng Jia and Yang Mi have been friends for many years, and he was suspected of provoking the relationship by saying this.

But he came from the future and knew that the relationship between Yang Mi and Zeng Jia was not so wonderful. Obviously, Jiahang Media was established together, and the company's reputation and brand were still made by Yang Mi. It was also she who took on the role crazily to complete the task, but the final result was that Yang Mi withdrew from Jiahang Company.

Although she is still one of the shareholders, she has lost the right to manage. This is also related to Jiahang's blindness to greed and the failure of several consecutive capital bets. It is difficult to say who is more at fault here, Zeng Jia or Yang Mi. Everyone only knows that Yang Mi was eliminated in the end.

"I don't like what you said! What do you mean by selling me out? Do I look stupid? I've said it before, I'm still considering it! My idea is to set up a studio by myself first, test the waters, and see how it feels to be a boss." It has to be said that Yang Mi is a girl with more tricks than hair. She hasn't agreed to Zeng Jia because she is afraid of being used. After all, no matter how good the relationship between best friends is, it can't beat the real interests, and she can make her own decisions, so why does she have to get someone involved?

"Okay! I'll be relieved if you know what's going on in your mind." Gu Zhongyu couldn't say more. An adult would not be so easily persuaded by others, let alone Yang Mi, who has been working in the entertainment industry since childhood.

"It's indeed safer to set up a studio. If you need any help, just ask, or you can also be affiliated with our Zongheng Entertainment. The conditions are very good."

"Hehe! You always want to get me to your company. Are you thinking of taking advantage of me?" Yang Mi asked with a smile, thinking that this scumbag really fell in love with her, right?

"What are you saying? Are the hidden rules between us so low-level? That's definitely not possible! I'll get you drunk, and then I'll do it to you anywhere!"

"Ah! I even broke your dick!" Seeing Gu Zhongyu's rogue tone, Yang Mi was relieved. She still remembered the last time she was bitten!

"Let's talk about it later! I haven't terminated the contract yet! If the studio is established or I can't make it, I'll come to you."

This time Yang Mi didn't directly reject Gu Zhongyu's kindness. In fact, if Zongheng Entertainment didn't have a sister like Fan Binbin, she would have joined decisively. After all, Zongheng Entertainment is now a big company, and she can barely accept working for Gu Zhongyu.

If Fan Binbin was there, she would not really want to go. After all, there can only be one top lady in the company, and she had no confidence in fighting against this person. Moreover, she also knew the relationship between Fan Binbin and Gu Zhongyu. If the two women fought in the company, it would make it difficult for Gu Zhongyu to do anything.

"Okay, I'll prepare a bed for you!" Gu Zhongyu probably knew what she was thinking, so let it go!

The two of them ate a lot around the hot pot, and cans of beer mixed with seafood and hot pot went into their stomachs. After talking about business, the two began to talk about some interesting things that happened recently.

Of course, it was mainly Gu Zhongyu who talked, and Yang Mi was listening and expressing his opinions from time to time.

"You are such a scumbag, and you dare to go on a blind date? Aren't you afraid that the truth will be revealed and the girl will castrate you?"

"When you resigned, did the students try to keep you? Really? I don't believe it!"

"Dundun was taken away? What a pity, I wanted to borrow her to sleep with. It seems that Miss Xixi is really in love with you! It's been such a long time since we broke up, it shouldn't be that she is missing the cat, I think she is missing the person!"


After chatting about a lot of things, Gu Zhongyu looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock. He drank a lot of wine, so he definitely couldn't drive anymore. It was embarrassing to always ask Secretary Jiang to pick him up, so he opened the address book to see who was suitable to find. If not, he would take a taxi back.

"Who are you looking for? Let's go to my house." Yang Mi slapped Gu Zhongyu's phone away, then took his hand and walked out. She lived nearby, so they could just walk back.

Hey! Everyone saw it! Testify for me!

She was the one who took the initiative to take me home. It was not against the woman's will!

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