Looking at Yaya who seemed to be speaking seriously, Gu Zhongyu felt that this girl was talking nonsense.

But it was quite fun to see her pretending to be angry.

"Okay, then I promise there won't be a next time, and we will just be friends in the future!" Gu Zhongyu patted his chest, a real man, one spit and one nail!

"Really?" Yaya looked suspicious, wondering if she had auditory hallucinations?

Gu Zhongyu continued to hug her from behind, and did not let go, "Why would I lie to you, since you don't want to, of course I won't force you, who do you think I am?"

This move is called retreating to advance, if you have the ability, keep pretending!

Gu Zhongyu's words made Yaya a little dilemma. What she really thought in her heart was the same as what she said?


"You don't have to be embarrassed. It's our fate to have had it once. It's good for both of us not to entangle with each other in the future. After all, you are about to get married, and I will respect you."

Yaya's eyes were a little red when she said this.

Alas. It seems that she has not been tricked before. She is not very smart. No wonder she was deceived by Director Chen.

Yaya's expression was gloomy. She turned around and continued to make breakfast. She said confidently as if nothing had happened: "That's the best. Oh, this hotel can only use induction cookers. It took me a long time to fry an omelet. It's really troublesome..."

Just when Gu Zhongyu was thinking about how to start, Yaya suddenly put down the spatula, turned around and hugged him.

She buried her head in him for several seconds and beat him with her hands, "You bastard!"

Uh~ Okay, if I sleep with you, I am a scumbag. If I say I won't sleep with you in the future, you will call me a bastard. What can I do to make it better?

I stroked Yaya's neck with my hand, and it felt like coaxing a child.

"If you are unhappy, just scold me a few more times. You can tell me if you are unhappy in the future. I am here, always here!"

After she vented her emotions enough, Gu Zhongyu asked Yaya to sit on the chair, and he cooked an egg for her, and then paired it with two strips of bacon and tomatoes, making a loving breakfast and serving it to her.

Staring at the bacon on the plate for a long time, Yaya said unhappily, "Have you forgotten where I am from?"

Damn, she really forgot, she doesn't eat pork!

"My pot, then I'll get you something else!"

"No~" After hesitating for a while, Yaya picked up the fork and put a piece of bacon into her mouth, "The taste is okay, but you can put less salt..."

Has he considered "Sinicization" of her?

After eating a little, Yaya felt full. She picked up the plate, sat on Gu Zhongyu's lap, and began to feed him one bite at a time.

"Okay, we should go too. We must..."

"I know. It's just acting. I'll pretend nothing happened."

What happened between the two people must not be known to the crew. Chen Sicheng's anger is secondary. If it spreads to the public, their reputation will be completely ruined.

Just when Gu Zhongyu and Yaya were being affectionate with each other, a familiar voice suddenly came from the corridor:

"Teacher Gu! Look what I brought you. It's the special roasted rice cakes here!"

Naza, who was traveling, finally had work today. She was acting opposite her favorite teacher Gu, so she came back early in the morning.

Oh no, I forgot that this lady has her own room card!

As soon as Naza entered the living room, she saw the two people who had separated. Although there was no passionate scene, Gu Zhongyu and Yaya's slightly nervous expressions and the breakfast for two on the table had betrayed them.

These two slept together last night!

Nazha never expected that her house would be robbed after she had been away for only two days.

She looked at Gu Zhongyu with a wronged look on her face, and at the same time attacked Yaya with the corner of her eyes...

"I'm going to the crew first."

Yaya didn't dare to stay and look at Nazha, and quickly left.

After Yaya left, Gu Zhongyu took the takeaway box from Nazha as if nothing had happened, and continued to eat, "It tastes pretty good. It seems that you have to queue up every time you buy this?"

"Teacher Gu! Why are you hooking up with that woman!"

In fact, Nazha has long been accustomed to Gu Zhongyu's fickleness, but this time is different. That Yaya is also a Xijiang actress. If this woman joins in, won't her exotic style lose its "uniqueness"?

The sense of crisis is getting more and more serious…

“Oh, I just got emotionally traumatized, I just help comfort her…” Gu Zhongyu didn’t want to talk too much with Nazha on this topic, he finished his food in a few seconds, and dragged Nazha to the set together

At this time, the crew has come to the last branch line, Hao Yi and Geng Hao, who have repeatedly hit the wall in their emotions, finally decided to take a shortcut, skip the love in the middle, and go straight to health care!

Sasha, played by Ma Su, has flaming red lips, dyed yellow hair, and dressed like a fallen woman. She takes her younger sister Nazha to welcome the two guests

As a result, Geng Hao drank too much and lost control of his emotions. He quarreled with Sasha and finally beat her.

This caused trouble. You know, women who can work here more or less know some big brothers behind them.

And Huang Bo and others are just here to play, and they don’t have many resources in the local area.

This is not... just as they go out, they are surrounded by a group of gangsters.

The two were stunned at the time.

Don’t look at how the two brag about themselves, but they are just ordinary people, especially when they are alone and weak. The one who plays the gangster boss is Wang Yanhui, a professional villain.

This guy is most famous for his performance in the movie "The Burning Sun", in which he played a death row prisoner making his final confession. Because it was so realistic, many viewers thought it was a real video recording of the murderer.

As a result, he didn’t dare to go out at all during that period. As soon as he went out, he would be surrounded by neighbors or passers-by and call the police. Later, he was even on the rule of law explanation column, which shows how deeply his villain image is deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

The younger brother is Lei Datou, who is not famous yet. Last year, he finally played the male lead in Ning Hao’s "The Golden Robbery", but the box office was a flop. Now he is mainly in various soap operas.

This time, I heard that it was Ning Hao’s play, and I didn’t even ask for the salary.

The gangsters played by several people and Shasha surrounded the two people who were still wearing bathrobes, as if they were going to give them a good show!

"Look, the line I just pulled up was cut off by a slap! What should I do?"

It has to be said that the Northeastern dialect is really born with a comedic effect. Sasha pointed at her eyebrows and said "The line I just pulled up..." They almost laughed!

The two had to take out all the money they had on them to give them in order to calm down, because they were not happy to pay the money at the beginning, and Lei Datou kept threatening them with "I'm in, I~ in!"

But Sasha and her gang were still not satisfied after taking the money, and wanted to humiliate them.

In the end, Hao Yi couldn't bear it anymore, took out the prop gun in his bag, and scared several people at once!

"Come... want to listen to the show? Like to listen to people singing, right?"

Wang Yanhui was frightened by the muzzle in front of him and trembled, and kept persuading him to calm down, "Brother, you are still very young, don't go on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes!"

Hao Yi, who was angry, forced them to sing "Happy and Beautiful", and let them go after a revenge.

But Geng Hao's cowardly look just now really pissed him off, and the two had a big fight, and finally parted unhappily...

At this point, Gu Zhongyu's part is almost over. In a few days, when the finale comes, he will marry Dongdong, the infatuated girl who has been chasing him, to show his determination to turn back, and then the filming will be finished.

"Naza, your part has been filmed, you can go back to Yanjing first."

Naza naturally didn't want to leave so early, so she made an excuse, "Teacher Gu, I plan to stay in the crew and continue to learn how to film from the teachers. You always say that practice makes perfect, and now is the opportunity!"

So touching!

If it weren't for Naza just secretly taking a few "gadgets" from the props group, Gu Zhongyu would have almost believed it!

Because Naza stayed with him at night, Gu Zhongyu's plan to find Yaya to relive his dream was also aborted.

Anyway, Nazha doesn't need to film now, so in order to teach her a little lesson, Gu Zhongyu simply asked Dudu to buy some low-temperature candles.

"What do you want the candles for?" Chen Duling was full of questions. She was kind and simple and didn't know what Gu Zhongyu was up to.

"I plan to have a candlelight dinner. Don't ask, just go!"

Dudu suddenly envied Nazha. She had never had a candlelight dinner with a boy in her life. It seems that the boss is really romantic!

Nazha was not very happy. After a "candlelight dinner", she didn't dare to go out and see people for several days. In the end, she was coaxed and scared by Gu Zhongyu and rushed back to Yanjing.


After a period of intensive filming.

The crew of "Heart Flower" finally arrived at the final filming location today. Yaya finally joined the main team and played a rival role with Huang Bo.

As the heroine of the movie, it was a one-way shooting from beginning to end, and she had no intersection with several main characters, which was also quite strange.

Shen Teng also took a special leave and rushed over from the crew of "The Mermaid" to complete his part. Zhou Xingxing also approved it for Gu Zhongyu's sake. Otherwise, he would never allow his actors to overlap.

It's said that people are double-standard. In the golden age of Hong Kong movies, almost all actors were crazy about acting. Maggie Cheung could shoot twelve movies at the same time. Joey Wong was called "Wang Shiwu" because she shot 15 movies a year. Zhou Xingxing was no exception at that time. It was a basic operation to act in three or four movies at the same time.

Hong Kong movies at that time were really crazy. They worked 24 hours a day and could finish a fashion action movie in a week!

Compared with their Hong Kong counterparts at that time, the degree of acting in domestic entertainment was not worth mentioning.

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