Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 329: The era of movies making money easily

"Dudu! You haven't been back to school for so long. Do you want me to give you a few days to deal with exams, homework, etc.?" Gu Zhongyu, who was made uncomfortable by Chen Duling, wanted to put her away for a few days. calm down.

Chen Duling rubbed Dundun's head with her chin and stared at him eating with wide eyes, "Boss, I have nothing to do at school, and you need someone to take care of you, so you don't need to give me a day off."

Then please don’t keep staring at me eating like this!

Aren't you hungry?

Oh, I forgot, she might have been full by noon. After all, they are high in protein and very anti-hungry~

He really didn't expect that even though it was his first time, Dudu would be surprisingly obedient in this regard, almost doing whatever he was told!

Like Bai Lu, a little girl of this age might be fine if she had been in the entertainment industry for a while, but she didn't...she came to be Gu Zhongyu's assistant first.

I didn't see much or hear anything. Except for some of his romantic history, Chen Duling basically had no contact with the more real entertainment industry. Because she was Gu Zhongyu's assistant, even Deng Chao and Huang Bo An artist of this level always smiles when talking to her.

The key point is that Chen Duling is far less smart than Bai Lulai in this regard, and often seems too naive.

But Gu Zhongyu was very curious. His image in her mind shouldn't be very good, right?

After all, Gu Zhongyu's playboy nature has never been hidden from her for such a long time, but why didn't she show any displeasure on the plane yesterday?

Don’t say it’s because of love!

Except for giving her something once, Gu Zhongyu actually didn't show much tenderness or care to Dudu at all. He had a better attitude towards Bai Lu than towards her.

In fact, not only was Gu Zhongyu confused, but Chen Duling herself couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

On the plane, I was taken away from my first kiss by Gu Zhongyu in a daze, and then he dragged me all the way back home. There was no resistance at all. I just pushed him away...

Now she is in a very confused stage. Anyway, I let you sleep. If you want me, I will follow you!

It's a bit like an ostrich mentality, forcing not to think about the bad things that Gu Zhongyu had with other little girls.

So say it! A girl's attitude will really change a lot before and after having a relationship.

So what is the road to a woman's soul? What Ms. Zhang Ailin said is indeed true.

When Gu Zhongyu had almost finished eating, he looked at Dudu who was still looking at him. As the saying goes, he thought about what he wanted when he was full, and his idea of ​​​​the company he originally wanted to go to suddenly changed.

He moved back and opened his chest, and Chen Duling let go and sat on his lap obediently...

"Do you want to continue working as an assistant, or become an actor right away?"

Touching Dudu's hair, Gu Zhongyu tentatively said that he wanted to see if Dudu wanted to take over early because he felt the assistant was tired of his job.

Chen Duling shook his head, "I obey the boss in everything!"

It doesn't look like she's faking it.

"I can't do without you now, so you can continue to be my assistant for another year, but... don't be too close to me in front of outsiders. If word spreads, it will be detrimental to your future acting career. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yeah!" Dudu nodded, and then hugged Gu Zhongyu with both hands, "Now that there is no one, can I do whatever I want?"

"Of course, it's up to you!"

Then Chen Duling tied up her hair. Through previous chats with Bai Lu and her understanding last night, she already knew what her boss liked.

Gu Zhongyu has been busy in the past few days since he returned to Yanjing. It is the end of the year and he has a lot of things to do. A lot of film festivals such as Golden Rooster, Huabiao, and Magic City have sent him invitations, and Nortel wants to Ask him to go back and see the students, "The Invisible Guest" is about to be released, and he is also considering whether to go to the United States...

But today, Mango Channel actually called him and wanted to entrust Zongheng to help produce a movie. After hearing this, he couldn't laugh or cry!

What little genius came up with a great idea?

It’s actually a TM variety show movie!

Variety movies, also known as variety movies and reality TV movies, are derived from the popular variety shows today. They are a new type of movie that uses variety shows as the form and movies as the communication medium. It is a derivative of variety shows and is a fan movie.

Speaking of fan movies, we have to mention Guo Xiaosi's "Little Times" series. That thing can actually be regarded as a brilliant creation of fan movies.

Many people have discovered that this is how to make money?

The earliest variety show movie was "Le Huo Boy" released in 2009. The investor was Mango Channel. At that time, all the 2007 Fast Boys were mobilized, and then it failed at the box office.

Of course, when it comes to variety show movies, Mango is very good at it. At the beginning of this year, they created another movie called "Happy Home", in which all members of the Happy Family appeared. If you haven't seen the movie, you can imagine this movie just by looking at the cast. How bad the movie is!

However, this year there is going to be something that will turn the big variety movies around!

That's "Where Are We Going, Dad"

"Where Are We Going, Dad", which has been airing since October, has become an unexpected hit. The father and son duo of Guo Tao and Lin Zhiying are now as popular as A-list celebrities. Anyone who surfs the Internet, even if they have never watched variety shows, , and definitely know about this outdoor parent-child program.

So Mango Channel was thinking about it again. Gu Zhongyu happened to be one of the producers, so they thought of asking his Zongheng Film and Television to be the producer of the film.

You don’t even dare to think that a group of parents brought toys for their children to take away 700 million in the box office, surpassing the domestic films "The Breakup Master", "We Will Meet Again", "Macau Storm" and "One Step Away". Introducing blockbusters "Guardians of the Galaxy", "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", "Godzilla", "The Hobbit"...

This thing is not difficult to shoot, and the shooting time is very short. It is indeed a good tool for making money.

So, do you want to make a big movie to make money? In other words, do you want to make money?

After all, this is the golden age where you can make money just by making a movie!

In Gu Zhongyu's memory, "Where Are We Going, Dad" was the first wave of big variety movies, and "Running Man" was the second wave.

From now on, if you eat shit, you still have to catch the heat. If you follow the trend too late, you won’t even be able to eat shit.

But, after just a few days of shooting, you can create a "movie" with a box office of hundreds of millions. It's really exciting to think about it!

No wonder Feng Pants directly criticized: "This is the suicide of movies. A movie can be shot in 5 or 10 days and earn hundreds of millions, which makes investors confused. They will only grab this kind of project and no longer Some people invest in movies that take months or even years to complete. This makes people feel cold. Will anyone make a good movie in the future? This kind of money is very abnormal!"

Then, Feng Pants was criticized by netizens!

Every time they seem to be aloof, they feel sad about why the box office of some movies they think are good cannot beat many bad movies they hate. Did you find out? Their pain point is still the box office, which only shows how eager everyone is to win the box office. How greedy.

Tsk tsk, I can only say that Feng Pants likes to make all kinds of noise when the movie is released. Before, he said, "There are no rubbish movies, only rubbish audiences!"

There were too many flags erected and sprayed too much, so people who didn't like him naturally grabbed a lot of them.

However, on this point, Gu Zhongyu is actually on his side.

Although he doesn't like Feng Pants, it makes sense. Variety movies exist to destroy the market.

Therefore, he rejected the proposal with one phone call.

Want to make a big variety show movie?

Let’s wait and see after these two shows have been filmed for a few seasons. Gu Zhongyu doesn’t want this to lower the reputation of Zongheng’s high-quality productions.

You know, Zongheng now still has a very good reputation in the hearts of the audience, and he is the kind of person who always produces high-quality products.

Reputation is actually quite important. For example, the movies and TV series starring Gu Zhongyu himself have zero bad films so far, which is a sign!

If the reputation is bad, there will be a lot of knock-on effects.

For example, later Guo Xiaosi cried and said, "Am I the only one who can stop cursing Jueji if I die?"

This is what happens after word of mouth collapses!

As time has come to November, it is finally time for "The Invisible Guest" to be released!

On November 1, the day of Halloween, "The Invisible Guest" appeared in a total of 100 theaters in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco and Boston.

There is no precedent for American suspense films to premiere with great fanfare, so this time Gu Zhongyu did not go to the United States to make a big splash.

Even so, "The Invisible Guest" still attracted a large number of audiences to watch due to its previous huge praise at the Toronto Film Festival.

Although Americans love popcorn movies, there are still many fans of dramas.

"In fact, I only received the complete script at the end of last year, and then Gu Zhongyu told me that I need one person to play two roles, that is, the victim's mother and the Virginia lawyer. This is also the first time that I have played two roles. , and they are all old people. This is a very interesting experience..."

NBC's late night program Jimmy Tonight Show, represented by Charlize Theron and Alexandra, are working hard to promote the video and reveal the secrets of the filming.

"I heard the movie only took a little over a month to shoot, right?" host Jimmy asked.

"Isn't it a bit incredible?"

Shalizi glanced at Alexandra to see that she had no intention of speaking, and then replied: "Yes, when Director Chen was filming, he rarely shot scenes that were not included in the editing, and he finished filming every day. The scenes were all edited on the same day, and were edited by the producer and our lead actor Gu Zhongyu himself.”

"To complete a movie in such a short period of time is really amazing for these Oriental people."

"So we also worked overtime a lot, and the crew always complained. Fortunately, it was all worth it!"

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