Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 332: The Golden Rooster Award is also a black spot?

To be honest, this year's Golden Rooster Awards is a bit miserable, because now it is advocating to stop luxury and extravagance and promote frugality in holding evening parties. The Golden Rooster Awards organizing committee canceled seven activities including the opening and closing receptions, and the opening ceremony canceled theatrical performances.

This edition of the Golden Rooster Awards has reached the point of a difficult journey, and can be called the "most deserted in history".

On the first day of the opening, there were zero celebrities, zero crew, and zero activities, and it was nicknamed "Three Zero Products" by media reporters.

Although it is said to be a frugal festival and let the film festival return to the film itself, the influence of Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers is declining day by day. The lack of celebrities and crew is the reason why it was forced to "downsize".

Gu Zhongyu was quite happy now. Fortunately, he was not so excited and came here very early, otherwise he would probably be looked at as a joke.

Although the opening ceremony was a bit eye-catching and too deserted, the awards ceremony was quite lively and did not leave the guests on the bench.

It’s the female celebrities who came to participate...all of them were dressed...too conservatively!

The weather is already cold, and the awards ceremony in the Mainland has always been conservative, so the actresses, whether they are pregnant or not, keep themselves tightly covered.


Gu Zhongyu's enthusiasm for the Golden Rooster Award has been reduced by another three points.

When Gu Zhongyu and others walked on the red carpet, they saw Zhao Yanzi and Master Huang walking in front happily chatting about something. The story of the Three Musketeers of Nortel, Master Huang, Zhao Yanzi and Chen Kun. I almost didn’t get caught up in the storyteller under the bridge and told it eight times a day.

I like you, you don't like me, you may like him.

Love and hate are so entangled!

Although Huang Jiaozhu's "Chinese Partner" was cut off by Gu Zhongyu, with the help of the movie "The Magic City", it was finally shortlisted. What a fate!

Several people were quickly pestered by reporters, but Gu Zhongyu had no intention of being interviewed and walked out quickly. At this time, Leader Huang and Zhao Yanzi, who were almost at the end of the red carpet in front of them, heard the movement behind them and turned around to look. Blinded.

"Teacher Gu, this~"

Leader Huang was very proactive. After Gu Zhongyu and the others approached, he greeted everyone enthusiastically, even though he knew that everyone was his opponent, whether it was for this award or their respective companies were hostile.

If you ignore his evil smile, it's like a breath of fresh air.

"Junior brother, you stole the show at the Golden Horse Awards last time. I guess your crew will still sweep the world this time. Let me know when the movie is released in the future, and senior sister will go and support you!"

"The senior sister must have won! The movie "Youth" is very good, I gave you a five-star review!" Gu Zhongyu started to tell lies with his eyes open.

Zhao Yanzi kept trying to get close to Gu Zhongyu. Although they were both from the Nortel department, they were actually not familiar with each other. Gu Zhongyu and she had never crossed paths, and they never would in the future.

Seeing Zhao Yanzi being so enthusiastic towards Gu Zhongyu, Master Huang felt a little uncomfortable. His former goddess, maybe still the current goddess, was so close to other men in front of him...

Just thinking about it gives me a little kidney pain.

It's a pity that she is Mrs. Huang, but she is not the leader of the church.

I heard that when Zhao Yanzi’s movie was released, Master Huang went to help promote it even though he was on crutches?

What about the licking dog that promised to lick everything until the end?

In the movie "Youth" by Zhao Yanzi, the original female protagonist Jiang Shuying has long been his secretary in this life, so the actor was replaced by Yang Tianbao, Huang's girlfriend. As for the plot, it remains the same, with love triangles, quarrels, and cheating. , abortion…

From the beginning to the end of the whole movie, there is not a single person with normal outlook, but that seems to be the case in the original work. Every character's emotions are sudden and like an unstoppable mad dog. More than 30% of the movie's box office contribution definitely comes from the name!

It seems like all the routines of these youth movies start from here, right?

After the greetings were over, they signed autographs and entered the venue under the flashlights of reporters. Their position was quite good. After all, they were the favorites of this year, and they were in the middle and front.

There was a girl sitting next to Gu Zhongyu's seat. She had been looking at her mobile phone. When she saw Gu Zhongyu and Tong Dawei coming, she smiled and waved to them.

It’s actually Song Jia!

Song Jia graduated from theater and debuted in the same year as Gu Zhongyu. The two have never worked together directly. They only met because Wu Baige was preparing for "Red Cliff" a few years ago. I can only say that their relationship is average!

On the contrary, I have a good relationship with David Wei and Song Jia. Song Jia's debut movie was the male and female lead with him.

Gu Zhongyu has always admired this kind of actress who is beautiful and has a good figure, and he immediately started chatting with her.

"What movie did you act in this time?" Gu Zhongyu couldn't remember the sisters' works clearly.

""Xiao Hong" is a Sino-US co-production of a literary film, and it probably won't win the award. Come and join in the fun. With Zhang Ziyi here this year, I'm definitely no match for her!"

Song Jia was a little unmotivated and felt that she must be destined to run away with him this time.

Zhang Ziyi, who returned with "The Grandmaster" this time, is indeed terrifying. She swept almost all the Chinese film awards. Naturally, Song Jia has no confidence that she can beat her, and the jury will not give the truth to anyone casually. At least Song Jia An actress of Jia's stature would definitely not be able to do it.

Gu Zhongyu had some impression that this time the Golden Rooster Award was an upset, but he couldn't remember the specific category. But seeing Song Jia looking down on fame and fortune, he pretended to be serious and said: "I do I think this time the Golden Rooster Best Actress Award should be yours!”

It's okay if you remember it wrong, just bet on it and pretend to be a magic stick.

"Haha! I agree with you. If you really win the prize, I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

Song Jia didn't take it seriously and simply thought that Gu Zhongyu was comforting her.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Tong Dawei said, "Don't take it seriously. Mr. Gu's prediction is very accurate. Maybe you can really win the Best Actress!"

In fact, at this moment, the host on the stage had already talked about it. Gu Zhongyu and the others were almost the last to enter.

This time the Golden Rooster Awards is about frugality. The process is progressing very fast. Two small awards have just been awarded. Gu Zhongyu didn't listen at all. The host and speech of the Golden Rooster Awards are so boring!

It was still interesting to chat with Song Jia on the side. When Gu Zhongyu looked at her, he remembered the movie "Curiosity Killed the Cat". In it, Song Jia's figure and temperament did not suggest that she was a girl in her twenties.

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actor this time are..."

Chen Kexin, who was next to him, nudged Tong Dawei with his elbow, and his own ears perked up. Oh, it's his turn so soon?

"The winner of Best Supporting Actor is Tong Dawei from "Partners in China"!"

The stills of Tong Dawei and the photos taken by the on-site camera appeared on the screen. He was so excited that he ran up all the way and received the trophy and certificate awarded.

I have to say that the Golden Rooster Award trophy is a little unsightly, with faulty design and top-heavy weight, so the winner can only hold the "chicken feet" of the golden rooster!

The hand-held certificate is even more interesting. Under the outline of a chicken, it reads in large, glittering gold letters: JJJ

What is JJJ?

At first glance, I didn’t even realize it!

This is the abbreviation of the three Chinese pinyin of "Golden Rooster Award", it is so simple and crude.

After thanking his parents and motherland for his speech, Tong Dawei walked off the stage triumphantly and immediately took out his mobile phone and asked Chen Kexin to take a picture of him so that he could send it to his family to show off.

"Don't worry, each of us will have a chance to go on stage tonight. Let's take a group photo later!"

Song Jia no longer worries about gains and losses as before, and has regained a somewhat lively personality. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and joked: "Teacher Gu, you really deserve a beating for what you said!"

"Just watch it if you don't believe it, including you. There will definitely be a time when you take the stage."

While they were chatting happily, the crew of "Partners in China" won another trophy for the best original screenplay.

Gu Zhongyu came to the stage very happily and took the trophy from the host.

"Well, I won't say much more about my acceptance speech. Thank you all. I should be able to come back later."

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Gu Zhongyu really didn't say anything more as he walked off the stage to the applause.

As for your behavior just now, was it a little too angry?

Then he can only say that if young people are not energetic, can they still be called young people?

I hope the organizers will not slap me in the face and give him the best actor, but if he doesn't get it... the unscrupulous media will definitely ridicule him overwhelmingly, and they will probably make him an emoticon to make him a fool. Netizens were happy for a while.

"This kid is too crazy~" Feng Pongtong, who was sitting in the front row, muttered.

Are you going to come up again?

Originally, Huayi and Zongheng had a bad relationship. Feng Pengtai often criticized Gu Zhongyu, and his movie "1942" was nominated for many awards. There were quite a few duplicate awards nominated for "China Partners". They If he takes one more over there, doesn’t he have to take one less?

"Young people have to have this kind of drive. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a little crazy."

The other person sitting next to Feng's pants said was Lao Mouzi.

Hearing what this person said, Feng Pants opened his mouth slightly, but did not continue speaking.

Lao Mouzi has had some troubles in the past few years. In 2009, "Three Guns Surprised" personally created the biggest black spot in his artistic path. "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was quite successful, but as a director, he has no I didn’t get much money, basically all of it was taken away by the producer Zhang Weiping.

The two were friends twenty years ago, and Lao Mouzi's films have always been invested and produced by Zhang Weiping. However, this man has a strong desire for control, and every film Lao Mouzi makes must be approved and directed by him.

Once, after drinking too much, Lao Mouzi even cried: "I'm almost becoming Zhang Weiping's domestic slave!"

Especially this year, due to the report of actress He Jun, the incident of super birth was exposed and he was fined 7.48 million. Countless media blocked the door of Lao Mouzi's house, trying to find an explanation, but he could only choose to remain silent.

He knew that it was impossible for this little actress to know so much about his personal life. Behind her, there was a more terrifying person, his old partner who had been working with him for many years!

The backstabbing from his partner and friend made him extremely sad, so the two of them completely parted ways this time.

After getting rid of Zhang Weiping, he began to concentrate on his own artistic creation. However, after many years, it was difficult for him to find his former self again, mainly because he could no longer find a good partner...

Therefore, he has a good impression of Gu Zhongyu, who sincerely makes movies, has strong screenwriting skills, has his own capital, and has supported many new directors and put them on the podium. If he has the opportunity, he will I want to cooperate with this young man.

Of course... the premise is that he cannot be used as a tool director!

When Gu Zhongyu returned to his seat, he saw Song Jia looking at him with an envious expression.

"Jealous? Do you want me to touch my cock...trophy?"

"You are so conceited! You act like someone who has never won an award~" Seeing Gu Zhongyu's temper like a child, Song Jia couldn't help laughing. The big guys in the circle who have made it to his level are generally more aloof and serious, and rarely have his sense of humor.

The Best New Director Award was presented next. There was no suspense. It was given to Zhao Yanzi's "Youth". It was not that she was too strong, but that her opponents were too weak. He had never even heard of the other new films nominated.

Zhao Yanzi went on stage very excitedly and started a long speech: "This means a lot to me... I think that at this time, I can get the Best New Director Award that everyone affirms me. It is the first encouragement I have received that is related to directing..."

This woman, why do you talk so much... Did the author send you to increase the word count?

Gu Zhongyu muttered a few words in his heart, watching Zhao Yanzi squeeze out a few tears of excitement, and Huang Xiaozhu in the audience wanted to cry with her, and cried more sincerely than Zhao Yanzi, which was really infatuated!

He suddenly became very curious. Huang Xiaoming had been secretly in love with Zhao Yanzi for so many years. Has he ever eaten it?

At this time, Jingwei, the host and Zhao Yanzi's friend, asked Zhao Yanzi if she had done anything crazy. Zhao Yanzi didn't know why, but suddenly went crazy! She kissed Jingwei mouth to mouth for several seconds...


This is an award ceremony!

Everyone in the audience was stunned. No one could talk about Zhao Yanzi suddenly doing this. Fortunately, the Golden Rooster Awards was a delayed live broadcast, and the director quickly cut off this segment!

"Sorry, I forgot to put on lipstick today, so I borrowed some from Tu Jingwei!"

Zhao Yanzi continued to talk nonsense as if nothing had happened, Tu Jingwei was embarrassed, and Huang Xiaoming was envious!

After the farce, the next award was for the best actress. As the favorite, Zhang Ziyi sat in her seat calmly, as if she had already made up her mind.

But she was soon disappointed, because the presenter called out: "Best Actress, Song Jia "Xiao Hong"!"

"Ah! I really won the award!"

When the Best Actress award was announced, Song Jia was very nervous, her hands clenched tightly together, as if she was self-torturing.

When her name was suddenly said by the host, before the other party finished speaking, this sister rushed up in a rage.

She said a lot of things to the microphone, more than Zhao Yanzi just said, and came down from the stage happily holding the trophy, her face seemed full of spring.

Zhang Ziyi's face was not very good. Although she tried hard to force a smile, her unhappy mood was still somewhat obvious. What a pity that the director still pointed the camera at her at this time. It was really bad!

If I had known earlier, I would have called to ask about the Golden Rooster Awards in advance. If they were not going to present the award to me, why did they ask me to come?

With Zhang Ziyi's status, if she asked, the Golden Rooster Awards would have told her the truth. Unfortunately, she was too confident this time and flew over directly. Unexpectedly, she became Song Jia's foil.

"Congratulations!" Gu Zhongyu immediately sent his blessings to her, the new Golden Rooster actress.

"Hehe~ Do you want to touch it?"

Uh... Do you have it?

Pah! You always think of the word trophy in a wrong way. This joke hasn't appeared in this year~

Gu Zhongyu didn't spoil her fun and touched her hand very politely.

Well... It wasn't intentional! Who asked her to put her hand on the trophy, just blocking the place Gu Zhongyu wanted to touch.

It really wasn't intentional.

Song Jia rolled her eyes at him, as if to ask Gu Zhongyu to take his hand back.

Of course, he was so thick-skinned that he naturally wouldn't care about this little eye attack. He was just about to pull the girl's hand to show her the palm lines.

"Did you know in advance that I could win the award?"

"Of course not, I'm not a judge of the Golden Rooster Awards. Even if I want to ask, I'll ask about our crew, why would I ask about you?" Gu Zhongyu blinked and continued to be shameless.

Song Jia thought about it, that's right, it seems that Gu Zhongyu is a man with good vision. In a good mood, she remembered the bet she had just made with Gu Zhongyu and asked, "We just agreed that I'll treat you to dinner if you win the award. What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Then what do you want to treat me to?"

"Shaxian snack bar, economical and affordable, I think there seems to be one across the street!"

"You've won the Best Actress Award, and you're treating me to this?"

Song Jia pouted, "It's as if you gave me this award. It's good to have something to eat..."

Tong Dawei, who was sitting next to Gu Zhongyu, watched the two people chatting from beginning to end. It felt like flirting. It was really unacceptable. Even when accepting an award, they had to flirt with a female star?

If he hadn't been married, he would have wanted to ask Gu Zhongyu for advice.

"The winner of this year's Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor... Zhang Guoli's 1942!"

Everyone at the scene suddenly fell silent. Everyone was waiting, and Gu Zhongyu was waiting too.

What were they waiting for? Of course, a double yolk egg. So far, this year's Golden Rooster Awards has only produced one double yolk egg, which is unscientific.

The previous few important awards, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Actress, were all won by only one person. This is not the style of the Golden Rooster Awards at all.

The award presenter on the stage did not disappoint everyone. After a wave of heavy breathing, "And Gu Zhongyu... Chinese Partners!"

"Pa pa pa pa!"

The applause finally rang out, and Gu Zhongyu and Zhang Guoli happily stood up and went up.

Huang Xiaozhu suddenly felt so unlucky. There were only five nominees for the Best Actor award, and two of them won the award. What was wrong with him?

He really got a double yolk!

Gu Zhongyu leaned in front of the microphone and spoke briefly: "Well... As expected, he came up for the second time. He has won too many awards recently. I hope that Director Chen will come up later. He seems to be a little impatient."

They have already won three awards. If Chen Kexin wins another recent director award, tonight should be about the same.

Back to his seat, the bored Gu Zhongyu cast his eyes on Song Jia, who was holding a trophy tightly beside him.

Originally, he was looking at the face, but his eyes couldn't help but move down!

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