Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 360: Sacrifice of the Celestial Being

As time came to April, the movie "Monster Hunt" officially announced that the male lead will be played by the popular young actor Ke Zhengdong, and filming will start soon.

At the same time, "Go Away Tumor" also started filming in Yanjing. Director Han Yan, producer and starring Liu Yufei, male lead Peng Guanying and others were backstage, preparing for the launch conference to be held soon.

This is the first movie produced by Feiyu Company, so Liu Yufei still attaches great importance to it. During this period, she not only gained weight for the role, but also read Xiong Dun's original comics again and again.

As Gu Zhongyu's career became bigger and bigger, Liu Yufei also had a sense of crisis. She didn't want to be dragged down too much by this man, otherwise, even if the two people with unequal status could be together in the future, she might not have much say in the marriage.

So now her career has become her biggest thought, and she has made the greatest sacrifice in her acting career for this...

Come on! Come on!

"Xixi, are you okay? Why do I feel that you are a little nervous?" Liu Xiaoli asked curiously when she saw her daughter frowning and cheering her up.

Liu Xiaoli played herself in this film, playing Xiong Dun's mother. She has been very excited during this period. She is also very yearning for the profession of an actor, otherwise she would not have thought of sending her daughter to the entertainment industry since she was a child.

She fulfilled her dream by playing the Queen Mother in "The Forbidden Kingdom", but there were too few scenes.

This time is different. There are long lines and scenes with her daughter, which makes her addicted to acting!

"No! By the way, mom...did Gu Zhongyu say when he would come? It's almost 9 o'clock!"

"I thought he contacted you..."

Gu Zhongyu is the producer and screenwriter of the film. He also promised her a cameo role. How come he is nowhere to be seen at such an important moment as the launch conference?

"Mr. Gu must have been delayed by something urgent?" At this time, Du Yuchen, who played Xiong Dun's best friend Amy, also came over and took the initiative to make excuses for Gu Zhongyu.

Since the hit of "Dream of the Red Chamber", Du Yuchen, who has been a stand-in for several years, finally got a taste of fire this time. She is naturally grateful to Gu Zhongyu, who dragged her into the fire pit... oh no, it was Gu Zhongyu who sent her to the top. Recently, she has started to flirt with him behind Xixi's back!

"By the way... Li Yuan hasn't come yet, what's going on?"

Han Yan looked at his watch and frowned slightly. The launch conference was about to begin, but the important role was late, which made him a little worried.

As a fan of "Go Away Tumor", director Han Yan didn't want the movie he had high hopes for to go wrong on the first day of filming. Li Yuan, who played Xia Meng, was almost equivalent to the second female role, so why was he late?

Just when Liu Yufei was getting impatient and was about to call Gu Zhongyu to urge him, there was a commotion backstage. The main character finally came!

Looking at Gu Zhongyu, who was wearing casual clothes and had a slightly haggard face, Liu Yufei glared at him. When she was about to ask him why he was almost late, she saw Li Yuan, who was in the same group, also followed him to the scene.

"Traffic jam! Traffic jam! Sorry... I saw Li Yuan was also stuck on the road, so we rode over together. Has it not started yet?"

"No, no, I was waiting for you, Xiao Gu. Thank you for remembering me, my old man!" Li Jianyi, the veteran actor who played Xiong Dun's father, put his hand on Gu Zhongyu's shoulder with a kind face.

Teacher Li Jianyi is a senior actor of the Tianchao Drama Theater. Li Su, Chen Gong, Yuan Shao, Zhang Xiu, Lu Su, Taishi Ci, Yang Song, Liu Zhang, Han Sui, Hua Tuo, Fei Yi, Xi Zheng, Wang Lang, Jia Chong, and Fan Jiang in the old version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that is highly praised by everyone on Zhihu are all dubbed by him alone.

Of course, most people may be most impressed by his Cao Zhengchun and Ji Changming.

"Teacher Li, don't worry! There will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future!"

"Then I'll be waiting!"

Li Jianyi thought he was just being polite. He was an old man and there weren't many roles suitable for him. How could a big shot like Gu Zhongyu often ask him to cooperate?

Today, Li Yuan was wearing a simple white T-shirt and his short hair was neat and tidy. He looked energetic and heroic. Seeing that Liu Yufei noticed him, he took the initiative to reach out to her, who he had never met before: "Teacher Liu Yufei, I'm very happy to cooperate with you. Please give me more advice!"

Her arrival made Liu Yufei's eyes turn back and forth between the two of them, and then... she saw that there were a lot of strawberry marks on the back of Li Yuan's neck, blue with purple, and this "mouth method" made her feel very familiar...

This bastard... must have been fooling around with this woman last night!

Although she wanted to get angry on the spot, Liu Yufei still suppressed her emotions and gave Gu Zhongyu a warning look, intending to settle accounts with him later.

Li Yuan naturally noticed it, touched his neck, and cursed someone in his heart.

This bastard, he bit so hard that the blue mark still remains until now, so he glared at him.

Gu Zhongyu sighed when he saw this, this can't be blamed entirely on me, everyone is responsible!

Among so many women, Li Yuan is not the most beautiful, the one with the best figure, or the one he likes the most, but in terms of the degree of daring to play, this elder sister is definitely the first among the women Gu Zhongyu knows. After all, she is a crazy woman who dares to block Fan Xiaopang outside the door when they just met, and deliberately let her eavesdrop!

As if intending to prove his own specialness, Li Yuan took Gu Zhongyu home and took the initiative to propose various thrilling games. Some of them, Gu Zhongyu felt that they were a bit too much, so he never tried them, but Li Yuan dared to play...

There are some tricks here that make Li Yuan completely forget about his dignity as a woman and even as a human being... Even Shalizi and Alexandra have never tried such craziness.

Moreover, she often completely lost track of time while playing, so that Gu Zhongyu, who had originally planned to spend the night and leave, was reluctant to leave and stayed at her home for three days in a row.

We drank too much last night and played very late, so the two of us lost track of time and didn't get up until after eight o'clock, almost missing the press conference.

Turning on the front camera of his mobile phone and looking at his face in the camera like that of an Internet-addicted teenager, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but sigh in his heart: I was so hurt by drinking and sex!

He made up his mind!

From now on, stop drinking!

Seeing that the staff was finally complete, Han Yan breathed a sigh of relief and announced that the launch conference had officially begun.

Reporters on the scene filed in, flash lights flashed one after another, and several creative staff took their seats one after another. Liu Yufei temporarily made herself forget what happened in the morning and greeted everyone warmly.

When reporters saw Gu Zhongyu, there was even more commotion. Could it be that Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei are going to play a couple together again this time?

But this time they were disappointed. Han Yan quickly introduced the actors' respective roles. Gu Zhongyu was the producer and screenwriter this time. Although he participated, he was not the protagonist. The male lead was Peng Guanying, who played Dr. Liang.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to the emotional line. After all, "Get Out, Cancer King" is a history of terminally ill patients' struggle against death at the end of their lives..."

When it came to the reporter's question session, a reporter from Penguin News asked Liu Yufei: "We all know that most of Liu Yufei's previous roles were idol-like, and the heroine Xiong Dun is actually just an ordinary character in all aspects. Urban girl, are you confident that you can play Ms. Xiong Dun’s legacy well?”

This issue actually became a hot topic when the heroine selection of "Get Out, Tumor King" was first announced. Netizens, especially fans of the original work, were very skeptical about whether Liu Yufei could play Xiong Dun well!

After all, Liu Yufei's appearance and temperament are too outstanding, and it can be said that there is no similarity with Xiong Dun himself, and she has never been known for her acting skills.

Even in "Meng Hua Lu", which brought her back to the peak of her popularity, many people still criticized her for her poor line skills and lack of clear pronunciation.

Liu Yufei was already prepared for this problem.

Her hand holding the microphone tightened: "I am confident that in order to perform Ms. Xiong Dun's work well, I watched the original comics repeatedly. I also visited Xiong Dun's family and friends and learned a lot about During her lifetime, I canceled all activities and stayed at home for a long time, just to adjust my condition and gain weight to make me more in line with the role. Maybe everyone has noticed..."

Speaking of this, Liu Yufei pinched the soft flesh of her waist in public without any image: "Everyone, please help me see if there is a swimming ring?"


It was rare to see Liu Tianxian make a joke, and the reporters also laughed.

Although Gu Zhongyu feels that it is not difficult for Sissy to eat fat, after all, the title of Fat Fairy is not for nothing.

"Of course, these...may not be enough, so~"

Liu Yufei paused, then gritted her teeth, and as if she had made a lot of determination, she put her hand on the top of her head and slowly lifted her hair: "In order to better understand Xiong Dun's state of mind at that time, I shaved my head. …”

Oh my gosh!

As Liu Yufei took off her hair, what appeared in front of everyone was a bare, high skull!

Liu Yufei actually shaved off her hair for filming, and she had been wearing a wig just now!

The reporters went crazy and clicked the shutter like crazy. The fairy sister shaved her head into a nun for a new movie. As soon as this headline came out... If it doesn't get to the top of the hot search list, let's resign collectively!

Gu Zhongyu was also shocked!

No wonder Sissi doesn't let herself go to find her these days. It turns out that this is the case...

He also didn't expect that Liu Yufei would sacrifice so much this time. Even Bai Baihe in the previous life was wearing a prop headgear. He didn't really shave his head. After all, hair is the second life for girls, and if an actress shaves her head, It will take a long time to grow a full head of hair!

Very few actresses can make such a sacrifice. When Zhou Dongyu was filming "Young You", she cried because she had her head shaved. In the end, she had to have the entire crew accompany her to shave her hair before she was willing to give up her hair.

Liu Yufei, on the other hand, kept silent and cut off her hair at home alone. Let's not talk about how she will be acted out in the future. Sissi's professionalism is really nothing to say.

Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter's bald head from behind and couldn't help covering her mouth and was about to cry!

It's just filming, why do you have to make such a big sacrifice?

She persuaded her daughter many times, but this girl uncharacteristically refused to listen to her and insisted on doing this, as if she was just out of anger!

Looking at the astonished reporters in the audience, Liu Yufei also risked her life. She turned her swan neck and asked them to take pictures of her bald head from various angles. See, this is not the effect of wearing a hair condom!

Liu Yufei also thought about it for a long time before making the decision. She already has a high skull, and it would be even more ridiculous if she added a hood. It would look like it would be "one head and two big!" It would be better to just go bald, which would look refreshing and real.

Moreover, she watched Gu Zhongyu win several Best Actors last year, and even won four Oscars. Even though she didn't say it, she was envious in her heart. After all, as a literary actress, she couldn't help the temptation of these artistic awards. Rejected.

She also knows her shortcomings. Many people say that she is too reserved in acting. She looks like a fairy sister no matter how you look at her. Although she broke through her fixed image when filming "Like You", it can't be said that she jumped into acting. Comfort zone.

In order to prove herself, and to launch an attack on the Golden Horse and Golden Rooster, she simply changed her mind, and three thousand black hair fell to the ground. Let's see who among you will say that I can't sacrifice for acting!

Later, the father of the late original author Xiong Dun was also invited to the scene and announced that he would use the royalties earned by Xiong Dun after the film was released to establish a charity fund to help those fighting tumors.

Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei also immediately stated that they would use part of the film's income to donate to the treatment of terminally ill patients.

Then the actors took turns to introduce their roles. After all, for a movie adaptation like "Get Out, Mr. Tumor", there is no need to keep the plot secret. It is also important to reassure fans of the original work early that we will not change the plot randomly.

At this point, the press conference is over.

This launch conference can be said to be full of effects. Even Liu Yufei's bald look is enough to set off the Internet. Suddenly, the movie "Get Out, Tumor King" became popular before it was filmed. Everyone was frantically retweeting Liu Yufei's scene at the scene. Bald photo.

Just after the press conference, filming started in the afternoon. The first scene was when Xiong Dun witnessed his best boyfriend cheating on him and lost his love.

"Are you too impulsive?"

Before the shooting started, in the dressing room, Gu Zhongyu looked at Liu Yufei's bald head with some distress. Although he had made suggestions to Sissi before, he had no real intention to let her do this.

His original intention was to learn from Lao Mouzi's "one shot to the end" technique and use it as a marketing gimmick.

"Are you more impulsive than you? I haven't seen anyone in the past few days. Are you just focusing on "impulsiveness"?"

Liu Yufei was very angry. She had accepted the existence of Du Yuchen and Chen Duling, but on such an important day as the launch conference, you are still playing with women. Are you not taking me seriously?

Gu Zhongyu knew he was wrong and tried to hug her and apologize, but Liu Yufei kept struggling...

Finally, she whispered into Liu Yufei's ear: "I promise, this time I will let you win the Best Actress crown at the Chinese Film Awards Ceremony!"

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