Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 363: The resentment of a small town test-taker

Even though Mango Channel has been criticized by many people, it is definitely the most famous benchmark in the entertainment industry.

That is the TV station that definitely understands the concerns of young girls best. Whoever is popular will be invited!

Then, on April 13th, tfboys was invited to record Happy Camp.

In order to welcome the three "popular kings", many security guards were hired to escort them to the airport the night before. The scene of four to five hundred "fans" picking them up at the airport was no less than that of top superstars.

Then he was interviewed by the media backstage in the morning. The "fans" who came from all walks of life made the area near the gate of the Mango Broadcasting and Television Building overcrowded. The moment the three members stood at the front desk to say hello, there was an outburst of screams, which many people are used to. The star's staff all stuck their heads out to take a look.

Several hosts were shocked. The entire Mango TV station was surrounded by thousands of enthusiastic fans!

When did the idol team our country cultivated become so awesome?

"Junkai, do you know Gu Zhongyu?"

"You know, he is our major shareholder."

"Then do you know Wang Shicong?"

"Well, of course, he's our boss."

He Juan looked at the other two, but Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qianxi looked at him with doubts on their faces, as if they were asking He Juan what the meaning of this question was.


He Jiong originally wanted to say that you are so awesome, you actually know these two people, but then you think about it, it’s not appropriate. These little guys are only 14 or 5 years old.

"Okay, do you have their phone numbers?"


The three little ones nodded at the same time.

"No, you all have them!" Xie Na was a little excited!

"Well, the boss said that if someone bullies us, call him." This tone is quite similar to Wang Shicong.

"What about Gu Zhongyu?" He Yan then asked.

"Teacher Gu said that if you want to switch to filming in the future, you can contact him and he will arrange it, but..."

Wang Junkai looked at Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qianxi. They didn't mean to speak. "He said that if you take acting as a career, it will be very hard. If you want to act in his drama, you must become a professional actor!"

"Well, he encouraged the captain to take the film school entrance examination." Wang Yuan interjected.

"how about you?"

"Teacher Gu said that Xiaoyuan's character is very out-of-the-box and is very suitable for variety shows." Yi Yang Qianxi also spoke.

"What about Qian Xi? What did Gu Zhongyu tell you?"

He Yan looked at Yi Yang Qianxi and asked. Yi Yang Qianxi smiled shyly.

"Teacher Gu said he doesn't like children like Qian Xi..." Wang Junkai said with a smile.

It seems that it was agreed upon, and the three little ones introduced each other separately.

When Wang Junkai said this, several hosts were a little surprised.

"Why, why did Gu Zhongyu say that?" Xie Na got excited and asked before He Jiong could.

"Because he said Qian Xi is the least-looking one, and he may not grow taller in the future!" Wang Junkai explained the reason.


The audience was in an uproar. They couldn't understand why Gu Zhongyu said this to Yiyang Qianxi. The child was only a teenager, so how could he tell that he would definitely not grow taller in the future?

Yi Yang Qianxi was embarrassed and subconsciously wanted to avoid the camera.

"Let's do this. Let's connect with Teacher Gu on the spot and ask him if he really doesn't like our little Qianxi child!"

In fact, there are certain routines in variety shows such as live connections.

First of all, the person you contact must have a certain degree of popularity, but must also be able to make jokes. Secondly, it is best not to ask too personal questions, otherwise it will be easy to leak!

Finally, it would be best if you could say hello in advance!

Teacher He proposed to connect with Gu Zhongyu on the spot, not only because he wanted him to explain face to face why he said something he hated about Yi Yang Qianxi, but also because he wanted to use Gu Zhongyu's reputation to stir up the base camp for this issue.

Kuaiben's recent ratings have been very dismal. With the popularity of "The Legend of Wu Zetian", everyone is now waiting in front of the TV every day to watch Fan Xiaopang. Some people even wrote to Mango Channel, asking if they could make Happy The base camp is temporarily cancelled, just show the TV series!

Seeing how awesome Fan Xiaopang is, Mango TV came up with another bad idea, which was to re-edit "The Legend of Wu Zetian".

After the TV series itself was condensed by Zongheng, there were still 52 episodes left, which is not too few. But now it has been edited by Mango and cut into nearly 90 episodes in order to boost the TV station's ratings for the whole year!

Gu Zhongyu was quite critical of this, as the originally fast pace was artificially slowed down, which greatly affected the reputation of the TV series.

Sure enough... ever since Mango TV performed the "Scissorhands" killing move, the rating of "The Legend of Wu Zetian" has begun to decline, from 8.6 to 8.2, and the Internet is also full of criticism!

But if someone buys your TV series with real money, they have the right to do so. However, Mango Channel also knows that it is shameful for it to do so, so it has agreed to buy a few more TV series from Zongheng as compensation in the future.

Now it is not just Kuaiben that is broadcast on Saturdays, but also Tiantian Xiangxiang in the same period on Friday nights. With the rise of online variety shows and online dramas and the gradual changes in the tastes of modern young people, they no longer have any special characteristics.

Some time ago, we invited several major creators from Where Are We Going, Dad? The ratings and topic discussions for that episode were slightly higher, but it still wouldn't work if we switched to other guests...

"Hey, Teacher Gu, I'm Qian Xi." At the base camp, Qian Xi's expression was a little nervous.

The other party was Gu Zhongyu, who had not been able to say a few words even after joining the company for so long.

Several hosts tried their best to signal the audience to be quiet.

"Hey! Little friend Qianxi, you are so good!"

Gu Zhongyu was really surprised. Not only Yi Yang Qianxi, but also the entire tfboys, he wasn't particularly familiar with. After all, there was a generation gap.

Moreover, Gu Zhongyu has never put any thought into their combination. They will be disbanded sooner or later anyway. His original suggestion to Wang Sicong to acquire Times Peak was purely for the convenience of doing variety shows and making money.

And strictly speaking, these three are his subordinate employees. Have you ever seen any employees who have a particularly good relationship with their boss?

Except women of course!

Why did you call suddenly?

Gu Zhongyu's subconscious reaction was to record a variety show, but when he thought about it, it seemed impossible.

He still believed too much in the memory of his past life. He always thought that tfboys only became popular 15 years later.

"Teacher Gu, can I ask you a question?"

"all right!"

"It's just that recently when I was discussing with Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan how to take the future, I was a little hesitant."

Qian Xi was a little nervous, so much so that her teeth chattered unconsciously when she spoke.

"Wait a minute, this phone isn't yours, right?" Gu Zhongyu on the other end of the phone suddenly asked something that had nothing to do with the question.

"...No, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay. I just saw that the name was not displayed on the caller number. I just asked casually..."

Gu Zhongyu didn't suspect that the other party was recording a program at first. It was really that the base camp did it too suddenly this time, without notifying him at all, and the scene was relatively quiet. But now... he thinks it is very likely that the program is effective.

Otherwise, Yi Dazuo would be so full that he would ask someone to borrow a phone, just because of such a chicken soup question?

At this time, Da Tiantian also wrapped herself in a quilt and came to Gu Zhongyu's side, listening to his call.

"There is no need to be confused. The company has made a decision and will arrange all your plans until you are eighteen years old. Aren't you going to have a Children's Day party in a while? You will participate!"


Not to mention Yi Yang Qianxi, even Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan were shocked.

That's Yang Ma!

Several hosts looked at each other in confusion. He Jiong was even considering whether to interrupt the interview directly. He said too much!

"Of course, you three have a clean image and your academic performance is not bad. If possible, I would like to help you win the award for the top ten teenagers in the country!"

"But it probably won't work. After all, you three are artists, so it's too difficult."

"We don't expect you to make money. At this stage, the most important thing is to study. As for things in the circle, especially those business activities, just refuse if you can. We don't need that little money!"

After Gu Zhongyu knew it was a variety show, he started acting, pretending to be very concerned. He heard all this from hearsay, and he didn't know if Wang Sicong would be interested in these little brats. , and plan for them according to the same path as the previous life.

"As for my future plans, I've said it before. If Xiao Kai wants to be an actor, it's best to study systematically. It's still very difficult for an actor from Yeluzi to perform well."

"Ohara has an out-of-the-box personality and can try variety shows. We will launch a series of variety show cooperation with Blueberry TV and let him choose as he likes."

"As for Qian Xi... study hard, don't aim too high, just take it one step at a time!"

"Okay, no more talking, I have something else to do here!"

Da Tiantian on the side made some small moves, which made Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to punish her again!

Gu Zhongyu was about to hang up the phone when He Juan's voice suddenly sounded on the other end: "Hello, Teacher Gu, I am He Juan!"

"Ah! Are you recording Happy Camp over there?" Gu Zhongyu shouted pretending to be surprised.

"That's right! We are, a happy family!"

Then, a uniform voice came from the other end.


What a Shabby way to say hello!

"Hello, Teacher He, hello Brother Wei Jia, hello Sister Na, hello Hai Tao, Wu Xin, and hello to the audience!"

"Hello, Teacher Gu, what are you doing now?"

" cat was running around and scratching just now. I was about to catch it and teach it a lesson!"

Hearing Gu Zhongyu compare her to a cat, Da Tiantian angrily stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to scratch his face.

"Teacher Gu is indeed a cat lover! When are you coming to our base camp? It's been a long time since you've been here..."

Gu Zhongyu thought about it, and indeed, apart from going to the base camp once when he first debuted in TV series, he never went there again. Part of the reason was that the show was not stylish, and he really hated Xie Na's bluffing nerves. .

Especially when standing with Du Haitao, Wu Xin and others, I almost get sick of stupidity!

"Definitely next time! Definitely next time!"

Then they talked about some old friends' pleasantries and chatted for almost another five minutes before actually hanging up the phone this time.

"I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said."

"Probably not, it sounds pretty normal to me!" Jing Tian recalled it carefully, except that she didn't know what it meant to be a question maker in a small town, the other answers were very standard.

"That's good!"

The two of them sounded normal, but to ordinary people, the amount of information was too much!

When did you, Gu Zhongyu, actually have this ability? That's Yang Ma, can you just plug people in?

This connection is too incredible!

Interested people also noticed that Gu Zhongyu mentioned that he would cooperate with Blueberry TV in a series of variety shows, the localization of the Hanguo variety show "Running Man", and then think of a series of big moves by Banana Entertainment. Gu Zhongyu is going to develop in the field of variety shows. Power!

During the post-editing of Base Camp, this piece of information will definitely not be broadcast in its entirety, at least the paragraph mentioning Blueberry TV will definitely not be left behind.

But someone at the scene must have recorded these words.

Reality shows have great prospects, and there are still many knowledgeable people in the industry.

After all, "Where Are We Going, Dad" that was aired last year not only made a lot of cute kids famous, it also made a lot of has-been artists famous.

Many people have focused their attention on these upcoming reality shows. Performance fees are secondary. The key is to use the platform to rejuvenate their careers!

For example, in the previous life of "Running Brothers", all the regular guests were inextricably related to Huayi, or were employees of Huayi.

Blueberry TV reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Wang brothers as early as 2008. Huayi serves as the rear base to cultivate and transport artist resources, and Blueberry TV serves as the front line to create an exposure platform.

Not only that, the Wang brothers also have Mango TV for their variety shows.

Mango TV's variety show "Longing for Life", which copied "Three Meals a Day", was also co-produced with the Wang brothers.

It has to be said that as an established media group, the Wang brothers still have good vision, but they are just unlucky. If they meet Gu Zhongyu, a time traveler, in this life, they can only follow him and eat dust!

However, after knowing that Gu Zhongyu was going to collaborate with Blueberry TV on a variety show, Wang Zhonglei still wanted to take advantage, wondering if he could stuff some money and send his own people in.

Although Gu Zhongyu and the Wang brothers have such a bad relationship, in fact, many times in the entertainment industry, even enemies do not mean that they cannot cooperate at all.

He had previously made plans for permanent guests with Blueberry TV, and when he saw the backup candidates, he knew that he would have to give up a few spots, and it was impossible to let Zongheng artists cover them all!

Chen He and Zheng Kai were retained. After all, these two people had nothing to do with Gu Zhongyu, while Li Chen and baby were resolutely passed away.

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