Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 365 Scolding the audience again?

But even if it is Gu Zhongyu, he will not use "Heart Flower" to confront "Transformers 4". In the general environment of 2014, domestic films should try to avoid direct confrontation with Hollywood blockbusters. Deng Chao's choice of this schedule is absolutely wise.

Speaking of which, June should be the traditional protection month for domestic films, but I don't know what medicine China Film took wrong in 2014, and actually introduced so many foreign blockbusters!

It is estimated that it has a lot to do with the sponsors behind Transformers 4.

Just look at the participating companies of "Transformers 4" and you will know, all of them are Chinese names. You can ask China Film to move the schedule.

Speaking of which, Megan Fox, the heroine of the first and second "Transformers", also had a one-night stand with Gu Zhongyu! After this big sister, the appearance of the heroines in the "Transformers" series has been declining all the way. It was a downhill road at the beginning, and it finally became a roller coaster in the seventh "Power Warriors".

The black fat girl in the poster made the audience confused. Which one is the real King Kong?

Gu Zhongyu was only a guest star after all, and Deng Chao had not lost his conscience. At least the promotional video of "The Breakup Master" did not include Gu Zhongyu.

Instead, a series of stills of him flirting and wearing women's clothes were exposed.

Although Gu Zhongyu did not quite understand why this guy became so narcissistic, judging from the attention on Weibo, the promotional strategy of "The Breakup Master" was obviously successful.

Many viewers expressed their anticipation for this heavy-taste comedy!

Deng Chao also worked hard. Before the release of "The Breakup Master", various voices of doubt were heard. He was very patient and did not respond, but spared no effort to promote the movie...

And Deng Chao's roadshow officially began. Since the end of April, the speech started in the first city and the first campus. It lasted for 1 month and traveled to more than 20 cities and regions across the country.

Celebrity roadshows have always been a mainstream way to promote movies, but it seems that starting from "The Breakup Master", it was originally just a simple on-site question and answer, but it has become playing games with fans, taking selfies, giving gifts, etc., and it can even be carried out through variety shows and concerts.

Deng Chao's efforts really paid off, and the box office revenue of the film exceeded 800 million yuan by the end of the season!

It was almost 200 million higher than the previous film!

Of course, everyone's attention was not focused on Deng Chao's first directing, but on Gu Zhongyu.

"Oh my god! Gu Zhongyu actually made a cameo appearance in this lousy film and promoted it!"

"I really want to know how much money Gu Zhongyu invested in it. He is lying about praising such a film!"

Even many of Gu Zhongyu's fans were dissatisfied, saying that he should stop promoting movies on Weibo in the future, it's too low-class!

There are also film critics who wrote about this phenomenon: "Stars band together to promote movies. Is this the greatest irresponsibility to the quality of movies?

In the end, Gu Zhongyu wrote a short essay saying: I watched the movie. It is definitely not a very profound movie, but the audience's laughter can't deceive people. The whole screening room was filled with laughter. You can say that domestic audiences have a low sense of laughter, but you can't say that such a movie should not be made!

This sentence is both a rebuttal to a bunch of film critics who say that the movie is too bad and has no depth!

It is also a response to the remarks made by the famous writer Lu Tianming.

Lu Tianming: Deng Chao's Breakup Master is about to be released. I was stunned after watching it. Why would a young movie star who is not short of fame and profit do such a mean and despicable thing? If "Tiny Times" was despised by all people with a little conscience at home and abroad, then this thing will make any normal person feel disgusted. Who is being despised by playing movies like this? Is this the prosperity that domestic films want?"

This Lu Tianming is Lu Yu's father and a major participant in the Han Bai dispute back then!

Generalize the Han Bai dispute.

This is a debate between Bai Ye and Han Han in 2006.

The reason is that Bai Ye wanted to show off, so he wrote an article on his blog to comment on the literary criticism after the 1980s. I won’t go into the details, but it just means that the literature after the 1980s is trashy.

The key is that his attitude is really disgusting. What he said between the lines is that they think that where they are is the literary world, and whether someone has entered the literary world depends on their words, with a condescending attitude.

Then, Han Han couldn’t stand it anymore, so he directly wrote an article saying that the literary world is shit and no one should show off to refute Bai Ye.

Then, a bunch of Bai Ye’s writer and critic friends jumped out to criticize Han Han in various ways.

But it didn’t matter. Han Han’s fighting power was really strong back then, and he could overthrow the whole audience by himself!

At that time, Gu Zhongyu also had a second-year illness and wrote an article on his blog to support Han Han.

This Lu Tianming is one of Bai Ye's friends. He is very interesting and likes to talk nonsense with people. From Han Han to Guo Xiaosi, he has criticized them to varying degrees.

Logically, he is already this old and should enjoy his retirement, but he refuses to do so and continues to make comments!

So, the older generation likes to show off their unique qualities and thus show their superiority!

Lu Tianming's Weibo post was sent on April 29, when the Breakup Master had not yet been released.

He watched it in advance as a special guest.

No matter what, you shouldn't say that during the release period. This is the most basic principle.

Many fans of Deng Chao expressed dissatisfaction: "When did being a director become a mean and lowly thing? It seems that what your son directs is noble, and Director Deng Chao is lowly!"

I guess our mainland writers have nothing serious to do all day long. They want to be like film critics and add a line to their resumes, including famous writer, literary critic, screenwriter, plus film critic!

Others may be inconvenient or afraid to scold, but Gu Zhongyu has no scruples. What kind of cookie are you?

The day after I saw Lu Tianming’s Weibo, I immediately responded!

"Whether a movie should be released or not is not decided by film critics, let alone some senior filmmakers, but by the censorship department. In this era, box office output has its own consequences. The quality category is another set of logic. Although snobs will use the former set of logic to offend the latter set of logic, and even want to cancel the latter set of logic, it doesn't matter. Since it is a complete set of logic, it will not be affected by it. Good movies will always be shaken and annihilated by temporary trends! If The Breakup Master really fails in style and level, it is destined to not escape the ultimate judgment of serious public opinion.”

"The film matters are left to us, the professional film makers. You can choose to watch it or not. You can even criticize or criticize, but please don't go online and say that this thing will make people angry." Disgusting! I saw it, I’m not disgusting, I’m not a human being?”

"There are always some people who insist on relying on movies to educate people. I wonder how much education you lack. Entertainment is entertainment. Everyone is willing to pay to watch such movies. That is everyone's freedom. If you feel bad, you can say Come out, but please don’t think your position is nobler than ours!”

Three consecutive Weibo posts helped clear the name.

Gu Zhongyu was extremely benevolent this time.

However, the targeting is indeed a bit strong, and it is clearly targeted at Lu Tianming’s Weibo comment.

It's been a long time since Gu Zhongyu has criticized someone like this on Weibo. Even during the incident with Fang Xiang, he never pointed at his nose and scolded him. Swearing is also quite enjoyable!

This is the DNA belonging to the keyboard warrior from the previous life in the body moving!

Lu Tianming seemed to be afraid that what happened back then would happen again, and he was surrounded and cursed by Gu Zhongyu's fans, so he finally had to choose to delete Weibo.

He calmly refused interviews from most media and closed his Weibo comment function.

This is not giving in. He wants to wait until "The Breakup Master" hits the box office before he slaps him in the face again!

However, twenty days have passed

The Breakup Master was released in theaters across the country on May 1. Within three days of its release, the box office had exceeded 100 million, and the total in a single week exceeded 200 million.

It is also a hit on weekdays, and the results are amazing. As of May 20, just 20 days after its release, "The Breakup Master" has exceeded the 600 million mark, and the movie is still continuing to gain popularity.

Despite polarizing word-of-mouth, no matter what kind of discussions and "wars of abuse" are set off on the Internet, The Breakup Master Tie Zhengzheng has achieved real success in terms of box office and attention!

Taro Lu couldn't sit still!

After all, it was his father who was slapped in the face!

The so-called father and son soldiers went into battle. At first, Lu Tianming was slapped in the face by Han Han in various ways, and his face was swollen. Then Lu Di personally went into battle for a while and Han Han also pulled his good friend Gao Daqing. However, Han Han was in trouble. Han's fighting prowess at his peak was truly invincible. In just a few hundred words, the two guys were left speechless in their argument!

“What happened to Chinese-language movies?”

This is what Director Lu Lu wrote on his Weibo.

"Movies that focus on literature and art have a sluggish box office, while piles of bad movies are doing well at the box office. I don't understand why today's audiences like to watch such bad movies? Without a good market environment, what's the future for us filmmakers?"

On the surface, he seemed to be worried about Chinese-language movies, but he said this right when the box office of "The Breakup Master" exceeded 600 million.

This is a bit too specific!

Deng Chao didn't say anything, but Yu Baimei was upset at first. What do you mean, my movie is a bad movie if it sells well at the box office?

"There are always some self-proclaimed filmmakers who attribute the failure of their films to the fact that the market does not recognize it, the audience will not recognize it, etc. In my opinion, this kind of statement is very ridiculous. Any investor would think that there is You will invest in a movie only if you get a return! The Breakup Master is a good entertainment film, but it is certainly not a good movie. I admit this. After all, Deng Chao and I are both novices, and we are really not good at editing; I just look down on those movies. A director who clearly made a bad movie but insists on criticizing the audience’s taste!”

This is in response to what director Lu Lu said: "The aesthetics in "The King's Feast" are really good, even if we look at it fifty years later..."


Before Lu Lu could speak, another big boss spoke up: "There are so many domestic trash movies, which has a lot to do with the large number of trash viewers. If you don't support this movie, there will be no room for survival, and the producers won't go. If you make rubbish movies, the box office of rubbish movies will still be very high.”

It was Feng Pants. This man didn't know what was wrong, so he suddenly stood up.

Ever since Feng Trousers filmed "Assembly" and "1942", he has taken himself more and more seriously!

Last year, at the Directors Guild's commendation meeting, he publicly criticized the country's censorship system. Some time ago, he was competing with variety shows, but this time he jumped out and accused the audience of being a jerk!

Gu Zhongyu shook his head helplessly, saying that Feng Pants really felt a little out of his mind this time.

Without the audience's support, there would be no room for junk movies to survive. This sounds reasonable.

According to this logic, if no one makes trashy movies, where will trashy audiences go to support trashy movies?

Which came first, the rubbish audience or the rubbish movies, is as hard to tell as which came first, the egg or the chicken.

However, as a director, it may not be justified to regard this as an honest and justifiable reason to make garbage movies.

Even if the domestic audience's aesthetic level is not high, they can still tell the difference between good and bad. True classics have always withstood the test of time and the market, and have never suffered a loss.

The choice between stinky shit and flies is always a two-way street.

Flies like stinky dog ​​poop, yes.

But if you are a stinky piece of shit and you have to say it’s because there are too many flies, that’s unreasonable.

As a director, it is inappropriate to not call on everyone to make more good works, but to blame the blame on the audience.

It's really shameless!

"Even if you are a great director, you have no right to criticize the audience! Therefore, after all, it is not you people who are chosen by the times!"

When Gu Zhongyu saw Feng Pengtong starting to call the audience a dick again, he finally couldn't help but post a message to start the fight.

"It's the audience who suffers from bad movies, and it's the audience who spends money to get scolded. The audience is really aggrieved! Being called a jerk!"

"I remember Director Feng said something when he was promoting "1942", I made movies just to please myself, so I am happy."

"I don't quite understand your current mentality. Could it be that a movie that pleases the audience is a bad movie, and a movie that pleases yourself is a good movie?"

"Is it a shame for a director to make a film that pleases the audience? Don't forget, the audience has to pay for a ticket to watch a movie. In the final analysis, it is a consumption behavior. You are happy when you make a movie. You can enjoy it yourself, no need to put it in the market.”

Feng Pengtong probably didn't expect that Gu Zhongyu would be so angry this time and actually post such a long Weibo to attack him.

For a moment, he didn't even know where to fight back.

"There are definitely problems in the domestic film industry, including lack of creativity, shoddy production, incorrect outlook, and exaggeration... These can all be criticized. But blaming "too many rubbish movies" on "too many rubbish viewers", I don't agree with it! After all, The current Chinese-language film industry is supported by the audience’s ticket-buying behavior, so film producers inevitably have to cater to the audience’s tastes,”

"Nowadays, our film market is indeed a bit deformed. This is a very real problem. You can blame the market, just like you can blame the screenwriter or the actor, but you can't blame him. The audience needs us filmmakers to slowly guide them. Yes! How to make the market healthy needs to be done step by step. When making a movie, you can consider both the audience and the quality of the movie. If you insist that most viewers can't appreciate good movies, that's nonsense. You can't create an audience. It’s a great movie to enjoy. It may take a long time to go from the worst to the best, but it can’t be like this: there is no worst, only worse. How can I make money without lowering your lower limit.”

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