Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 37 How can I live without you!

After returning to the hotel, the infatuated man and resentful woman who had not seen each other for a long time were naturally bound to have a battle involving thunder from the sky and fire from the earth.

After everything died down, Master Liu lay lazily in Gu Zhongyu's arms and said, "I heard that you have a new movie that will start shooting next month. Is there a place for me?"

"Well! It really didn't happen this time. I will definitely do it next time!"

Gu Zhongyu thought about it for a moment. The main female character in "Ball Lightning" is Lin Yun, and then there is the female villain "Teacher" and Dai Lin, the last wife of the male protagonist Dr. Chen. As for "Teacher", she did not have a role in the first film. Dai Lin Lin had already decided on the candidate.

"I don't even have a role? Then why can Mi Mi be the heroine?"

All right! It turned out that he was waiting for Gu Zhongyu here! I said that this poet has always been a Buddhist, so why did he suddenly think of asking him for a role?

"This is a science fiction film, and there are not many female characters. The heroine Lin Yun is really not suitable for you. I will make a show for you alone in the future! By the way, where did you learn about this news? ?”

Looking back, we have to find out who revealed this to Shishi. Yang Mi's role in ball lightning is still a secret, and only some senior executives in the company know about it.

"Then I can't tell you. You can guess it yourself!"

Liu Shishi didn't really want the role, she just wanted to see if Gu Zhongyu would favor one over the other. Although she knew that Gu Zhongyu and Yang Mi were fine at the moment, they wouldn't be able to guarantee the same in the future!

Due to the popularity of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", people have often compared Liu Shishi and Yang Mi together recently, because they are both 85 years old and Lin Xiangxiang, and they both became popular in the time-traveling palace drama.

The similarities between the two dramas are indeed very high. Both dramas tell the story of a heroine who travels from modern times to ancient times to participate in the contest for the inheritance of nine sons during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. The main plot is also the love story of the children of the royal family. Even the male protagonist is the same, he is still Emperor Yongzheng. .

Yong Zheng deserves to be the number one in terms of traffic this year. The male protagonists of the three major dramas "Step by Step", "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "The Legend of Zhen Huan" are all the Fourth Master!

I don’t know who Yongzheng offended. He was obviously one of the best model workers among ancient emperors, but in modern TV dramas, he was played as a love-mad and love-minded man who surrounded women all day long!

Therefore, Gu Zhongyu also disdains these palace fighting dramas from the bottom of his heart, and has never had any intention to play the male lead. It doesn't matter if the structure is small, the values ​​are distorted, and it is out of touch with reality. He still insists on magically changing these historical figures who have made great achievements. It's quite In fact, if it weren't for the prohibition of becoming a spirit now, the coffin board would have been unable to hold it down!

Fans initially compared the quality of the two dramas. One thing they said is that although they both have the same theme, "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is completely superior to Gong Suo Xin Jade in terms of obedience, characters, and plot design! If "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is broadcast after "Bu Bu Jing Xin", it is still unclear whether Yang Mi's Qingchuan will be as popular as it is now.

Then some people said that "Bu Bu Jing Xin" actually got popular because of the popularity of "Gong Suo Xin Jade", and some even directly said that it was plagiarized!

This is a bit too much. This drama has an original work. Although the original work is also suspected of plagiarism, it definitely has nothing to do with "Gong Lock Heart Jade". It's almost enough to say that Gong plagiarized "Bu Bu Jing Xin".

But people who eat melon don’t care about this! On the Internet, everyone just wants to see a river of blood, so the fight between fans of the two families and the show's producers is getting more and more intense.

In the end, the two female leads finally started to compare, saying that Yang Mi was prettier than Liu Shishi, and that Liu Shishi's acting skills surpassed that of Da Mi. The comparison started from head to toe. Finally, under the fanning of various media, they had a good relationship. The two of them also slowly changed.

"There's no conflict between you and Yang Mi, right?"

Gu Zhongyu asked curiously. Because they filmed Sword and Sword III together, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi actually have a good relationship. In addition, with Gu Zhongyu as the middleman in this life, the two women have known each other earlier. They were still friends two years ago. We went to Egypt together as a group.

"No! We are fine!" Liu Shishi said indifferently. After being compared for such a long time, how could she not have any grudges in her heart? In fact, she and Yang Mi had not talked for more than two months. One sentence!

Gu Zhongyu could tell at a glance that Master Liu was lying. It seemed that there was indeed some crisis in the relationship between the two sisters. It was at this time that the two of them began to drift apart in the previous life, and finally became just like strangers.

He still remembers the scene at an awards show in his previous life, where under the watchful eyes of the entire audience, Yang and Liu reluctantly held hands with awkward smiles on their faces because they needed to make fun of each other!

Thinking of the deep love between sisters before, as well as those lily kissing photos taken between Yang Mi and Liu Shishi during the period of Sword and Sword III, it is really embarrassing!

No, Gu Zhongyu felt that he had to do something! I must let this pair of lilies... Oh no, sisters, return to their previous closeness.

"Hey! During this period of filming, doing announcements and interviews, I'm so tired!"

Forgetting the unhappy things for the time being, Liu Shishi rested her head on Gu Zhongyu's shoulder and confided that she had never been a diligent person, but in the past few years, for the company and for Gu Zhongyu, the continuous filming and filming really made her physically and mentally exhausted.

"When you are tired, take a good rest and stop filming. The company is now on the right track and I have made a comeback. There is no need to put too much pressure on yourself."

Gu Zhongyu gently stroked Shiye's hair. This little girl is actually very similar to her ex-girlfriend Xixi. Not only in appearance and temperament, but also in personality. They are both lazy and homely little girls.

Originally, he planned to let Shishi play the heroine Tanqi in "The Longest Day in Chang'an". Now seeing how hard she works, Gu Zhongyu gave up the idea.

In fact, if it weren't for Gu Zhongyu, Liu Shishi wouldn't be so ambitious. Being able to occasionally come out to film is actually her limit. In this respect, she is really different from her good sister Yang Mi!

(Big Mimi: My life motto is to work as hard as you can as long as you don’t kill me!)

“I want to do that too! But every time I think of the group of fairies around you, I worry that if I can’t show my value, what if you despise me and kick me out one day? I have to save some money for retirement while I’m still young!”

Shi Ye was rarely weird for once, and I don’t know if he learned it from that Gu!

“I dare not! I’m always worried that one day you’ll find a true lover and abandon me! How can I live without you, my precious teacher!” At this time, Gu Zhongyu felt that he was an unforgivable bastard!

There is such a girl who likes you and is willing to give you her heart silently, but you are still unsatisfied and always want more, and in the end, it makes the girl worried.

“Well! As long as you behave, I will ignore you for the time being.” Shishi reached out and touched Gu Zhongyu’s head, and stroked his hair like touching her own pug.

"Go to bed early! Tomorrow I'll cook you some stir-fried lamb with green onions and stir-fried yam with carrots to nourish your body."

"Okay!" Hearing that her favorite food was there, Shishi smiled happily, her little eyes narrowed into slits.

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