Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 381: Feel the vulgar atmosphere of Bangkok

The schedule of "Operation Mekong" was extremely tight. Gu Zhongyu devoted himself to the training of actors as soon as he arrived. He also had to study the shooting plan with Lin Chaoxian. He was exhausted every day and was even more tired than when he participated in Running Man.

Unfortunately, Dudu's classmate was not around. Although he brought two assistants from the company to take care of his life, they were not good-looking and could only work as assistants, unable to take "all-round" care of Gu Zhongyu's physical and mental health.

It seems that I will have to recruit an assistant Sandaime next time I return to China.

Fortunately, Wang Zhi is still on the crew. When Gu Zhongyu goes back every day, he can see her preparing cold beer and Thai food waiting for him, and then... she is doing her best again!

MD is even more tired!

On this day, after walking out of the temporary office set up by the crew, Gu Zhongyu stood there and watched for a while.

It was the set decorator who was leading a group of people to set up the scene.

According to the crew's shooting schedule, they need to turn this place into ruins before the seventh day of filming.

There are some differences between the ruins shown in the movie and the actual abandoned buildings. If you look carefully, most of the scenes in the movie are deliberately old-fashioned.

The set team has a lot of work to do besides here.

They also needed to build a small interrogation room and a well-traveled street.

The props team's job was easy. All they had to do was prepare the props according to the advice provided by the police. After all, the Mekong River case happened the year before last.

The entire crew was in good order, but Gu Zhongyu was most concerned about safety.

Commercial films always have explosion scenes. On the one hand, Lin Chaoxian requested to use real explosives as much as possible for the effects, but on the other hand, he also had to consider the safety of the personnel.

When shooting explosion scenes, minor injuries and illnesses are inevitable, but if a major safety incident occurs, it will be very troublesome.

It's not that it will affect the normal filming of the crew, but the key is that it will have a bad reputation if word spreads!

When brother Cheng Long was filming "Escape", his stand-in died unexpectedly, which immediately triggered protests from many human rights organizations!

By the way, the wolf dog named Xiaotian in the movie has already reached the crew.

Gu Zhongyu took a look and saw that he was indeed very smart. Compared to some actors with dead fish eyes, Xiao Tian indeed had more talent as a professional actor!

At this time, Wang Shicong, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time, called him, and he couldn't hide his excitement as soon as he spoke!

"Teacher Gu, have you checked Weibo?"

"What happened?"

"Running Man is on air!"

"Then what?"

"The ratings and influence are very high, and it has already surpassed Mango Channel's Tiantian Xiang..."

Running Man is indeed popular. After only one episode was aired, the premiere ratings reached 3.8%. It has already become a phenomenon-level variety show.

To give a very simple example, among the members of the brotherhood, Bai Lu, who was originally the most inconspicuous, has begun to receive more than a dozen endorsement invitations!

"Okay, I get it, what does that have to do with me? I've already quit!"

Gu Zhongyu still didn't quite understand what Principal Wang wanted to say.

"Didn't you say at the end of the first issue that you were just here to make some fun? Many people said you left Running Man and they stopped watching!"

"Ignore them, they are just talking, how could you not read it!"

Gu Zhongyu waved his hand, not believing this at all!

The world will not function normally without anyone!

Even Gu Zhongyu is just a gimmick for Running Man. In the previous life of Running Man, key members Deng Chao and Chen He left one after another, and it took more than ten seasons to film?

"Blueberry Channel just asked me to contact you and tell you that if you are free, you can come to as many episodes as possible. The conditions are easy to negotiate, including any new programs that Banana Entertainment will have in the future, they can cover them!"

"Okay! I promise them that I will go as long as I have time, okay?"

Too lazy to listen to Wang Shicong's ramblings, he hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words, then logged into his phone and started checking information related to the starting man.

Just overnight, several members of the Running Man team became popular!

Among the several members, the one who benefited the most was of course captain Deng Chao.

Before Deng Chao starred in Running Man, he was considered a quasi-A-list star. After all, he appeared in many prime-time TV series, and his movies are not bad either, including "Partners in China" and "The Breakup Master" which he directed and starred in.

But the national popularity is still not enough, but now after being brainwashed by the running man variety show, Deng Chao's funny image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

To be honest, the original first episode of Running Man was very poor, with almost no interaction between the guests.

This time, with Gu Zhongyu joining the cast and making jokes, at least the relationship between the guests does not seem as rigid as before, but it is definitely not as good as the Korean version.

After all, they have been working together for several years, and the tacit understanding between them is far more than Gu Zhongyu can offset with a few jokes.

In addition, the success of Running Man has suppressed Mango TV’s flagship variety show.

As a result, there have been more and more voices criticizing Running Man online. Most of them are saying that it is embarrassing and not good-looking or that it is too different from the Korean version.

Of course, although the Korean version of Running Man has a large audience, there are still many people who have not watched the original version. Therefore, even if it is the all-star version of Zhiyong Dasheng, they still find it interesting.

There was a lot of noise online, but the top management of Lantai was very calm, and Gu Zhongyu thought it was okay.

Some people praise it, some people criticize it. This is the right way to open a variety show.

If you find that a certain variety show has just launched and is already being praised online, it is definitely a good PR job!

If the first episode had unprecedentedly high ratings and influence because of the gimmick, then the ratings of the second and third episodes can still remain at around 3%, which is enough to prove that Running Man has been successful!

Banana Entertainment's variety show plan was a great success, and Wang Sicong took the opportunity to sell variety shows such as "Non-Summit Talks", "Sisters Over Flowers", and "Real Men".

Mango TV also bought several in one go, and immediately announced the project of "Real Men", and then announced that it invited Gu Zhongyu to join the new variety show.

Of course, this is just hype. Gu Zhongyu is busy filming a movie now and has not received the so-called invitation letter at all.

Mango TV was really a little desperate, so it chose to hype in this way. It was suppressed by the Voice of China before, after all, the Voice of China only has one season a year. Now even Running Man has risen, so what about the Friday slot?

Is it handing it over to others?

Even if Mango TV is really willing to do this, Wang Han will not do it!

They announced the launch of a new variety show with great fanfare, which is clearly aimed at Blueberry TV.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated one thing. The reason why "Real Men" is popular in Hanguo is that they have compulsory military service, but our country does not have it!

In addition, the selected guests are not very eye-catching. In fact, "Real Men" is not as popular as Running Man in terms of topics and influence. Except for the fat guy who licks the Korean artist, there is no splash.

Just when Running Man occupied the C position of hot searches, there were suddenly a lot of black materials about the members of Running Man on the Internet, such as Deng Chao's cheating, Chen He's divorce, Zheng Kai's private life is not indecent, Bai Lu is a relative and cuts in, and a bunch of old materials.

Of course, except for Chen He's divorce, these events are not scandals-Deng Chao's cheating is clearly a figment of the imagination.

Since Chen He joined Running Man, his unique variety show image has been liked by many people. Some people like it, and some people hate it. Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu reminded him to let him announce the truth about his divorce from his wife early.

So under Yu Hangying's suggestion, Chen He once again posted an apology statement on Weibo, which was written with tears.

The ratings of Running Man have fluctuated a little, but only a little. After all, few people who really watch TV are as serious as netizens. Variety shows are different from movies!

"Teacher Gu, Teacher He and Teacher Wang Han hope that I will participate in Idols Are Coming!"

It seems that Mango TV is really anxious this time!

Yes, with two ace variety shows "Day Day Up" and "Happy Camp", plus "Where Are We Going, Dad" and the shocking "I Am a Singer", it stands to reason that they should not be too concerned about the Running Man program.

Perhaps the impression of The Voice of China was too deep, so Mango TV has long regarded Blueberry TV as a thorn in its side.

Now, they have created another large-scale reality show. How could Mango TV not feel like a thorn in its side?

So they concentrated all their efforts to create two variety shows to welcome Blueberry TV's big move.

"Real Men" is a variety show for men, and they are also going to create a variety show "Idols Are Coming" with an all-female star lineup!

For this purpose, they also invited Aunt Lin Qingxia, who has retired from the entertainment industry for a long time!

This move is too cruel!

Although Aunt Qingxia has not been in the arena for a long time, there are still legends about her in the arena. Gu Zhongyu also likes the Eastern Leader.

It's a pity that the beauty is old and her beauty is gone!

In addition to Aunt Qingxia, there are also old-school actresses such as Zhu Yin, Yang Yuying, and Ning Jing. The main theme is a feeling!

By the way, they also invited many young actresses, including Zhao Xiaodao, Zhang Hanyun, and our little Nazha.

In fact, Nazha was not very willing at first. After all, even her agent said that her personality was not suitable for reality shows. Gu Zhongyu also reminded her, but she couldn't resist the invitation of Mango TV.

Gu Zhongyu directly replied: "Turn it off. Your personality will attract black fans if you participate in a reality show!"

Although Nazha's black material has been reduced a lot in this life because of Gu Zhongyu's protection, this young lady usually speaks without thinking, and always makes people angry. She is not very popular in the company. This emotional intelligence will attract black fans when she appears on the show!

"But Mr. He and Brother Han are the hosts, they said they would take care of me! And Mango TV is very sincere this time, they directly offered 6 million!"

After all this time, they are greedy for money!

6 million is also called sincerity?

Deng Chao participated in Running Man, and the remuneration was more than 15 million. Even Bai Lu, a little unknown, had 3 million!

"If you really want to take it, I won't stop you. After you are on the show, be polite to others, don't show off, don't be arrogant, and don't mention my affairs for no reason, understand?"

"Yeah! Then I'll go! Uh~"

Naza was very happy to get Gu Zhongyu's consent. Could it be that she could get recognition for making a decision? She wanted to prove to Teacher Gu that she was smart and could make a lot of money for the company!

"Who called you, Teacher Gu? Why did I hear the sound of kissing?"

The environment in the bar was so noisy, but Wang Zhi didn't expect that he could hear the sound of his phone call!

No matter how hard the filming is, you still need to relax. So, in the evening, the main creators of the crew went to a bar in Bangkok together, ready to experience the vulgar atmosphere of Thailand.

Thailand is known as the "paradise for men". Health care and other things are not up to par. It is becoming more and more popular to find beautiful Thai girls as "travel companions" or develop long-term lover relationships. Under the cover of the night economy, more and more foreigners come to Thailand to travel or settle down.

However, they did not dare to go to places that are too "vulgar". This bar is relatively clean. Although as long as you look down, you can see hot girls dancing on poles...

"Do you have a radar on your ear?"

Gu Zhongyu laughed and scolded, and then told them about Mango TV's outdoor variety show.

"Real Men? I know, they sent me an invitation."

"Well, Brother Hanyu is very suitable for the character of a man. How much money did they offer you?"

"They said 15 million!"

"So generous! Did you accept it?"

Mango TV is really willing to spend money. This is much higher than Zhang Hanyu's salary for filming a movie. It's no wonder that many artists with excellent acting skills can't help but take variety shows to seduce their wives.

Zhang Hanyu shook his head, "No, I don't like variety shows, they're boring, I just need to have a drama to shoot!"

Then why did you take on "Let's Travel Through Time" later?

However, Zhang Hanyu's sense of variety is indeed not strong, and sometimes it makes people feel very embarrassed. In the program "Let's Travel Through Time", Zhang Hanyu's performance in it did not have many funny points, and it also caused many netizens to complain that he was too serious and had no sense of humor.

"Let's not talk about that man, and what is "Idol Coming"?"

"It's a program full of women, with Char Siu Fen, Zhu Yin, and Lin Qingxia..."

"What? Lin Qingxia?"

The atmosphere finally became lively again. LSP is always nostalgic. Compared with the young female stars now, they love the goddesses of the last century more.

Several old men began to talk about Aunt Qingxia, Maggie Cheung, and the female stars they remembered, such as Wang Zuxian and Gong Li.

"…Anyway, in my heart, Maggie Cheung is still the best actress!"

"But Lin Qingxia's Dongfang Bubai is really popular!"

"Wang Zuxian in Dream of the Red Chamber also left a deep impression on me!"

"Gong Li is the dream of all men my age!"

The topic unconsciously became a duel between goddesses!

Even Zhang Hanyu, who is nearly fifty years old, became interested. His favorite must be Gong Li, an old man in the Beijing circle. The goddess of the first generation is Gong Li, and then Xu Jinglei!

"Teacher Gu, which one do you like the most?"


Gu Zhongyu thought for a moment: "In terms of international status, Gong Li is definitely the best, followed by Maggie Cheung. After all, Gong is the best and Maggie Cheung is the best. This is not a joke."

"In terms of acting skills and awards, Lin Qingxia is definitely not as good as Gong Li and Zhang Manyu. The only award Lin Qingxia can win is the Golden Horse Award. Gong Li and Zhang Manyu don't have too many international awards, but speaking of the facts, Lin Qingxia's sentiment index should be the highest in Chinese-language films!"

"It's a pity that she is not interested in this, so she retired early!"

At the end, Gu Zhongyu added.

It's a pity that Aunt Qingxia once said "I don't know what acting is for!" when she was filming the White-haired Witch!

Many female stars are like this. They don't regard acting as a career, but just a job to make money.

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