Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 386 Brother, I absolutely cannot refuse!

Zhang Yuxi and Wang Tianchu's eyes almost turned green when they saw this card.

Citibank's special black card was only introduced in China in 2014. Only a few hundred people have it, and they are all top people!

"I never carry money with me. No matter where I go, someone will treat me to a meal!"

Gu Zhongyu also has this card, but he usually doesn't carry the card and money with him. He usually keeps it with his assistant.

Teacher Chen, you still have to work harder!

"Teacher Gu, can I add your WeChat?"

"WeChat? Of course."

Ah! Our Master Gu still doesn't know how to refuse!

Chen Sicheng took Wang Tianchu ahead, and because Gu Zhongyu came by taxi, he followed Wang Sicong after leaving the club and prepared to take his ride back.

As a result, when they arrived at the destination, they found that Wang Sicong was staying in the same hotel as themselves.

This guy was excited. He didn't sleep at night and dragged Gu Zhongyu to play games.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhongyu was born with a clumsy hand. He played LOL like a traitor, and he lost heads one after another...

Mr. Wang finally couldn't stand this torture and started to scold his stupid teammates: "Fuck! You can't even deliver food like you! Just go AFK! Even the hosting team can play better than you!"

"I think you are Khrushchev burping - you ate too many corn cobs! I told you I can't play games anymore, but you are the one who dragged me!"

The two of them started to scold each other quickly.

In the field of swearing, Gu Zhongyu was not Wang Sicong's opponent, but he had a good cultural knowledge and was good at quoting classics, so the two of them met each other and soon they started to scold each other...


Zhang Yuxi couldn't help laughing when he saw the two billionaire bosses scolding each other.

Gu Zhongyu just remembered that there was a beautiful woman watching behind him, and he immediately stopped greeting Zuan. After all, he was also a literary and artistic worker, how could he compare with Wang Sicong, who lacked education!

"Are you thirsty? I'll squeeze some juice for you."

"No...what do you think, let your girlfriend feed me wine?" Seeing Zhang Yuxi leave, Gu Zhongyu couldn't hold back and took the initiative to ask about this matter.

If you have any cuckold fetish, tell me earlier.

Brother, I will definitely not refuse!

At this time, Gu Zhongyu temporarily regarded Wang Sicong as a brother.



Hearing these three words, Wang Sicong stared at Gu Zhongyu carefully for a while with eyes as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, and then said: "If playing with her once is considered a girlfriend, then my current girlfriends can form a reinforcement battalion!"

"Teacher Gu, I have heard about some of your romantic deeds in the entertainment industry before, it seems that they are all rumors. You are a pure boy!"

"To be honest, I have wanted to get rid of this woman for a long time! But she has been sticking to me and chasing me for a name. I was just racking my brains to get rid of this plaster, and I didn't expect you to come!"

"This morning I saw that she paid a lot of attention to you, so I knew there was a play. In the evening, I joked and asked her to feed you wine. I didn't expect this woman to really do it! MD, she is really courageous and bold. I have to get rid of her quickly!"

Gu Zhongyu understood a little bit. Did she mean to break up a long time ago?

"Then you don't need to push her into my arms! Is it fun to cuckold yourself? Or do you have this hobby?"

"I have a crazy hobby!"

Wang Sicong got a little angry when he said this, "I said I was joking, who knew she would really dare to do it! Well, now she is making out with other men in front of me, it's reasonable to dump her."

"There are so many women in the world. If I sleep with one, I have to take care of her future love and marriage. Wouldn't it be so busy? Anyway, she will sleep with other men after breaking up. What does it have to do with me who she sleeps with..."

After that, Wang Sicong continued to put on headphones and play games, and ignored him.

And what Xiao Wang said really silenced Gu Zhongyu.

What is a scumbag?

This is a real scumbag!

Gu Zhongyu, who felt that he was far less "scumbag" than Wang Sicong, lost interest in playing games and immediately prepared to go back to his room.

Before leaving, seeing Wang Sicong wearing headphones and looking like an internet-addicted teenager, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but curse "Shabi!"

But he didn't react at all.

Which brand of headphones has such good sound insulation?

When he walked into the living room, he saw Zhang Yuxi fiddling with the juicer. Seeing her skilled knife skills and her serious look when she cut the fruits and put them in, she didn't notice Gu Zhongyu approaching.

"Your knife skills are good. Do you cook often?"


Zhang Yuxi was startled and almost cut her hand with the fruit knife!

Seeing that it was Gu Zhongyu, Zhang Yuxi hurriedly put down the knife, wiped her hands and explained: "When I was a child, I had no fixed place to live. I either lived with my grandma or went around with my third aunt. I had to know how to cook, so I must know a little bit."

"Grandma? Third aunt? What if your parents don't care about you?"

"It's like this..."

Because Zhang Yuxi's parents traveled around for business, she was raised by her grandparents during her childhood. She lived with her third aunt in Lanzhou during her adolescence, and went to Yanjing to work hard in high school. When she was ten years old, she didn't even recognize her father. She lived with her mother for a year in high school...

Such a displaced life made Zhang Yuxi much more mature than children of the same age, so her life skills were already fully upgraded.

Gu Zhongyu acted like a listener, quietly listening to her talk about his experience, and was not in a hurry to leave.

"I'm sorry for talking so many irrelevant things to you, Teacher Gu..."

Zhang Yuxi also realized that she said a little too much. She had just met Gu Zhongyu.

Although they had already given wine mouth to mouth once, they were still strangers to each other.

"No! I really like to hear other people's life experiences. I didn't expect it would be so difficult for you, a girl..."

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yuxi thinks that Gu Zhongyu is quite gentle. If she had told Wang Shicong what she just said, he would have become impatient!

Gu Zhongyu picked up a piece of cut dragon fruit and put it in his mouth. "Compared to squeezed juice, I still prefer to eat the fruit directly into my mouth. What do you think?"

"Whether you drink juice or eat fruit, it's just to get that sweetness. As long as the sugar is enough, I don't think it matters how you get it into your stomach."

Zhang Yuxi felt that there seemed to be some hidden meaning in his words.


Gu Zhongyu slowly walked up to Zhang Yuxi, stopped less than ten centimeters away from her, reached for a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and placed it between the two of them.

"You don't have to do it yourself to drink. It's the same thing if someone feeds you by mouth!"

"Mr. Gu..."

Zhang Yuxi couldn't help but blush when Gu Zhongyu mentioned the drink he had just given.

Zhang Yuxi knew that Wang Sicong was tired of her, and it would be a matter of time before the two of them broke up, but this bastard still made her angry when he asked him to feed others wine!

So she didn't care and really fed Gu Zhongyu with her mouth.

But I didn't expect that Wang Sicong was not too angry. Do rich people treat women like this as their playthings, and they can give in to each other?

Gu Zhongyu stretched out his hand and lifted Zhang Yuxi's chin, looking at her delicate little face. "Mr. Xiao Wang is playing games now. I guess he won't come out for a while."

"He...he will hear it..."

No matter how stupid Zhang Yuxi is, she still knows what Gu Zhongyu wants to do.

She didn't object to something happening with Gu Zhongyu, but it would be inappropriate to turn against Wang Sicong because of this. After all, the two of them had not broken up yet.

"He's wearing headphones! I tried it, and the soundproofing effect is very good. I didn't even hear him scolding me behind my back~"

Without waiting for Zhang Yuxi's consent, Gu Zhongyu started taking action impatiently.

He took a sip of juice, and just like Zhang Yuxi fed him wine, he fed it back...

For Wang Sicong, Zhang Yuxi is a small Internet celebrity who can be manipulated at will, but how can it be the same for him?

He doesn't have that much patience!

"Don't~ Mr. Gu!"

Zhang Yuxi pushed him, but the movement was too weak, it was more like refusing to welcome him.

The two people started fighting right next to the island...


After playing two games, Wang Sicong yawned. He was not in good condition tonight and had to kneel twice in a row. He should wash his face and wake up before continuing!

As soon as he took off his earphones, he heard a sound that was vague and non-existent, full of depressing sounds...


Wang Shicong is very familiar with this voice!

TM was just playing a game, and his house was stolen?

He will immediately pick up the bench and go out to find the adulterer and his wife to fight for his life!

"Why can't you eat any more? Open your mouth wider~"

Then he walked to the door and heard Gu Zhongyu's voice.

This bastard...

You just pretended to be innocent, but now you've actually hooked up with that little bitch?

Although he wanted to go out and have a fight with Gu Zhongyu, but after calming down, he thought about it, wasn't his employer just going to dump that woman in the first place?

It just so happens that you are already hooking up with another man, so it is only natural for me to dump you, right?

As for cuckoldry... Wang Shicong took out his cell phone and quickly sent a message to Zhang Yuxi, telling her to get out!

In this way, she hooked up with a man only after being dumped by him, and it doesn't count as wearing a hat on her own.

Ha ha!

The sound isolation effect of these headphones is really good. I didn’t hear any sound just now. I will have to buy another one when I return home.

The next day, Wang Sicong secretly packed her luggage and ran away alone without notifying anyone, leaving Zhang Yuxi behind in Thailand.

When Zhang Yuxi saw the message, she had mixed emotions, because judging from the time it was sent, she was in the middle of a fierce battle with Gu Zhongyu at that time!

This means that what the two people did was definitely known to him.

Seeing that Zhang Yuxi was a little worried, Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to comfort him: "Okay! How can Mr. Wang, a man who wants face like this, talk about this everywhere! You should be stricter and don't let anyone know about this, otherwise he and I will be together in the future We can’t meet anymore!”


So Zhang Yuxi stayed with Gu Zhongyu in Thailand for a few days before going back.

Later, when Gu Zhongyu and Wang Sicong were on the phone, they pretended to mention Zhang Yuxi casually, but both parties had a tacit understanding not to mention what happened that night, as if it had never happened.

Hey, has Xiao Wang always awakened to some strange hobby because of this?

I wish there were!

"Come on, Xiaotian, shake hands!"

Xiaotian is a professionally trained drug detection dog.

He is about three years old, well-behaved and obedient. Even Gu Zhongyu, who has never been very fond of dogs, likes this well-trained dog.

Absolutely the tallest, richest and handsomest dog in the world, both in terms of figure and appearance, he fits the definition of a divine horse.

Gu Zhongyu was reminded of the big fat cat he raised...

Alas, he had given up trying to help Dun Dun lose weight, because he couldn't take it everywhere. Every time he went out, he would either give it to Aunt Liu or Zhang Zilin for foster care. After finally losing a pound or two, it would soon become fat again under the constant feeding of the ladies!

There was no way, it was too good at meowing. Every time it acted like a spoiled child, even the most hard-hearted woman couldn't help but open a can for it and feed it into the shape of a can...

I felt that if I switched to raising pigs, I would be a good hand...

Gu Zhongyu stayed in the crew and would tease Xiaotian when he had nothing to do.

This made Wang Zhi a little jealous, and she even asked if you could transfer your enthusiasm for dogs to people...

What was she hinting at?

By the way, according to its trainer, this dog is a Malinois, the successor to the German Shepherd, a new generation of all-round police dog!

But in Gu Zhongyu's opinion, this big dog is clearly a wolfdog!

Well, Pekingese and wolfhounds are the only way for Gu Zhongyu to distinguish between big dogs and small dogs!

Animal actors often appear in Hollywood movies, and there are also special companies and institutions to provide related services. Some star-level animal actors are paid quite high.

Chinese-language movies also have movies that specifically describe dogs, such as "Kara is a Dog", "Wolf Dog Adventures" and "A Bao's Story."

In fact, the character of Xiaotian was created based on reality, not just to attract girls.

Well-trained police dogs can indeed detect drugs and clear mines.

Of course, the script also adds some cute scenes of Xiaotian, so that when Xiaotian dies in the end, more people will cry and praise him for his good acting!

When watching Xiaotian being cute, Gu Zhongyu remembered a movie about military dogs.

In 1993, there was an old movie called "The King of Dogs", which was repeatedly broadcast on the movie channel and recommended as an educational movie for primary and secondary school students. Although the production level of the movie was low at that time, the explosion scene in the film was actually very blurry, but the protagonist, the military dog ​​"Hailong", was blown to pieces and it was still clearly visible.

When the audience watched the movie, many children were scared to tears by this scene, and the parents always comforted them by saying: "The movie is fake, and Hailong is not dead."

Many years later, when interviewing director Yao Shougang, everyone knew: the explosion scene was real, and "Hailong" was really killed by the explosion!

"Hailong" was really tied with a lot of explosives, and when it arrived at a specific location, it was blown to pieces.

And this dog is a retired military dog ​​who has won the third-class merit.

At that time, Yao Shougang clapped his hands and laughed: "This shot is so good, this is the effect we want. This dog is so stupid that he doesn't know how to shake off the explosive pack."

The dog trainer saw his dog being blown to pieces. At that moment, the trainer was heartbroken and cried loudly, crying until he coughed up blood.

But Director Yao Shougang's consolation was: "If Hailong didn't die, there would be no way to achieve the tension of the tragedy."

A movie praising military dogs, but killing a military dog ​​who really made meritorious service!

What a nm irony!

Well, in order to avoid misunderstandings, Gu Zhongyu specially asked everyone in the crew to take a lot of loving photos with it, and at the same time, it was written in the film's title that no animal was killed during the filming process.

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