Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 404 Even without plastic surgery, they look like real sisters

Fierce gunfights are of course indispensable, but it can't be as outrageous as the male lead holding two AKs and firing Wushuang. After all, this is not "Wolf Warriors". No matter how martial arts a group of people who make counterfeit money are, they can't be so good at fighting!

The design should still be a little more reasonable.

Gu Zhongyu's version of "Wushuang" is to remove these overused elements of Hong Kong movies and make it more reasonable and local.

In addition, one of the real prototypes of "Painter" is Peng Daxiang, the king of counterfeit money in Guangdong, so it is more reasonable that the male lead Li Wen should also be a painter from the mainland.

"Who should we find to play Wu Fusheng?"

"Zhang Songwen, our teacher at Beijing Film Academy, let him play it."

"Teacher Zhang? OK!"

Xin Yukun is also a director of the Beijing Film Academy, but he enrolled later and was in a continuing education class, so he is not very familiar with Gu Zhongyu, but he still knows Zhang Songwen. He has no doubts about his acting skills, but he is worried about whether he can carry the box office.

"What about the two roles of Ruan Wen and Wu Xiuqing in the movie? Should we find actresses who are more similar?"

"I've thought about it. For Ruan Wen, we can find Yaya, and for Wu Xiuqing... Dong Xuan is the best!"

In the original movie, Wu Xiuqing and Ruan Wen have the same face after plastic surgery. The facial contours of the two people should be similar. Dong Xuan and Yaya are really suitable. Even without plastic surgery, they look like sisters!

As for the short-haired female inspector, Li Yuan, Wang Zhi or Wan Qian can play (the original actress is too ugly!)

The Chinese woman next to Li Wen needs a mature and elegant actress. Anyway, there are not many scenes. Zeng Li, Chen Shu, Zuo Xiaoqing and other middle-aged young women can play guest roles.

As for Liao Qizhi's Uncle Wu, Li Toyota... Oh no, Teacher Ning Li should be more suitable.

Zhang Miao added: "Director Xin, you don't need to worry about the box office, just make the film well. There are many gun battles in the play, and you may not be too familiar with this. I will take you to meet Dante Lam later, and you can learn from him. Just ask a few people to help."

"I will accompany you, just to see how his film editing is going."

Dante Lam has been busy in the studio with the assistant director and editor for almost a week, but it is said that they have encountered some minor problems now, so they just went to see if they can help.

When they arrived at the studio, they saw Dante Lam sitting in front of the screen with a serious face, and several buddies around him were also frowning.

"What's wrong, Director Lin?"

"Mr. Gu, you're just in time!"

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Dante Lam immediately started to complain, "Yesterday, the GA department came to me and said that according to relevant requirements, they also want to participate in the post-production of the film. What do you think about this..."

"...They don't know how to edit. I'll go to their leader later. At most, we can give them the rough cut of the film for them to review first, right?"

Gu Zhongyu hates people who don't know the business to participate in film production, especially post-production!

Post-production is the top priority of a film, especially for such a costly film. If it is really left to its own devices, even a fool knows that it will become a bad film!

"By the way, this is Director Xin Yukun, our company has just started working with us. We are going to release a movie next year, and there are many scenes of gunfights and explosions. We need your help, Director Lin. Please give us some advice and loan a few people over."

"Hello, Director Lin!"

"Gunfights and explosions?"

When Lin Chaoxian heard this, he was shocked. "Is it a war movie or an action movie?"

"It's just a crime suspense movie, not as good as your masterpiece, Director Lin."

Xin Yukun was very respectful to Lin Chaoxian, his senior. Seeing them editing the movie, he offered to help, or stay here to observe (learn from them).

Lin Chaoxian didn't want outsiders to interfere with his post-production, but for Gu Zhongyu's sake, he kept him.

But in the next few days, what surprised Lin Chaoxian was that this unknown little director actually had a lot of ideas about selecting, organizing, and cutting shots. He couldn't help but admire the splicing of many shots!

And this is just an ordinary new director in the mainland.

Think about the Hong Kong film industry again. Whether it is actors or behind the scenes, there is no successor. When the directors of their generation are too old to move, who can carry the banner of Hong Kong films?

So, in the next five days, with the concerted efforts of the entire team, a three-and-a-half-hour preliminary cut sample was finally completed, and it was successfully sent to the GA department for review!

After the preliminary cut version came out, the work was not as tiring as before. At least I could walk out of the editing room at any time. Lin Chaoxian, who was free, was also very open to Xin Yukun's advice. The two of them actually got along quite well!

At the same time, the special effects were also given to Xiantao Digital to start production.

Most of the shots in the movie were shot on location, and the places where special effects were needed were extremely limited. The special effects team did not join in until then to complete the few special effects scenes.

After watching "Operation Mekong" handle the post-production work, Gu Zhongyu left Yanjing again.

He was going to attend the celebration banquet of the first season of Running Man!

After the first season of Running Man was fully aired, the ratings and influence far exceeded Blueberry Channel's previous estimates. Here are two pieces of data: the average ratings of the first season of Running Man reached 3%, and the highest ratings exceeded 5%. The highest ratings of "Where Are We Going, Dad?", which sparked heated discussions among the nation that year, was only 3%!

When the sixth episode was broadcast, because the ratings were too high, Blueberry Channel opened up many new advertising spots, including sponsorship at the end of the show.

It actually earned nearly 200 million in advertising fees!

In addition, several regular guests have gained a lot. In the past, people called Deng Chao and Chen He by their names, but now they would add a sentence "Running Man Deng Chao" and "Running Man Chen He"!

The biggest gainer is of course Bai Lu. This girl has won the love of countless elementary school monks with her straightforward personality and magical laughing emoticons. In the first season of Running Man alone, her number of Weibo fans quickly exceeded that of Weibo Queen Yao Dazui!

It is said that Yao Dazui's daily life recently is to spread love in various ways, and he even got the status of United Nations Goodwill Ambassador!

Alas, imperialism is still determined to destroy us,


According to the contract signed at the beginning, the first season of Running Man should record twelve episodes.

This is also in line with the consistent requirements of seasonal variety shows.

The so-called seasonal variety shows refer to TV programs that are arranged and broadcast according to the season.

In fact, since 2010, most of the variety shows in China have been broadcast seasonally, with the exception of "Day Day Up" and "Happy Camp" which still insist on weekly broadcasts.

Compared with weekly variety shows, broadcasting by season can better meet the audience's viewing needs. Of course, this is also closely related to the fact that most of the guests of variety shows today are not traditional hosts.

Like Running Man, I Am a Singer, and Dad, Where Are We Going?, these are all show types dominated by actors and singers. You can't ask them to record once a week, right?

After all, they have professional jobs!

Throughout 2014, Blueberry TV won 4 of the top 10 national variety show lists with programs such as Dad, Where Are We Going?, The Voice of China, 12 Tastes of Feng Wei, and Running Man. In particular, Running Man has caused huge topicality and eye-catching effects. Its ratings, advertising revenue, and the depth and breadth of the development of the surrounding industrial chain have all reached a new peak for domestic reality shows.

Blueberry TV made a fortune. Of course, the TV station wanted to make more money, so it extended the originally planned 12 episodes by two, and even organized a running man carnival, which is a celebration banquet.

Even more shameless, it even broadcast the celebration banquet as the 15th episode!

A bunch of stars were invited to sing and dance, and Wang Sicong and Gu Zhongyu were also invited.

As the chairman of Banana Entertainment, it is reasonable for Mr. Wang to participate in the carnival. Of course, it is understandable that he does not participate.

However, Mr. Wang is always eager to participate in the entertainment industry. It is more painful for him not to participate than to kill him!

This guy is not satisfied with just commenting on Weibo. Recently, he is preparing to go deep into the front line and organize a talk show similar to "The Three People of the Sonorous" called Xiaocong Show.

My buddy is very excited - mainly because he is very ambitious and insists on organizing a live talk show!

Do you really think you are an all-round talent with great talent, great wit, and unparalleled eloquence?

I'm afraid that by then, I can only watch Wang Sicong, who is known as the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the entertainment industry, pause awkwardly!

When we arrived in Hangzhou, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

Gu Zhongyu walked out of the airport with Long Ni.

I originally thought that there would be a bunch of fans to pick them up, but it was embarrassing that there were none. It can't be said that there were no fans. There were a bunch of little girls outside the airport, but they were not waiting for Gu Zhongyu today.

But the long-lost assistant of the first generation - classmate Bai Lu.

Today is different from the past. Little Bai Lu has now become a household name in variety shows. Wherever she goes, there are reporters and fans following her. The days when she could go out with a bag and run around, and help Gu Zhongyu buy a small umbrella will never come back!

"Boss! I miss you so much!"

As soon as she got in the car, Bai Lu threw herself into Gu Zhongyu's arms and started to act like a spoiled child. Her enthusiasm directly shocked a round-faced girl next to her.

"Okay, okay, there's someone else here, who is this?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce her, boss. This is my new assistant, and also my best friend since childhood... You can just call her Hehe!"

"Hello, Mr. Gu!"

It turned out to be this girl, he really had some impression of her.

Those who are familiar with Bai Lu have seen that there is often a very arrogant assistant behind her, who always treats her impolitely. This is her sister since childhood - Hehe.

She was originally a kindergarten teacher. She always thought that her good sister Bai Lu, who was still a model at the time, was beautiful. She often imagined that she would become a big star and make herself rich overnight.

As a result, after Bai Lu became popular, she directly sent a message "You come to accompany me!"

Then Hehe decisively quit his job and joined Bai Lu, becoming her assistant, bodyguard, photographer and bed companion...

Sister, take me with you when you get rich, don't forget each other when you become rich!

"Well, I feel relieved to have a good sister like you take care of Lulu... How is this season of Running Man? What do you think? Are you still adapting?"

"It feels a bit fake. They all have scripts..."

When it comes to Running Man, Bai Lu hasn't spoken yet, but Hehe beside her has a lot of things to complain about.

"Impossible, when we planned the program, there were never any lines, only character settings and basic procedures!"

It has to be said that Bai Lu's best friend doesn't seem to be very smart.

You slandered Running Man in front of Gu Zhongyu. Haven't you ever thought that Running Man is a variety show invested by Gu Zhongyu?

"I think actors should spend all their time on acting. Our Bai Mengyan still hasn't had any acting offers..."

It turned out that she was defending her best friend, thinking that if she didn't have a movie to shoot, she wouldn't be a big star!


Bai Lu interrupted her bestie's dangerous speech in time and said seriously, "Don't say such things to others in the future! And what you said is not right! What do you mean that actors should act? Is it shameful to record a reality show? They are both entertaining the public, so how can there be any distinction between high and low?"

This was said very bluntly, but it is an indisputable fact. Everyone can see that reality shows will occupy the small screen next year.

In 2014 alone, there were 40 to 50 reality shows launched and broadcasted. According to the news from the advertising company, there may be more than 200 reality shows in 2015!

Some bigwigs in the circle have long been unable to sit still!

They will definitely jump out to stop this kind of phenomenon!

After all, only a few people really make a lot of money. Many film and television companies don't have the idea of ​​​​variety show layout, especially like China Film!

However, Bai Lu and others can never jump out to say these things, because she is a vested interest.

In contrast, Hehe, Bai Lu is very clear-headed. She knows who she, a little girl with no background, relies on to get to where she is today... Even if Gu Zhongyu wants her to be a variety show star, she is willing to do it!

Hehe, who was scolded, looked aggrieved!

Bai Mengyan, you have changed. You have forgotten your sisters when you have a man. People who speak up for you actually scold me... You big pig's hoof!

Bai Lu is not to be outdone. The two of them stared at each other with their eyes, as if they wanted to stare at each other until they got pregnant...

Seeing the childish fighting between the two sisters, Gu Zhongyu found it funny and comforted Bai Lu, saying: I will definitely not let you record Running Man all the time. Your exclusive TV series is on the way and can start next year!

Bai Lu's eyes lit up when she heard the news!

Girls all have the dream of being a Mary Sue idol. Who doesn't want to shoot a TV series!

Although Bai Lu likes Running Man very much, her biggest desire is still her acting career. If possible, she still wants to be an actor as her main job. As for variety shows... just recording Running Man is enough!

This little girl still has some artistic pursuits. In her previous life, Bai Lu actually only participated in a variety show called Running Man. It's just that she left such a deep impression on people that people think she is a variety show star...

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