Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 409: Cao's thief's restless heart

"Teacher Chen, if you don't want the movie to be rejected, reshoots are necessary, and I'm also a victim! Do you know that "Monster Hunt" I invested in? Fortunately, the thief Ke Zhengdong was exposed in advance, otherwise I will have to lose at least tens of millions..."

"Do you think XD artists can let the market distinguish and make the audience consciously boycott, haha!"

"You think it's too much for the entire crew to be punished because of one person XD, is it really too much? I remember when we reported a bridge collapse accident, several senior leaders were dismissed. They also cried and shouted, I just approved the project, he It’s not my responsibility to ask who to hire, what materials to use, or how to build it. Why should I go to jail? Because you are the leader, and you have to bear responsibility if you misjudge the person and approve the wrong project.”

"Joint and several liability has existed since ancient times and is universally applicable!"

"Teacher Chen, ask yourself, do you really not know Wang Xuebing? You two have known each other for fifteen years. If people outside the circle don't know, how can you not know?"

"What has become of the current circle? If there is a leader XD, everyone will basically smoke, because if you don't smoke, you can't get into the circle and you will look out of place!"

"In this case, do you still accuse Optoelectronics of going too far?"

"Do you know how much the salary of Wen Zhang's first drama "Young Marshal" increased after his accident? If the General Administration had not banned him, his income would have doubled. There is a saying in the entertainment industry, as long as you become famous, the more notorious you will be. Get rich, just be sincere when you apologize.”

"If Optoelectronics does nothing and leaves the punishment for these artists' wrongdoings to the audience and to the agency, publishing house and TV station, then that is the last thing that should happen!"

Gu Zhongyu said a lot, which was a bit messy, but the meaning was probably very clear. He supported Optoelectronics' approach.

"'s a bit inhumane to do this, and Xue Bing is a good actor, so it's unfair to him!"

Chen Jianbing was a little bit tempered by the rebuke, but he still continued to stick to his point of view.

When he was in school at the Chinese Opera School, Wang Xuebing was his best friend. They formed a band with Li Yapeng, and Chen Jianbing was also the lead singer (I don’t know how this Poro voice became the lead singer). We all have a deep relationship, so he is still here He still insists on supporting his brother, even if he XD!

"When one day this provision is written into law, no one will say anything by then!"

"Okay, I'm leaving first. Brother Bo, are you coming with me?" Gu Zhongyu was too lazy to chat with them anymore, and Liu Yufei immediately got up and followed him.

"Brother Jianbing, if I don't have anything else to do, I'll take the first step!"

Huang Bo stood up slightly embarrassed to say goodbye to Chen Jianbing and Jiang Qinqin.

After a few people left, Jiang Qinqin immediately became dissatisfied and complained to her husband: "Look, I asked you to call people here just to attract investment for reshoots. You are good, you have a bad temper again, and now you have lost your popularity. Are you happy?" Right?"


Chen Jianbing scratched his head and regretted a little. He originally asked Huang Bo to bring Gu Zhongyu today just to talk about cooperation. Unexpectedly, the topic became so angry that everyone broke up unhappily.

In order to film "A Spoon", Chen Jianbing spent all his savings over the past few years and even asked his friends to borrow money. Now that Wang Xuebing's situation has happened in "A Spoon", he can't even pay for the reshoots. Before, investors are unwilling to spend any more money.

Unless "A Spoon" can win a few big prizes on the Golden Horse, someone might still be willing to lend a helping hand, but...he is not sure about this!

Jiang Qinqin looked at her frowning husband, sighed helplessly and said, "I'll go find Gu Zhongyu alone later! After all, I'm his senior sister, so I'll definitely be easier to talk to. You must not get involved again!"

"Thank you for your hard work, wife!"

Chen Jianbing held his wife's hand gratefully. If Gu Zhongyu was really unwilling to help, then he could only pray that tomorrow's Golden Horse Awards would be an upset!

"Let's find a place to have something to eat, shall we, Sissi?"

After chatting for so long, the couple only asked for a cup of coffee. How stingy!

"Yeah! I've eaten one thousand-layer pancake since yesterday. I'm starved to death!"

Liu Yufei was also so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back. For the sake of Golden Horse, she didn't even dare to eat a bite of her mother's cooking during this period. She just boiled chicken breast with water.

"Let me go, you two really haven't eaten yet?"

Huang Bo thought they were joking at first, but now seeing the hungry looks on the two of them, they both wanted to laugh: "What do you want to eat? I'll treat you!"

"I'll tell you when we get off the plane that we haven't eaten! Whatever, as long as it fills our stomachs!"

He stopped a taxi and got in while talking to Huang Bo.

"Hurry up then, let's go to the night market. Let me tell you, I'm the most familiar with the night market in this area. There are many relaxing places nearby, like nightclubs..."


Liu Yufei snorted coldly.

Huang Bo slapped his head and almost forgot about this aunt. He immediately changed his mind and just found a restaurant nearby.

In fact, Liu Yufei also loves to go to nightclubs. Sister Shenxian's nightlife culture is much richer than everyone imagined, but she only goes with close friends, and Huang Bo... obviously the relationship between them is not that good.

"...Um, when will your movie "Operation Mekong" be released?"

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Huang Bo took the initiative to talk about business.

"Depending on the progress, it should be released in the middle of next year. I took a look at the movie schedule, and if nothing unexpected happens, Mekong should be released in August!"

Avoid "Jurassic World" in June, "Rampage in Hollywood" produced by Enlight, and "Monster Hunt" in July.

There aren’t many good movies in August, so let’s go to the August movies!

"By the way, Brother Bo, I see you don't have any movies coming out next year!"

Except for "The Secret of the Dragon", it was a work that director Wu Ershan had been preparing for nearly three years.

"Well, I'm going to take a year off. I haven't taken any roles until next year. I really need to take a break."

"It's okay to take a year off. There aren't any good scripts in the past two years, but you can participate in some reality shows and other variety shows. Anyway, your character is very good at variety shows!"

"Reality show? Looking for me? Wouldn't it be too..."

"Lower your level? It's okay. I'm also on Running Man! You can recruit a few more people. Anyway, most reality shows nowadays are broadcast in season, so it won't delay filming!"

Gu Zhongyu was naturally talking about "Extreme Challenge". In fact, the default host of this show was Huang Bo.

Moreover, Huang Bo is also very good at acting. He often uses humorous language and exaggerated performances to make the show frequent highlights, and handles the relationship between the extreme male gang very harmoniously. When someone had a quarrel, he would smooth things over; when someone was ignored and had no part in the scene, he would help add drama.

In short, Huang Bo must be the first to contribute to the success and popularity of Extreme Challenge, and Gu Zhongyu must arrange for him to join!

A few people finally found a famous local vegetarian restaurant.

There was no other way, Sissi said she wanted to keep in shape, so the two grown men could only accompany her.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was chewing on the vegetable salad without interest, a strange message was sent, and Gu Zhongyu clicked on it and read it.

"You guys keep eating, I have something to take care of, so I need to take a step ahead."


Liu Yufei rolled her eyes at him, "What else can you do for me besides accompanying me?"

There was dissatisfaction and suspicion in his voice.

Gu Zhongyu answered without raising his head while adjusting his coat: "I have a business cooperation, I have to go out."

"Business? I think it's a woman's phone number!" Liu Yufei's lips curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

"It's really work."

"Hmph, don't think I don't know. Some little vixen must have asked you out."

Liu Yufei's voice became louder and louder, which made Huang Bodu panic. Don't turn around and attract everyone in the restaurant to watch the fun.

Gu Zhongyu sighed and explained as patiently as possible: "It's really business. I have made an appointment to discuss the overseas distribution of several Zongheng movies, including your "Get Out, Mr. Tumor"."


Liu Yufei's eyes were still suspicious, but since it was related to her own movie, let's let him go for now!

"Don't worry, I will definitely be back tonight!"

He hurriedly kissed Liu Yufei's forehead, then opened the door and walked away.

"Cici, are you two... considered boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Huang Bo couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

Because Zhang Zilin is not an artist, Gu Zhongyu protects her well, and not many people in the industry know her existence. Therefore, there has always been controversy in private about whether Gu Zhongyu has a real girlfriend. Some say Liu Yufei, while others say Yang Mi and Fan Xiaopang.

"Hmm...why doesn't it count?"

Anyway, she's not married yet, and everything is promising. Liu Yufei doesn't think she will lose to that woman who has nothing but long legs!

Gu Zhongyu followed the address on the message and came to an elegantly decorated restaurant. As soon as he entered the private room, he saw Jiang Qinqin sitting in the corner. He actually changed into a black dress, which looked elegant and noble.

"Hey, Zhong Yu, you're here." Jiang Qinqin greeted with a smile, a trace of unnoticeable nervousness flashing in his eyes.

Gu Zhongyu nodded and sat opposite Jiang Qinqin. He looked around and saw that they were the only two people here.

"Where is Teacher Chen?" Gu Zhongyu asked.

"I didn't ask him to come. Today's meal is for you, senior sister." Jiang Qinqin said with a hint of apology, "His attitude may not have been very good just now, so I apologize to you on his behalf."

Gu Zhongyu smiled faintly and didn't say anything. He had an average opinion of Chen Jianbing, and he agreed to come out to discuss cooperation simply because of Jiang Qinqin's face.

Jiang Qinqin saw that Gu Zhongyu's attitude was a little cold and felt uneasy. He quickly asked the waiter to order and asked Gu Zhongyu what he wanted to eat.

"No, I just ate."

Jiang Qinqin was a little embarrassed. She thought Gu Zhongyu was unhappy because of what happened just now, but in fact it was because he had already eaten all he could of vegetable salad!

Gu Zhongyu looked at Jiang Qinqin in front of him, but he felt something else in his heart.

Aunt Qiong Yao's character can be questioned, but her aesthetics is always online. As the mainland actress that Qiong Yao values ​​most, she was the only one who could deserve the stage name "Shui Ling" when she was young!

Although she is now forty, time has not left many traces on her face. She is still as beautiful and moving as when she played Xi Shi and Er Meng.

No good... Cao's thief's heart is starting to stir!

"Actually, investment is not impossible." Gu Zhongyu suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

When Jiang Qinqin heard this, he immediately brightened up: "Really? Thank you so much Zhong Yu!"

Chen Jianbin's talent as a director is no less than that of an actor. His debut work "A Spoon" was a success, and the later "The Eleventh Chapter" was also good, which was considered to be quite promising. He was not at a loss for investment.

Gu Zhongyu smiled slightly, with a sly look in his eyes: "But... I hope you can help me a little."

"You said... As long as Lao Chen and I can do it, there will be no problem."

Gu Zhongyu looked directly into Jiang Qinqin's eyes and said slowly: "I hope I can have a kiss today."

The smile on Jiang Qinqin's face disappeared instantly, and she could hardly believe her ears.

How could you say such shameless words?

"Senior, you are really beautiful! I have always liked you, but I only regret that I was born a few years later and didn't catch up with the good times." Gu Zhongyu's voice was gentle and firm.

Jiang Qinqin's mood at the moment was very complicated. She felt scared and embarrassed, but also had a hint of inexplicable expectation.

She knew that the most correct thing to do now should be to turn against people immediately, but her husband's film investment was in front of her, and she couldn't just give up.

Gu Zhongyu saw Jiang Qinqin's hesitation, and he felt more confident, so he began to approach Jiang Qinqin and tried to hold her in his arms.

"What are you doing!"

Jiang Qinqin was startled by his sudden action. She struggled to get rid of Gu Zhongyu's embrace, but Gu Zhongyu's strength was so great that she couldn't move at all.

He could only struggle and push Gu Zhongyu, begging in a low voice: "Don't... don't do this, Zhongyu, I'm already a 40-year-old woman, it's not worth it for you to do this."

But Gu Zhongyu was unmoved, he continued his actions, saying sweet words: "I just want a night of pleasure, senior sister, please fulfill my wish."

"Besides, Teacher Chen's movie is still waiting for investment, you don't want to disappoint him, do you?"

Jiang Qinqin was so angry that her face turned red. She struggled hard to break free from Gu Zhongyu's restraints: "You, you are shameless! How could I sell myself for money?"

"This is a matter of mutual benefit! And..." Gu Zhongyu's tone was a little apologetic and meant to seek peace, "I know senior sister is not that kind of casual woman, but I also hope that you can consider your husband's movie. After all, it is very important to him."

Jiang Qinqin listened to his words and felt more conflicted. She knew that she couldn't just succumb to Gu Zhongyu's threats and temptations, but she also understood that she had to make some sacrifices for her husband and family.

She began to waver, and her resistance became weaker.

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